Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1957, p. 7

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Evenilul PA um PROPERTYFOR SALE lrIlCCD lime olee to down town norm plur our roots deleted in Will lee Dull hardwood loam eerparl ednente drivery Apply as ilep isiil neuuuAn Polsruilm New orieli turn hedeom nnep home on eprelour lende ioL Very eentrrl liner ntehea AvPly st needle sl PA Hui lOiMill ties Business Opportu orro rullnv Eellined yourrail in prod rule outlaw selee contextt lienirie Local ierriteriee now wen inveetpieni required stood splendid opportunity ror en emulve area over yrrn at pie stet partku Irrr end llv hone number In writing toBol rrrle Ellmlner nitzlle PROPERTY FOR RENT APARTMENT slave end trip muli rilrhen rooms central lorer on herlrd our only Very ow rent to the rim omen euii working couple Cell min drown lieri Eella Phone PA um BEDROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT lenr room lento kttunrn euphornlr modern piece bathroom linen elo rrte privrte enlrenre err perr Int rnediril paeeerrion Apove Moons shoe Slam APPLY AT STORE i5iilwlil ll lioer ouren Phone PA etisae isiliile liiuaiir unturnlrhed roonir hlet rnd ugh lhonr PA will sill Burk llouee and hour Apply 50 Tillili SI Phone siu arricu llPAcit turn write Box rrrrle drernlner iHIII usuuooil Home Warm lienreneote Iliiv conveniences lhonn Wereer qu isllslia um MaDunN unlarnlehod overt oient liroied Phone mm lsmilv LARGE unlistle liourah ping room all heated inlkinz rpeae Phone PA asml lsmiu DDOMAparlliitnl hunt and llhtl ind water supplied ltllpiy i55 ene isliuis trnr st hioiluilN 3mm downtriw elec lriclty suppiitd ua per month Fnona PA elm Allis LARGE lirluhi iurliisti hedroonir end kildieli Jilin prelo red Phone PA dam iiutr ruluuisuuii WinterirtzdCDMI Ap ply Prhounne upeor snrnryDry Phone Ora flu iSlllli rAulii LAND or rent or on rhrre illesls ilrrrie vielnlly Apply ilox ll Barrie Examiner isiilrill IIDUSE hndroomr olrhert earrre immndluie possession on Phone PA or pro eii liedud At NDALE rneni eprrinient eon verilnnro Up to ehllilren wclconl Apply lDiltl eDle cantrei down town Mery SI Phone PA nNDnEDROOM Apr at tarnished or unmmlshed iectrkniiy equipped Hit and riava Phone PA um isiltlioiia noun lur ed apartment centrei Doctri2nnge oieelrle mirilelllor not end eold writer Plume PA ii isii it aAclintau Apunrnent nvriiahle act moms and path ssn per month cenirri lienied Phone PA was islleiis Nsw MUDEILN hedroarn eprrtmerii eiretrloelly equipped wilh irundry leis illtlel for rent by Nov Phone PA 66031 lsilnitwr nourish hauled aprrimeht lrerhiy decorried central basement and err on heavy wiring Phone PA M231 1541541 evenings HOUSE room in ivy nirnaee wrter inrlde CIosu to sehnoi nore chumhu Possession act in Phone lmt lvy l5illll1 uPseems Apartment wlih inride ennvenieneer rooms partly turnirhi ed No 0bectinn to small way Phone Hemlock P5955 15 Mount room herted hrsernent eprrtlnent sell contained Private bath rnd entrence Apply dz Nelson St Phone PA 54671 isilSlll minimum room heated merit private enlranoe eieen brilht end very central 5uilepie or two rdultr Phone PA mills PultNisusD nourakeeplen raorh rlrn bedrsittinl room on hat weter hert ed Kllohen privilegu Ure ol rm Adults Phone PA weal lbildplll haolvl eeu eontelned unrurriiehed rprrllaent all heeled oormaodiour Adultr only Abrteinerr Av lepie Nov North st Phone PA D2359 women lurnlrhed heated apert merit trip rnnze euphorrde leuadry privilerer eariven peer Military eou ple prelelreu Fin anehie rent Phone PA Dml iDm YEARRDIJND redraani eottue city eenvenllncer rorrlizerrtor heevy da rlove Apply ivire Poiier Micheleope coitrrer iorn rnd Moeiey wrrrre