By LORNE LEIItEnBY Mr and Mrs Bert Watt Mike hovering and Mr and Mrs Jack Ellie and iamily motored to News market tor days trip Art Cornell accompanied by his mother and ittiss Edna Walker drove up the new section at TransCanada Highway and call ed on relatives at Algonnuiu parit On the trip they saw an albino raccoon Lorema Mills ot Hamilton has been visiting Coldwater relatives recently Counter Attraction While the world series games tvere on many Coldwater busi nessmcn were missing trom their accustomed places and some mer chants had televisions set up in their stores All itusy On one day recently tour bus iness places near the lnterscctinn of Gray and Main streth had workmen engaged in making ini provelncnts Address on Legion An address on the organization and activities oi the Canadian Legion BESL was delivered to Coldwater Lions Club by Fred Brown air Brown who is past prcslt idcnt oi the village Legion branch and its secretary toi ttie past iiiyears led the Lions in sing song at the request oi Pres ident Jack Duntop The speaker was introduced by Ritchie Lana chairman of the program committee and was thanked by Victor Johnstanc lttri Brown said there were two thnusand Legion branches in the Dominion with membership at over 220000 He explained the methods usutt in promoting the interests oi rcr turned men and their tamiiibs in cluding rcprestntatiuns whtre necessary to the authorities re garding pensions The Legion in Goldwater now functions to great extent it It tservice group ittr Brown stated Recently the village branch look ed alter the sports program at the air and paid the cash prizes amounting to nearly $70 sub stantinl contribution was made in the Community Centre and are gunlzations supported Include the st John Ambulance Association EXAMINER Photos more by rovcro Bxlmlnr it photompher that tip tn this newspaper are lhtn id tally urlntl PROMPT SERVICE the institute tor the mind Silva tion Army and liareh oi Dimes The Coidwatcr Legion backs the Poppy Fund the community Christmas Tree and hockey teams blood hank was organized to have blood available tor trans lesions Each school in the school parade at the lair received new Union Jack irom the Legion lttr Brown said he enjoyed visit with the Lions as he was the ctiarter president oi the cold wator Club ttldtvalcr Lions are planning their annual turkey draw and the Santa Claus parade At one oi the meetings to be held in No veniber the boys and girls in the Call Club with their leaders will he dinner guests oi the Lions Tun ttoiira itchate October meeting oi Coidwatcr Coiiacit tlcllututl tttr two hours the hrst method oi employing help tor the waterworks and roads departments One motion sponsored by coun cillors Victor Turner and Ray mund ltliils tbat the town tar man Roy Galbraith be let out at his julinntt him it now mun iaiicd to carry Two ntotittns proposing altLm alive methods anti ttrtns oi pay ment were not completed and were discarded Finally million was passed In effect relieving the foreman of responsibility tor supervising tubs and dispcnslag with his present arrangement at it 40huur week The motion moved by Council lor lttii sccondod by Councillor itaiph lcltlson and carted road as tullows The men hired to work on vatcilvnlks and riluds and bridges by the village at Culdwatcr he hired when work is required In he tlUnL and the rate of my he 51 par hour and that when the chairman involved requires men to hire them and notin the Clerk who was hired and olray payment tit wages trom Oct It Dec 31 inelusiv noy Galbraith was appointed inspector under the Trench EX cavntuls protection Act No sal ary was stipulated Building inspector Arc Tuck er was authoritoii to issue building permit tor the new to Fleischman residence on the basis or plans presented to coun eil ruliuvnng receipt at letter irom iames iiitchon secretary or the the brigade that Keith neb inson had been appointed ehlri until the annual elcetion oi oi iieers by the volunteers Council passed it hylaiv appointing Mr ltuhlnson tire ehici behind iron Curtain While on his recent trip to Europe Rev Donald Churches oi Cnlilwater was able to get into Communist East Germany He my 100 saw many interesting places and gnc gained numerous impressions on 5W both sides or the iron Curtain in Germany and has some excep pHONE FA 82414 titinat pictures oi the country Sponsored by the Fellowship Tl 33 En Group oi st liatthins Church Wmmummmm Rev Mr Churcher delivered Gold and feet low and miserable utth thy parched throat rAMtLv ill to tittch or whim the Itoctor tells you to lake plenty tit liquids theres no finer beverage than NO OTHER GINGER ALE AT ANY PRICE MATCHES VALUE WITH WILSONS rtttsoNAt Stu 12 ounces neautiiy your bedroom thcsc stunning spread and curtain vitlt ensembles Theyre all daisy to matteso lovely in your homci Complete instructions included In Pattern 7393 for making thret ditiErLnt guts of bedspreads and Curtainsin any dLSlILLl size Slznd THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coins ior this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to The liar rte Examiner Household Arts tcpt60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME AI DRESS PATTERN NUMBER bonus tor our matterstwo FREE patterns printed in dul new Alice Brntlks Noetllecrittt Btiok tur 1957 Plus it voildertul variety or designs to ilrtltrvclu Chet knitting Embroidery llttck weaving toys dolls nthflrs Seud 25 cents or yuur copy ttI lliis exciting NEW needle hanknow Germ Warfare Reduced BC Tribe PORT RENFREW BC CF Itecenl discovery of the writings of Rev Ellison ruvculeil an explanation til the curse ut the Spaniards still talked of by Indians near this tishini villagr Rcv ltlr Ellison pioneer res jdcnt Port Rontrcw 40 miles northwest at Victoria compiled history at the community shortly before his death in t930 The writings have lich discovered by his daughter The Pachcna indiaas at Van eottvtai Island together with IS sociate hands could muster 6000 fullyarmed Warriors rum Wash ington state to the Queen Char lotto islands But type ot germ warfare itst by handful of Spaniards in the 18th century rC duced the population of village at 500 to only 20 members Inl785 Captain Jose Maria Natvar suited the Santa Ger trudis into San Juan Hay here in search ior missing trader an illustrated travelogue an Gcr many in the Parish Hall tin Tuesday evening October 15 Jack Tipping shtilvutt the clidos The church gruup served toil after the address nails bltiotu all year on this centrepiece oi easy iiiet and regular ciueltrt thC lovely swirl ing design is beautiiully set oil by lacy incslt bark ound Pattern iihlo Lrnthcl direc tions tttr centrepiece 20tnclicn in is 30 cotton Easyno chart tieutlud Send rtllltrvdtvE CENTS in coins or this pattern stamps annot he accepted to The Bartti thiltnintr tiriuseltulii Artslept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont irint plainly NAME ADDRESS iAliCitN NUMBER bonus tor our readers two FREE patterns printed in our new Alice nltluits Needlecraft Built for 1957 Plus wonderittl variety or to orderero chel knittin ctrtbrttillcry htluk weaving toys dolls others send ents tiii your copy oi this NEW nuctllt booknow which had horn captured and sunk by the latltcnas Wilt had been iorcetl to dig tor gold One Di the two Spanish women captured by the Indians paddled canoe pill to the Santa Gertrudis in darkness and told at how the crew at the trader hail been slain At this tilth the British were laying claim to the west coast and direct atiaek agai the tribe would prtilltlllly resulted in interventioiti Capt Nariher gave the lndlans lllC tittitling 0i Cumitn suitor iitg trnrn ineaslcs The disease one as hint to the tuchcnas as yellow over was to the white ilia Within it 12w Weeks the village boomnu deserted The death toll was estimated at about 500 with only 20 survivors among the tribe Spanish and ttritish explorers who entered the For year later unaware ui what had hap pened reported the day of San Juitn vds inhabith by small hand oi tntliuns who spoke oi the Curse ul tltc Spaniards Loui itliAltti BEliliEVltiLll Cr Police called to flush out an intruder ittiitt basement were met with apologies by householder who would $400 $600 $1000 or morehllp yml over ï¬nancial hurdle Then call Niitgum where friendly loans are made Many thou lands at people from coast to coast are using Niagara loan facilities to gel extracaah when they need itLoans altt made up to $100000 sometimes more And Niagara Loans can In lite insured its an added peacevoimind kature Remember youre always welcome at Niagara 11 ajew Niagaras than loan plan tcrgupi Altganudtnn loan Company explained that what trightcned her turned out to be collapse at an ovetdnaded laundry rank 3569 1069 oo 4977 Ola Niagarar many sariantler paymwiplmii THE WILSON liulLDiNti Phone PA Elflo rooo MUGAflD SKEETER NER 57 mouGitr TOLD YOU nor may TMAT um MYSELE INEVER wttt LEARN litV paw via us Av oww wauzggor Ta CHEEZ REE Itiégcaysrééggvez ANCDMFDIZTMAMGELLE ll ï¬mgrï¬iimivczï¬ AEAVN CFFEEMAL WATGOBY NAMEOFM llYNMONZOE WHAT wAur no MAKE oET You is LEri FMBLVTU OW itirivc Zdaéév ro oséé 9055 You 6ft UVOE ELDE ABEU IN THE MORNI COME art 13 5593 YovEGHIEFMBRDKEmEéELSF with BEEN TEJRIJLE WW RUBBER STAMPS to wutmuuus mm PERSONALXZED ITEMS HANDEDIE COUNTKR CBEQITEB GE vouu NOSE CAUGHY IN 045 CAKE Mthp 3113mm mm STATEMENTS PM $YOOD mam HEDE on mts svar AND PEACH HA tut MAMA Am 55 TEE woo lto HA you will mannedr or you MIND mar mu is HNVQNTEVuFaiair worm similar if satin JILTEUMCIIEPIIP mpuynt awaï¬wï¬kï¬iidï¬m moth pa in as rum LIKE v6 Putit Wont lttt To Work Fast Plume Plt8224l4 wEugCAN HELP ITIF it THE acct rsrits ARE HAVE To MEASURE QUARTER OF you ear to 6MP euro if MONEYku laStmo 595w wE can are 5mm your UAYrtTO It th 50m all Will are and Mygflitgfl 9152 as astray guns tiiovt eï¬ttstt Wk By Wally Bishop botrr as smithwox Arm msnammï¬ SENSIth Aawr THE MENU Aunt REEF results with ME BIRDS Ans WARNING US