who 1m Jamlesan Elizabeth spent last weekat miniu wnuain Peacock dWalter attended Coll Steve Mugford visited Mrs lsaae Jen on day Community Visiting ad William Mortiock roan were Sun ith Mr and Mrs how and Mrs ASDoggett cl mm tand Mrs Doggelts ra CiaraPerry of Regina ed riends here week ago Summer In Saskatchewan 3M Fred Simpson lelt last Tuesday by air from Melton to pend the remainder of the sum nérylth her daughter Mrs Par vis of Moosimin Sask Her son inlawlinrold Hilbert and lamin Bearnsville were up the Sunday edlng her departure ill and her mother from Tgro were home forthe week and Mrs Lloyd New and little isori have returned from vaehtlnn at Dec Lake Service At Springwater usinlcne Presbytery Young Peo ples annual special sunday ser will he held Sunday alter nnn Aug ll at Springwater Palii Mldhurst The service which begins at 1hree oclock will heiundnr the directiongof Robert zBall student mmister who will speak on the subject What Seek tTbou At Ailean Beach Mr and Mrs Marshall Boyd haye retuined from visiting at thc summer residence or aruce Allenwnod Beach While thererthey enjoyed scenictour of théGeorgian Bay District Dur ing the previous weekea relaxing day Was enjoyed at the Bruces Toronto home when Mr and Mrs Withit morning 6i ny lted had most interesting address this past Sunday numb lpeclaleilort lobenresent ea number from the drawat vy Someei umDonyBone Bert Sh weeka hear this talented Chrla in experience Mia Ada Golan who visited Miss Mabel Nixon or week re turned to Tonnntolut Friday Mr and Mrs Angus Campbell and Mr and Mrs Carr were among those present at birth day party during the weekend at honor of Mrs David Blakeley Mr and Mrs Tomllnaon Wuton and Mr and Mrs Ron Tomlinsnn anrl children of Oak villewere recent guests with Mr and Mrs All Spencer Trip 1037 Ron Spender lelt on Tuesday 0n atrip to Western Canada Mr and Mrs Ho visited recently with Mif and Mralomr Wrigglcsworth and Mrs George Havlland and family at Richmond Hill gtAlllsion Liana VFrnlle Several from here attended the Lions Frolic in Alliston on Sat urday mindy Visitors Among holiday visitors Mr and Mrs Halbert Toronto nt we awnva You Hue Is ova smlm men CALL TELESONIC Reliable Electronic Service Carliarllna jHlHSysteina 3s Maryst mm héllGOOd Exacrw asinansrnarnm gentiemanwithhix wealthier Keith Whiteeldes Alllaton1n ByAiry lure lredslrnpson jwent by air from Malian on Tuesday to visit her daughter atlloosoinin Saskatchawa Misses and Louisenmwn of Holly spent fewdsya with ti in Sails ForEnglnnd Mrslredrick sailed lrom Mon treal on Saturdayio spend some time with relstivesin England Sunday Visitors Sunday yieitowwlth Mrs Wili iam Huntervwere Mr and Mrs Ed bran and hays otTor ontnf ndMrs JohniYoung at Thorald Mrs Summers of Wes ton and Mr and Mrs William Hunter Allistonr Trinity WA Sale Trinity WA are holding sale of baking at InnisfllPark on Wednesday afternoon Aug 13 Honey of an lde Classiï¬ed ads ï¬ll needs quicklyensily cc onornically Cnll PA 8724M mum n3Uns LIMITED lflE minimum mo of on same Is enormous V4 dawn ham we give pnaaipllana Duty quit flail do the eepovnd ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ uJ ESSA ROAD NW look IMr Hughes and calledthebooh IPA 82823 at resent wasmudmingm Sena SenatorTFeliiP Quinn Moira Stalin objpcmd to the type of poetry associated valth Minnqu thing Sunnldnla carriers 74on Holld turned home alter spendingan enjoyable holiday withhor eous ins Patsyandierry Pembroke Meaford AhBales Reunion Mr and Mrs Mel Bates Miss June Bates William Bates and Mn and Mrs MbertBebesat tended the Bates reunlon at Springwater Park recently To Arron annmnaomnm lt HEMfli nndnmnnvonicxnn win Rev and Mrs John Marshall ah mni Knoxv line seoncRAruLFno éébonnstu aRoAncAsr qwON 5000 wArrs 95o K65 Collesa Aolleuejtu melon 9911 lDiON ruansnnn Complete with shredder and on rubber Only used one season Landonr mm mnesnen 1case ounwar mac 1135 roan meson Gnaran ed iissz roan macro Guaranteed 1surnn imnNArionAi mcronnydimuc3wh plate with Murrow pldw E7SimcoeA Soles8 Setvice No5 um mourn 83511 thrower What is theCanada Conversion of It is an ofler to replaceell unmatured 43 wartime Victory Bonds with new 25year CanedéCon gtversion Bonds Other bonds of shorter term6earing Why is the Government making thisconverslo oiler In order to reerg nize the national debt on ion term basis and this reducethe voluine of Government reï¬nancing overthe neXt fewyearsThere is st11 publip nd business agreern 11 this is asensible lp protect the soundness of the Canadian 36 What the total olmycash ill wril depend onthe type of exéhange For examme iWP f$500 8th Victory Bond exchanged for $500 Convers Bond paying 415 will give you $875 inoasli interestrates of414334 and are also available mediatelyThis inbludes earned interest Does oiler apnly to Canad Sayings otherC yerniilent of Canada Bonds No This offer is liniitedytq matured wartime Yict ry Loan Bond nly Every holder ofa my Bond evenIthough 1th ampunt held rnaybep 50 should takeadvamage or this lathe best