Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1958, p. 7

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luv om la vetsoi oliveyucgatitif535 mil 35 Qiiiiimfiiinnm ii and Farmer mum is lvniinv 40 Air rem Day 430 flora res si PLAY TIE WITH DIXONS Varcoe Willows and Newmarlict Dixons battled to 55 tie in in We um xi Ianria Drum Mom YM miluni tsunami JIINI II Home remn NI Ilse Main mm iifiii it ournoy lnll lotus ma Ind Aile egg in en iv men rap on no um Lll ii an In tileinm our in Inns nullity Non milln chin ket slashed out five hits picked up two free passes and had couple errors thrownin by the visitors to score all of their runs Tho big hit of the inning was homerun by Grace Webster Colleen Cainthreatened to move the Dixons in iront withtwo out when she slashed line drive to WIN ovERj ELMVALE 147 Blflle ammit lionrear on thrnulh with their Main oi the BOYDAl sunnsbroar Hoopla onto en nun1a lime 18 mm Arthur Bo nine iiilu nnd dehr ether or Dorothy In Garden Dyer oi Gen nisny tuning It ins Petka in asyasid St 3min interment ninelog cometary rim at service inter UmAt hi home in Home as um sn MONARCHS Darrin on Wednudly Junell flier Cunard Clledon Dnut of Winnipel NDIInln til Bar rle and Clarence capmi brother Mn Anderson it Vlflufll HIS Clnrkn Inglewood In William Manon Mn Patteroil And Gnrdon all PAIRv in bi Nth yelr liedint It lh Jennml Funeral Home Bl IIilitrul ul vice Suturdly Jun ll pm interment Barrie Union Cemetery Royl illck Pme iory service Frl day evening at oclock nlilpleu Auandsie mar Lodge No lull POWELLAt Victoria Huyllnl Lon don on Thursday June 12 1955 rd Weber Powell himll Nth beloved barium EV Mel lid dear lather or Robert London Rerunl It Lloyd and Steekley Funeral Home 30 Worsley 51 Bin lor ervlce on Monday June is at pm interment Hurrio Union Cemetery WOODAt St Andrews Hospital Mid lsnd on Wedneniry lune ii ma Cecil cutiord Wood beloved nun brlld ol Violet nobon desr style or Marlon Mu Eerie uuderi ni nagr modsum or Heather or mer or PM Wood or Waverley Mix thla gt we did the pllnlaing to eialtrainThey wire bound for ros Jet Mill pill8V dun bslovad ishbsnd soo militiamen on rile mm or latest ENRLAriny Special in himIlium from all parts iiCanad are attending CanadianArmymmmer mph One althelrluut contingent In more manlmnoidtnr handled mun Millennium aboardmlfiarwnfirmy Vskartler Que Petawxwa ObL herele Que and Baliniiie slndra Spring led the heal ilidr BRING IN YOUR rower Mower in the batting department boll ecudz our uieties including bomefliu theviiithf Shel Liidngatoii Marshall had two hit9 ii Greenlaw limitéd archa to 10 hits in bitching the distance for Etmvaie Bertram and Ferguson had three hits apiece or Elmvale and Whitton had two inkeleW WIN by 112 scone Lakeviow Dairy defeated Mans field Rubber 112 last nightin an Industrial League aottbaii game played at Mansfieldlark Ross rowan buckedithe vio piece the Mon PRESCRlPlIDN SERVICE 13 YOUR PRDlECllflN ESSA RD al Gasollnl enemas Areompiaio oi haul oii Mio up will guarantodm life all better salamander QUICK DEPINDILI SERVICEI Industr Om as nonlop st uses rs azazs genume Wico um Sunny or can HOME BAKED VDELICACIVv linoleum Bread Cookies Pissing lfiu Coke Meat Pin Butisland molly DeliciousVDurtch Speeiditi FOHTIAIIIO Hill no mirmi or The iiunieipsi rrrncilices 350 mo ssctlon mended end lN riln aimnut or Appliesiions byiile Gal conlp Iny or Ccrlidesia oi ruch Convenience and Necessity worh and to supply nstuni gr to the innblunts at mentioned mnntelpllltlu Corporation of the Township of Noitawull cornonlinn oi thegtTowiuhlp Scott Nanci or alums onisrin Fuel board benby npboinu Wednme tile on dry allune lungt lino oclock in the mum nrtcrn nsyiignt Suing Time st tha Myrtle Campbell o1 Midland Mn Lulu an Linda in bilWib ye nesting at his etc residence Lo 88 Con Tiny Hlahway 21 Service rum this Church oi the Good Shepherd Wyebridge Sltlirdly June it it pin lnlefliiefll an arley Anglican Cemetery centre field which was pulled down neatly by Dorian Parker Willows peeked away at Sarah Barradell or single tallies in the second third and fourth innings and two runs in the ninth Varcaea picked up 13 hits oif Sarah