41m mama EXAMINER FRIDAY tieroach iosi er Maiesiys Visit closed circuit broadcast to reach the pres across Canada occurred on Tuesday aitcrnoon to educate the press on the coming visit at the Queen This was open at all TV stations across Canada and Barrles CKVItTV sent out invIA lstions to about 40 press sources in this area to attend Having been lssigncd to do coverage oi the visit at Her MI esty to Ottawa on the Thanks giving weekend we together wlth the photographer Ited Folem were among those who watched this broadcast at the studios DI CKVR The from or the atatlnn were very courteous and besides making these who came very welcome they served entice and biscuits during the hour show The broadcast began with the general manager oi the CBC Dav ldson Danton telling ot the events which have prompted the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora tion to spend some $275000 to give to Canadians the story at the visit oi Her Majesty during her 20 odd hours of public appearance in our capital city The proceedings will require the services at over 2oo people and will he dolle in both English and French or both radio and TV We were told at the many miles ot cable and other equip ment that would be needed to get the broadcast over Irom avery point along the route that will be traversed by the dilterent tours that will be part oi the Visit After these details were cit plalned the meeting was thrown open for questions and these were asked by representatives of the press who were in Ottawa We recognized one member at the Canadian Press who asked question The questions were mostly to do with the procedures at the broadcast One asked what would happen during the inter vals between one place and ano ther and we wcrc told that many special extracts Irom Canadian writers had been chosen to read over the air and also that de tailed description of the city at Ottawa would help to fill in as the tours progressed Another question asked was it the Queen would read her own speech on the opening at Parlia merit The answer was deï¬nitely so and she would read it both in English and French The wave was switched to To ronio and questions trom press people gathered there were heard and answered lrom Ottawa female Voice asked it survey had been made toascertain it the broadcast would be ielt necess ary Jhe answer was that the management was sure that it would be very acceptable and ex pected that over 20 million Cane adiuns would be tuned in to eith er radio or TV Ten new sta tionsï¬nevor before on the not WofltaJVOLIId IID hooked in and this Would make the greatest cov eragefover attempted She went on to ask if the poll which catcd 407 oi the peopl csted would have any conside lion She was told It would not We were laid that there werv two networks in the USA which had asked or the coverage lroni Canada and they had agreed to accept it on the terms at th CBC which was that no advent ing was to be coupled with it The CBC manager told In his closing remarks that the 3215000 would come train the regular hud get as no granls were anticipated and it meant about one per cent at the annual budget which had not been taken Into consideration when the estimates were made IVY Hostess To WA Miss Esther Downer was host ess to the Womans Auxiliary at Christ Church ivy on Thursday Sep 26 with 10 members pres cnt Mrs Jennctt the pres ldcnt opened the meeting with hymn and prayers Bible reading train Psalm IO was read by Mrs Henry Davis The treasurers re port was given by Is Dunncli Mrs Mopkr gave report at the Junior Auxiliary conference held in Toronto and it was Very inter esting to hear how the juniors were getting along During the business plans were made to have ntternoon tea and bauar on Oct 18 at the church The missionary story was read by Mrs Henry Davis The pro gram with Mrs Banting In charge Included two readings one by Mrs Elwood Jennett Should the Protestants Unllcl discussed by live clergy ot diiioh ent churches and Religion and Lite by Mrs Seven Monks The meeting closed with prayer by the president liotreshmenta were served and very pleasant social hour enjoyed by all Visits Mother Mr and Mrs Arthur Hayward visited with Mr Haywards moth cr It Veroer Wt Meeting The ivy Womens institute will meet at the home at Mrs lamcsl Demltrott on Oct to Please note change oi date Mrs Frank Phair at Port Dal houaiespent the weekend at home withhcr parents Mr and Mrs Vennett Mr and Mrs Field at Elmvale spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs George Carruthcrs Mr and Mrs Bruce McVanell spent Sunday with Mrs Tipping or Tottenham and her daughter Mrs Heath at Boston Mr and Mrs Cleve Patton Sharon and Eddie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs sell at Newton Robinson Folk Dancing Course two months course in tollt and square dancing tor the young people at Ivy community will he held In the Orange Hall beginning Oct Mrs Gordon Todd Church member at Simcoe County creation Service will be leader CKVRTv CHANNEL not one ram lino viiimin rainav nor ms mt rottarn 1n chriitoahan on or none Mo uwav Dowdy am Niddln Faun no Miphly not no Camlnv varu Wnurn 1pm rarm meant an no Wanna us sum lhnna th ran Armchair Travailr last the Maniaill Ml suuoav iam clowns um Portraits at Nitlar um ea or cc lilm playpen Apain country wnauman ctlkth ants up no1 Em cairnan she uncut him it today in room II community um this link runny ear us Waria Sui 4m channai now too caminc no tannus matsv Spaa 1n as Test Datum iiio may more niau ass Warts kiln no mi Pathvn us Man To Man ï¬rm arms up now 136 My Nam lions II Today ill Inert on oer mason 14 World no no Test sss rho chr concr too channel womans on newsm wa oer Wflmlltc wants mm pronto nun country runetion arm one news 15 YcIay in sun rim community 3110 mum MIle CKBB PROGRAMS ritiiuv am am unsuita up iiullauo uu ESSS irir Anew Hisamen no um ao Jack Rutti ï¬ne gear Egon ggggflflir 5° cw cm 00 an cam Hum ram neport inn ultattn iau News it apart Score wrunoiiv us also on 600 Bob Mckan art no flaws Sport Score 645 nrm Marlt moan Now floor Scorn manNeva Headlines on non erase 838$ ss it 00 also non iiha at tho weer inn NI mittr union run lAWlev autuuv Adjusts by itaotavtat iaso um 21 noon sootuuu Nun nan udllnu not vlni Corey Milton Ton scan on DlAil23o canin Lm ioha tar womra Blier nu THE ll Funeral service will be held at Angus United church on Satur day Oct It 230 pm for Will iam Hyde Kirby foreman at the Angus trce seed plant at the On torin Department at Lands and Forests who died suddenly at his home on Wednesday Oct He was in his dist year Mr Kirby welirknnwn and respected citizen ot the commun ity sinned with the Angus plant in 1935 He was president oi Barrie Di rict Civil Servants As sociatlon member oi Angus Hor ticultural Society Angus United Church and Corinthian Masonic Lodge Barrie The Masonic serv vIce will be observed by the brelt ihren of his lodge at Angus Cem ctery tollowlng the church ser vice Mrs Kirby the Iormer Florv ence Edna Scott survive with son Calvin oi Richmond Hill and daughters Lillian Mrs Frank Keaman of Laura Saskatchewan and Rosemond Mrs Stanley JenA nctt ol Barrie also tour sisters Mrs Eison Mrs Gal braith Mrs Galbrai and Miss Mary Kirby APTO Mrs Lawson and little girl at Sudbury have been visiting with Mrs Chester Richardson Mr and Mrs McFadden Bax ter visited Mr and Mrs Mr Fadden one day last week Mrs McFadden had the mis iurtunc to chip bone on the instep at ooedoot in tall re cently which caused considerable pain and swelling and had to be taped tightly for tew days We are glad to know it is improving now Scholarship Winner Congratulations to Alfred Kanil on winning the $100 scholarship award at BBC Wedding GuestI Mr and Mrs Clarence Carson and girls Herbert Carson Mr and Mrs Irving Carson also Mr and Mrs Carson Edenvale were guests at the GoddenFrcelt wedding at Whitby on Sept 21 From Germany Mrs Von Patersdorl ot Haa over Germany is visiting tor iew months with her Ioninliiw Von Gadenstedt Dr and Mrs Stolbcrg of Hamilton were also recent visitors there Parents and all others interested are cordially invited Sunday Service Holy Communion next Sunday at pm Service at pm during October side entrance to the church base merit will be on display at the her on Monday and daughter Mr and Mrs There will be celebration 0i proposed plan or haw LOWEtL Birih at San Cdngralulltians to Mr and Vern iiumherson on the arc at baby boy at the and Hospital Collingwood Back Home Mn William Mansbrililte has returned homc liter spending some time with her brother AArnold ItaIny ttlvcr Weekend Vlstt Waterford spent the weeken Miss Betty McIntosh oi Driiil Arthur Mumberson oi Oshaw and Glen Mumberson ot Londo spent the weekend with the tcrs parents Attended Funeral gt Quite tow trom herc atlen ed the funeral of the late Joh ONeil who was buried at Stayz Flu Suitcrcrs number are suiicrinl tram the ilu Back Home lurs Wes Mumberson has re turned home alter spending two weeks in tiurkdaie with tor and Mrs Wilson Birthday Wishes Congratulations to Mrs Cor bett who celebrated her B7lb birthday on Oct MINESING New Barber Shop new barber shop has open ed up in the village In the house iormerly occupied by Jim Hutun prior to his moving to Brace bridge The shop will be open for customers Wednesday ThurSc day and Friday evenings trom to 10 Former Teacher Archie Gilles Iormer school teacher in the old flame school died and was buried