Town Neodsrllliore Industry gt Annexatitinflltiw Bioper Solution Mayor Kinzie Iells Barrie Kiwanis Maynrzwillard Kinlic addressed ilarric Kiwanis Club on Annexa lion at 11 Scpl l0 dinner meet ing ll Comlniinily llnnsr ltis Vnr ship brought along six large maps 01 iha area as well as an aerial plioo oi the town and surrounding countryside Starting an with complimcnt to the club inr its iniorcsl in eivm silairs he traced the history of llii annexation program lrom the rum miitrc which was csinbilscd somc two and onehalt yours ago Tilt commiuco visited the ooparhncni ni llinnicipal Affairs arlcmlod con lcrcncrs on tile suhjcci io diticr ent piaccs consulicd 17 diticrrni groups in the town such as schvol His Worship ptiiuicd out tiiirr are many Rtvantages tiiicliurini linil tor expansion riohi now lzlcc iric powor rules would he inwcrior the annexed arcas industry is nccdcd io onuaiicc taxation loads Education alone including public and high schnoiscosis $400 per your pcr student and in is morc than the arrraga householder pays In taxation Wainr Gigs Town liirnurgir anti rrcnrnrcr iniroducod hy rho hnii saved his salary many Illllts liver by the good work he hail done Willi the towns economics Mr Gig gave the lury ol Bur rie and quoted $1 to show Mayor willi the remark that lit problem CGE Barrie News very noisy but most accen ary building operation in the breaking up at the concrele floor In the area vacated by motor nun utacturing and maehininfl The noise and dust being raised in this area lsqulto problembut all in the Interest ol progress This corner at the old building had beenundcmllned by water during heavy ralnlalls and sprin thaws We found it necessary to tear this floor up and completely rebuild It up to the level oi the new assumny area Work ls progressing quilc Inv urIbly and we should soon be rclievodol this noise and dust New DIIIrI Area Work has commenced on the ON Buiinihie PROGRESS BARRIE PLANT CGE as soon as the ï¬iecenary duct work has been completed by the contractors Thin duct work la nearing com pletion and we should no the roundry are completely reloca ted within the next two weeks This will allow us to complete the machining move and start an punch prcss rclocaiion Parllng Lot The new retaining wall is near ly cornplcicd the sidewalks are In and lhe new parking lot almost ready tor paving The walkway between the Nor ihern boundary once and the new assembly area has been hard topped and the once will be erected completing lhls area New Clubroom The new clubrooin proper Ia honid ham CuNm wn volr ruuni unilirant Planning Board etc reiniiorrship ui industry in new nilinc area this past week almost Completed The walls and mm 50 ncuing in udcmm in pitrum In order to vacate this part of ceiling and new stage have been long study or the subject iis Illltl proscui llhrrld has 31 indusiry lhe building so the contractors painted there Is lust the floor lugs Siiowvti there are two types oi and commercial and residcn can go fish headon the pro tile It lay and the kitchen are loci many moves will be neeess to ï¬nish liv urban and rural and ouch has ttercnl iiiierosts and wants llarrie is now hailly overcrowded and is sprcnding run inio thc roun trysido Asn rcsnli tiiescpnople ouisido tiic iriwnvpnipor have in chouso uno ni ihroo to go They can control the area in which they livc or they can scparnio trorn iho iownship and inrru ihcir own cnmmunily or thoy can ho annexed Ivy tho cummnnrly host able to lake curc nl thoir riyuuruds For an expanding town iikc ll tiai The ideal relationship is so 50 Therulitrt llarritv iitciis ii Kill more industry LegalBreodgrs Take Awards In Sliorlhorns in the sirruui sumru tthuniy lioniouzll shorihurn Show held it ary The plant hospital will be tem purarlly located In the present lilanuiacturing oiilce until the new hospital is completed The hisnuiaciurlng group will be relocated in temporary cilia cos so we can usc thclr otiice as temporary hospital location The new oliico area will lake in the present Cluhrnnm and on area comprising the presalt boss pitul and tool engineering and The kitchen area Is tied In with llie building of the new attire area and the removal DI the rec tinn of cement tloor lust ouuido llie new ciubroom Ali going well we should be in the new cliibraem in the next six weeks and Ibis will allow us to rcmodrl the present cluhroom for office use Tiltre will be many temporary moves involved wilh the moving DI one area in order to build an rtu ll isncchg My In via