nereh i5lMtl sell MDNTII in room brick home all heried ronvenleneee sultruie ror rernlllee Lelillr 5i Apply oputtr lteel Blue owen St Phone PA Mina iolll UPPER nurwx molar herdwaed lioorr runroorn end garage hat wrter heetlnr all area Seir eonirlned Avriirhie now Aduiu Apply Mrry sr iblil Room Apartment unrumlrhed healed prl te hath plenly or any horrd rpr Fresth deeorrtad Nler loenilo rvy rlnty wirihe Paulie PA 31039 15 COHAGZ in the Your at 05 Henry St Elmo ii onlhiy Inlid con vnnllnul Ahslnin II Limit child ren Vlllnt DCL ll Apply Demo end pan ioiu aunnoom Home Oil heutlnl lin irhed den and plry room Clan to rehoelr nod monthly Lerre repaired AvailbluNw Apply Box Bar rle Examiner lsiie PuttNiuiizn Aeoopaiodrliori roadie eleo unheated rurnirhed roam end penlry sultehle for couple end one tliilid Appiy ii Owen mu illtie rime ee street PA DulIAuLl allie so oerled warhrooai Temple Bulidili lrnniedietr oeeupe tion Per la eetoa epply cm eEmrfilgllfiall honeM PA in 0hr dry PA s9 up 155 isiixiill reeiiltler ureerile gnufeAoroMollLes As LOW As IO7o DOWN and UP to 30MONTHS lofPAY ON ONE OE THESE Ai USED CARS AT BAY CITY MOTORS I952 STUDEBAKER Champion Starlight Couple overdrive transmis sion heater body and interior as new Recent light green paint job This car must be seen to be appreciated $77500 1953 CONSUL SEDAN From Ford of England Equipped with heater deep tread tires riginal black finish medianic ally good Up to 32 miles per gallon rare model in fine shape $59500 I954 FORD Customline two door with air conditioned heating diréctional signals Finished Alaska White Orig inally sold and regularly serviced by us this car has been owned by local doctor and is in lovely condition $1 15000 1955 METEOR Niagara Tudor Custom gmodel equipped with radio air conditioned heater new slip covers Fin ished two tone brown and white low mileage car owned by localschool teacher $159500 I956 FORD Customline two door Custom built radio white waIItires turn signals air conditioned heating lovely dark green finish 9000 originalmlles sold by us and regularly serviced at our service station $189500 $25 DOWN for good cheap transportation THESE CARS ARE PRICED TO SELL WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM FOR NEW AND AI USED CARS $14900 9900 1949 Meteor Sedan lssolord Ciull Coupe No motor 1950 len Motorcycle 9900 1950 Dodgelih ton 19900 1960 Meteor Sedan $1990 Club Coll New motor Needs minor burly em $19500 YOU CAN SEE THE EXCITING ALL NEW EDSEL ALT OUR SHOWROOMS BAY CITY MOTORS Showrooms and Offiées at Market Square Barrie Phone PA 85526 Used Car Lot at 45 Bradford Street Barrie Phone PA 87931 AUTOMOBILES HAROLD HILL LTD HIGH VALUES LOW PRICES i655 CHEVROLET i5fl carton redid very elern err rreen low rollergr l955 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN IInnl rrern canola rrdlo new eeet ravere 1954 PLYMOUTH PLAZA SEDAN Zxont whlie eud hiuv re excellent ulile lenilly err i951 PLYMOUTH SAVDY um SEDAN tone arreh new reel eoverr oped runninl Low prlre 1954 PLYMOUTH PLAZA DOOR ei hiarir nzw rerl raven ilrlie rure reinlly tone my 1953 FORD CUSTOMIJNE 2DO0R Deire wllh prown trim 1952 STUDEBAKER CLUB COUPE tone merepn end hello low milellue err 1951 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN tone pine new rent ooverr Ainrort new white wall iirer Good runnlne low priced err 751 MORRIS OXFORD SEDAN Economici llltle err at low price 1951 PLvMouTll CAMBRIDGE SEDAN Derlr hlue hnirii new rerl revere ertn pond runninz car Good tins 1950 PLVMOiml SEDAN illemon linisti mqior Inst DVEPhlllirld flood tilts custom ndiu new In on 1949 DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN lei hilrk euiorneiie rrdlo reepilow ei