Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1957, p. 6

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SALESMAN road ralellnan ll alwryewelenala rt roa SALE FILL TOP son AND GRAVEIL zchVArINa AND wADINO DENNIS MORAN en AN gag Wm Phone PA mu IelllIXI 11 MANVWANTED RUBBERSTAMPS Iar Vlnmnl and cleanlnl ears MADETOORDER Ilullhr employment AFN JIM CIIALMEIIS FRENCH MOTORS dlord street SELLING SEASON WILL SOON BE HERE Prepare naw lor large pmlILI relllrle beaulllul Ayon Cometlel aonal lnlervlew wrlte Dhlrkl Mallerr Por WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE DAIIhlI SII DIlNLoP 5T wrsl JONES USED PUENITURE AND ANTIQUES Ll BSA an PA W51 ye la and varled ISL 21712 llne al llry lumthIIlL arerylhlnl Iar the home AGENTS DAVIS DP LONDON POLISH mllNlTult Fm FUR COATS pep Mn wldarr la nnmlnlh er mm or MFMMM lIIHI We have number or lur coata eapee STATIONARY ENGINE ER wlth lhlrd elau eerllnrale rOlI sllln wolIK APPLY Mansfieid Rubber ICANADA LIMITED JOHN ST EARRIE cAlIlldT PlCKEhS Phone 2am Ivy MAN WANTED Ior mlnr term Lockharl Thornton SIloE CLEIIK wanted Erporlonco nal lllllll Inc Run II and lalkeu all In nod eondlllon your eholee Ior mm MILBURN SON I52 DunIOp West PA 81032 7ulnl USED FURNITURE BUYS Tablel bedl erngl chellerlleldl chnIn and eauehel Clarks Home FumlshIngE na PA lWl II to all when St Pha Fm LDMIIILI Ouebec llealer healohablo lo Phone PA adm 1lllla zsodooo SAVAOE luPLE wllh Weaver xlll JIIA II Shoe SIDRSv TelesEOFICIIth Phone PA HZIID zuenllll Apyy II ENDED INIEIIQ IN PAIR OF LInEd Grey DYIIPEI If 36 weer loleph and Clay lone llealonable Plrane PA from phone PA ITUJ ll KNEE II IIdl ner Gland OIL COOK STOVE Illa ulIall link candlllnnl ADM flfllInl CMII In mDnlth IIIHIIImenll PHD Ff SIWPDE Fhflflé PA 5111 IIISII5 375 TIlIII PIN IIDYS wanted Apply alter am WOODS comblnatlou la ell ll Deep Mm lw Dawl Preele and Prld Prlea use Phone RHINOIon lllake 213 lllItt PA Mala alter pla 1lllrlll eral EOlIll AND GIIII Blcyelee sacrlllee Srflllfif eIlZliér III not em ple More each worrr MAKE llaNEV at home auembllnlI our No toalr aewlnp ol experlenre m1w ald Lol llornl neeeuary Lee MI Anlrelee la CaIlta VEAII RDUND employment to rellable apd penerel handymnn slnale Dr wld awer Ade 3050 and lo llve In Oood wabea and road homo to hereon wlth reoulred onnllncatlane Phone PA was RELIAIILE MAN Io Inalall alumlnum wlndowl and dODn Oood lnealne all pleee work Must have lmall traelr or II Exarrlenee nol nee Alloo lllerrlel Ltd Nisan lIallon waeen wary ler sI PA Dsal oUIETAND uppnrtunl manulaelure leadlnx ID manallelllent ear Wlltrlor ennlldentlal lnlervlew Ilux In Earllo Examlner DEALEIt seleamen Manulaelurer or new eleetrleal applloneel requIru rer ylee ol men Iar aarrle and lur raundln area No experlenee neeeu Apply Monday Oel at pm to Queene llalel and Irv Cor euenllal ark lar Mr rennel Phone PA Imnl aner pm lll ll ly Io eollle eleoel ed lrllh preelllan deylee Permanent pol Mart lll lll CAN you Dal Exln Moneyl meet Inqu your borne latlonl erura tlme ear POSITIONS WANTED TEENAGE DOV dellree youth 10 Iarln Phone PA H530 money would llke warlr ar recep Pllane PA zlI II HRET CLASS cllEP nd wlle reoulre hatel palltlon Experleneed Apply Enx tlonlrt or llrllllar bellllon Darrle Exmlner CAN SPEND or evenlnn week lreeplna and ludIIInl bonxr alter