cw tcihFriesian Assn HPrlied the Eaton Co troph ydor tli BERNICE AND lichen HAMILTONi oi iaeeton Fair Cnglnndbsttied to the finishitor top honors had the hette eton or rionors finally went to iielen cult for beef mmur SA oouoii presents his trophy in Grand Champion Female Beaver Vale RA Dinsh to Evans Wilcox or Wilcox and Tits RUSSELL noon TRQPHY loathe tor shoWmn ship although Bernice perhaps Junior herd in the Beeton Blacttnnd White show went to Mocague iarm Here Keith McRuer agricultural representative iorsuuthstmcoe presents the trophy to John McCague Grand Winner Ai Beeion Fair Continued iroin psge one lllll Anderson won or her qlli made tram print scraps Mrs Moaillvury cntcrod IlnilL with green borders around while hlncksin which thcro was it munih oi the year and diii ureut type at ilower and won the fancy quilt class Miss Bertha iuwnn had both the old quilt and ill quilt of mounicdhlocks win lit McGiiivarv had childs nursery quilt with pup in the centre asiirstrplace hugs Mrs Alvin Hisey of Elmvalc hunde the winning rag rug ii Bertha Cowan braided the bust iind Mrs Anderson had tbl uihc dorms winner Mr Mason had the best collection at six articles valued lndLl $100 Mrs West won with her modern hindmade cushion Miss Cowsn had lhe winning mounted buttons entry and Mrs Ann Eluinari oI Beeton in mounted needlepoint Mrs Anderson embroidered top place crossotlteh picture of two ballet dancers An Indianr head also done by Mrs Anderson wuu the petit point picture Mrs McGillvsty entered the winning handkerchief and Miss iuvunthe Chesterï¬eld set Lcouiercran Mrs ii Wilson had the Buy rumorvii to nuiocio no mood it at ï¬lling lop st calmuh 1mm huckyt rim nobiann 6qu to intend switch or llllcul vistm io mum in howmsnship in the 4H calt club classitt winnlng smocked childs dress nlng leather article and Mrs hieGilivnry the Eli article bridge tshle cover at pooluhle lreen ers McGillvnry also had the winning carriage cover Mrs Mason crocheted the win ulna oizban Ludies Wearing Apparel Mrs Anderson won with pair cotton pyjamas Mrs Muson had the winning shortle pyjamas Anderson the lancy blou5e sen tlon Mrs Wilson entered light blue sleeveless to win or Wash able blouses Miss Clara Sproule knit brown with yellow Spocks long sleeved cardigan its winning entry ind also mauve short sleeve in that section Mrs ii Wilsonmade the smartest sports dress and also the winning housedress Mrs Mosonsewed sn attractive lime green cobblerst apron to win that section floral print mode by Mrs McGlllery won the kitchen apron competition Mrs Anderson had the ancient one lime green or gandy with side pleated panels and rpses down the tront Mrs Wilson made the winning mother and daughter apron Childs Apparel Mrs it Mrsonkad the Clara Sprout knit the winning sockees Mrs Anderson had the cop wash suit and Mrs Du worth at Barrie won with pair of red corduroy overalls gt two lece knitted ouiflt was entered successfully by Mrs Wilsonand ii crocheted entry by Mrs Robert SIaflord won Mrs Mason made the winning childs mnpers Mens Wear Mrs Ll WextlrnltJlietop neck pullover Work sock hour on went to Mm Wiggins and In to Mialfloiva For nary mks of solid color Mrs 11mm Graham wastops Mni Macon mlde the win lag hide and their checked sports shirt Mir Dockworth sn tered the winning motifs pyjamas sodiumuougw emails white tailored entry wonMrs adinns only Mrs Steenveld had the Winning knitting and the lap display of work szclals heavy knit mans sweater adorned with two old cars and iulllength lipper was entered by Mrs Erel Stewart to win ihe Harding Yarn Special Dairy Produce sod Domestic Science white bread Mrs Service Becion brown bread Mrs Service iruit bread Mrs Murray Graham Tottenham while buns Mrs Nixon Ruiledge bran muf ï¬ns Mrs Nichol tea biscuits Mrs William Edwards Schem he cup cakes Mrs service icebox cookies Mrs Ston Kerr King orange and raisin cake Mrs Stevxurt chocolate cake Mrs Robert Sisiiordp banana cake Mrs Duckwoiili light layer cake Mrs Duckworib anch cake Mrs Service torts butter and fruit Mrs Ray Maison Tottenham cocoanllt torts Mrs Robert Staliord Pics and Cakes Apple pie Mrs Stan Kerr ral sin pie Mrs Stewart lemon pie Mrs Nichol butterscotch pie Mrs Stews pumpkin pin Mrs Murray Graham oatmeal date square Mrs Stewart co coanut macsrons Mrs Robert Statinrd garnished salmon lost Mrs Nichol solid plate with ham Mrs Ann nutnon Beeton yellied lni salad Mrs stow art jellicd vegetable salad Stewart maple cream candy Mis Duckwurth ciiooollto Mrs Stewart dark fruit Ann Batman lightdruit cake Mrs Robert Stat lord birthday cake Mrs NR hoi roasted chicken Mrs Wilson dressed ch ken Mrs Wilson specisl or white in and one for display oI baking Mrs Service Canned Goods lain Mrs Duckworih strawberry jam Mrs Ann Bulmsn ripple jelly Mrs Murray Graham mar malade Miss Bertha Cowan cher ry conserve Mrsn Mason canned tomstues Miss Cowun pickled heels Miss Cowan salad dressing Mrs Mason chops ped pickle Mrs Wilson hot dog relish Mrs White Becton chili sauce Mrs Wilson sweet cucumbers Mrs Ser vice dill cucumbers Mrs Service bean pickle Mrs Helen