EU RE ROSARY BASILICA atjCapde serired in its ottlzlnalform wh re special la Madeleine in Canada as it willlï¬ok when completed with Rosary Square audllnzthe right foreground the old Shrine of the Ros ory Va churchover two centuries pre thanksgiving ceremonies will be held year for the Century ottovors eived since OurLadys Apparitions at Lourdes obituary Willard Stephenson Formerly With Bell Co Diedat RV Hospital Wlunno srnruélvsoN Knovvn to his manyiriends in iBarrie and district as Biil present from Barrie and neigh boringrcommunitles of Oro and Stmudf and also from Massena and Nonwood in New York State and from Newington Coiling wood Olfillia and Toronto interment was in Barrie Un Jon cemetery and pallbearers were nHoward Cochranc Carl Greenough Donald Wood Lloyd Partridae Charles Lawrence and Louis Glenn Lovely flowers in remem hrance were from family and friends and also from Windsor Industrial Supplies and Paris Limited Barrie Biol andISup ply Barrie Citizens Band Bar riePutilic Utilities employees St Lawrence Plant Alcoa Mas sena and the Bell Telephone Pioneers Champlain Chapter elmma Mrs Sarah Ellen Jogo Died Suddenly May 29 At Alliston Hospital Mrs Sarah Ellen Jam 01 Mans field passed away suddenly at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston onMay2 1958 due toa heart condi Although she had not been in good heath for some time her death came Willard Nelson Stphenson suf 5h Miami iered asceond coronary throm heels on June 1958 and died at Royal Victoria Hospital here and friends Mrs Jago was born near Vine Ontario iu 1885 eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Wil He 103 WEB lemme llarn Summers She attended Company 01111 19°9Knmk school and in 1902 was and game With the married to John Jago of 1101 same company in1911 It was in 1940 that the first coronary thrombosis ocelirred and he was shewas an ly Most of her early years were spent in that eomnluoity where active worker in placed on pension in Septein hmh dvv her of that year He was later 53 in 1924 is mgggdï¬ with The Barrie Examiner in farm near Mansfield and re the circulation department and main mam um retirement then with the Barie Fuel and about fiveyears ago to the pres Supply and last with the Manse em home field Rubber Co IA devoted wife yandmother Bill Stephenson was More her life was spent in helping Avonmorc Ontari0onllteb 14 others She made many friends 1388 son of the late James and was loved by allwho knew SlePhEnSDfl and the for her member the United Louise Worley He leaves be Church Womans Association reavcd hi5 Widow file forth and also of the Womens ln Amelia Burridse and one stitute she took keen interest son Hawkinpf Barrie and also inthe work of those organiza lthree daughters Mrs Lee ions Clara of Peterborough Mrs Mrs Jago is survived by her DL shufflabotham Jean in husband John Iago arid Montreal and Mrs Stanley three daughters Mrs Frank Long Marion of Strathroy Kirlrpatriek Lillian of Mans There are also three broDhers field Mrs Wyllum Kerr Eve Gower of Long Sault Orville of mm also ofMausfield and Newingtnnsand Hashimwho ls Mrs Rolhert Campbell Thelma locatedin Massena NewXork whose homeyis in Alliston There also eiehtrgmnd also seven grandchildren and two grea grandchildren Rev amedeerguson of 51 Three Ibrodiens are Albert jot Andréw Presllyterian Church Traverse City USA Charles conducted the liunelal servilce of Willowdale and Herbert in on Wednesday fune 11 atthe Alliston rAun uncle and aunt jJennettrFuneral Home Barrie are Mr Mrs James Mason when relatives arid friends were ofStroud and alsoone aunt Mrs Samuel Summers arthr rle Two daughters predeceased Mrs Jago Flora in Miami Monetta in 1924 The funeral service wa eld on Monday June in Man eld United Church with the minis tor ltev Fornatalo in charge Intenmont was in Inlorn ton Union Cemetery VArneng the many floral rememhtences were wreaths drum the United Church and from the Womens institute Pallbearers were George Armstrong Kameijaur enee Alex Amlstrohg Ernest Synnott Albert rAnderson and William Bates Relatives and friends were present from Traverse City Wil bowdale Toronto Duninrtoh Mlneslng Barrie Bolton Cooks town Beeton Colllngwood Stroud Thornllill Holty Allis and Mansfield community John Theodore Derby Died In Coilingwood The funeral service ior John Theodore Derby was heldon Monday June 18at the funeral home of Decker and Mumford in Creemore flis death had oe curred suddenly on FridayJune 13 1958 in Collingwood General andwtarine Hospital MrfDerby was horn at Lisle Ontario on July 25 1552 When young man he was marriedto the former Miss Susan Eve Hilta and theylived Ior many years in Brenirwoml where he had farmed successfully in that area Of quiet kindly dispositibn Mr Derby was highly respected in the community He is suivviv ed by his widow and theirfarm ily of eight children four sons and four daughters lie is located in Cayuga Lar ry 1n Tomato and Todd and Clayton in Brentwood Mrs William Rawu Rena o£Boyne Mrs 11 Norton Bessielin Dab rie and lla and Olive in Brent wood There is also one sister Mrs Amelia lama interment was in Staynerflni ion Cemetery with the follow ing pallbearers Norman Maxi well Harry Allen Thomasdloy le Wilfred Davidson George Schell and Frank Orser Withelovely flowers from farm gtily and friends were included remembranees from New Lowall Logion from the Hydro Elaitrle at Cayuga and fromthe Dun lop Tire ornate Some ofthe realtives presen hadrome from distance irorn Toronto Cayuga Batrte Hunts villeStaynel Owen ï¬nned Col Belle Ewartyrand Le realmJoan SERIAL iLEMPNADE truss omens wig PLANT UN gt Knuckl Bono Solid Meat Elude Romovod so lrirkladziaalb End Cuts lb 9d All Good monorail his 69 MIuIloy dread owNeAKeav av mleren aAKEas Rig HAVEJM rich has 55H 49 74