Phone PA Maul YOUNG wolllAN requlrea omee work or typan at mlndlna elllldren In own home Phone zlle lton lruck would llke eontraet tor rney or deIIVPIIlIl arrlall merehondlee ar wlll dellvnr on box 35 some Exam PA dam YOUNG MAN wlth nllleade belle laer WOMAN wllllee to do baby alttlna or lnlndlnl preeellaol elllld whlle moth er worlu In her own home Pnnne zlIalla experienced talIor lllre work elthel lull or part tllae or PA More WOMAN monthly pnymnm TV or oIher obll Make no la son week ln rup lylnp consumere barrle wlth llow elrl Pradueta llnaledlately erte rlawlelyhr yllsslz loos hlehelleu MontrealI Qlllla zll home snap start Dept What zIld II would er day and all any Salurday 1llellle GRAND PIANO In perleet oandlllon made by Lilgglompn Collallltsln one AlkIIIl pree 1mm llll DIIOWN METAL llED lprlnn aprlna lneltrerl Id Inenel wlde aood condl Hon 13 Dunlap sr Em Apt APPLES Wealthy Melnlalll walle River All ly Herman Peleh belween Earn an Palnlwlelr Phone PA Mm 1llmlll Our EICVCLE lnSood eondltlaa Coleman Spaee Heater metal bed complete ane Lam lldlll RANGE watellront avyxlIIr QIIr bee walerlront Bun plpe Tully centre elllawl reduee Io ly Phone PA Mm Illull APPLES ls aerel al Allale lam Call and Wood Healer and uled luln ber Apply otlaway Prult Parln phone PA 5311 I4 WASHING MACHINE wlth pump Sun beam Mlxlnaller aet Adonun varlaul IIul Phone PA owl be lween In aln hfll pm 1llSlu IN llAllIllE Nprt Lat lu Ieet by 62 leet Lol eabtn wIlllerxld shed Cb tern hydro phone ll ad Near Ion lIlrhwa Phone PA IllIII olL llunNIln rer rarnaee eornpfile wIIII all lulalnarle eontrall and wlr lnp hrrnerr Al eondltlan 95 lol Iold Phone PA um It COLEMAN OII llealere perlect er larae me we open Moclaey like Irle llanae no alro qunIIty or late Carpet llunnerl Phone PA Easel aller pen IIN CLARK JEWEL Calnblnatlan eoal wood electrle ranpe ereela ena mel al Astral ReIrIlullol wlln whlte rne table Phone PA mm or apply It 11 Henry sl TIIMII ISIS Donal School Ella la pallenper Enod llrer lm meter DP Axel Thlr en It In aaod eondltlon Pflcld llalt be lllon have 415 4415 Help On allll would make hulllllla eamp Ed Phone aldrd PEWRITERD omee ehlnel pDfl ablel addlnr maelllnel alb reenter lalea nd lervlee Gomdy l1 Praneea st Enrrle phaae PA Lilla Poll 28 splub Corona reprelenrattve 1eutrp SNOW PLOW NB lull hyd uue wlth In IL wlnre mDIlnIEd an lwheel drlve swn truelr WIII eelt plow with or wlthout truek ll Olllaore Lot ln Con Adjlll Townlhlp Phone Demo 31 alter pm 1llelle SCOTCH PINE chrlll Tree on Lol lo Call Om tuat out or lehool at CnIKhum on llllbway and ore and Medaate towalhlp town llne Apply Alex MeMulray Elrehwaod Caalpr RR stayner Phane Wuul tlm or Mu Ill tallek la Srewlné Allo wlll Bunk IIIWI 1llLlll nulewor ee rs salon so Euaehla st or phone PA Cam MR0 08 up burn pm ane apenon water unk on rt lxm Elent lteel allllr burner eIeetrte filex It ma lmburner Pgfilnfihl1 pxll on eoun LIVESTOCK WANTED motehlauabler and ehalrl dart be aald Apply Dewar 4th EmP TVP STnchlts ted Ill to home north or ltore la IanICL ollll 1Ilztl 1nd lbl Phone cradle nlflsPIIII AlllllT tow Deadllao Pal opy 500 pm in day pre In DEADLINE FOR MUNDAYSATUBHAY ADLZIS MAY Ill TELEPHONE TO WI each word minimllm 80 Following cansegullve InnerIanS aoward mInImum wl CASH RATE word mihlmurn 60c Pollowlay wnlecuIIVe