93rd YearNo Il6 Much Ado About Nonsense In the Middle Ages so historians say it was the want of supposedly scholarly monks to spend days and weeks and even months debating about how many angels could dance on the point of needle Such exercises in futility now seem to have become the specialpreservc or socialist politicians as indicated in despatches from London where the executive of the British Labor party is said to be at odds on nation alization Nationalization of industry as most Eri tlshers know doesnt solve anything Rather public ownership tends to aggravate rather than to resolve countrys economic pro blcms Britains nationalized coal industry affords ample proofvthat this is so be cause since nationalization of the coal mines by the former Labor Government production has fallen sharply featherbedding has increased industrial strife has plagued the industry and coal prices have risen sharply to the distress of the consumer To all this however the British Labor party turns blind eye Nationalization despite its obvious iallurc is still fetish which delights the doctrinairc socialists The great debate in socialist circles in Bri taill is not whether nationalization should be abandoned but about how it should be accomplished some members of the Labor party executive seem to favor creeping nationalization with the Government ac quiring control of industry through the purchase of corporate shares while others iavor outright confiscation with minimum of compensation to the rightful owners Which way the debate will end will de pend llpon how mllch supportAneurin Bevan can master for smashandgrab nationalization when he returns shortly from the Soviet Union 64 Ruble Question Capitalistic prizes are being offered by Moscow Radio for contestminded comrades who are willing to take part ill Soviet Russias lortleth Anniversary Quiz Contestants however will be confined to Radio Moscows shortwave listeners outside the Soviet Union This is understandable in view of the fact that the questions deal with Soviet history covering the period back to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 To assist foreign contestants Radio Moscow offers postpaid set not only oi the ques tions to be asked but the answers as well In view 6f the Kremlins penchant ior per iodically rewriting history to sail the im mediate circumstances this will save com rades abroad the embarrassment of devio tlonlsm Prizes offered by Radio Moscow are not impressive They include shortwave radios cameras and recordings oi the latest soviet tunes Questions are as loaded as glass of straight Russian vodka The purpose clear ly is to give listeners abroad particularly in the United States the idea that Lenin and George Washington were bro thers under the skin and that the Eolshevik Revolution ranks with the American War oi Independence as landmark in mans quest ior liberty Propaganda communiststyle comes in as many packages as the product advertised in any North American TV commercial 02inions of Cthers Collingwood DCI Addition Slayncr sun with the majority of municipalitics in favor of second collegiatein this arms but split as to the location Iilosc favoring the building of an addition to the existing school It Cullingweod are gaining in strength by the spill with ihe present collegiate building already filled beyond the planned capacity the area school board is being iorccd to make decision this year One of the alternate choices is to construct iwelvcroem extension to the present building This would give the more economical but only temporary relief as the department forecast of cnrolmcnl for this area calls for an Increase of 300 In the next five years Twelve rooms is the limit for ally extension at the prcscni site when Huntl of ï¬ns mm cand Avergo Nat Paid ABC Circulation Three Month End March 31 1057 Il21 died with the illicit Bureau of circulation Iublect to ludit van in onaltol Class Newspaper Published Monday Wednesday Friday WWW Ai Thc Wilson Building Post Office Square Barrie Ontario Canada BY THE BAREIE EXAMINER mm email maulvan nulli um they are ï¬lled ihe second school must be con lirucicd The second choicc is to construct Inolhcr school now while more expensive this second school would scrvc for ihe projected five years and if necessary could be easily enlarged At the same lime it would provide space for growth at ihc prescnl cuilcdlilc meeting of municlpli representlives Ind ihe school board is being arranged Ind the qucsiingl will be placed squarely In iront oi ihcm for decision Personally we cant see any municipality lhrow Inggoad money away on the extension when second school In inevitable if he site was left up to the board and ihe department oi education we believe Ihal ihe sccond school would receive for iIlc largest supporL Uhicas It Is decided this year lhc board will be arccd in consiruct an extension lo the pres cnl building for it has the all Important Job of providing arcommndaiion for Ihe sludenis An overcrowded school is handicap on those Cin ldians in whom the