with Ann Averill getting three including tourbugger in the second Frances Exeii also had three hits or Willows Marg White had apalr of safeties for Barrio Newmarkct got nine hits oi SALE LAN Dot Miller Colleen Cain an Wamm had two each eel nibcr sorry wmetim lor pen lull IN THE WIN ho gave him fremendo hi but ill third and Mansfield adored singles iii each at the second and third trained olflcel 01 lb Board III Rlehmond Street But Tannin VILUIB rm MythsWin 5W9 Annually Hid will wee1 copies or in Anglialions InIy be inspected and rural particulars oilisined ft the ellieea oi ills Clma at the suave muniei suites tile Applicuit ino soils tonior theApplicant liesrs Zimmerman llwood rand rurvlue iii nicillnnnd iroci Wen finntortlntario or ibis Board prorm si ladies softball game played at Newmarket last night Thegamc was all Barrie until the eighth frame when Newmar ssmuWnison linov beloved buc bsnd at Jun Nichols and dear ronto tblr our day at June 195a DNIAIJQJUK nom dun Eraint wee winueiderv Commissionerl ONTARIOFUEL BOARD lN IllE ilATFEllvOF Theelilllnldyll Innhhu Ant Chlpter 149 R59 1950 Section ll amended Ind IN THE MAITER 0F Applleniloiu by The Conlllmerl Coin lily or approval of pmpmed Byvlawa Ind Franchlle AllotmentPp Lite undermeniloned munlelpnlillet between the respective municipellllu Ilid the Applicant lrnntlnzvtotheyAnllunl the rllht torexteml it worlil Ind plyel into the uldrnunlelplliflea 533 $33 12 miréli ifiifn75il COUNTY OF SIMCOE FORARREARS OF TAXES NOTICE Ll hereby given but the list oi lrndr iisblo to be sold or no resrs oi taxes in tho county nl simcoo has been prepared and was published in nu advertisement May 1m in ibo Ontno Gnotie copies or laid list or lands or ad vurtisernent eon be seen in my oilice or will be mailed IIan lurking spoil cation or same in deranli or phy nleni or tnxes rs shown on said list on or before russnar AUGUST i2 1m It ibe hour of two oclock 051 in tile libelnoon silnii nt that time in the council Chamber Conn Hnulesl nrrie dntnrio proceed to sell by public suction the said lands to pry sueir armorr togeincr with charged thereon it land not rii sold on Augurt 12 an adipurned rrio will be held on Tues day August 25 1958 at two oclock 051 COLEMAN Trusurer county or simnoe Treasurnrs Office Treasurers Siiie Iii Land For Taxes sownsmr or lNlelflr COUNTY or SIMCUE To Wit By virus or warrant issued by the sleeve oi the Township innisiii undcrhis bend and tin ml or the bald orporsiion hearing date the urn day of April 1953p isle oi lands in srrcrrs oi taxes in the rownsbip oi Innistii will be bold at the Community Hall Village or Smud at this hour of two oclock in tile nttrmuon on tile zlst dry 01 August lists unless the taxes nnn cm ere sooner prid Nol ice is hereby given tili the list or lnnda or sale or arrears or taxes was pubusbed in The omsrio Gillette on the 3rd day or Mly lass and the copies or the ssid list my be hld si nly oinee If lends nrelink all sold on August 11st an rdiourned ssle wili be bold on September 5th at the some hour and piece rrcrlurcn Olticeusrtrroiid tbis drill is blooms on are time oi course end tillnr in liesuse lot at milech groundless ilcliistion ror instsnca tbrleur iyounr eonpienno ire in to in us tear mun nur Inevilut at they Ilned Ind In lbflefl ll them On their trill but but they spent iour houle they intend to livo in lnvestixlle sea to will that long rile couidrlnd ahroiutetrbominrermr Iiih thnllre AM even the prizeas in line ytltn what they had expected to any I59 what bnopened7 They in ted to think over warned them in the plus wouldnt in days thinking it our Ind when tnrbusbui thou back had to tell him the niece was sold gt Now im the last person in the world to Idvhemybw Io nub into nnyinillr ewecllllv Inylhlnx as tall and invertbins tiin mirehm altos book the name over tbornnrni all come in mind Bill naur amnd our GISI ll Ill you are trying to db is at III the Calif to lint bnrbsnd mentioned nod rncot those so hulls IndJne ncinnborbood ii wouldvnnve been mainsramble ior But ultinr ior in own site in rnlny Drasnective buyer icnrn tili lesson the bud uonnubsneer rucb nyviswslv irat tour this unions or the