DOMINION star The that ée31ésh¢farestnll pnthgl eési Pick hp evera baskeisl them xi in mqf py them cut 13 with sugar anjd qeam bake them milgies nd cakes And dont fdrget vetybodys favourjle deï¬Ã©Ã©ri pegcheshhd NOMELLOICBCteam QURGuAnAN is All mémxidlse sold your nomlnlan Stum In unwndltlpmll guannleed to give you Tunigam ngrpgsnmmr Ptpsgcomi ECONOMICAL MARGARENE EGULAR sum muses Jusf HEAT smw Mimis iN Tbmro sAï¬cE BEANS WITH PORK sari gnsomlmni xmuzrixésmaj éiEinL EXTRA VALUE ï¬nyspws SHCED WHITESWAN ans PIGKLED BEETS