Strung maple syrup Miss Cowan white eggs Dave Hamill hmwn eggs Dave Hamill Specials ciai for the best trusted single Worth Neilsons cocos awarded Mrs Stan Keri of King the prize or the best chocolate cake Company specials were to Mrs for her pic white layer cake estlc Science was won by Mrs in Raspberries Mr Ann nulmla strawberries Mr Robert stun ord peaches Mrs Wilson pineapple Mn Robert Sllttold pears Mrs Ann Human that rles Mrs Ann Yournun mm as red iiy out at North rinonciu munch Airrims McLuhan do tty nuuimulty advertued product VARl rose Itmiiflcafa gt Drool iimut sensational octh Au rvplicr hold in urinet confidant new MW ihe BA comiior in room homogenates rm My SAVN Great Books Club opening moeie lng Barilo Library Hall Monday Oct at pm All welcome Rummage Sale Ssturdsy Oct at True Blue Holt iagh SL auspices Blue HnVClI Lodge Doors The Magic BakingPuwder Spe 9° Anniversary services or Presby tcrlou Church Sunntilaleporuers on Oct at 11 am and 130 Rev Thompson BA orillia special minister 12ltyearold Ted dy Walker twine cold medal win Tour to Tomato Bus leaves ner It CNEis soloist ior butll Wellington Hotel corner um All are welcome layer cake went to Mrs Duck The Lake oi Woods Milling services Service for the best loator white bread Mrs Duckwortii Ior her layer cake and Mrs Service Shoud Community Hall Board will commence on Monday Oct 112114 In the Domestic competitions Canada Psokers prizes went to Mrs William Edwards of her apple pie Mrs Duckworth ior her The slmpson Special for the contenilnt winning the most points in Dairy Produce and Dum Rummage Sale at st Andrcws Presbyterian Lecture Hall corner of Owen and Worsley Streets Fri day Oct is pm lo 730 pm 114 Rummage Sale at Oddiellows Ilall Collier Street Friday Oct 11 at 230 pm Auspiros St James Anglican Church Crown Hill 114116 iturnmogesnle an Satur iiay act it somehow Tem 113114 The annual owl supper oi Cookstown United Church will be held at the church school room uii Wednuday Oct 30 Particu Wednesday Oct 77 Shop until 130 pm then to Tivoli Theatre Weekly Euchres in Stroud Com or Around the World in 80 munin Hsll under the iusplces Days pm to 510 pm Bus are $250 Ruservcdiheatre seats To reserve phone PA mam i954 roammi Tonzsx 9551 pie Collier St under auspices in Beaver Rebekah huge No 190 Barrie Ilarlfl lars later 114 Barrie Horticultural Society Bus ANioEAn iTRUCK r037 in Good Meeton cal Condition Equipped withstoci Rlcks andready for work REAL TRUCK BUY Sons agent Thealock and Whites pw at Beeton this year was Judged the best seen in the history or the show TWO XolVNG HIGH VPEPHNG snied the Little Britain Band utBeeton Fall Fair sjorettes who accomp locol Dairy Man Zone Chairman Milk Distributors Willard Kinzic Barrie was re clcclcd zone chairman iii the an nuai meeting of the Georgian Bay zone of the Ontario Milk Dislrilr uiors Association hcld at the Cum munity lluusc sarilo on Wed iicsday Fortyfive dairy opera Iors irdm Richmond Hill to Parry Sound attended the meeting During the shower the open ntors toured the newly equipped plant at Lokeview Dalry and tho studios at CKVRTV At thobusiness meeting milk prices were discussed with par ticular reference to the recent control board order authorizing the Increase at the price to Ihc producer resulting in MI increase to the consumer oi about one ceni per quillt eiicctive Oct was pointed out that in 1890 it took as minuics work to pun chase onc quart oi milk in ms it took 15 minutes in i957 it took eight minutes work Mr Kinzie is also vicepresident of the Ontario Milk Distributors Association THEN GET till You know all that In detcnca ol the price rise lt MOST our 0F 1T rarities GAIN IIIE MQSIpiiooucrion and so mosr PROFIT Grains supply ENERGY the main part in any livestock or poul try teed apart train roughage tor rattle is made up at grains THE BABRIB EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER 1957 moon CALVES 746 pm 1m GREATEST OF THEM ALL Now with small additions recently mode we now have for you an even greatcr onll Siartena So much so that we make you FABULOUS OFFER Take one dairy helier call and feed her Purina Call Stsrlcna If she is not the biggest and best call you ev er raised at months of age plus huiug the lowest cost to produce we will give you the Call Stariena ABSO LUTELY FREE You Can Be Your Own Judge our 11 TODAY Ai Barrie ioim Supply 11 Mulcnster Street PM 829E2 FEEBINGYliiill oniiti But grains LACK SUFFICIENT PROTEINS MIMERALS VITAMINS needed to produce fast economical gains that you inust havein your business And you know all that To bridge the gap to balance the grains you produced this past summer to ensure last gains or Increased production at minimum cost to you you need only balance your grains with concentrates SHURGAIN CONCENTRATES We have SHURGAIN CONCENTRATE and proven iSHURr GAIN FORMULA to suit every need you have for iced Drop into the mill and see Wed be pleased to plan with you your entire winter feuding program using your own grains Look for It BALANCE FEEDING iiEADQUi CE noun Phone Strand 52 Colleen or Barrio PA 82d87 PA MM vEitrrcm