ima unnamed noun Artnoi 1w spam campalorden this ear topped all previous recordsat the Waterloo uaic Festtval under theldireeflon otSgt Gene seminar and led by Drum Major LAGBIII Woods the Band took ï¬rsthonors in the Class Four contest which is for Regular Forve $3ndsplacing aheadoi RQAE FEW mm one ZOneoi the problems in corn piling histories oi communities in BIN7 chum 59M Ontario lhatiew records have Services in the Baptist hurch Station Teams 10 6716 points Camp gt imp marks in each phaaevoi theoonteatflncljrdihg on moralring and the various musicola the with LAC Woods leadin follows mainrétte through Waterloo trig thirdin this contest been kept Canadlaas are now for Sunday Aug 10 are 011 becoming story onsciousBut ows Sunday School at 10Im not aim so and this ac Church service It am PastorA chat accurale rc Johnsonwill bring the mcssag fircnion Trentonian Anniversary services on Sept 111nm 91 YN owner noaaar MITC UM RIVER or NO IIEIIIIINU Cinranilsqppe Technigpior CARTOON lava seven urns rovs MJLLY VlTALE BOB HOPE Technicolor CARTOON wanlmvns Am 3hr Ill Buck INIenr but fa THE WEST5 rams any the aacns Cine more Techn 01 Fraser Presbyterian The regular meeting of the WMS of Erase Presbyterian Chure was held at the home of li Thornton on Monday ly 28 The program was in charge at Mrs Spioher and Potter and opened with =cal to worship vanda hymn Scripture lesson was read by Mr Campbell and prayer by Roll call was by yerse of scripture to harvest Arrangements were made or all clothing for the bale to be brought to theshown not later than gAug when thebale will he packedand forwarded Potter gave an inter nd instructive paper fAraund the ridw hyterian Mission Meeting closed wrth1 and the Lords Prayer in unison Refreshments were gerved by the 56 Mrs VThornton as sisted by Mr Alirams irr the stm held 11an charges oi airing indium uh 30 nonhuman were laid by plow lirown whostated ii leyidence that there was 304111 Madelines Grimm Bradfordstreet when uantity of cigarettes had been InnaHe had seeathe accused Floyd McCullough 1M MeClary Avenue London about to minut Zu More and noticed that he hid been drinking when approached hospanrhdly manned the them and alsoustatcd that alcohol had use of all hiatrohbtes Attorney Bumdge ram and relieving or Rhtmrpson who is on vacation produced the past record or we aceuwln which is astonishing Go hen car égtroxg The accused den led the no In argeot arson His termsa times hadbcentwo and hall rs Inca ha held their annual picnlesot nisiil Park recently the daughter1113 Creigh ton Midland nd Mrs JohnSplonilr and two him of St Catharines spent gthc weekend with th 11 aunt Mrs Crowc Mr and Mrs Wice Ian daughter It Dalc of Sch berg Debbie Dale andPatn Keiman visited Sunday in Bar Mrs Wicesv Mrs John Easton Visitors Here and There Mr and and theulatters parents Mi and Mrs James Fry oft Nobieton spent Sunday atternoon in Ori iia with Mn and Mrs Joh mpson gt Mr and arn Carlton and children span the weekend with the farmers Parry Sound Misses Gail and Sympathy isextended togiilr ind MrsHaroldMaMastcr in the loss ottheir niant twins Bobby Ninonof Toronto spent last week wltbhls grandparents in visiting MrsPearce 32m tor Mrs Wallace lime and mily Mrs JohnKell Edna and My went with Mr and Mrs Ross Kell to see the Coilingwoo nlal parade Mr and Mrs Tilley Doris and Kenneth Toronto are having holiday with Mrs Knowles and family lilovlnglo Grlmshy aocial evening washeld in day uly 29orMr and Mrs Georg Flsher who are moving toIGninsby few games of Homeirorn Hospital euchre wereplayed afterwhich SPleased to see John Drake home Iddfess Wal 03 bYIMfl W81 the sunrwbrpnk tflospital and ter smithnwhi RusseliHarris iookingvery well lNorman M5le anld Frank Ford presented eicoup with step éflwq finitwdlrmfl end table vBoth Mrand Mrs maven elg Fisherthahkedalilfo thelovely bots Brldge and uchre Club 15 ch wa the was held at the home of Mrs Jack seiv Taylor co irize mm at bridge Mrs David Sloan and Mrs John Drake Stables garners Mm John mAmhu and Toronto Emrt Jennefl ent theweekend her home The ladies planned theatre 2511 night to round outan enjoyable season réaret Sturgeon has her nursing éourseat Wellesley Hospital floronto and has cepted position on the mongrel and DalePratt went on ntbeevening called to con nd Mrs McCarnon 11y ovely gifts vouchers gratulhte who received ma lnclu ngï¬two $50 gt Mr anddiirs Ed aoaacaaa of Port Creditivere holiday visitors ouglasXhlg Mr and Mrs Drysdaie Tu ere weekend visitors at the ram home Shirley retum ing horn with themalter va cation with her Im in the city 4M Douglas Kirkup weat to Midland Wednesday roach01x6 Klrlrup aadloan Kneeshaw who have been at the Community Centre on Tues and the and aunt aorron pve 50 million letters year daily newspaper and Hit USA en en MSURANCE AGENCY mmmcbm mam us Bl PDINTI ltdlligs flan cuthi with mroam Properly noon transmitters Tea Coilzeor on or dessert au con Wednesday Aug Mott VN Mr and and ehildren sited Mondayaf ternoon Mr Bill inf Sunvdayon he East Co