condition 1947 KAISER SEDAN Extra ellan lor 01 err no nut lpou excellent ilree rent Coven W51 PLvnoulli swan lssl cilavilourr door MANY OTHERS T0 clioosz man We Have Few Top Quality Trucks 1952 FARGO TON Heavy Duty New molar elniorr new ilres eomhlnnilon dump body Lotr ol rurvlee in this unit 52 PAllao lirTDN Expnm 52 cm lkloN Exans in Milan lrloN EXPRESS One owner WE ARE OFFERING TERRIFIC DEALS ON FEW DEMONSTRATORS HAROLD HILL LIMITED mryeler Plymouth hm l72182 BRADFORD ST PHONEPA 85355 oPPlcE AND snownoou 55 Dunlop st Wat Burn 11 CHEV Bel Air door mmolt Nillnrl door Porto Pririene door VOLKSWAGEN glitzv Pepel MORRIS Minor door MORRIS Minor door PREFECT door DODGE when pickup thLYs Jeep wheel drive VIAU MOTORS BALES AND SERVICE l1 oowANsl PHONE PA Mm DOLLAR FDR list list last lvsl use its lilo mo in im DOLLAR you CANT BEAT HALWiO and AD oN PAGE Ilfllll ma llithiAN good eondllloiijrhane PA lslle me Momch Men toMIrhtIu end bleeir rood eondliloa Phone PA 095 evenlnll lilllil lm clmv tartar perieL Motor body end tirer in nod olldltlon Phone Mm lrli ism Jrotr Pickup sell or eerie or Phone Mi Strand tilt in Porto nelnllne Dedell Privately owned will eerulder remem PM Phone PA was 151 or Pill Drrdlordilreet Aureliolies FRENCH MOTORS your Dodge DeSoio Deslen aller Savings Up to Hurfireydsof Dollars on 57 Demonstrators SAVE ON THIS ONE 1957 Dodgé Regént Club Seden powerliile transmission wheel men turn rigneis link up lights Driven lei than low milEs end offered at huge flying with Iuii new on wlmnly LOW DOWN PAYMENTS AND EASY TERMS WITH UP TO 30 MONTHS TO PAYAS YOU DRIVE See these Dependable Used Cars I954 Plymouth PIILI two door Scdln ilnlshrd In Belulliul San Pedro lIlue equip ped air conditioned healing lulri Ilgnlls and wheel covrrs I954 Dodge Mayfair Very rilrretlve Sedan llnlslied in ennui Crpon Blue equipped rir nndilluhetl heating rlidlo turn ilzmls Very low mileage on wilil good liru rod in first class condition illl through I953 Plymouth Sedan Hydrlve ironrniiarion air conditioned heating wheel covers hint or thoroughly overhauled Finished in rtlnetlve Miami Green Melaliic finish really Depclidsble Used air I956 Dodge Regent Two tone Black and Pink VB Sedan Equipped with aulnmuic transmission whitewlil lires air conditioned heating directional signals I95I Pontiac Economical ilmliy Sedan Iinlshed in hurdiwearing dark hilit Mechanically right I953 Chrysler Sedan cylinder model ilnirhed coronation Blue Aniomrtle transmis sion new whileweli tires wheel covers turn signals seat covers Exoepllanoily clean Inside and out I955 Dodge Regent This door Shdan has Solex gins air conditioned heating wind ihieid washers wheel covers and is ilnishod in Georgian Green I953 Dodge Regent Vermont Green Club Coupe VTIIII car has just had new paint job new seat covers and is very smart and clean I955 Dodge Royal vii Royal Lancer loaded withextras such custom built radio timeless lira air conditioned heating turn signals wheel covers Distinctive illteg lone styling in Sundown Belle Seal Grey and Siguenny Blue One of the finest and smartest 1955 models ever produced I955 Chrysler This mrgnllicent Windrbr Finilhed in prtrlcirn blue ditioned heating eieetrle windshield wipers wheel covers wull tires and powertllte transmission I954 Chevrolet 12 Ton This line panel has instillith body and has been refinished clean as new Inside Ind out Selim represents luxury and style equipped with turn signals air fili TRANSPORTATIONAS TRADED IN PRICED TO SELL mm EXAMINER FRIDAYOCTOBZB 195 AUTOMOBILES li lan Deidre in ereeueni eondr lion Cub talc Prlvete owner Apply on herrie tatminer ieiie lull until min lleht hearerrep lae rperlmehi Apply mu pm et liner st