responsibility for the future devclopmcni of this counlry will soon be handed Whither Waller Harris Durham Chronicle Now that Lliicrzl Leader Louis St Laurent has stepped down inc federal field is open Waller Harris who seemed to be in the load year or two ago has lost ground to Lesicr Pearson Walter Harris was an extremciy conscientious public servanl llowcvcr ill very fact that ill did rely so strongly on olhers helped to defeat him at ihe polls As lilinlsler oi Finance Mr Harris apparenlly was not happy about having the bankers dlctale lo the Government In the August 31 issue at lilaelcans Mr Harris is quoted as saying Theres somcihlng wrong In the system when those fell ows across Ihc street pointing lo the Bank of Canada can deiy an elccicd government But the fact remains that Mr Harris and his Government did as the bankers directed The re suit was slow down in building development companlcs wcni bankrupt and thousands were Iilruwn out of Work Many Canadians believed the tight money policy was just another scheme to make the poor phorcr and the rich richer in ally rare it did not improve the economic climate According in tile Financial Posi What ihe Liberals must do Is show some courage some sense of humor and above all some Imagination They need new ideas and they certainly need new machinery If Mr Harris would conic out of Ills cocoon and speak but with the conviction of his own beliefs we believe he would have beiier opportunity of gaining the leadership of his party For too long he has allowed his light to be hidden under bushel Liberals Unlikely Acts Against New Government Owcn Sound SunTimcsi Canadians may look forward to some unusual and interesting manocuvcring of votes when the new parliament sits For time at least the Liberal strategy may be to avoid opporiuolties of presenting waniofccnfldcncc motions against the government it Is strange situation The official opposliion will do its hcst to see that the chfcnbaker gov ernment is not defeated on Commons vote Reason because of the retirement of St Laurent as leader no general election Is desired by ihc Liberals until parly convention has been held and new leader has time to consolidate his posi tion Also the Liberal political machine will need to be overhaulcd oiledand in smooth work ing condliion if anolhcr defeat is to be forestalied The Conservatives now have 112 of the 265 Commons seals less than majority Liberals have 106 CCF 25 and Social Credit 19 there are three Independents Thus it is seen that sickness or aiiscnce could leave the government ranks open In defeat on vote In spite of the surprising outcomcmi the June 10 election the Liberal party is neither seriously depicted llcmoralized nor depressed Allllough many or its cabinet ministers were defeated and some are permanently through with politics illere his lot of sound timber In the oldvtrec yet and ll is wise for its opponents to remember ihat it polled majority of the popular vole No one Is certain of the actual reasons for the defeat but ill should prove that many voters switched from Liberal allegiance merely to cut down on that partys dominating majority lo the House of Commons another Interesting situation is likely to arise Mcanwhllc the one sure course which the gov eminent may followIn bid to retain office is to give the people of Canada soundpwisc govern ment and continuance of prosperity nus macaw warn lcnylpcn MINItin want ll inl ldllar nevus Mm mn ldlior luvrrr olnu Innm linnocxm Advflung incm nan morn lumllnllndlnt cum lump Analpl luni barium nm month not lam maniaalso IAII ourljnn unini nun vm dlilld 0mm The up BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY OCTOBER i957 BLACK EYE seminar Windor 5hr By liOY LABERGE Canadian Press sun ericr OTTAWA OCT CHCan ada has agreed to initiale action on number of steps to increase imporis from Britain While ex peris suggest the measure can stilule only mere drop in the bucket they feel they may point the way or bigger sicps to be taken later joint AngloCanadian com munique issued here said ihe THE VIiEE slanding Libcrals Conservative ll ii oilillié by lil Idt The subvcntinn policy 78 Progressive independent independent Libcral Vacant ll Coal Subvcnllon Progressive government is continuing the coal Conservalive oi the former Liberal government with only onc ï¬nance ministers lfloposalby Prime Minister Dici Siaics to Britain Following British ministers and Mr Mr Trade Minister Gordon Churchill Thc lrcewlradc proposal was first announced by in Thorney craft on Sept 28 Ill Mont Trom bllnl Que whcrc bi had stiend ed mailing of Commonwealth ll follows enbakcr that Canada shift 15 per cent of its trade from the United Ihc talks with he Fleming ChurchillAccompanied differenceextension of New lions lo small amount of west ern coal moving to thc Lakehcad for production of steam power it Was lcarncd Oct that was the only change contained in new cabinet brdcrIncouncil con tinuing the suhvcnlionsfcdcral treasury aid toward irclghlchar go on moving coal to markets until March 31 