Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1957, p. 5

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rim Eltan ultimatum ERIOAY ocronm lbsi is by MtLi nacPllAlt Canadian Press suit Writer livon purellc nyearol New Brunswick llshcrman is ably Canadas best hope or world boxing championship sinrt thc heyday of Jimmy lichlrnin it remain to be sccn whether the hullshoutdered nativiot Ba Ste Anne NB acts Archie Moore world championship tight Iiecn Yvnns ambition since started boxing in loss For sc eral years he remained in so obscurity Thcn Durcllc won ti Canadian llghtheavywcight crown couple at years ago and recently was declnrcd British Empire cham pion ailer knocking out Gordon is Wallace of Branttnrd Ont in bent at litonclon NB Logical Opponent Durellc blasted his way to the numtler thrcc spot in the world Ilullthclvywelght rankings la June when he iought draw with highlyrated Tony Anutony at De lruii When Moore belted out Ihuny In the seventh round at their title tight in Los Angelcs tow weeks ago Archie picked Durelle as the logical opponent for his next title detence The New Brunswick hauler had little trouhlc winning unant molis decision over German hcav weight Willi Ecsmanoli In Dctroit on Sept 20 Still Moore said he Barton ccint consultant at gt Thomas srgan Cn Sepulvida iflndivsflssulls Oat will demonstrate renowned Leg 5+0 easy nplay Thomas Electronic with gm Organs on Tuesday and Wednes Wrlg lam cc named as ii 5w 13ng rifleii Dont miss this opportunity like to meet Yvon The International Boxing club thinks MooreDurelle bout won draw well So do promoters Toronto Montreal ttlaml Luulsviic Ky Moore wants $100000 guarantee but hell likcly come down bit Durelle lust wants to get in the same ting Wltll Archie lot at boxing observers think that Moore despite his 42 years Thomas Electronic To Demonstrate Organs at Eatons At Eatons in Barrie Bertram MrBartoil will be in Barrie On and Wednesday only Make sure you drop around and fine organist and wellversed technician him selfable to answer the ques Discuss them with him Youll see for Tuesday see him Ht is tiohs you may have yourselt how easy it is to pl the Thomas organ citing new Thomas youll be actually playing and revel tra easy to play Theres only as exclusive solo you the line organ pert many exciting ettccts that are easy to achieve short time Like hundreds Thomas owners youll say you never known anything could he so much real fun so relaxing And best oi all prices start low as 795001 Mr Barton will show great selection at may choose irom with your room decor he glad to see you Youll glad you came to see him you designs rot nick at the lighlchcavyvvlght title held and it you just run your lingers across the key oard oi the ex yuull tind yourch picking out your avar ite tune heiorc you know it Yes will happen in minutestor the nary new Thomls is ex one simple key board in ead ot two yetThom control gives ormance at two keyboards Youll thrill to its rich true organ tone to the Even it you never played betorc youll be en joying the Thomas In dinnineg to harmonlze He will it would hate little trouble with YvonArchie is one of the smart est lighters 1n the business and he hrs knockout wallop lnoith er hand ourclle is strong perhaps too strong for Archie and he can hit with the host oi themwhen hc connects But Yvun misses almost as many punches at he lands in his tcarless charging style Thats when hes wide open and it count be Durelles undoing against all old smoothie like Archie Plugging Along alost moneywinning champion race horses picked up the male part oi their earnings as two and threeyearold horse is meeting mnst oi his ILIds on even terms Also then are grcat number of IlCIIlyElP dnwcd races exclusiver iur two Ind litreeycamltls The chamnlon muncywlnnrr st Nashua canted most oi his mom in his two anti threeyearold sens sons HE was retired to stud last year with earnings of $1288000 Swoons Sun is horse with good chance oi becoming mil lion dollar winner Ill owncr attempting it the hard way handicaps That means Swoonl Son gives away poundage in Just about evcry race But he already It has earned close to 5700000 Since he is only tourvearsold the coil may top the million mark bcio he ls tinished lt In MENS MAJOR LEAGUE SevenUp Deluxe I9 chlun id Salnlcc 16 ETC Hydro i1 Wright ii Corner Cupboard