grandparent This tmmnz zxnllmmz FRIDAY ocroslm 1951 Dalion ans Shower For District VCQupie The meeting or Dalston er mens institute held at the home or Mrs llandy opened with the singing oi the opening ode reading the Mary Stewart Collect and repeating the Lords Prayer in unison lloll call toss answered by lllm lhg the date or birth and birth stone There were members and two visitors present The mlnuics oi the prctiousmuetlnl were rcnd and adopted The president thanked all the ladies who assisted in the picnic and wedding reception during July Mrs Bria Eorhrs was appoint ed to look alter the emergency reilot or the lied Cross Four ladies were appnittied to look ni er the chest xray in Dalston Mrs Carol Coward gave an in Icrcsiing reading on Citizcnship Thc lucky draw was won by Mrs nmwnpwho is to bring prize or next months draw it was planned to give shower ior Esther and Doug Long in Grains hurst hall on Friday The next meetingwill atthc home ol lllrs Wallwln in Bur rie on0ct 17 at it pm lloll call is the name oi the birthplace ol lllouo is le9 out her in past or luturc but let each days work absorb all your interest energy and enthus iasnl Program is to be histori cal research by ltrs llsndy hostesses are Mrs ll Wallwin and Mrs Handy Cron Hill WI ngiszOcioberis Top Motto Crown Hill Womens Institute will hirid the Octobcr mectlng at the home oi Mrs larirldge on chnesday evening Oct at pm Motto will he Education Womens FOUR OF THE TOP members of the executive tor the Area Womens Institutes who were elected at last weeks convention are left to right Mrs Campbell of Strand who will serve as second vicepresident Mrs McLung or Wyebrldge the new secretarytreasurer Institiités covers alot oliround but doesnt cultivate iL pomcnt by Ml Partridge Rnli eall Suggestions lor ital luween Educatiol convener llrs Thompson will be in charge Hoslcsses are llls Aconlcy and Mrs Alkiflsflnn Crossianci To Hoici Miiiinery Short Course The September meeting oi Crossland Womens lnslituie was held II the home at Biro Andrew hicGinnis The meeting opened in the usual manner wilh the president Mrs John Anderson prcsiding The roll call sz0 and date at any historical treaty was In swered by 13 members and one visitor Delegates were chosen lor lhe area convention which was hed in narrle on Sept aim Plans were made lot the millin ory short course to be held in November and also iDr card par ties to begin again in November Current events were given by iilrs McGlnnis An interesting paper on United Nations was given by Mrs Hurb Pratt The meellng closed by singing hc national anthem aiicr which lunch was served by the hostess und committee White stundards of pink and white glad ili lormcd the setting for pretty wedding in Nottowo Presbyterian Church on Sntur day September when Susannah Marie doughter of Mr ond Mrs Donald Cottrell Colllngwood was united in marriage to Robert Wesley Bates son or Mr and Mrs Melville Bates Stoyner The bride who was escorted down the aisle by her lather were llooriengih gown ol Chantilly lace and nylon not over lrllela The strapless bodice was lace over not and taitcta The all hooped skirt of double net iaiicta lcaiurcda pepluni ol nylon net witnlace border rhrre ms rhinestone trim on the bodice and pcpluin lier bolero was lace with lung llly point sleeves Her waistlength Veil of nylon tulle was held by tiaraol rhinestoélcs and pearls The bride cartlo October MeeiS while bible iron which shovzlcrcd while streamers pin sweet cart WWW roses and while stephanotls operating nlll usy schedule cently with regular meetings dls The mid of honor MiSS June plays at inlldsirs and the Slmcoe onuihwaile was attired in an in County convcnuun or name klclenglh gown or pink patlcrneu Programs for October ineiuue out over hooped lltiictn she Halloween ptrtlcs guest speak wore pink leather headdress garde mm ms The twin ilower girls Glenna suppers North Slmcoe district Rev ployed by Mrs Birnie who also accom and Gloria Jacobs were short dresses oi white nylon with pink roses Their pleated lroscldresscs and mitts matched their dresses All the attendants carried old lashioncd colonial bouquets of pink roses and blue baby ntuniS The best man was William Bates brother of the groom The ushers were Ronald Frye and Nor man Gllfen Receiving ut the reception lhe brides mother were navy dress with matching