lnlertlonl 2c word mlnlmum loo MIIII Bl PAID WITH DRDFI nor Numbera or repllee dlreeled Io tllll olIlee 25o enr LOMING EVENTS LOCALS AUCTION SALES NOTICE All word relalnlum mo roll in Innaerutlve Insertion Sgylord mlnImum lflc IN MIlhuaIAlll CARD0F THANKS INAPPIIECIATION to word mlalam gum ENGAGEMENT aa be erran DIRan employaw NOTICES 00 allbutty Ior arror In tar error muggy aalaaa IllIn III nlalu openan gt llcounll Er bum PHONI PA Iv PAltMS FOR SALE In lull 55 nlllel mmfiulrrlnnulr ENE 32 die I50 Ipm north or Barrl III In In brtetl home Lorne barn alul al nx Prleed to tell hall euh PERCY PONDWEE PA Mm OWNER TRANSFERRED Lollon Drlelr bonrrlalv leer than ran old DAclllllve loeall elue ndloalr Pally banged ten Trelelully deeplaled olaple ety unap ped wlt llerma and rereena ll healed heautlrul breernenl me Iar mod er nlanlh nth ho undenprte me Call laan QUINNIVES PA Ema WINTERIZED COTTAGE SIAM DOWN All WE Inlullled wllh mull WIIBY IIlhll LAWer nnIIl belch build on IIrKe TIMING IDI Snull llwnlh Iy Iymanll Cl Cl ROE WRIGIlTEVES PA Mm NEW NHA HOMES IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY BRICK BUNOAIIOWS EXCLUSIVE SLESSOR LISTINGS BUILDERONE OF THE BEST CLOSE TO SCHOOLS CIIII any DI Ollr Salesman sumo II In down bedroom rug1 lnlne em lrllehea wIIh ell haunt Ian beoulllul eeramle qu belle roorn ned Seal ep roved wlrtna ClnICl hr 34 mon ly DIIII uxul lth CONNELLVEVIZS PA ema BUNGALOWSIIMO two bedroom bunaalow wIIh nleo lIylng roam dlnlna la and Michell Very large lol II Well worth aeeln hlr valuable property m1 Par lull Inlormallon eall lEllllY QUINNEvzs PA um COMMERCIAL PROPERTY dellrable hualnele property Luver dlaplay wlnda Hot water heallnp Ewellml apr lnent nbeye Located an buly nreel tum dnwn 115 Call lEhIIY fillINNDVES PA Mm BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOME JOHNSON ST SCHOOL AREA Very elole to the new labnrar Street aobaal hoamy bedroom borne Inu Ied on Arm lot Comlartable ell tlred Iuraree Not lurt home but home Pull barement wllh Irult eellar Vou oanl an wrana an thle Owner la lrllnltorred Mull be lold payment some map JERRY QUINNAEVZS PA mayo $2000 DOWN Very Ilru lat Nlce hullnlow wlth extra larre kllehen llylny room and two bedroonu Poured eonerete bale menI Include dare neuronole taxes Illa Par lull delalrl eall OEollOE wnlOmEVES PA um VERY CENTRAHBIBW last bloelu In downtowno lovely roamad pond llled and In lnlmaeul ele eondltlan Hardwood floor Ilka new Larae lrltenen bernIlIuI llenS raaal dlnlna roorn bedroom end dea Punks Good aaraae wlth come ent IDOL Prlee redueed Ia DblIn qllIck eale lovely barpaln home m5 DAN CONNELLEVES PA um EAST END BUNGALOW$9200 In very xond laeallan elole to llul nap and lhopplna thla my reen bungalowue all low yeare OIdhu lure be more Ipeladel lame orlzbt utelloa wltb dIDInl em and pood IIsz vlne realo Vang eelllneed ment on heltlae ltd lot and re NRA lamare at only It orrrlee tor mm mohlII Ineludlnp taxel lm Per Iull part tulln on tale bunIn bmlIOw eontaet DAN CONNELLZVES PA 702 RURAL LIVING$5800 Yea that II the lull pllee lor due room ly ltarey hume wltll all modern oanvenleaeer Peautlrully llluated en RIIIle ltoad at Parrle Thlrprloa alro lneludel an adlaeent bulldlnr tot MIL Call DAN CONNmKVBS PA IITllfl ROOM HOME$59M SIM DOWN Ialt all rnala hlrhway Ia vlllm Io lnller north oI