and of the current ï¬scal year LakcAbound coal from the so called steam coal mines of AL bcrls and the Crowsncst Pass area measures agreed on include the dispalell of highlevel Canad Ian lrade mission to Britain cnv couragemcnt of federal dcpart merits and agencies to buy more from the United Kingdom and Canadian consideration in rcduc lion of duties on overseas tourist purchases lnrcturn Britain has agreed to decrease import curbs againsi Canadian good gradually as UK earnings Increase through heavier sales to Canada Free Trade Idea Eat left in abeyance for poss iblc Iurther consideration was the explosive UK proposal that the two countries cuter info gradual freetrade union say over per loci of 12 to 15 years Peter Thorneycroll the British chancellor of the exchcqucr told press conference here ill did not expect any snap answer to this suggestion The subject was discussed at the threeday talks but he communique said lhe Can adlan ministers were not asked to express their views Mr Thorneycroftwho was ac eompanicd lo the Ditawa talks by Sir David Ecclcs president of the UK board of tradeargued that it would be quite unreallsiic to expect an immediate reply to such major measure He said how ever he was hearlened by the solid determination of ihe two governments to expand bilateral rude and intimated that further discussions would be held on the freetrade idea though no speci llc date was set Prime Minister Dlefenbakcr asked tocomment on the free trade suggeslion said he would not go beyond the text of the communique lie participated in Ille talks along with Financg an Minister Donald Flcmng by Agricultural Minislcr Douglas Harkncss and External Affairs Minister Sidney Smithielt or Washington to discuss Canadian American trade problems with American ministers The Canadian mission to Bri tain will go as soon as possible and the Canadian government plans to get ahead with the idea of picking leaders among Induslry labor business farming and other primary industries to make the trip qualiï¬ed for the production of Subventions of United States sequent decrease Wheat Sincllpllc set Canadian The bureau oi staiistics last week revised upwards its eslimaic of Canadas 1957 wheat crop pushing thc countrys stockpile la 1092808000 bushels This ï¬gure Is still short of the record how ever The wheat crop forecast was increased by 10000000 bushels to 389606000 This compares with last years crop of 573000000 bu silcls and the 10year average of 486600000 some people who indifference to venicncc Even nothing to those shores or ponds of Brliish Columbia is the ncin subventians be cause it is understood of the prospect of sonic expansion In coalfired power around the Lakehead for ï¬scal year are expected to total about $8400000 compared to $9 200000 in the last ï¬scal year Officials say the drop is due mainly to an increase in the cost ihe current coal and con in the amouhl coal into com Pctitivc ceniral Canadian markets ot LllIER Liiicr spoils many of our na ilonal beauty spots There are have ccmplclc public con safeiy means who leave brok en boillcs on beaches and on the Where children like to paddleSt Johns Nfld Section TwoPages to i4 limitSave The Crown By lEWlS MILLIGAN When illii young plpaqucak of peer Lord Alirinchlm criti clzcdQucen Eliubcib or the glrliih manner in which ah de livcred her 5p echo and deport ed herself In ublic we all felt ihai while ihere was some truth In that description wit remem bered ihll llol Majesty was ill ile more Ihan girl anyway She was Just being her nalunl self and not pulling on pompnul pcr formancclo app1 the humble and plum such illled snobs Lord Alirincham Solar from lowering ihe prestige of ihe ihrnne in the eyes 01 the com mon people the drum speech and unpretentious demeanor of ihe young quuch have endeared her ihe more to her people at home and abroad She has taken the north but of royalty without an air of condesccnlion and wears the crown nol as sign of pen sonal superiority but as the sym bol of consiiluiionai authority and political stability Probably emboldened by the impudence of beer of the realm yet another young man Ills dlrcd lo Illlck not ihe Queen personally this time but the cntlre monarch ral system Altrlncbarn say his purpose was to preserve the monarchy but the new assailant lnhn Osborne playwrighi described ih meaningless symbol of moo archy as bar to ihe social lst education of the masses socialist only that lr not republican be said Is not credillng Iis potential fallnw era with reason and inieill genre Ill chief criticism was that queen worship dc Iays achievement of socillism if for nalhing else iheBritish crown slands as bulwark against lile advance of Socialism and it can hardly be sold to be meaning less The monarchy Is not some thing lhat has been Imposed upon the British people as it stands today it is the prpduclpi long process of social and political evo luilon Tllic originated with Ihc divine right ofkings at time when Brlialn was besieged from without and torn by con lictlng lcudai and religious