mm year in ourroom thnu tar as fixth it is iooncerned batsmanaria terut and posturalprise sonic haters but atiuaeehs Bdore we caught keeper Merchweraaintoameasol good bass all over two pounds They seem to be hitting weryv Jung and at every one at our tavnrttc piokercl holes Como June 28 they will probably be mild way They must know that we are compelled to lot them go until this date 5min the htcst Department of Lands and Forests new re lease we gleaned the following precautions with regards to mb ies which is still prevalent in this immediate area 31 do not 117de or handle any wild animals either living or dead report any animalbehaving in peculiar manner to the nearest veterinarian consens tion ofï¬cer or district office of the Department air Lands and Forests and the provincial poi ico it keep domestic pets un der control do not allow them to run tree in the current year the do partment reports that rabies has occurred with increased inten sity in the winter and spring months in the forest districts or Lake Simeon Parry Sound Kemptvilie and Need it the disease behaves in the same manner as in previous years there should be drastic reduc tion in its occurrence during the coming summer It you see any bright red ducks in Ontario in the next few months dont rush to your optician or psychiatrist Notify the Division of Fish and wild life Ontario Department ot Lands and Forests Parliament Buildings Toronto During the past several months personnel of the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission have been en gaged in bonding and dyeing ducks at Titusvilie on the east coast of Florida All species have been handed but only Smup have been dyed many cases and especially with some meciea is poor harvesthig equipment Win hook and line ï¬shing it is almost impoaslic to harvest sgeqinuch of the crop that anlna uate brood stock remains When conditions are suitable only small brood stock is needed to supply ade quate reproduction lake or stream It really an aquatic pasture much like its dry land equivalent in these pastures as in land pastures weeds sometimes choking out good pasture gran ï¬sh species that areunpopular or not want ed often crowd out wanted spec ies me wasteful practice at wholesale restocking where re search has shown little or no re turn has ceased The pouiir ityroi other management proced ums for such watcrs is being studied It became apparent that re stocking with hatcheryreared ï¬sh was not the entail that many had believed Fish were planted largely at the request of interested parties and little consideration was giwntu the actual needs of lake onto the results of restocking ln some cases unsuitable species were introduced to waters to the de triment of native species Ontario has acquired size able staff of trained biologists whose jobis to discover these scientiï¬c facts and to recom mend and pul into practice pro eedures based on than We can expect that present research will pay dividends com parable to those provided in nearly eyory otbcn snieneoqnd industry in recent years We are sorry to reportthat we ran Into another fisherman to atza victory overthe new and improved Angus mud in the Senior Soithall tongue 10 non vThe redhead drilled out our hits including urbagga in the faith inning to flock in ï¬ve runs Stewart had three hits including two imammothiine drive homers which 1150 ac counted for five tallies By thetime ihurlow put the lumber to the big one Angus was leading 41 behtnd the stunt hurting at Gaston Plantc fliuriows tourmgr camewith Danny MacDonald on base and it tied up the balljgameg Prior to Reds arrival at the plate MacDonald had plated Doug Kettle with his second Mohan ger otxthe evening Angus went one run up again in the top half 91 the seventh inning as Peie Hagen singled went all the way roundto third on thWi1iirpitnhcshandscored bhbanny Lowdon liner into centre ï¬eld But that was all for Angus They did manage to score an other tally in the eighth frame to bring the visitois total to six FiveRun Frame With one away in the seventh Pat Wanpamaker doubled and moved to third on wild pitch MacDonalds easy bouncer was iiolded by Flame and instead of firing in ï¬rst he held Wanna maker at third Red Thuriow led both qualify for the title of risv man He walked right in front of yours truly evenethough he could pialnly see them were there first nndthenjproceeded to cast over three other lines We are certainly glad that these types are rarity downthla Bed imam1i iat hla ï¬rst in aa Stewrt unloaded homerto idt iitid Burt Popp atartcd further raliywlth single naovednover to second when the rut ï¬elder hobbled Al Smitha pop tyrand The victors hadthreh 1mm tailiu in meeighth on Stewarts second circuit Houdinitime to centrefleld Wenonah and were on the wad at ethos Gaston Plante who pitched so well or Arwua Icainst Stowart chsuflitl 1n the week was ridtngzaiong smoothly until the mk mawmixefd 13 nvanth when the Legionnaires on no Kama mm exploded furiourhits andrivo base ted Hardacre was called out to pm the wing Elia damn by Bob an 10 men went to the plate hall inning Johnston hurls Another Win For Thornton That man Don Johnston did it again After being heltcd heme by Barrie Fiyers in the opening game at the South Sirncoe Base tonehnhlezainec This