Chryslch Copnco SEA DrivesCar Hoard of chcnUp had the His triple high scores oi the evening logic was 314 and his 795 hiENs MAJOR LEAGUE White Oak 17 Legion 14 CN Telegraph 14 Smith Farm l2 chlels ll Lairovicw 11 Allan Cook ll Copsco in stewarts lax RCAF Barbers Auto Wreckers Tuesdays Scores Smith Farm Keglers white Oak ON Toirgraphcrs Lake it view Stewarts Legion Copaco Auto Wretkels tax Allan Cook Barbers LcOoar had the high single score of the evening 298 Carruthers had the high triple at 75 DEVILBISS LEAGUE Air Caps 10 Booths Fans Machines Tuities Atomizers Automatics Regulators Watton at Tuftics was the top lady at the alloys with sin gle game score at 257 and triple at 675 Dung Mooreholise had the mens high single of 335 Woodward had the high triple of sin Moorchousé is with Fans and Woodward with Machines so ve of as he on 0n Hhomb dropped on each of Canadas eight major cities could wipe out quarter ol all tansunless an active Civil Defence program is eftect he Those are the two seasons whclt chides the weatherman agreement the final with Minesinz The coolest scheduled tor live pm is between Torgis Automof tivc and illnesing tor the Cir Inca rerics championship This ilan rcrics started Ind Friday The second pme played the tollowlng night Each club captured oue decision so tomorrows lame Is the end litany onlookers will undoubt4 edly be wondering who the lays will hurt Torgis taps hope It will hurt irui Pursislnaa Th rungarmed chucker oi Mines ping had up until Ilst Salurdayl pitched ball every second nlght tor tcw weeks with his tone octng control the weeks absence ctluld hurt Another distinction the wlnne ot Saturdays game have that at being duuolc wlnne ilinoslng is the top club in the senior softball league Ind Torgls the Industrial loop champs Public Skating Tomorrow Thcrcs public skating at the Barrie Arcnr tomorrow nighi and every Thursday and Saturday cv cniug thereatler Saturday alter noons commencing October 12 will be skating time tor the young ry Skating starts at no pm to morrow The henlthiui recreation is open to anyone with mind to having good time do nARREttAt RoyI Victoria Hospital name on 0c lust to Cpl and Mrs as or ill seulo my Camp nerdcrt daughter belle Annetta CnflnsAl ithysl Victoria Hospital Elrrie on Oct lm in Lt end Mu Cron camp Gordan Head ac urhtcr Victoria it itol ml to and nmp cordon son MARIONAt noyal vetetla Ilotpl Barrie on Oct Mrs Edward Marlon station are very pleased to an nounce the birth oi dulhter on Oct mt It Grace itupital Ton onto you thAIDKNAt Royal Victoria ilospl ial barrio on Oct wit to Mr and hire Wiiilnn McFadden Welllndton st that doudhlcr WICKLLlMAt Royal vlclorla Hus and him ivau Wicltiuln In Toronto sl daughter lEnld Victoria Ann wntnltTAt Royal Victoria Hospital Eattie on Oct lisi tn Liszt and Mrs Wriltht daughters DIED COLUhansAt Penelons Hospital on Prldy wtlllam Herbert Columhu not twin talhcr oi Marl 9mg Mi one Elm Mimic Mn OH and ot Phci ston Ritchie an Elmva Amhrorc oi Niatara Pol charlc Richard and lcrry oi El vale in his 12nd yea Rctlnr his late residence SuturJIy morning St Patricks Chute Monday Oct at to Phelpaton Cemetery HAMILTONAt her home in ouc bec Av Tomnto on Wednesda Oct lm dearly beloved wlie or Thomas Hamilton and loving monier oi Mn Craig Nstm Ruby and iohn both or Tomato Ruttnr at the Turner and Porter chops tad Ron cervaller Ave Toronto Punenl cameo Ssatuzdaytc It lull pm inter rou cute stcly ssu pm wmxm ulnarsuddenly hit home on partmunt oi Landllnd rercttr Anrur on Wednesday Oct mi wtlllam nyde Kirby beloved hus band or Florence Edrro Scott end churn High ktilts Frank lira Rnsem tiltrr sisnley Jennett oi ltariic and or Richmond Hill loved brother at to Clean Emma lhtrr Galbraith France Mn Galbraith Miss ery Kirby In his dirt year Restinl sl lsnncit Funeral Home mval Requtcm rnass Phclpston on ulcrmoni led church Saturday Del at me pm Interment in Anlui Conic etery icskct will be opus In the ztyyilvcléllroa til min until time at prone cmmhm graveside setvice PAYNESuddenly at Weis Memorial aoben Payne due or Payne HI Funeral took In Chiella lnicnncut tu be barrio Union cemetery iN APPRECIATION ln appreciation or the man CI and personal cnnn which IV Molvbd lromlricuda rri Betta Ewart and lurroumtt lng area with to express my manta Ll Red Min Barrio 17 uillii thanks and lnnrectattun