waohoï¬ouewrrv wrunt point in the column An left nse we burdens in thepaat and Will in the future we wrote just one side of thastoryï¬hoping someone would reudgil and tiring 118M ué noise gamma looted aying to play golf or to am or bowl thatrthaae old fellows werel yiug Won physical and mental condition time green to howling MThrling keeps the body in fine trim Yoadant or ruin mind in shape as the parti nurse of each game its $3 ouï¬srgot um orer caiixethat gelling It also keeps the nts inevitabiyjnce problemaduring the articular inlormant went onland on and pleasedlus no and inspiring readers canpich apart an editorial endgame up with soun cilticisms Its good to know thatsomeoae does the tuft ll not then wed be looking to or he pieasant or otherwise We do not profess to know long the trail by adding bits gutting some out gt vltsiahealthy situation when Disagreemenis are sometimes more ed at an adult level such as theabove We for another job everything have close to it we riserer pass along our opinions hoping thatyou folks will help us and pieces here and there and sometimes youeen advise us arid vise vernal helpful as long as they arepresent ontmention the persons name who reminded us of th dalue to thabody andmind in howling curling golfing ate tor the Simple reason that he asked to be lelt anonymous while he did feel at this reporter should be enlightened JUST NOTES Theother day we were the ting about hosts audit was mentioned that at least one person in town had telephone in his cruiser During the conversation it wasremarked upon that having phone in cruisors on the water and cars on the road would lessen the number of drownings and highway fatalities Oh no it wasnt meant that thetelephone would eliminatelucid cuts but rather that person in danger on the water jealithe nearest police station Unfortunately this is probably or highway co 1d too expensive precaution for most of uswho oivn either or both However it was good coniersation piece nd who knows somedath may come to pass Weheld the iollowingbutot thiscolumnlor while hecauae we without gettingangry It concerns Pele Bade acher and theprolessionai fight raakot had hard time thinking about it Wedma no that most of you know by now that Amateur Boxing Champion was machers second professional tight the former Worlds eated bylorra Foleylt was Rader His first was against Floyd Pattern son or the heavyweight championship of the moneyed ranks There probably isnt airport in the world hat dram verse criticism as boxing Boxing name out with such lowdown attra for the highestandricheat crown in aborting The the respecmhal hes lousy on floor loser poo the No challenger or the same Weird isnt the proper word much men complain of this yet they etlons as ad amateur vs profession theytake the crown to describe such geles Connolly PeteB ndi Elli togetherDiatnyarb 01 North Bay Junior heavyweight chain plan and the notorious Jock OReiilerwhileth opene will see Farmer Pm take newcomerJo theperson pound ChidoGardt ot Lo room ucgii Fivelimejwinuer Car Nd Murra wellimam Toronto Ethibltion driver won his ï¬fth mature race at Wasuga Beach Speed way on Saturday night No GlenBriggs of Mealord scored double victory Winning the third heat and the semiï¬nal After twolweeklnyoï¬ No MurrayMcFadgen of Calling wood came back torace with brand new motor andwonthe firstheat No Don Batte oi Barrie last yearstrophy wrnner pl edthlld in thesemitinal 20 Rev Adams of Wyebrldge pla dl second in the second heat OLherswho placed in the 15 hp final besides Poirier and Briggs Were gDoug Warnes John asninstt on Its ownright kick in the teeth to sportsmen the world over And to think we were so harshwith Professor John IFarina Phil stoneasks and answers question regarding Gavilan the énban Hawk who formerly held thewelterweighthoxlng crown EWhv does Gavilanrkeep ï¬ghting Hes in debt up to his ears $7500 hisADERgs WRITE K1 am ting to yo clarify the dismissal of the An Softball Club Priorntorthe opening game of sense aruie was written into 99 uh thï¬l 65310 ion compelling each Genrgus also did everything with in his owner to make the club cont der Th leagueis the process of the records at the present time standings have been altered and the batting averages also gt be altered Thanking you for the opportun ity to explain thiasltuatlon re Yours truly Charles Gotham President ayt overtake this opportun to an you all for your fore ournow defunct softball team Weenioyed our associationwith you and wesare deeply sorrylwe letth edown in such in est therthtgygagreewi hie ewsor not andvlnf so doing helps eliminating the Angus games from bearance and cooperationggiven GEZA Ell 48yearold na ve of Hungary has been picked torrepresent Canada in the inlet national chess tournament in