ac tions wlthin With ihe establish ment of civil law and Order under one central authority Ihosc fac tlons were gradually merged for national defence and the common good Into united nation The result of lilat process was summed up in those lines of Tennyson II is the land that freeman till Thai sobersuited Freedom chose Theland where glrt with friends or toes man may speak the thing he wlll land of settled government land of just and old renown where Freedom slowly broadens down From precedent to precedent The Imposition of Social lsm would reverse that pro cess lhc illvlne right of kings dld recognize an over ruling divinity that oblpes our ends Thai acknowledge meat flied as curb to the monarcha assumption of ab soluie power when be over stepped his limit he was checked by the lilagna Carla Observers Weekly and one of them lost his head for assuming political dicta lonblp Under any form of government there must be Central authority and in every insiance where Sov cialism has been carried to Its logical application lhai authority has been invested in one man or one party Queen Elizabeth or her rucceir an could never become diclnlors Their conslllulionzl status pre eludes ihe rise of any tyrant or oilgarchy Io powcr That had all been eliminated by ihe historical evolution of the British monarchy Drew llllddlelon lan American Journalist in his recent book These Are The Briiisll puLv that history and iLK result in nuishflil thus Here is an on during symbol token of lho pail and prnmlse or the ul urc The Crown stands as it has for ihousand Wins power is less and ii influence is greater than many know it is an lnlcgral part of flexible and progressive sociely at Housing Pictures Show Improvement Two major factors appear to be getting the new house market Ing piciurc into balance again says Clifford Fowke in The Fin ancial Post One illc ircnd to iawdusz houses which are selling fast where available The other is the 10 cutback ln completions dur ing the first eight months of this year as against the same period of 1956 But lhc houses built earlier are siili slow move in greater Toronto nearly ihird of the total of 1473 unsold new houses had been waiting for purchaser or more than eight months Most of these are highenst dwellings the 1135 new houses completed in Greater To main in Augusi only 108 were awaiting sale at the months cud Pensions Not Enough at Present Age Group Grows striking fact about the popu lation of Canada as of all or near 1y all advanced countries is steady gain in average age writes MchaclIy in The Financial Post The proportion oi people our 65 is Increasing Among every 1000 Canadians now living 78 have passcd that age The number was only 55 in 103l This aging process is sure to continue as medicine and sanita tion make progress Expectation oi life for newborn Canadian infant Is now about 10 years It may be 30 or ill before this cen tury ends It follows that at least some of the extra income required ior higher standard of living among the aged no longer the right word for the average man of 10 wIii have to be either earned or savcd in advance No feasible in crease in old age pensions will sulfice Any realistic approach the problem must recognize this Forced retirement from work at age 65 is as see it sure to become as obsolete as the sacriï¬ce of maidens to the fertile ily god The ï¬gures show that Prairie farmers plagued by summer drought and harvestllme rains produced smaller crops of all grains lhun last year Tile countrys wheat siockpilc including record carryover of about 723000000bushcls at His start of the new crop year Aug is not the highest on record because of this years belowaver age crop The stockpile last year was about 1153000000 bushels Speaker or Selim Prime Minister chfcnbakct an ngunced that lawyer Mark Drouin 55 of Quebec City has been summoned to the Senate and appointed speaker of the uppcr chamber This completes the Progressive Conservative governments lineup of senior senate appointments for the 23rd Parliament to be opened hy the Quecn on Thanksgiving Day Oct 14 Senator John Halg 05 of Winnipeg earlier was announced leader of the gov ernment side of the Senale 1n the last Parliament the Sen ate Speaker was Liberal Senator McL Robertson and former solicitorgeneral WI Rosa Macdonv aid was the government leader Senatordesiganle Drouln is governor the Dominion Drama Festival and was president of Quebec Aces of the Quebec Senior Hockey League until the end of the last season Now senior part ner in law Iirm specializing in corporation law Mr Drouln also Inal lawyer His appointment leaves the Sea All with vacancies Present Optario 957 Well ushene Seller ROYAL HOUBETICLDGUARDSh service Household GuardI will iiicnmoclzlnted duringthe residence of er uecn we mum mt Elizabeth and Prince Philip at Government House Ottawa October 1213 moorinther navalfcomponent are trir left in rig Western Ldg Seaman Dclson Tuck er Waubaushcne Ldg Seaman Aquilia Northeast 126 McNay AB Jan Miller drilling in Ottawa London and Forest The Guard is