ANTONIO BARRETT labor iminister or Quwec was report ed by Montreal Le Devon to have bought shares in Quebec Natural Gas Corporation ihe newspaper named Mr Barren in story about what it described as market coup involving transac tion between the company and the publicly owned Quebec Hydro WWII Wedding Anniversary dinner was served to 45 friends and relations at the lit opia Community Hall at 830 on Saturday June 28 to mark the 40th wedding annivemry of Mr and Mrs Allen lililler Present were the couples tour children Dorothy Miller Bruce Miller and wife Mrs ivnn Spools Aileen and husband Elwood Miller and the couples grand children Larry and Murray Mil ler Linda Joan and Alan Speers Seated at the head table were the bride and groom of 40 years ago the brides brother and sis terinlaw Mr and Mrs Harold Bell and the grooms sister Miss Belle Mlller when the guests were seated Linda Speors and Larry Miller presented their grandparents with houtonniere and corsage Following the dinner Bell proposed toast to the bride and groom to which Jack Ellis Sr very ably replied Guests included friends from Toronto St Catharines Barrie Ivy and neighbors from Utopia where the couple have always lived In the evening some 75 more young people and friends came to the hall to join the other well wishers in extending their con gratuiations and reminiscing Pepper showed several films taken of members of the Bell and Miller families from time totlme after whieh Jack Ellis Jr Neil Dempster Donald Bush Mrs Miliord Platt and Maureen Elphiek supplied music for dancing The singing or Auld Lan Syue and the serving of lunch brought the surprise party to successful conclusion Ilia DaIn anews nursein training at Toronto General Hoe pltalapenta1ewjdayl lastweek with her parentahur and Mn ILW Butchers Mn Everett nuttenand inknt daughter Nellie arrived home from Alliston hospitaliuesday alternoon Mr and Mrs Arthur Jackson of Dundalk visited Wednesday with Mgmnd Mrs Fred Bellamy andla Oompieted course Douglas Keatingson of Mrs Jack Keeling has completed the repair mechanic course and is employed at Hunters Garage in Alliston Mlssldd Bellamy daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Bellamy lelt Friday evening for summer em ployment at Wasaga Beach Attended Funeral Mr nndMrs Marvin Hand and Douglas attended the funeral of Hand an uncle in Mans rumble ring ceremony Ina aolgmnlaed in Burn United Church saturdayluna20 at PIlL when Kin label Helen Kerr beanie the bride or Ronald hruea flnrphy Ravilama Shiltan ntfleiaiedat the ceremony The reception was served by the WMS ladies in the church basean ywurenavwnn acreage Mr and Mrs James McClain spent the weekendwith relatives inaBrantiord and were Saturday supper guests ohm and Mrs Logan Soloist in Wedding Miss Harle Hendersonof Tor onto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Hen derson and was soloist at the Murphyvxerr Wedding in Burns United Church Saturday gt Metered To Midland Mr andhlrs Julienderson Hamid nnd Ronnie motoredto Midland Saturday evening to were lira HurraleonnLy Dylan and Clarke Banla in the Silt ur home and Er andldia Lorna me at Woodhrldge with Mr and and sons and Mr and Mrs James Crosble and willy met withthat Jattray clanwln Minion Park on Sundaysalternoon At dupwherryrsum number tromthls district at tended the wheny and salad plate supper Baxterllall Mom day evening and enjoyed the play Poor Father put on by local talent Holldny vendi Dorninlon holiday Mklhrs in the Switzer home were their cousins Mrgand Mrs Wesley Kee Now you can know what joy it is to hone naturally curly hair Whil others were looking for new ways to glue yourhairinto curls MaxFneior discovered natures ownwny to change the structure of your hair from naturally straight to naturally curly Natural Wave penetrates through your hair One quick set changes its structure to naturally curly In minutes youll have luscious eurl til your next shampooand without stiffness or stickiness Now enjoy ihefreedom of natural waves with new NATURAL 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