ehantllly lace jacket Her accessorius were liin and navy and her corsagc was pink delight roses The grooms mother who assisted were dress of dusty rose Her acces sories werelurouoisa and black hcr corsngc Queaniiizabcih yel luw roses Amid showers of conlclii and good wishes ihc bride and groom Noriil Simcoé Insiiiuies Pian Pavcrn as their Board Directorzand Mrs Kelis of Calling wood the first vicepresident The election was conducted by the president of the Ontario Womens Institutes Mrs James Haggerty or Napanee Mrs EDllnn or Alliston who will represent the area Now Roux Cram Hull llghlonar colurtenlrollod the XtCr condition ith dolphin ly luttiovt nolvral Inciting rhodlnp lo lhe ho Canv nknhlorl in action any to unit ject to change rs iollows and Tlppifll thing is to start on time Mrs Faris Roll call beautiful thought expressed is poetry Con ruler Mrs Clinton Fagan Pro gram Prize for dishgardencon test Singsnng Lunch commit tee Mrs Jermey Mrs Ego Mrs Freshener Mrs Mackay EADY October 9230 pm Communr ily Hall Convaner Resolutions Motto Angel manages everything badly Mrs Bert Russell Roll call resolution would like to enthusiasm Roll call verse lrom my old public school reader Prngram Hollowccn masquerade Prile for best costume HlLLSDALE Octobcr 29 plrn HOSIBsS Mrs human lioll call Some thing to he lhanldul or Motto paper on Thanksgiving Pro gmm Community activities and public relations Lunch Mrs Thomas Morrison Mrs Dunn HOBARTCARLEY October 9230 pm Hostess branches arranged meetingssub COLDWATER 511 October pm Hostess Mrs Lawrence Devine Motto Sometimes we may learn more from mans errors than from his virtues Roll call The fun niest Hallowecn prank remem hcr Program Area convention report Lunch Mrs Shep pard and Miss Edna Loncy COLDWATEli lli send to the leo Program Mrs Balkwlll Motto Dont Wiï¬grgï¬m Pi HgSff seaker Mrs nuke crillia do save all your smiles tor the per lcrsim brgflfwghd 00mg Craits ior use some in the kitchen Roll peace than to have stutled iowl WW childs education program En tertain another WI branch JARRATFCREIGHTON October 8230 pm Hostess Octoher 17430 pm Hostess Mrs Brown Birthday mutil lng Motto Minds are like par achutcs they only function when they are open Roll call What have to be thankful for Pro gram Singsong Lunch pot luck supper with strile Roll call Introduce yoursoll and say what you are thankful tor Progriirn Hallow ecn costumes and prizes Enter tilin another Wl branch Contest Speakers Rev Churcher COULSON GRENARD October pm Hostess October pm Hostess Mrs Walker Education Mot Mrs Sam Elliot Motto Nothing to Running is of no usei the great wnsever scbioved without BEST We specialize in qualityhome bnking and Dutch treats Cakes pies pastries bread etc is weiias delicious Dutch heescs and Candies non THEFIN sir battling Torus SEE 76 humor 515 rbbégfehiqn MR AND MRS ROBERi WESLEY BATES Givegller olAMprgrrom REEVES drawingms and the memorable moment llvés louver XAMINER i3 Joyre Lambert Rev Lindsay MacIntyre Duntroon and Jack otrlciated at the double ring ceremony The wedding music was panled thesoloist MissMargoret Birnie in singing The Voice That Brenthed Ocr Eden and Perlect Love lclt or honeymoon in Soulhs crn Ontario and United States For travelling the bride wore rose French crepo suit with matching velvet hat and navy and white accessories Hol corsage was tawny zoltl roses The couple will reside on the grooms farm near Stayncr Mrs Elder Robson Motto ii is goodly thing to give thanks lloilcaii What enjoyed most at ihc lail ialrs Program Citizen ship and education Entertain neighboring branch Quiz cunt icst Lunch Mrs Earl Dobson Mrs Tudhope Mrs Ernest Dobscn Mrs Lodwlck Mrs Lackie Mrs hlanwcll Program Home economics and health Bazaar MELDUF pm Hostess Herman Robinson Con vcncr historical research Roll call Thanksgiving verse or quotation Program Paper con vcners choice Name all or lnal pwncrs ol your home with date oi ï¬rst settler Contest Name in one minut as many words as you can beginning with the letter named by person on your right omit October Mrs MOONSTONE October 530 pm Hostess Mrs Jack Buchanan Moimr Health is Ircasurc you cannot buy holl call rule lor good health reogrnm Speaker on can ccr NORTH RIVER nelobpr 31330 pm Hostess Mrs Shaw Motto Wc can live without poetry we can live without books but civilized men cant live without cooks