Earrle In malt ex eellent eandluan lhronrhnewly oeearltednew hardwood Ilaorl glue balh ll modaln eonvenlenoel ear raraael aere or randlamp lmnIue elyel you lfllcenI balldlna let my par lull plnIcIIIrl eall our older IDEAL FOR DUPLEX ALSO IDEAL POII LAPOE PAMILV Do you IIka laree haruel Nloe III In room dInlnr room and lrlleben Pour bedroom upualre wltn aleea bat Oglobhflleda Came tLlllllnz own amen Allan FDRSIZflEVEPJSy PA Hulafa MUST BE SOLD flIIl home mull be aold Irnlaedlalely No reaaonable oIIer nlnledrllwl portunlly to be home at llama ll prlee room elae oanalatlnd al IIVr Ina room dlnlnl erea kllehea and mfim Im SW vl elnen ny Varo ED 181 Fotymll detalll call HAROLD FORETzREVEE PA H485 AFTER HOURS Phone any at our lulung PERCY FORDPA 87930 AN CONNELLrPA8710$ JEIIIIY QUINNPA Ema gt CEolmE WEIGHT PA lu wnrl Down COUTTS Emma BXAIIIINER Pun amount ml on FORSALE MODEM FORSAL HELP WANTED lt EASE COUNTRY HOME wllb Izj¢Rl more or lead eI lha bul ol elay Iolml all me apple anh 93 Ill 25 mnhxu $6100 Good Inelllbrter home lam norm Max bedroom mad door modern alenea wun oddly room all rlzoben lt dlvlded utellenl lull Ilaatrd CGHIA long Wm loop allcaed In lel $33 er pon 21 Imlllfi mulohrlck IIdIn north lnrlddlne nlllel on away thlr or he low alrlpr aI moo wllh sum dawn ument Dalnu earn nlanrree er Al Plymtnu noun hIIl YEITI IIIA elndlnf lnterel and renewal Per talpee laa eall Lee pop or lorry lay IImtl FA ml SANFORD ST Drlek lneame halae llI near roulne nd bath 1nd tlaar moan and Iollet Poleld aIr oll heallnll Nolr lore and Gen Eleelrlo ll prle am To laryect phone Lea ope use or stroud urn MELROSE AVEEAST END Na beautlruI alanebunpalow good lol draped llylap room dlnatlo ultehe be room pleee balh reerea oh roool wlul Iona Ilroplaee nlll II To upch pylon Lu ope DA er Slmud no NHA RESALE NeIo la In opportunlty Iar you to buy dye room brlclt bungalow or In lban coll TM halae la lera than lwo yeale old leal rlnl Ihree Iwiwvllla llyl room larae lIIr fheua DIogq wlhulllllnhafien nt an In ar ea Tllau RIIIFWIP Iar In elm no down mm hlhnu about lxl lllanthlpela Illl Inte ael pa and tar Tall horn la logled elnre ta puhll Inq turnchord Call AI pore AN CUSTOM BUILT CH mm mum Ioeatedve eenlrrl core lo lellwlr and down awa Iblr bame leaturer three larre bedlpunu laree llvlns mam Ind dInInl mm IIIIII lllchun wlfll DIEkill ranch In FIND bllll wall to to II reloala la IMO and dlnlnl mom Lhelnlupane nyerlooklnl erInvr wlndawe re era mu basement loreed elr all hulllgl laundry lube ThL Ome abould pleale Ihe moll dllerlm nlIIIl buyer Pull prtca only Clam call AI llola 3100030 DOWN PAYMENT Two bedroom one my home Illie llyln roolrl In re altellen lhreo pleee bnlh omen all heaune new atlaehed very oenllal loea Iloll oth nduhlocAkklmm ataro one an arena ln rlco Call on new Aw CUSTOM BUILT ImmPullle brick hunlnlnw Incnled III III 51 end on II In Ipndclnpd Int Fellflllnl II VI mom lo Illed kllchen wIlh hlnil Inn llln bedroom tlleq peee bolh natural woodwurk Ihlollihmll IIluIenlI lee ruIIOn mam UNIhad me room IIIde II DII helllnl Ilundry tum Seared films IPH pl El CAI Al Ron PA 238 Inleme INNISFIL STREET Three bedroom brler bunnlow only out one year old leln room and Iarae lrltchen Iour rlece tlle bath leom oelr lloare luI hIah balernent wlth lored alr all heallnx Planlblrll rollahed