tor the act or ktndneflr In so ltchewan nd ed irom nellhhon and many ttlrrrds also thanking Dr Ross Turnbull an to hlr and hey Trlmblc oi asrrlc tor their 3s Grove St consoling wordr and help In our ad Welt son lstcphen Lewll bereavement at loving husband and hieAnAlvthir and Mrs Robert Mc lather Mra Ernie inner end tam Aciam tncc Grace Hutchinson Oro ll lli Hodkrort di Pslnawlcir wish touprcu their heartielt thanks and apprcch rlater tor nobblo and sltfi ilon to their many relatives trirnda Llencl now in his consultant words iloral plicrlmrs the Dr pitI Estate on Oct 51 to hit clout shlrl=y Bill an COPELANDin loving memory at Though his smile is gone iorevrr And his hand we cannot touch Genml suit we have so mlll mornorlcr or the and we loved so much tllr memory tl our kcoprakc gush which well never port We havchlm Artour beam PnALiCRiulovlnr memory or We do not turret you nrrr do we lur We thlhlt or you Mich and will to tone build tdrgoltcn by some you may put dear to our memory you always nurlenc and mute llu KELLY Tltcrc ls rm open late at the and ot Thronln which each must do rlonc And there Is light we onnnnt rec Our rather elalmr His own Beyond that gate our loved one Finds happiness and rest And there is comiort in the thought That Laying God knows best McNUrtln George is not do bu Barrie nutterl service in Anlul Unl Just when your the wt mm Just when your years were but ¥ou let his world at narrow braved by hrothcr John and Mother Hoxplt on Wednesday Se NEVlLsin iovtniz in mm at we girl yluiltredduzlghttimffiyner nH ht door r1witc Emma May Nevitr who gr nrry posse ay uuuen Payn Owen sound nd the lrto God kno how muchi rhtu her Never It her memory mic Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the ipot where she is laid viola none lrom us but loavliut memories Duth can never take bway Mamettel titLwlll Always wttllc upon this earth we FIRE SAFETY tn hospitals is of the great est importance Above nurses At Royal Vltz toria Hospital bring to surety patients dur lng tire drlll held this week The bed pa Cards of Thanks JONESWe with to extend our message oi sympathy oiierlnttr receiv beautltul tlor ytlonisOllllxr and Mrs wtlllpps ii the dentin oi the many beautliul nllbearers and Gray also lcnnctt runr nl Home tor their kind and out mantomcat at the sotview tarlily Le IN MEMORIAM dear husband and talhcr Wullarrt cmnand who Plued 1wa Oct him in His keepinl Aiwvx remembered by laud and iamityu wlta lli David Wlltcr Franck lewa Oct list who pa ed tend lhc end will be sadly missed by Douglas loan rt lovtna memory at dear hurhsnd and tether Charles Kelly who passed away Oct mt the road 5odly mined by wlie icon and linin lli loving memory at my Hillcrest Caretaker Wins Grounds Award Prillgle caretaker ottlill crest Public School received the top award of $25 train Barrie Horticultural Society tor the best kept school grounds through the placcd third for the $10 award Thecompetitlon sponsored by Barrie Horticultural Society was tor school ground ln Barrie Knapp was the judge and he said all the grounds were heautitully kept and competition way so close that it necessitated as six visits to make some decisions Moro To Kinsmen on Annexdtlon Miyar Willard Klnzle addrc art so members oi Barrie Kl lnen Club on Tuesday night on annexation Straughan gave municipal stalls tics rclatlvc tothe question annexation Mayor Kinch also took the portunlty to thank the club tor the worlt they had done In con ncclion with the industrial parit and ior supplying the school satet iy patrols with equipment Vicepresident thanked both speakers on behu ut the club Saturday Oct the club holds itsannudl iadies night at Bay School Harriet their bereavement the best kept elementary with Fra many as Speaks here Sunday Past president Bea Howard Tue at Toronto Mr and Mrs Fre and Mrs Murray Allin and Shir ley Allin OI Bethesda visited at the home 01 Richard Piowright tauntsare sit down he chute from the top WBTdSBtd the hospital con be evacuated in the matter or minutes EGBERT and Vincent Whiteside We extend dcccst sympathy to Norman epxwortll and family in all hompson Communion Sunday Sunday Oct Communion observed in the United Sunday Mr and Mrs Willllm Elliot oi Elmo vale spent Sunday with Esther and Watson Downer Visitors with Mr and Mrs Al lan Newton during the weekend were Mr and Mrs Arthur