Ps pump grnup local brccdcrs pail or the south cost cornor rc ether in the iniersts ot progress ml Hi look the lions share or the cnnliy vacated by Floor Polisher and gciiing on with the you many net in ie not surrs ka Judge mm had machinrhg and up to ihc new oi as will be making sacriï¬ces can hr ilrd nlly slilrin sewers itsz nvoidud whcro nniural tntcr conrscs have been turned ililti sir Waters shod levels have in he considorcd so storm rnnniis can he proporly provided Another impiirlluil part III an nexation planning is the division 01 areas into residential millilitr ciai and indusiri Building rc slricliuns Ciln lib nslnblisiieti Iur Champion Spruce Crest Lucky an the beneï¬t DI all At present tiara Strike was uniiIIiLr New Win prcvcnlmn DI blindness program rio is jusl aliniil out oi lnnd inr From the Now licril also Carlie ourrng tho past year industrial purpnic it only 30 acres leit Th nut onou it for one qiiiiricr iii the prospec Ilnccnily one industry was lost lo Barrio bccunsc it required piece at hind or big plant and nniie was available Land is also needed for waste and refuse disposal which is no small problem MEN YOUR COVERAGE leak in YOUR Insurance Cuv crrgo could bring serious loss You should have an lNSUiiANCE SPECIALIST litudy over your lil snranm program to he sure YOU are FULLY COVERED with the right Insurance to cover YOUR hoods at the lowest comparable cost Call us today ror an insur ance Survey Ii III STEVENSON INSIIIIIINIIE SEE US FIRST F01 Inaurance at ALL KINDS PA 35201 tile Sttnior and FCmiilL with Iiirhlirrle Zoe 3rd lhls good cow had been Reserve Champion at tho IILgiuniil Show year ago William New iil Slrnud had the Senior and ï¬rantl Champion Bull with Spruce Crest Iuily Rail gcr who also had won Reserve iiilniirs lint your Reserve Junior the Junior and Re HT Grand Cliampiitii Funding junior call iiniiieil Spruce Crust Nnnparcil as Well its the Reserve Senior Champion Futnulo Sprlicc Cresl Beziiiiy llk Spritiilc zilin ill Sirilud llflll llic lluservu Illnittl Cilnmp inn female Sliiitly lizlwn Snow ilnko TIIL liurlls iiI and Crnwloril Iiiilli iii llrn Stu titili also won several Iirsis in this Show MOUNT ST LOUIS Nicrs chddinu hir and lilr Maurice lrlizsrr ald niicndori Ilie wcddrng nl ihorr nicco twon Siliels in Toronto on Saturday Appointed Io Ncw Iflrisli iilncrs liltlier Rev Ililliiiisim The pa made it presentation in Marilyn on Sunday night iiosnitai visit liluny month oi the commun iiy have visited lr5 iiichnol Frawlcy and illrs lngraru Amos in Ponoiuug ilospiiai lilrs Amos has now returned homo Mrs smart and Bob or Niagara Falls visitod Mrs largoret Brown Mr and Mrs rancis oronicr attended the MursliallGrcnier wedding at Pcrkinsliuld on Satur day Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs Harold Carver and Jack Rumliall 01 Toronto vis at Michael Frawleys nvoi 95 Dunlap Admission 50c Auspiccs 01 MUSIC HY THEI IKYTIIMAIIIES LoooraLLows TEMPLE SPOT IRIZ the weekend FRIDAY 123 inl Iampiiln the I00F AFTERNOON 24 BACK TO scuoot brought oraoa six their ilrst project the making or model landscape The above three winners are Sharon Lindstrom left 10 years old and second prize BMiKYAltD Complete with flower garden won Peter Cook winner Volundu Kokmeyer 11 third prize and Nancy Bloomfield 10 took tirst aver 12 or Grade six Codrington street School titth prize in the Landscape project Mrs Lucas was the teacher in charge or the project which took the studean two weeks to Complete GRENFEL Sunday Service Communion will in Grunth United CIIuIClI on Sun day Oct ll accent Visitors Recent visitors with Mr Mi Van Duran were Mr and Arnold Rodgers Lynn and Barry oi BundAHead Anniversary Service Mr and Mrs Howard attenti ed anniversary service at Angus Piuith slialilili= siiunniiocioiahvs EVENINGBJO 1030 and continllling we My be observed on Sunday and visited with Mr and Mrs Mediaster and Mrs Susan Mclllasler Sympathy of Community Sympoihy or the community is extended to the Harrison Ianiily in the death oI Miss Margaret Harrison who passed away on Friday Sept 27 at Pattons Nurs ing Home Edcnvalo Out 01 Hospital We are glad to know that All red llarrison was able to return home from Royal Victoria Hospi tal on Saturday From Sundridgo and Vyear retired as The models were on homes with gravel yards shrub trees and doll people The houses were made bristol board and painted in color Three teachers at the school did the lodging CNIB Advisory Committee Held The annual meeting DI the Bar rie nndDistriet