In or bathroom In emenl lwn unllnllhed roellu In eplent Thlr properly vary eentrauy Ioea ted allo wllhln wllkInI dlrtanee or all laelertea an bur llna Pull prlee mlgmjhcfll Al Ilkae PA Calla any pro er lnlut owner lranalerltd BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LOEEIIS PHONE PA 85298 all EAYPIELD STREET IHOMES IFARMS COMMERCIAL SUMMER PROPERTIES ldIll Real Estate Broker Owen Street laml Mmut nAhlIlE NEAL ETATE DOAIID PAY ITS WAY acres henullml lumen lnII hwny Ne ll two nlllel Iranl naflh Ill town 1511mm home IIvIIIl roam 125 wllh Ire Inca unconfined VIEW ol LINI Luke IILG hnlsnnrll alere not water lrealInI latalnntle III modem Convenleupu A150 Rand hen home on pruplflyr No W1 PICTURE BOOK HOME Eoerylhlna you would Ik repllalhlnp extra to buy me awnr wllksr atollnl aereenr Plve well planned aolaaa roaala rnlrror finIsIItd oalr Ioala deeoraled throughout Clare to new In SChOnI Call Mr Manhan $1000 DOWN PAYMENT Palmin Ygll to Own mum dquIIfliy 392 Itflndl DIESII eecree IRWIN ND 90 an no ACRE Show FARM Level Clly Innm weIIdrInnd WXES eleel barn l5 yurlfild wate lteel atmeblone trench II Tw re wlId brlele home lull ll erllent Iurgt aloe dl Ice bath Thlr Iarla In axeellen eandltlan Tellnl nrranied Call Mr erhlII TWO DOTS Duekworth street um each or loll mlflmLr um earh Apply Mr MIP Member nl Dlrrla nlltrlet peal El III° 90nd CWFIILV AIME Invlled CONSULT us 0N hw DowaPaymaat notnae Plane tillInn obmmnflu Offers Manuelaall Jillrented Inlrehllllfl CIII COIIIII PHONES IIAAOLD PORSTEII PA was gt Fulbth PA nan noalhwjohuu REAL ESTATE COUNTRY LIVING oy the economy or country flu or la ely ranvenlenl to lawn well bullt nlrer IllIll roam hour wlth all the communal Iowa About an ere or land Landum oood Pull prlee Homoelm um doun BALANCE AT 055 7d $4000 DOWN lam thll al ll flefirl$nmfly éui unulua on la ll anroaou he led lame Gguduml IIdl prloe that Thrlylnpmlltlenpurant and rape burp on rolld eemratlhlr oulldlall IE3 VI law roller ol amt to re lane wIll awn mm or Input III 23 when Or from me Ill llfin once RuIquDI eo brollare II atone barn aleol or can be appratrd depart rooted In reaalr Prooerlywell one leye ownable ll located about RIMIEI mm neraee an our al wltpln em rueb aI Itarrle COMFORTAIILE HOME Iflel Muir build mrlflaufll INN KEIWIIIIVII older DONG Ill bedrock DunnWm II 16 II dlnlnl mom luI and parade Prlerd al slam wIur hall eul WOODED ACRES HOUSE IS woo ACE WI II hum nan Slmgllsd Smutfire hllwoqflrglflNRI namellllfl IfII property¥llll prfi mm We have road relerllan nr bulldlae In IWIIM In VllIOMI IBFI and or Ilame GORDON STQgTT I02 DUNLOP STWEST PHONE PA 85901 II rub Dnl no and Cell dlu mutilate IlaIds larl WehmmPA Lear out mA lol ROGERS REAL ESTATE QUEENS PARK DISTRICT $8500 slrraorn delaehed home wllh be on qulel llreel In very central laeallon Irid mndernlled ldtehen loud dry Iull balelrlent Ioreed alr heltlna laundry Iubl everylhlna ln Saad repalr three out Varanl PanelIon Immedla ly Phone PA sum to lnllaeer EDm NHA MORTGAGE GROVE STREET EAST sumo Larlerelled dbedrooln brlok uunralaw centre naII alan Iarl two year old Pally plnled throuehael rlarme rereene and many exlral llrlehl dry balemenr laundry mort modern oll mmaee Low down ply fist and aalelr pareeellan ollered NELSONMELROSE AVE 5V1 NHA RESALE mm Very pretly red brIelr InEII