Switt Toronto smith and Mrs Flem ming Downsview Mr and Mrs James Currie oi Miss Nancy Foster and friend pent the Weekend MINESING high class household turnlture Includt eawJ MARKET mOAv oer nous cAmE zoos POULTRY As ouolcd by First Cooperative Packers oi Ontario Barrie liogt $2500 Sows 52000 EGGS rucn EC Crack feeWee CIIICKENS Under lbs no price Cupons up to see accordingto weight and quality FOWL II Over lbs 25 12 lbs 20 15 Under lbs 12 II 10 AUCTION SALES Friday Oct II Auction sale or Standard nrcd liuncl ensured shorthnrn and Grade cattle Pill sheep II nigh class to gt Machinery and Household Ettccta or pulse iirovrn at Lot can Med antc lclwnlhl mtiu co oi lilghwey at Orr Lite Term No reserve term is cold Sale at lull sharp bsT Jerry Coughlln and Mill Trace Auctioneers ltslla salurdsy act Auction nte oi inl electric stove in deep mess health reducing equipment hair dryc er beauty Iuppiles and equipment and lull line at all turnlturo tor Peny Graves at this Barrie Filtr Barns sale at am sharp on No reserve Terms cam Jerry couanltn Auctioneer alslli Oct ls Prod wright south 11 Can it lunlltil Aucilop sole or harm stock implementI and household ettectl Tetma cash 5an at pm Sproule Auetllulliclelr aatuntsy net is Auction sale or Farm stock Implements and Grain tor Fred Wrtrnt south halt Lot I1 con la lnnlrlll no mile south and mlle east or the villato oi Stroud ate at pm sharp No reserve owing to lll hcalth Sproulc Auction cer Ilall Wednesday Oct Ernest Han cock Lot can Eu Township Auction ssle nt Parm Stock implc inan end household ciiceu min cash Solo nt 12 oclocp noon uh uh mammalian or lllcllwAvs AUCTION SALE For Hémnvai and Demolition of Buildings hummer cottagcs located it has No is and Tr try in meat ni sale to be bcld at the ltalarday October Iz Tums cash or cheque at this time or purehm and in addition con titled cheque tor tloom to be held by the nrpartmcnt guarantee that buildings will be removed item the repair In momrice with terms at data Pu hitunultlon contact the Auction cr ur it Thornton lnI Ne wash street Orlll Ontario Telephone PA iml nTPARnlznr ot nmltwAn ONTARIO iiiIii Hurr Plltftlltlllll Pillilllilili till STOVE till Two TRUCKS Wtttt METERS AND IILKET PRINTERS T0 ASSURE ACCURATE MEASUREMENT PROMPT DELIVERY CALL TODAY SIMS PETROLEUM lexlto Service Station St Tittln 5L Barrie PIIDNE Bus IA 82563 Res PA 85039 Edsou itt Marshall Wine Props soroulc Auctioneer um summer Second zloty pale pain Toronto spent the weekch with or in behind came Matt ew reer air and Mrs Sandy ueig on ihfignliiluirhedmintbitlmhdiwiltiuhtg codrlngton School who was Miss Audrey white lde and 507° MO suddenly Monday Sept mi They awarded sis and Howard Bur Ronald 01 Toronto spent the WM hidge at Oakley Park School was weekend with Mr and Mrs Cecil being World it will he CIII1Ch Allin Mr Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt Davidand Keith visited at lid 00 It AllMAR AMMUNI loti dear son He Gcorfl Robert MI nult citiol Perth Regiment dicd ui wound In Italy Oct In brightest helm oi etatrral rest 5adly missed and lovingly rem 5adly missed by husband Nonrm ka lviruz memory at dear mother and erndmother ry Wood who pulsed away Oct list wlzvcr remembered by PLANT PA omcE PA mm ANNE STREET FEED MILL EARRIE rllONE PA aim or E4504 MRS GORDON STURGESS RR UTOPIA SECOND PRlzo ltlltl lb Starter OOR ON liANnY Mi aAltiilE TlilitD PRIZE Congratulations to Eugene smith Smit raised on Shur Gain tttfg Feed llillillili iiiili liithi willlililis The iollnwingare the wlnners oi the Cumming ShurAGaln Weight Guessing Contest time to the taet there were more than three rlcet cntrlcs draw was made to determine the three winners PittsT PRIZE tun LES SHURJGAIN nag Ittlx Concentrate 137 anROAIN Pig nooatcr loll Iha lBloSIlURGAIN HugGrower HUTCHINSDN 0R0 STATION aAcpii CARGASS£OMPITITIQH and Clarence Utoptl on their prize wlrtnliigeniltea which were PRICES Eiartaa low as BUDGET TERMS TliiitllItlli Elli CRUDE RUBBER RETRE Show Tilllisg jsriu PRICE 61045 7lo15157 7601 i697 AhdTour ttceaPluhle Tire 1397 Your TradeJn Not Recnppnble 14 Iris oclt Your Terms 0n Balance OETTCIAUSIZE PIGSKIN FflflTltlittS 50 While They Last GET THE OEAL OP YOUR LIFE ON to PT Murkad Down Prices Illliilliiim RDIAL TIRES minimise JIM Slla TPHONEPA sosali Or miuuop

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