Mrs ii Wilson at onliluwas reccnuy elected as thkllflun of Ihq committee which is planning the Cornan Counly de ArtEx hibll This event which is the seventh annual one ill Its kind will he held in the Orillii Arms oliry on November and Ilrswilson has shown great deal of Interest In an develop ment In her own community and has studied painting with Mrs Ada Bruce Torrance Tindell and John Reeve ul Orllllz Mrs Wilson trained as nurse at the Ontario Hospital In King on She married Dr Ilugh David Wilson and tor year they lived in Torontu when her hus band studied at the Ontario Psy Hospital Chlalrlc Later they undue Slim Bryson Itelrigerulion SERVICE PA 4562 PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL 31 CLAPPSRTON ST BARRIE MRS WILSON made their home in 0ltawa Brockville and Lnndnn prior to making the move In OrilIll where in Wilson is on the stall ol the Onlario llospltnl Thryhavc two girls and boy and the whole inmin is inlerestcd in artisiic pursuits Dr Wilson is an out standing muslelan while in London ilrs Wilsnn attended series oi night school courses in inlorlor deeoraling and rcctdved diploma She also It lemlcd classes In wootlvmrkine and lculherwork and taught smacking Mrs Wilson has been an activ member oi the Simcoe County Arts or Crafts Association lor several years and served as its vicepresldeni ior two or these Her orglnlulsionlll ability and En thusiasm auger wcll lor the suC cess oi Ille Seventh Annual Coun lywidc Art Exhibit which is sponsored by the Simeoe County Arts dc Crails Association Just ilrriveil Darwin Darwin Hybrids SE ALLW leaps nliï¬lï¬tl lononl EXCITING NEW TUllP$ llll rilllisT lllllllllll striations till liolliiliolls Vliliilintis INCLUDING Kaufmnnnla Fnsterlnn Grelgll Mendnl Triumph Single Eilrly Double Late Breeder Parrot VISIT Our New ModernlyCqulppcd Bulb House TIIESEiMASIERPIECES PHOTOGRAPIIEI IN NATURAL CQLOR IN HOLLAND Till BULB FARM ounishway too At Thornton Cloverleai From lliilllulll Cottage aLIlyFlowered PIIONE thur Phelps will he lhe subject on which AD will rpealr at the Wednesday Oct media of the Canadian Club in the IOOF Hall on Collier Street at 830 graduate oi University oi Torohlu Mr Phelps is well known author and broadcaster Prior to his retirement in 1953 he was Iralcsst oi English at lieiill University He has toe lured in En at Cornell veriiiy Un ersity oi hirtniiob lhe Ilnlve or British colum hia und is currently special lecturer at the University of To ronln ills published works include book of loamyThis Canada Thuse United StatesLind Cilnr adian Writers ARTHUR Puurs For two years ilir Phelps was general supervisor of the CBC International Seivice Hl has broadcast tor the Clio und the BBC and has chaired the CBC TV series Books Alive and Cab bones and Kings The Canadian Clubs ï¬rst speaker ior this year was Mrs nobin ratlerson who spoke en the StraLIord Festival and its Canadian players The Canadian club is now mixed gmup httv tng integrated ale members GUTHRIE Communion service Worldwide communion will be uhserved in the United Church at the regular service 230 pm STORE HOURS VICTORIA ICF EnlorCe men at nearby Saanichs nel shop closing hylawuught seven stnrckeepnrs unawaresa Licens lng inspector Roy Wootton and police piiicer ionnd toni stores selling meat or groceries on Monday afternoon and three in the evening Prosecutions may Ivy zilrxz lasiq walls in eijoq CORN SYRUP 7aéwoéflweێf CROWN amt hot or old relcall lld mulllnn too BRAND Cnlllldnl favourite nyrup iot panch and women IVE yllIl Exlrn Enéfvy illouch the tiny on toast crest CROWN BRANDCumï¬irupunderullehy In hannnlu tmla hetter will ClioWN BRAND topping hood an rah napeiruit melon etc iieepcngwnnnANDlundv becauseita 0M sweet Imnt that alwnyarendytoun patio and economical Inmatvalnahlnloodenergy follow To an uddiumorallkmda wan owl BRAND to trunk din nertime denim more doughnut Its nauce ior ins erca Nadya teatrm crmwN BRAND paves timesnrinklowilh shuntd nuLL rnr lasted tempting recipes torturing CROWNVBRAND and other Canadr Starch Pm duets write to no noxtza Montreal Que gt DEBORAH CASS DEBORAH CASS plays the role at the warmhearted and loyal ladylnwttlttng Emllln in the CanndlnnPiuyers pro ductlon or Shakespeares Othello ih CANADIAN PLAYERS MAX HELPMAN IN THE CANADIAN Piny ers production at Shakes peares Othello Australian born Max Helpmann plays the part or the sinister Iago ieior Silllln Stratlnrd FromInvalid llnd olivier Helpmiinn Comes To Barrie Any any who has been ll vtlil eviile song and dance man an lllfllldOHIOIWolli actor with Eng lish repertory wartime sailor and it topliner in Londons West End and on Broadway is hound to be something at character But there arc characters nrld characters Max Helpmann who ï¬lls the roles at Iago in 0th Ella and Malone Sr in Shaws Man and Superman when the Canadian Players open their tour lng season in October his never been the shiltless Illcarat phoncy who is so olten euniused with the genuine article An Angry Young Man He is one at that prewar gen oration of angry young men who found In outlet in lighting tor losI causes did anything brand ed as crazy in the hope they would ï¬nd themselves in anrapa hello world ltlux found these inner truths but it took lot at trying He had one thing on his slde right from the start lhuug Hes Diggerone nt Ill to ghnt times brash but legendary eager hezrtcd race at Australians