ugosl viastartinyAuTgiz Mr Foster holds tiveï¬ungarlan na tional titles and has won the Wusdgn Feature there is reporter in the world who dpesnztllike mething behas writtenywhethei the reminder day dRoY Toronto and Ontariochampi ships orthepast threeeyeara nBnr New Lowell diyrwiihth robber momentary at Allister iBarrle and ninth place New Lo well Joe the serier another threeqzame unfair opeding here tonight movim to New Lowell on Monday and back here it may shy on Thursday Winners of the andc series will meet in what is designated or Series which will belhu three smoooutol five the winner to meet he Series victor in4he rain Rogue Eivanding Thornt BarrieRink Wins Ontario Bowling Title Fame hascome tellthe Binlg Lawn Bowlinx Club with in capture Utah Ontario champion itarinkain comi lmhto last Vaturl The rink comprised of Dr Doc Warnicawskipï¬ Raw Jamea gF sonlead and Bill McAleei vice took top honors ina fourteen roundrobin ihecomé Qntari This islthestirst year tor this classic competition the right to represent th no half of their district Barrie def tented Aliandale andriottenhami won out over Stayner with Tot tenhamrthenubowing the Earl trio als tookpiace green la we Barrie ated th southern presentativ from Agincourt The eastern man took Bellevilie when the Barrie rink was victorious in moodrobin with teams tram Kingston and other teams roundrabin Were ter re presenting the London distrirat KiochenerMaterloo and Cosbur Park ofgi ronto epresénting the Toronto area Barrie tented Dorchester 1712 and Gusz lynxn Parlr 1513 and held the Kitchener groupto an lBall tie Their iivmpoint scar ust 20m UlVilJlt are OIBO men minus the on me minesdfip ifll onthe mound for thatires menreocived solid support tram his ma in was never in tron bleythe one mphyl league studious Following are the standings of heteams up to and including game played gt ThomasElectric ll Provlncial Tire 11 Lakeview Dairy utl Mansï¬eld Rubber 12 Devilbles 10 Barr Examiner 11 GE 11 Hanraccoon dgaéthnjmthtl Wanderers Will insomnia15 eSunni liciion Weeke soccer saw Barrie Wanderers tangle with New Low ell Rangersin the last scheduled league game for both teamswith Wanderers coming out on theiong radio score iheflrst goal came in the gtiirst half when Pete Ver Hooserrbt the New Lowell team found the not Wandererstled the score when George tier drove one home and Morrison put his mm ahead fhefore theIhaii hadendad what so he dhalf€ ew novel Entire mï¬tyas unitI at their Idetencemen dropped centre iorward Art Schimneli with trip JerryKarst scored the third goal from the penalty shot Ulhe gamewas well con trolled hy referee lDocSavage who has just started in this Fnvoralble comment on work hasvbeen heard from both playersand spectators shame Corinthians were idle lastweekend their inamchwith Hungarians being cancelledas result olelungarians withdrawal fromtheileaglie Owen Sound ook with Silcote os round elindaationgseries pair Storm playing best two gold three gums Hillereeurwill play their acc gt oddgame with AcesIla Toronto Aug The third 1190933817 will be played later the gem hoice 01 Winds tossing for Team eliminated in series willhe aliowedto enlcr Seriea AA leadihg to consolation The other 10 teams in thepm vincial competitidniare Boundari vrlle Oahu Caledonia Thorg oldYork Towmhin North Valli Eist Toronto Hamilton giro teams from St Cath arln Terms in Two Weekend Guuies Torus 1thitonaotive Senior Softball Team has arranged to play two olits Ichednled gimeo this weekend which were washed out earlier in lthosemm lorgla will play tonlght Friday at Mimth and toniorrow night will play Stewarts at ea Par Juvenile Bull Pluyoiis Open At the close oithe regular sche dule in theSouth Siméoe Juvenv ile Baseballleague Alliston ished on top followedhy vTottens ham and Beeton Knock and Cookstovvn were tied or South with Ivy and poison trailing Rlayoï¬fs begin Saturday Aug ust ogwith Knock playing at Hot tenham ivy at Beaten Colgan at Cookstawn$econd games in these hostelthree series will be played may at Knock Ivyand Col can me 7m RICHBROOK rundown my sou cums2 yurorm sums anon annals nvmonwav so Club Conï¬eï¬onted LAP Iursalmmnm games were playedvthie week On Tuesday night Emmanuel aaptist deleahed lrinity Anglican 16 RickAgnew of Trinity hit the lone home run oi the game Doug King wascreditcd the win ningpitchor while It Tomlinaon shared pitching On Thursday night Emmanuel Baptist and Central battled to 1212 tie Al ugh there was some good play both teams the game turned in comedy oi errors during the last two innings Larry Adams iCentral pitcher had the games onlr homer Georgie Tracy Was onthe mound rLsnscAraaLs liiADEINH EsmegtLa mourn ferco servos suunznf rum so Bedrooms nixnah cho on CAB 71u5E man Tom lotz room not an sususrts