Board Suite 311 or the henrlnl of thellbuve Appllcat caplet of the Anpllentlonl Byln Ask every question Signalman over our invesiiutin til nun or Chil Board and Yuma rnoollisdo hiei norm herebygappoiuu Wednesday iile mil June loos it 1000 oclock in tile torenoon Enterai nryugm Slvlnl nose at Ann lN THE MAlim or Apollonon by liie Conrnlncrs dss Com any lor rn Order dccisring and dimllnl inst this risen or lilo mun closi elector at me respective lnnnieipsuiics is not necuury to corporation or the Township oi Nottnwhdlga corporation oi the froynsilip 9178c NOTICE or niiiiiiiim any or mnild Street Elli Toronto Onilrlfl and all nenona interested therein Ind mnchlle Alreemcnil ml be suspected snd hirincr parflculnra ohnned at tile omces oi the Clerks oi crcb municipality tile Appllclrit tile solicitors ice the Applicrni Messn Zimmerman Heywood Turville iii nicnnlond street west romnioortsrip NOTICE or APPLICATION ip DEFENSE wriii VOTE or MUNICIPAL neurons TAKE NOTICE that at tilnsbove public herring tbendard will be asked to issue an Order decllrtng Ind directing til til munlzlpll electors io ihe pusing or said Byll mm It rnronto iilir ails dry or lunc use assent at the resneeiivs ot necessary oNlAnJo FUEL nunnn Ait Crolldr Chlirnun VGordon Spring Plans To ChiioseFrom itncxsrirlou Room comic TILED aarllnoons 1100 SQUARE rqququon SPACE ALL FULLY DECORATED 60 FOOT LOTS Wllli SODDED EhONT LAWNS and featurin lt Hanover KitchengCuphoard Units FORINSPECIIQN CALL $160000 also or PA 35097 IAN Wmmw Giglob duominy iisar maxue 53557 BflegéfrWM mhflgjgji Court Housr asrric doazBilu lwlnualdar lfllh lily of April 1958 Commissioner BUILDEKOF HOMESlNBKRRIKSINCEfiflB meow 5895 mmuuyveBenefitsi Rec rd re vers 92400099 °°jAE BET5ET3 Deptfoiinstice salon red smear against YES taking the difference betvveensthe minimum atelier Workers in Barrie 0611 andthe millimilm rth 10 workers in the plantsptganized into UE oven the last 12 years we ind that the company has saved $2 900 byipaying Barrie workers less than they my world ers in theirother lziliirltsI It goeswlthout sayingwhatthts would havednednt ior Barrie nEPnRlMEnTsor sumpmsnon CQMMERCE AND iliwumchRY App minnows FOR 195s STATE JUSTICEL COMMERCE UlJICIAEY APPlIOPRlATIONS 1952 Norfooiiiliuuisr our CASES SenatorMeCarthy Am correct in this that you hnve In your Department now siieable number or cases many of them from the HEW noses of perjured affidavits under this nanommunlst oath wherethe Ihns sent over to youwn compleieeiis we will say on John IoneaLviho has signed thenonComnluniat affidavit Signing atsise affidavit provid too for $10000 believe it years in jnihmle FBI has sent over rmatibn to show ynthat bhnJones who gned this affidaviLwe will say as todhy was member oi tbeCommunlstParty yesterday andwns ameinber of the Communistliirtyiheday alter bevsigned the atflddvlt For somereaaunor theirAim understand this isnt yourfault tiint has btaen eoniplet reins on the partlo lheJustice it Wron to ask CGE ent to pros all any se compe cases in wpa¥heawe tag to Williqu FBI has gsubinittpd of the evtd no to sho Il workersthat they payt eir workers iniioronto Peter collie JD rate 21 perhoiirwhiie in he unorg ized dealt °S9$°PEUFY1 515 WW ii Pivdnllen bom 16 1h ll We have otréceived any casein an BfiFlemamr Vhe whlehtherewaseyidence of Conunuv on the day alter or theweek bite execution of the uCommunist on king Appropriations for Thevncpartments SenatorMeCarthy on have cases theFBI has furnished prooi or State Justice Cam And Th rpm to the Yawning the aryForTheF munist Party membership sli Ending June at 1952 163 This money should have found its way inimthe ecqnomy ogthe Barrie community gt suncoiiimifnn or THE cowisms on mac muons UNITED STATESSENATE Malitenanoelllen in the organizeacgn plsnts re oath Mr McIiierney No Senator McCarthy You have eases ha Mr Molnernay No sir SenatorMcCaflhyAnending Mclneruey No sir and the organizedah sh ive alobfrateot $176 fierhourywhilein theuiiorgnn rile pianiirc ntreiess grinder handareceive iiiy NC OFAMCVPERVHOUR sheendenounce heCommuiiiaiFarty whom yo bmmlinlst aliidavfi Yo

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