Phoee PA om ullltl use mull Cuneroiine ndio herier turn rlrn Phone siroud serii nu PLYMOUTH sedeo ereeilrnt roo dition carton dl Merry cxlru Apply and Die Apt rvrninn uiiule lomllil drive tow rnlieur mart he rold or elerr erlete upon or Dell alter Apply rare it nerwen in NPwton 5t ill CAIl Iti Wholerrle Price mp am im Meteor seen mo Vul itsl rord AFAeirlne coanrlDln pleeli exterior red end while up hoirtery tall power equipment zoo orller rrrde rrrrpird airy ierrnr been gt and Senior Chapllin lo the Armed 41 DA nuCRItum raeelhr old ier rrie clear stoiierr RR churehlii ltiiul ammonites DAY Remembrance Dry service will be held in Trinity Angilcnn Ciilllrb on Sunday Nov ID The special pmlciler will he ilrlglriier RI Rev Wells CSIG DD VD former Bishop of Moosollee Forces it pin Veterans ere ee pecilliy welcomed SEED AND FEED nan Chovrri sun wented Delor uliinl conter Henry Divll phone by Ioillll POULTRY WOOD FOR SALE Wt mnnwoan ru blue in eolor aulorneht ineluder iner reetr heeter windrhieid wrrh rrr Dow mileleane owner ur Ne iredeinr plrree Na rerronehie reeh otter relured my be eeen Selurdey on it nu Toronto so nr uile until phone PA Colon windrhlrld reahvlew lnlrrorr rpot iirer whliewrilr wllh up llrthe item and new print late Your choice or color Per ouier rrie H015 Ap ly aeorrer senoco serviee slelinn llrhwry Io hagu Phone ilzniioeir wfll er ill itaaiii Winterlred Cutlllll ai Minein Point Immrdlrle oereulon Phone PA Mm Wlu auAurv Dunrriow hedroomr ell herillie piece peih lull hrrnmenl douole Ilu rally lendreaped Phone PA we lDilMla ROOM AND BOARD centrel Phone PA Hash irmtl noonAND noAitD then re run cerntorirhle homn Phono PA um 11th noon AND IloAnn Gentlemen er lrulee Phone PA auu 34 Mary St lzill ltooM ANn lloAltn evrlleole her reatiernrn Sep rte bear Phone PA Hui iilil ROOMS FOR RENT cLzAN PA earl Phone Slll NICE CLEAN hedrooln all her suli one Phone PA asm lsii COMFORTAILE iurnirhed room Would ruil reniiemen Phone PA 33908 uiluls HINDLB moms wth runnan wrier rnd telephone hy lhe week Weillnrlaa Hotel Barri uilliuv gagging ciellln hedraa ar reri errien cenlrei 662 PA Moll dbliar axiom ciuru lurrilrhed room Cen trri Aiter inn phoae PA Ism ni rpply at in use si eslilll Pilelm liedraalnr men preterm hioelrr rroitimddirrr town Phone PA alilis eslllils LArialz altrreilve pedqitllne room in lround tiaor rperirneni oil heeled runished crntnl sirll hurlnerr men in Dunlap Dart evlnlnre esllnll lURNisllBD Hoareiree la rue heeled rink hot walerrirll Tiled amugdmilaolr FEDfiles onlriulleol Clnr nil el rd PA 3570 1lioulekrllvlnl lioorn in quiet PLANTS rtowsits NOW is THEVTIME TO PLANT EVERGREENS SHRUBS PERENNIALS HARDY MUMS SPRING FLOWERING BULBS select Now lrorn our large stoelr AFRICAN VIOLET SOIL CUT FLOWERS POT MUMS BEZZANT NURSERIES JOHNSON ST PA M59 Opticlie New Dominion Siorei cAsil cARliY AND SAVE 214 WELL lions Manure we huehel Denali Nunerlee Johnson 11le aerrielr day city hieiorr PA resen all nm uuioro roruen Duliimlfiuvrfil gt 57 voLuWAasN torch horlron mman °nm dnri porpore roeterelr lirepleee Apply Clinton clerk ililniui PA em or rhply lalcodrinpien St eiwm CHICKS aliAv epeeirl rneri hroiier ahlrrr lndirn lilver Amer incrors Mixed rlrd Alli ler rum llrt Arenl ll ueelon phone eerie 184 rim pat rhlettr would he ordered eh Thle Elan rr rlwa yau need the heel Detelo hlrtu or lapr in live rollily cu produrilon anit prohi Let or help on with your ploplemr or dleeuu lea requirementr crii er wriln llllntdrl Poultry rrrrn srrood uloom PROPERTYWANT ANGUS dl BORDEN AREA ii you win to rrii your hoped arm or purlneee eollour represehieilve now KELLY REAL ESTATE aaulron Ave Anna Drills order Pulleir copelend till filollslll