Ponv can 14 or $100 Govarnrhent Bond him on WEBTERN Tnsamz cns EARRIETV cmnv mu uuuav Iva enjoy Muslimmm Vrrggï¬elmï¬ï¬kwm cusmwmu HONEY nunran cxmrv announced as lavid at you wonno wiflumunad mudy In daughter at MrnMeiretg or Barrie and 51 Mr remy mannern DI Willis MooreronotMrand ttee presented Mrs Harold Moore of Dalston ior thellltx meningeal lake place It Wesley Bates older three oclockon Saturday Sept ThomsArmstronx ember sixth 1958 MissJoaa Graham left airon Saturday fora visit in Vancouver Misses Carol Beaver andhlar ian Clouxhley of Barrie flew to Ithaca New York for several liday and will returnthis son Kevin of Ottawa left on Sun day or home ï¬tter spending rtwo weeks with the iatters parents Mr and Mrs Norman Scott and Lorne Mr and Mrs cmnes Mills Nancy and Brian of Toronto SL have returned homcjrmn an ex tensive motor trip down to Bos ton Bangor Maine and visited with friends at Woodstock and Andpver in Newï¬runswiek STORE HOURS DAILY mm to pair wspuesnav to Noon loaves lo pm kor noNALo 12 96 ounce STREET WEST gt LIMITEUQIIANTITVI Mekeiyour as English as Paint Visiting with Miss Audrey mi iigan lsher niece Miss Beverley Blaok oi Toronto who leaves on Sunday from hiaiton Airpont on tour of England and European smua sumo countries including Germany lt fMR AND MR5 ALFRED ROBBINSi In Central Unlted Church on Saturday June seventh at athree oclock Eleanor Elise Corbett daughter 01 Mr and Mrs Lawrence Corbett or Barrie married Aimed Robbins son of Mr and Mrs Albert Robbins of Angus Reverend Cecil Brenn officiated at the doublering ceremony Churchill played the wedding music and accompanied oloist Alan ompson rland dudFrance orry no 57 onlvor muil order no wasuanusu FOB EXPERT RElAIRWORK lived in marriagc by her father the bride wore gown of not over satin with fitted bodice with long sleeves and full skirt tealshaped head dross set with pearls held her her wearing blue nylon dress with oorsage oi pink and red 7585 Leaving on wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride wore powder blue dress and rnrncn Morons i0 is DODGE 0125016 oaacan selfCqumhg Stays EWh ie Longer Vne Coot Repalnt your home just ONE COAA withsupcrb EXTERIOR SuperLaetic STAY WHITEHouse Paint Cuts painting time in half andyou save on paint tool Pertcct for previously painted surfaces in reasonably good con dition Exceptiorm hiding quality Stays gleaming white tor years anger worth $9 45 gallon uajrt 1619 adl6do 15 iiisumo 5t ï¬ngertip veil of silk and she mom yen seen carried cascade bouquet of red roses and lilyoi the valley Miss Betty Davls ol Barrio was maid of honor Miss Mary Corbettlhe brides sister and Miss Lynn Robbins the grooms tor were bridesmaids The attendants wore Eowns of net over tatfeta with matching hats andflomlu bouquets The maid of honor wore yellow and the bridesmaid wore mauve gtWalter Doblm of Centralia was groomsman Ronald Birch of Barrielack Hosiy and Robert Cochran bothbf Centralia were the ushers in the reception held in the praoge Hall in Allandale dc rated in white and purple lilacs for the event the brides moth or received the guests wearing Bless of blue flowered nylon HOUSE FAN Nth while accessories andia kw corsageofpink and red roses grim igrooms mother assisted are you little short this Month Most of us have months when we are little short of ready cash to paybillsbuy new clothes takeweekend trips meetmedical expenses or for other worthwhile purposes If you can usesome extra cash right now call SEABOARD your leading neighbori $50 no $30010 wrruue To mourn ro PAY corsage of red roses and White carnations The couple are now living in resume FOUNTAIN wAsn cause Cinemas rare wnb ing cleanlnl Ilndo nneni will sue lromlppml 15x15to 1r ma crux madedip or meall urn actions value or the early lvï¬ufERLASTIC EXTERIOR HousE PAINT 96 RICHSCOLOURS Qualitytested SuperLastic Home Decorator House Paint wide range at most wanted colo and smart tones rich fullbodied finish that resists wear and flier Greater coverage gives extra savr Make your home the smartest on the street wilh SuperLastic Home Decorator House Paint Canadian ï¬reï¬saves You $200 gallon Lowur moi EVER Haleilna Auto wan Brulh leltunhnedhle phsuc and In In Iuoplle with meet2d honebllr poniesred to hardtoo reach place Landrd 15 no caupuna withertor control shutaural thumus wate root hn tn ramn TiEXAMINER Photos Pictures by Faurb Examin er stair photographer that appcar ili Jilin newspaper available in glossy prints room sriavloe 150 100 srscmi coloursomin classwhite inuflor II and Ill ROG EpLFusteTa Amarsmen wn Polilhhmub lenlzed to eremy mouths profcsdonuhnrdnhfll $30 protection at um um urn wlu can read mm noror canaoaano VIBARRiE HARD wnx PHDNE PA66477 FINISH AEMADArTlaiiï¬price ePain mdegrom ovarspray and residu otexp venpp luushes as used on efrigerators automatic syn hers etc is cienhhcaily blended witty Tit longestwearing whitest cryï¬atrsfactory finish at an giorlo cost home cottage andfarm protection andbeau