week he stopped Lisle on our hits as Thornton won 54 Supplies Powrr Johnston who is no slouch at the plate either scored the event uai winning run himscllLwhcn he the sec heited oneout homer in 0nd frame gt Lou Mort man whos be nnin frame nect twice Johnston didnt the Lisle pelfonnera seveninning contest ball Lea gue Don has beenaimost un Dons first has to make habit obit belted iourbagger with mate aboard in the filth in all Thornton picked up six hits off starting pitcher ï¬at land and relieter WuDiivid Bill Hunter was the only man to con llow any at vial up more than single base hit He whifiod an even dozenin the Don will most likely done opener against Legion coMING onstongwts Iinaliy relieved in it who pitched thoseasona Smitty Again Bowy Lines started working on the rubber or legion but pickedup two hits apiece tor Legion to help run thetotal to li Claude Chenier hustling Ali gus third baseman had iourvhits in ï¬ve tries Angus picked up chuckers Angus Gnosrs to TOWN3 TheGhosts are coming to town But dont ixét theyre not the movie lbrand Theyre the lows Colored Ghosts taibnlous soft ball team that mixes ability with clowning This tamed crew will bcbereto play July courtesy of the Barrie Legion hail club The Ghosts billed as ball on cus Americas greatest Summer Wannamakerr it MacDonald so it Thuriow 3h Stewart in sevenrhitsofl thertwoyotithiui Legion Plante Jackson and Vill eneuve Milk andChappel Hardacre Winning pitcher Smith Losing pltcherdlante headqonoov Legion odgooooayNuuua mi 5ooooeuuu Ono ioo on sax12 v14 Urnpiresi sm tuitiviznslinv VRICHBROOK not coimsss THE than pus in lADY 101 020 116 Lines Smith liarc pintei Ernie Petrimoulx bases Mipesrs ONiNEXTi FIGHT CARD The aim am he in action at the Barrie Arena iuesday evening whenvihc Northiand Wreatling Enterprises presentsanather out atandlni card oi professional Roger Littlebrook and Major Tom Thumb are the halfpint combatants They not aaewo of the best in the business The mainevcnt will have Bill Curry and Shag Thomas trading heavy blows This bout came as Reformed Church Beats Baptists Christian Reform Church defeat ed First Baptist Church 1942 in church league game played last night at Oakley Park Huyer paced the winners at the plate with two bomeruns Teammate Vandemecr had one homerun Don McEnchern had round triper tor the losers we can hear You car nm or warns rN roux LAWN use nrn remove REMEDY Lzan onto and tor heavy growth use BRUSH lIII we now HAVE IN STOéK run NEW were con mor Known AS wounsn nan smru DRAG rr ACROSS YOUR LAWN AND WATCH gkhhlllï¬‚ï¬ Dont forget to treat your iawn for white grub that was so bothersomeinst year renti or in row JM 21 as am tova IPat OBrien to Share aid optimism ï¬rst on want with in the preliminary sBuiidersV Q0ntractors Farmers NO Ind NI libel Borneo andrtna LIIhi laugh ornreaied Daitvuol anthoohtrytruh WP orbi cmrzaroii UMBER VCU Port boring Ontario usso stme linernuns 10 slussonnsmic PliitTABLES assowss unevwmre cause 29so LLrULLY aim SIx weeks sewing course me with the purchase The complicated science of the other nightwiio Icannot nuvs friars hurling again tonight as Thornton of plus new gnome game sports show are just about that one of aesthetic item There are rules in every sport ammng thetmngs chase The consideration iNcOME TAX sAVINGs and YOUR RETIREMENT INCOME For further information iili inthis adaand mail to 75 ii xiiiiillbtul 24K clapperton St NAME ADDRESS Sunsiiieoiuilunutii Barrie0ntarl LDINE Correction DAN9ET muaoo liard Kinxle As Prevtousl of others is the first and most important rule in the books We are heading msgarni waytonight and hope that it ean report some good next ISSUE gt Until next week good ï¬shing good hunting and above all good shaver Join me FMMEWIPMENT tnACrons SPREADERS or Mownns shuns ans Wilsons Garage saws ossnvrcn PHONE 103 Lowell Lowell Beeton at Ivy marks David Lisle this evening Everett is at Allis ton Saturday Ivy ï¬lm at Vliiew ie full schedule of gsmesi ou tap for human with vAlliston scheduledto play at Creemorc Stroud at Lisle Thornton at New and Barrie atEveret titers are the league includingjjilsy bmitted three scorecardsato Reg Westbrookeot Jawesnbrioke Creeniore la Robertson Barrie Thompson Barrie Raid Barne Don Campbell strand lane Lisle 10 Gowan Cteernare Guertin Lisle muchtmnenazaae RICHBROQK miss so PLAY iian COURSE filiTOPiA miss roan annals gnv mouwhv so clubs Can he ashlar Their earload ot tricks isi fahtab ulous seen there will verify troublemakers ilows can do with ball and hot as any sotyou who have PopeyeSmith and Yippie Gar rid are two of the clubs leading theme 195mm Finn corofden holidnyior your Comp or Conference has ehrh PaYHliiipï¬ZSOU iosdyoepixk out any on SAIL JUNE 14 isee our ad for directions BROWN ii CO anurrnn PA 85000 SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 23 Dunlop rA 81on Berns voLcAivrznvo 3133 rapturoiin sr Tin same Rsrnnanino ROAD sanvros FARM Pit $5443 Lnox nix ms ssiijvr outlats eiseej sonnets swordsman 145 Guaranteed Deluxe Sup ONLY swam rene tnbt on ughions slbsi with tradein as 670xldtubetvu moi sum or ouaurv site nearhymn Delano SuperCushions so senior sbnbanp gis at MansfieidPar Saywï¬ryrlra be tire made with Su In town Iiihilldbinaiuï¬mx i5 raining 3T Card Stewarts vs Minesin