in King Cemetery Sept 19 Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs George Johnston visited last Sunday with Mrs lllePhec at Port McNicol Her late husband was Dr literhee MP Mrs Clayton Sprott and Mrs pill Sccley at Eadjcros visited with Mr and Mrs Richard Plow right last Tuesday Mr and Mrs McNicol oi Newmarket also vise tied with them last Sunday Honest Thanksgiving Harvest thanksgiving service last Sunday at 11 oclock Rev Mr Downer oi Singltampton was the minister Rev Gordon King occupied the pulpit at slnghamp ton it was pleasing to see so many members oi St Paul Midhurst and Christ Chuich Vespra in attendance lliiiliiliilii DBUES LIMITED Prescription Filling is it mm mm at you but protection in our pvmnlnd preurlptlon amiss church DSSA no iF YOU EARN CourAcr install wva SCHOOL Fully itanrated to merit achcma gt1 uuuala by martin s4000 AVYVEAR nun Have been wAiriNg Fol AN NBA 331111091 Bllflï¬ï¬‚tflw wiriiDovvn rAvMENr hunch sloovowirti nonsense Amonrist even canine aspirant 25 on so ltcAiis onstiuction Corp Homcsju calico PARK ssocxsiwivlncw commune stock mom OAKLEY PARK sumac arches rocnoossrnoM liieludés Stdrhsxchrecns and Sodding Comnienéiiig eonptruetlon immediately under new CMHC Govern oe by Christmas was no NW mm BERNICK 610 IOZO 1046 1037 SQ FT purchasers choice tin funk and daughters at We hope they will soon be better an 32m DECOY Ducks oistrong motildcd composition was held in St Peters Church Mallard or Black Duck SPECIAL EA 410 63 SPECIAL For safety motors to boats Shotgun adapter SPECIAL SET Shotgun Ammunition Shotgun shells ins In length with shot sizes sci 99 sunzit sillillis securing SPECIAL EA Clean nu Not Set Consisting at piece rod cot ton wadding bronze brush and 99° THIS SPECIAL OFFER EFFECTIVE oer OCT 12 only Choose any Regular 45 to 48 Drapery Fabric in tile Department priced Irum 160 yard and EATONS will make drapes to your speciï¬cations single houhlc rriple or Multiple widths in any given length lined or unlined and with pinchpleated or shirreti headings And there will be absolutely no charge tor tile work involved You pay only tor the materials chosen from the wide range oi weaves textures and Inbrics plain or patterned in rainbow oi colours with EATDNS Drap cry Department otters srlghtcn your home ior lali Save during thisexccptlonal otter Please allow about Weeks tor delivery lulu oscillate KIT Contains bottle at powder sulvent tic material with soit BOAT IENIIEIIS Made oi durable non porous plas cotton sroRs Hears 900 mm to 530 pm WEDNESDAY p00 am to 12 noon Modem Style NOSTESS CHAINS Walnut Iinisilcd hardwood logs resilient nasal seat Colours grey green brown blue red predominating Scat measures approx 18 ID Buy In pairs at lhlis special low price EATON Special Price Each sale Sporting accessories riisli LIGHTS INFLATABLE OIISIIIONS Made ni heavy rubberized luck material Size approximately ii is Soit Point title Shells SPECIAL 32 Winchester Special 3030 Cal for 99° 99c and tin oi gun oil stays two long litc batteries SPEZAL SPECIAL EA SPECIAL IIiIIe Ammunition Shotgun Ammunition popular shot sizes SPECIAL 12 to 99C SPECIAL EA BOAT SEAT BAOII IIESTS Heavy duty steel Iramcs Cuver ed with strong canvas 99° BOAT ANONOBS Heavy cast iron boat anchors will pointed ilukcs App lbs cat outboard oeity ritle shells SPECIAL for 99c SHOT GUN AMMUNITION SPECIAL EA popular shot cs SPECIAL The BARlilE EXALIVIINER with incnis NOTE TI blEGLEIt Ing cumin and economy on heat exchanger MODEL IOOVBSONOO BTUfOuIputfï¬ï¬‚un cu it capacity EACH rMODDLiflSE UB 80000 BTU Output Ilille Ammunition aoo Savage zoos Springï¬eld and 303 British Soft Point high vel Iti Gauge Shot Gun Shells Most Exclusive wit VEATO swoinone Iicutmuker no lnner heat tuber plus hcatlag Rubberillounted in motor tor quieter mouremeieiit operation Constructed of strong cast iron 10year manufacturers replacement warranty Handsome porcelain enamel tinisii euytocicuii Ind hardwearing MODEL KHUG 5viltlo iiru Output 5000 cu it capacity IZ OAIIOE SIIOTEIIN SIIELLS SPECIAL 13 for 99° 12 Gauge SIIOTEIIN SHELLS sizes 33 76 SPECIAL Fast clean Dependable Heating splendid way to lien dranghty recreation room to scepthc whole house warm and colnlortahle protect the inmin trom colds tllls Winter The Sicgler otters wide variety nt models to suit your every need too from an auxiliary hcarcc his one raom to treatingsysieln tor savenroom house Splendid or homes without basc CEkrIONALjiEATUItES enhance ichcnv Special worm an outlet at the bottom ol the heotcraprovlaca Warnerlupr lier cllnmlier or added 226150 tn 20 Gauge Shot Gun Shells Most Long Range Shot size BB Quality grade Heavy load Shot Quality grade metal case with preioeused bulb complete with