ltyle Dunlnlow three year old lady complete In all delale llea lovely Lehaped llylnmlnlnz eornblnallon Iaryepelred rhehen In natural nnlah and tlle three bedroom GDDd wlde lol wllh well IreEt Ilwnl And tleel In areellent nelzh orhoed 12 month Iy lneludlna tone total cost to carry MAPLE AVENUE DALTON mmrl Rue brlelr deluxe Dnnl aw alraehed parade In very dellrable cen tral Ioeauon Home three year old beaullhllly hept and complelely equlpped In every way wllh leIIInl ln lovely maple lhrded KroIIIIIIl dub llantlal ealh ll redulred Ior parser elen In October Exelualve IISUIu wItll our blllee MODERN BRICK TRIPLEX CODRINGTON ST III IopnnICII rental Ioullnn clue dnwnlnwn Earne Well plenned and lpldoul MIME IparIIIIenI bIIIIflIIIK new Ms year III milled II $275 monlth lmxll Offered lol Io by hullflor III Mk bottom flea Ind Inlmlr BIGIIIIIVP ILIIIIII hull PA 66337 Or NI InIDeetIon Inyllme Well be alered to meat you very wlde eholoe ol memnm prleed homer lneolrlo pro enter and bulldlnz late ln barre and eloee to Town PHONE PA sow ANYTIMEDAY on EvmlNO Charles Rogers REALTOR STERLING TRUSTS BLDmEAllrllE Member Earrle le Dlltrlot Peal mate Board lslld DOWNSVIEVV SUBDIVISION On Dawnevlew Dr near lh new lonnlon stPublle 5ehool and op parlte the new Dolnlnloa sterel shop plnp Centre OllerIllp ehalee pl naneh style Three Bedmnm Eunpalewawlth llve dIIlerent plane In ehoaee Irom NHA or Cullom IIIIIII homel OverIOnkIlll bealrllhll Kempenlelt an B21011 you buy bl lure In In what DUWIIIVIEW III In Dfler CONTACT STAN CONSTRUCTION PA 5234 IBIOIII TDAKLEY PARK 3BEDROOM HOMES OFFERING CHOICE OF STYLE llorll nANcll STYLE AND 5er LEng llolrlee byCrolley CanltrueIldl coNTACr HENRY BERNICK PA 82670 Oh ANV MEMaEh OP EAhllll VIIIm The BARRIE EXAMINER DISTch REALVESTATE xEOAIID Aw 44 42 195 aolld brlek lemI loor moltenruck sALl CLIFF BROWN REALTOR mall 51 IARAII THONE PA 92818 PIIANCIS 51 II IIIIIII hum Illlmlcnllle In flu Ind zul BPIIIIIIIIIIy amnch Inn haul urge chhnn dlntllu wllh MA cunbolld JpnP uylhl mom bedmamh Ind llln rch No and llhcd bedmoml Ind DING hill mm uplIlIn Lol IIIIIy ultra In You cant Dell IRII or In Prize AWW BAYFIELD ST Sulliddlflted mum hrkk hpllle IDe ll dnwmown Lure iIIKIIuI IIVIM mom dIIIIlIl mom downfllIn Pull price Hutu VIIIII DOOM um Elly Plymenll IOI nilnee ALLANDALE DISTRICT See lhll one and buy room brlek home on lol no no Thlr hame ll Immaculate Ihroaahmll Now toned alr all Inmlm The lal ll beallllrully Imampd and hn won Ihnv and men Irdln the llarrle lIarIleultural Enemy hroox runl lhmuah rear ol roomy Pul prlee Iluoom VIIIII emu TlllPLEx Newly lIlIIed Good Prklrll YICIIIA lIese nlllth Imam Ill 7500 You or en Inyulmrnl one Only yellI nlfl IIIJMJXI VIIIII Irrrns NEW NHA HOMES BUNGALOWS BUNGALOWS with IIIncIIeII Hr mes Down paymenu be low wllh menlhly plymrnu re lmm low whoa ahleh Includu lnlerell prlnel pal and taller TOWN LIMITS Dunaalow on well lander ed lol cm to re oal Lovely lrlle en le lnlr room wth plrlure wlnoaw Tlled bathroom and Iwo bedroalna Pull belerllenl wllh reereatlon room Tllll home II two yean old and In perleel eondlllon Prleed fish at doom PUGET ST leIna raoln dlnlrra learn and bedroln pee tlled bathroom dawnllnIls Uprtalrez roorae wllh pu bathroom and renu Ior mm per month Lot la all Cliff Brown REALTOR DICK HmDEhsoNllepreaentatlra