advisory commit too to the CNIB was hold Wed ncsdny evening Sept 25 Board mcmhors their wives and hay biinds were the guests oi airs Ilawson Election or Oititers Arihiir high most cliicl cnt cha man for tile padl tour chairman al gh remaining on the board Baker tiarrie was talent on ehairman with William Clarke Barrio vice chairman liirs liar old Wohb is secretary and II Hancock trcasurcr Mrs Charles Agnew of panic iioy Hrcklrng of Ernie and Miss Bar Stewart ed in reprcsoni tiie advisory board on the Simcoe County Service Ex tension Committee Mr Pugh is the representative on the Ontario Div ion Board at Management Reports llarold Webb presented re port on hlind persons he has visi ted in the past few months Miss Emily Philpolt home teacher presented report on the pro gress being made by eight hlind persons in the area who arcw celving home leaching Some arg receiving instructions in braille while others are receiving lessons in Iypewriling leatherwork and other handicrafts Murdock district ï¬eld secretary reported that thero are now 58 blind persons in the area serviced by the Barrie and Di trio advisory board Fifteen blind persons are receiving hraiilc or talking books from the library Nine persons obtained specially adapted appliances games mm the salesroom department Dne blind lady from Barrie is living at Clarkewootl Residence in Toronto Almost all blind persons received service of sonl oiin during the past year Thirtymen women and Children in the area have hecti served through the and iiiyrna oi Sundridgc are visit ing this week at Norman Me Mrond Mrs Laurence McGIlr ripr pnavrurnau warn OCTOBER by virtueot resolution passed by the Council at the Town at shame hereby proclaim the WEEK 01 Dctober 6th to Girrtla in 19517 in 1957 secretary tortlie CNIB inHamii Wesley Stanley district Iicld tori addressed the meeting Ho reviewed the history oi the CVNIB with particular emphasis on the new service centres and rcsiden ecs which have been built in re cent years lie congratulated members 01 the board tor the work they have been doing in this area Arthur Morrow moved vote oi thanks to the speaker it was rcporiod by Art Pugh lhilt Hit 195 campaign or units was very saccessltii The total raiecdjn Barrie and districtwas $7449 motion extending direct ass sirtanco to three visually handia capped persons was passed at the Cliihruom During this construction pro not many at us will be working in temporary ottices and genera ally making thc best at it in the interest of progress Foundry Are The laundry pols have been re located and are back in aluminum production The balance of the OLD TYME MODERN DANCING EVERY SATURDAY LUCKY SPOT DANCES Toni Pattcndon 0rchciitru ODDEELLIIWS TEMPLE Collier St ADMISSION 50¢ AUSPICES IOOF Barrie The cooperation oI everyone in lhis regard will be greatly apprelt elated ii Civil uricace sooms impossi hie think how much more Im possible lilo would be with bombs iallln and no CD meeting It was also decided to hold sale at work made by the blind In this areabelorc Christ sniolav suntan October 51 Featuring THE RHYTHM CHORDS sTnsotionai Rock Roll 0r choslra lrom Toronto and their special vocalist Adm siPn 50c I00F liov lrailror Miirvyii parish were appointed to the mas prrosi been appointed to at aradior now pari at Snyder on the Ni odvuory hoard Mr Baker Don MONDAY OCTOBER Him is gum or is hinges and Art rugh worc elects ioor nan PM 5190m IACKPOT BINGO cornea sT Italian with the Barrie Distric DANCING CLASSE Please register at Collegiate PillIi SIIIIIIIIE Illllllilllli Classcs organized byvthe Sinicoe county Recreation Servicc In at EYENING LASSES COMMENCING TIIESIIIIY OCT Basic Folk Dancing or Ibopm Squoro Dancing at 815 pm Advanced Folk Dancing at 915 pm FEEVFDII 10 EVENINGS IS $201 Collegiate SEYERY TUESDAY Gymnasium on opening ight Stunning lam no Present WITIjITONYVANBRIDGE tr DAWN GREENHALG Nljlliiltl ShékéSpearos VOTHEELO1 Nelsdayr Ootgher as Flrelrcventiun Week In the Town 01 Barrie All ci zen are requestedto check their premises for family wiring or detective healrproducliig materials and have 10111 repaired or replaced immcoiniely All combustible rubbish should he romoved to prev vent any outbreaks of tires oil burner should be kept fully checked before the current heating season commences runaway to sarvnnnaqiitrgms ChildmnsSession $arnrdd7a1 122 at 81 um indium lilSTllltlT NtliTllitlllEtiIlITE Ticketsnvnilabla omeuadopa Phar ao ycoliier so startinpo ioognorrie nitroussame as LAsTsnaso 57