GARAGE wenird in hippie floss din rlei Phone PA iltrir nmu Accommodation Wanted uNPuhNissz hoorne dewnt rr wnie Aline Addy na Pool til Buy or phone liounrlone iililu SMALL iurnlrhod apurimeni died by young couplo no children Alien dele dirtrlcl pleierred Phone PA 052m illiollb amtLqu reauirur room or rderri Prelerred Apply Box Barrie axe elnlner ilIildfl MDMED unlurnishrd 1month ll Llt land tenants hone PA 86750 iIlild oust an room epertnieni repair it hy couple with nyenpuld child medlele pollieuion Phone PA nails eitenlien lllr halter 11 FARM EQUIPMENT IBM PoltusoN Molar nluel rrerier Apply Robert Plrrle oro sleilon Phone lfliB arp lplulis mulls ltil oae weyr will at any tractor with 3point hydraulic hltell new never used lert will eeli cheep Phone PA 5333 Ilaltl normluau in road condition core Plete with tooth eultlvrtor end or rower originei eorl over swaPriee mo Phone Anrur ilomoltkuile Mr Edwards lsillil MILKING urchine Prrtr rid servipo an ell make or million le Buru Milterr epa ril miles or tired rnliirrrr We luel heve everythlnr the dollypea needr plue the most eueellve Ply con trol Praerrrn on the rnerret Phone ur ledy ei PA lentil Dorrie Permsu ply iI uniceetar St Drrrle 39 eperiment Win LAD CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND lizPAill SERVICE HOPE Dunlap Weet PA Mm adaorr welt lien or Novr sootlr sDaem T0 warm it rney conce Wiflhm Gravel will not be responsible or hny debts incurred by my wile Elna Graver ram thll dlla on oiinil uvu LEE wlrher to apnouaae th will continue ole blkinl Ind to Ill Wllcil lhi column or filrttlor announcemente For detliiil phono PA D5113 JOil I948 Pl th motor WANTED ymou an on Needs bodywork 2900 $43900 PRICES PAID $29900 tor saithA MEIALB mos I95I PlymouthSedan $43900 Phone PA mosalor PA 08487 i95l nternationol tori $24900 Mmhflnsfigw 29 ICASH TRADE TERMS YOUR PRESENT CAR MIGHT MAKETHE DOWN PAYMENT REQUIR ER ON NEW 0R GOOD USED CAR SAVE MON EY ON TRUCKS I957 Dodge V2 Ton Expresses I957 DodgeSVz ton I7I Cab andChassis I957 Dodge Ton Express PRICED TO CLEARJCQME iNC1 TALK TERMS FRENCH MOTORS PHONE PA 85971 Ilialtd Bsrrls INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dudlepst wret WA Phone PA 66331 or PA 81204 tl Barrie Metal Ev Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS was RIDES mas3Amnms FEATHER LIVE POULTRY Neil mil dnll i1 prime guild spmsi mull dulle most 1365 sol MAX PUSHKOFF AND man Yard and 01m Stillman Sta upon sen weplrd cenrhlnrilon not necereery to ly naru un menuner PF silnls laMlDNl WANIIDIoraut down ID i1 lneher WOULD the lady who picked up eri envelope ol money by the ant wicket the Royal Brnil ol Clnldl on Pei dry ept 11 luv between la ern end no piere phaae New Lowell m5 at sollzlie GREENQCK DISPERSAL SALE vreelnrled lailyreerolted reli subject in Blood Tu WEDNEsDXY Al up pra GREENOCK FARM hocAno MM haunt or Munro mil norms 0P snout 0N llianwn No it Thu tr nod ty herd ot eood rlre end rondlilan ri ee lhepeiy lldaerr wilh hleh milk production rhle herd lr entirely elred oy Mrpie end loroiiln unit rlrer who heve done rut jab ln improving type rnrl prodletter neulhtere or the Itillowilil popular elree telling Dand Haven ltA llepie end severolrn Pet bonelra le Antony Plcltwink rexel seinerui lerrl dovenloek Clydl Hill Viio el fills Led end Seilinl severetynlle rd will E16 raged end angina re he or at nfienlflymp due rt tune rte fllclp 13 In DI MKhqllll Arroieiiinr luhlt coop univerrdi Milklnl illenlno Wilh Film Ill DING Downhill comma strolls in erehrare rortira Phone PA um er heurr PA Hm siluln Auetlonorrr Brubutw on and Eplollh end hoerd in ihe earl end or iierrie by rdullrou

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