lilax Helprnann began his stage career in 193 its touring song and lance man in Australia One of lhhsetlaislhat episode might make book At the same time the lreedom and laseinallun oi speed captivated him There was smash and from the wreckage at twisted and ill iated racing car More Helpmann was taken to hospital with bra ken back Max fought right back He recovered but the doctors told him No more dancing ior you The Show Went On lesser guy might have tossed away his greasepaint and he come clerk But he had given his Career lot of thought in tht hospital and in 1936 Max Nuipmann steamed to England land the legitimate stage rnr three years until Britain was plunged into another war he worked with various repertory companies There waseven break in the West End out late had already decided hls immedi ate iuiurethe Royal Navy In 1948 he returned to his Ilrst love iie played in Dark Eyes with Yul Brynner and irinu oar onova There were other West End engagements until 1951 when he joined Sir Lawrence Olivier and Vivien Leigh in Antony and Cleopatra and Caesar hnd Cleo patra ilis brother ballet slur hobert iielpmann was also in the company They played tor year or st James London over which the sword oi demo ton at cm hang and then or six months at the Zieglield Theatre New York It was in New York that llax Helpmann and actress Barbara Chilcott were married Stratiord Star He has been in Canada since 1052 apart train 1953 visit to England ior an old Vie season with Claire Bloom and Richard Burton Work at Torontos Crest Theatre and its summer Straw Hat riaycra the Stratlurd Shakespear ean Festival anil with the Canad lan Players have all made the cided impression upon Canadians and Americans Here is most unusual combination oi tulent ex perience and determination Max iieipmann is normally quiet Introspective type and with his experience in diverse heids across three continents will continue to make an Impression on North Americans who like and understand this man whose tooling and humanity typiï¬es the great traditions ol the stage TalkYour Way 1113891 to with the dictatillgtrlanscribing mingle SteniJrette utviiti95° lrlnmiblnl arcerwnci ll small Ifldllleml sharre Only hall the priceo any other major dictating machine out with greater versatility OneSlenonltu can be used or both diallin end transcribing Use the some mnmelic lope over end over spin indeï¬nitely Mike corrections and ensures out muelllng the machine Conference swi Really portable weighs only ll its loan Pushbutton operation Completely Iutolt malil euntrolr Accessoryior recording way phone conversation Combinationmicrophouospeaker Completeservisefacilitiesnvailnble Phone orwrltelorErecfylilnslratorl Booklet sun TYPEWIIIIER so rnoNerA 56595 ivory Ia MCEVDY BARBIE innAAtvw Lt ERRRIE EXAMINER Newsmaktng Liné Tvgtr hare ncelrllnos ail ports is making show oi them now Two prclly hack views in thissummer dresseasy to sew wilh our new PRINTED Pattern simple sil houette oi titled and flaring lincs ooually becoming in all rrinird Pattern 4075 Misses Sizes to 12 14 ls size 10 requires yards 45inch fabric Printed directions on cach pat tern part Easier Iasier accurslo Send rlrrY CENTS 502 in coins islamps cannot he ueeepled SElliiliill It is xclnflll the way Tome late or household goods are packed and loaded iar traps ierrsl lo new home nant let this happen in you Call us tor North American Van Lines wileApproved motel III campheli Limited Agent tor North American van Linua Moving and Slurgar no nurrop Ave Itlune PA c0555 Beeiona WA Plan Bazaar meeting at the Womans Associslion oi Trinity Unite Church was held on Thursday lernouh Sept 26 in the church school room The presidenl airs Elwood Nichol presided and good num ber or members were present and two visitors The devotional was conducted by Airs llulchison and Itlrs IV Bray Secretarys report by Mrs Armstrong Treasurers report Mrs Kcarns correspond ence secretary lln Hulchlsen read several replies oi thanks The business period lollowed and lurlher plans will be mad at the October meeting tor the annual bazaar and tea to be held in November The meeting closed with The Lurtls Prayer rur this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care oi The Barrie Examiner ral iern DLpl so Front St West Toronto Ont roe EXPERT animus worth FllElIlIli MillIlllS YOUR DODGE DESOTU DEALER 75 Brndtord SL NE 55911 25 NAPIER STREET still Flinn fltlltirhéfllilt Auto Insurance Institutions its on at twice pear iimrad without do In earrymg rhnrgrrl Call today for complete detain It pay know you STATE FARM Apartk GRAHAM Blilll BARBIE IIIONE PA $3992 TH Fuel sAVED Mott THAN PAYS FOR THE COST OF CLEANING BURNER saitvICe AUTHORIZED EKVICE oIL BURNERs FURNACECL NINE SALES AND snitvicn Lean shouldat Lean Muir so niphl Smeltd RINDLESS SIDE FnuoyiAunIity Hunll Blind OCEAN PERCH jAVEx iAsPv PEAS detailr Mil m1 PORK BUTTS r429 COHOE SAIMoil STEAlts u69c RRY PIE eelllnrnia Flnut Sweat Lureieut Ne Prlen Elisilv until Murdny PorkShoulderseIlZ BACON t79a FlllEiS shirrllis WI Rio Pris MAVE la Johnsons Hard Gian Hug SIDSï¬AVE Liquid aleoh Help Frlol btl ZSoBAVE 5n Jan linkr chale quality chain nullin ma Pric till 35 ï¬AV tie Produce Yipecial ruilli dwncllnlts Volume No New on sale Ray Price aspssz lc Aep IrmaI55 eo tin zzoeAvE as UNIVERSAL stANoAluS Encyclopedia thany with any purchase téoxptg 31¢ tin 9t 232roeblis 5c =i49r