JOE LONGTIN hepmlenlallve SMITII CAMPauL hepreeentatlve leEAIIlnlEAIIIIIE AND Dlsllllcl REAL ESTATE BOARD MEMBRROMARIO DEAI ESTATE EOAIID IGIN tllclten CAfisEON LIMITED REAL ESTAIIEJEOKSE Member or the Earrle It Dlstrlet heal Erlate llorru puss CARSON NORM smwxu PA Hm Dunlap St Ian Earrla omen en am In pm Dolly aftnary unlll pm $9700 FULL PRICE IllM DOWNBALANCE AS RENT Plvo hoorlll Mdmums large llylap mum And kIICIIEn Pee bum PIIII banelnent all healina lVlde lot rlv Il dllvlwly CIOIP new Ilh lChOOL Jun newly flecprnlru For lunhur InIDPmIlIOn cllI Russo Cur Ion II PA 65481 STOREY AND HALF BRICK Modem llx rdblll brlek home tune bedraonle baths oll heallna slum lull prloe wllh am down Easy Ierlna ah balance Por nlllher deully eall RIIudI Canon at PA dual 1550000 DOWN mm PER MONTH pAVS INTEREST PluNClPAL AND TAKE team rall rlee Darrle dlal telephone sltualed ax mllel Ironl Earrle one ndle ol the Camp Eerden Hwy Clare to lohool larye roaau lnllde ea yenleneee Por lull dotalla eall Run elI Curran at PA um LOT$51500 90 ZDJ IIXE uverIOOklnl Kempen elk Ely Far IIIII dzlaIll Onl Rlulcll Caldon ll PA WI NHA RESALE Ildmn PULL PRICE room brlek bungalow wllll parade and breelaway sltualed In the North mt llde or town Par lull detalla eau Illlerell Carson al PA WEI NHA RESALE Mfi7b MORTGAGE Wm IuII plllc mom hrIEX Ilnllnw In Imml III candlunn Large brlpllt room pIanly al ed bvlrd che Pull hxunent Ind noted an Ill exlh IIIB 50 145 IOlBuutIluuy Ilnfllcn ed CIIII Ill lchaDLl Dun Ink 141 Nomi Shelswell FA WEI EDGE OF TOWN udmm DOWN salmon lulIprlee larae roome plan aeree oI lan Located on maln hlanway Don mlll thlr ane eau Narm shelewell at PA Dom ONE MILE FROM TOWN slum PULL PRICE Icml ol Chllatlnll leee land plus road room home and ehlellen pom Thlr IS an excellent property wllh ap rranmnIer MW lreee planted about wa yellI Thle ll real buy call Norm shelewell at PA ml $100000 DUWN um PULL PRICE room Irurne bunaalaw wllh anad well and pressure lyalern loeated on good llzed lol Thlr la an excellent bay Per partleulaneall Nana shelp well at PA Mull RAMBLING BUNGALOW AmSIM DowN Nolbaaenlent UIIIIva roaln lrltehen llvlnp room bedroom One lpea bath and one oo bath The llylna room In It Ieet lonath Vounartown kltehrn aaIamatle alr eonolrlnna breelewey and altaehed aarape SII ulted In the earl end or town on vuneouver 5L clole IO tlla aeheal not Irontaae Par neuronal cell ltall Cnreon at PA MI INCOME HOME Ilfloa DOWN PAYMENT Two block Irom down town rouma lnr owner on heat near Second noor new rental at over mm month OII healInaparapa Per lull detalla eall hull CAIIan at PA Mull vLEPltOPEltTV MD FULL PRICE sflllltedrltlflfl do VIIIDY rooml Iul human all he Ilnp Par lull aartleulare ealI FA WEI llllu lQII VEAlblwuN Nam herNaue AI eonaaneh Modern appllanc and nlnuulle Larae lot and aarden seen In dun II III Ilelflh Pnohajtroud Wm dlrzl evonlli pA 83186 alumna FOR SALE HENRY ELRICK MICHIE REALTORS sum DowN ll NINE Seven roorll ln Douro Ioealed on remer lol very ad eorr dlllon nlll prlee aged in allee ar 09 month lnoludlnp lnlereltgnd pnrlelp Ilydra and ylllaee waler llee $1500 DOWN srhoun EIX roora llrlra homo very eood rondlllon lalee lol and um barn Pull arleo new wuh neyrnenle or LIMA per monln Gllod water aapply wllh plenar ayltebe llalne dlala pomulon DUPLEX IIUY cAMPllELL AVENUE adlaeenl lo the Palr Groundl one and hall rlarey name vrlm Iwu lell eontalned are menu qur room both In each all heatlal per apartment nnu lar 31mm and ower would renl Ior slam per monlh nlIl prlee mm BUILDING LOT mm PEll rom rralllale ea Ioor lol wllh depth or Illa tee localed ln new ruldtnIII area eaevrral lwo rtorry homer lar momIIII hauler or do lexea unllnl ln arleo mm 39500 and up down paymnla Iroln am We lay your enoulrlel lo lnlpeet our ex ernllye Illllnlll ln lbll 1w al plop HENRY Eulch ll MICHIE PA dwl REALTORS PA woo LVenlnll PA Sal LIST COOP Thlr lneanl lhlt all llEALTOltS llated below nd lhelr lalelrnen are warm Inl Ia aell your properly when IIlted lhe CDOP way you deal anly IIIB the REALTOR or your ehalea DOAKE II III lAI IIradIold Ilt PA um lthOWN CLer mph SI PA um CARSDI LTD Dunlap st PA wol courts ll Qwen SI PA um HENRY ELRICK MlClIIE Owen SI KELLDUGII II or man 55 PA LACEV ll pa payIleld st PA um IIDOEIIS CHARLES Dufilob SI PA on SLESSDIL It InCollle SI PA some IHIIII Plarkvlew Heights MELnosE 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uullelnx Lol no In eoth an Slrrbane Alenue rule 57 ll 150 Prtee sum Avbly ad Napler St or phone PA balsa lollIlls FRUIT VEGETABLES POTATOES lor lrle Dellvered or lhe Ialrll Apply Pred neuron phape PA nu olulu LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Famenth Ilerflnnl ml yearn eroeptlonrlly nlllel Spearln phone PA pom llIlls TODNOIEIISEV Cone lruh real lrred raeelnaled and aceredlled the Donne Newmhrku arm an lltanwav ll Ill II IDVGDOIIIDVRKSIIIREUTIKI weekl old Ieedlne well rho young Ireen snorlhorn eowa Arllrur srlleer Crrle ts breedlna Ewes Pbane lloy Wal nlnka lo 9mlll PqullltED ANnu Ll rowl wllh calm lo ll monlhl llellere End hall yeare all head btIlIrllI wlthaut eel 3500 mnanl lrerarlnnd eod On vllerlls IIDLSIEIN Dnlll rervlrlnlllo ax Ilollleln Ilall rnunlhr All purebred reelllored Wood bur nol Sell or lrrde Mull maehlne town and pm PIlPll AND Mather Ior nnle CrDu between Snyhuund and Enellah bloodhound lhnnd PA ham talld GIVL ITlEld enlall male Inu doe Io good laylne home Lx ellent wIIh clllldrcn PA 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Io Ross Sb Earrle PHONE PA 8530 SERVICE sorNew Molar Naada mlnflllu and Eapaln SM HAROLD HART film Eleclnc Motell Owen Bl P11 PA 82200 lfl Door your Purnllure Need Reupholsrering We RIPLuVer ocneslerneld Suites oooeeelennl Challe OEuIIIin Benches qchrulne Chllre Call IOrquOlaIDn wlIhout ablmlloa Barrie Teht E7 Awning C9 nld st Phone PA IM IA Day Ml OLD WELLS ltECONDITlONED Conerat Illa rar wellr eulvarta and Ilnll vewerr Weeplne Illa SERTIC TANK UNITB MADE AND INSTALLED Alr comprelear work PUMP SALES SERVICE lN hi1ney Concrete Prndncu Alter houle dlaI PA on IN NO OluLLlA Emu mmluu SWIM Prompt dCIIVuy FURNACE and cnlptney Cleanlnd New llaxan Drlnkl FIXEth PW odlll II you want your llower rardaa or lawn laorea alter by an erperloneed Kurdqnc phone PA 55750 711 ALL TYPKB nl Dflnllfllcuflll III Wink rum El WOT Inleed Leon phone PA on bml lIIst EV lo Owen earlee Track eflngw at ll ow hallTar an II ME OWNERS Landleaperamtld Flare Inge Eeautllul Iertllltnl woedlfar ddllvered kt wllfgh lake QC 3first or Illtalc no All anlllY Calla dedueled nag WELLS DUG TILED bllluzl

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