Roll call Recipe for your husbands lflvor ite dish Program Home ecunom ies Mrs Taylor Mrs Borrow speaker VASEY October pm Hostess Mrs George Hawke Canadian Industries Motto llc whomever madeva mistake never mndeany thing Roll call How we can improve the biggest industry in North Simcoc our tourists Please bring plant or cut flow ers gitl to the County Home WARMINSTEK October 15 run Hostess lllrs Charles Teskoy Social Motto Lite is likc garden you gather what you sow explained by Mrs Mercer Roll call Nairnc an industry in Drillia and its prdduct Program Canndian industry Mrs Charles Teskey WAUBAUSHENE October 16 Institute Hall Motto Eat wisely but not too well Roll call What not to do in sick room Prgoram lie porl or area convention Paper Community Activities and Public Relations Contest Do you know uniario Committce Mrs Blanchard Mrs Barley Wewelconla crimp sons oh VoluerlorfluQu 0y bAltlus as J£11gt 957 standing success Feilowlhip creative clinrt together with the weathermrns superb cooperation mode the Arts and leu Weekend held at the Ski Barn in the Blue Moon him on Sept 28 and 29 Inou Fortysix peo ple the maiority lrom Slmcoe County but some iron beaming toll Toronto Sholburno and Bow maovllle participated in painting Ind sketching creative writing and leather sculpture under the guidance ol excellent instructors 11111 All Session Percc Gardner art teacher on the slall at the Northern Techni calrcommcrclll SchoolV in Toronto gave leadership to artists and wouldbe artists This group spcnl lhe lirsl morning close in the Barn in the alternoon Ihelr vantage point wits the top at the hill lrom which they attempted to paint panoramic view They were encouraged to spend Iho Ihird session larlhcr away from the Ski barn exploring new dress tor interesting pointing sub lccts in addition to helping his pupils with comments and sug gestlons while they were out ol doors Mr Gardner cvaluatcd and gave constructive criticism to their eilorls in an indoor scssion on Saturday lcvenlnx lie cmphaslz ed the method or usiflx prelim inary wnsh of dark but to cover the canvas completely in order to give thc ï¬nished painting transparency and depth Excell ent results were achieved by the group Lellhcrcralt Using variety oi intcrcsting tools and heavy oz leather th YMYWCA PLAN TO FORM PHiAT SORORITY In conjunction with YMYWCA activitics Ihc tormatloo at it Phiat Sororliy is undcr consid eration Its male counterpart Phalanx Fraternity is already chartered and enjoying ii incel ings Phiat comes trom Greek tor she who serves and has dour ble meaning in that she who serves serves hersell by itllning social and service club and serves her community through service to the Meetings arc held irom all in spring The program is based on the members interests and planned by them Dances and parties are held with the Pha lanx also bridge parties movie nights games tournaments etc interested persons should at tend an organizational meeting at the at 2d Owen Street at 730 on October or 01135 lilo leather Swlplure group carved pictures and designs on plaques instructor Don BlIcKlnnon of Toronto who and coasters Thclr is considered one oi the world outstanding leather Artists lirst discussed with them what ihc leather could do lie dem onsiraied how it could he sirclchi ed squeezed and cm almost like plccc oi cloth Then time in strucilbn in Ihc usc tools such as swivcl knives bevellers 2nd Garnet Pratt of Clarke modellers or Clarke leathers played an lm porinni part here because he had brought many at the required tools with him or the group to Everyone experienced keen enjoyment in working with the smooth leather and xomc artistic pictures and attractive coasters were completed belore the tour use sessions were over Form Now Class new class which had not been altered at previous Arts or Crafts Weekends was the one in This was lcd Creative Wrillflc by Anthony Frisch English on chcr at the New Toronto Second ary School contribution was to help each per son to loosen suliiclenlly to ex press himselt lrecly oi several interesting methods mcmhers at this group told or experiences which had stirred them deeply or dramatized various which were humorously lneongrn ous and criticisms made Sr Mr Frischs greatest As rcsult Then they were encouraged to write these down and later they were read and comments Belorc the weekend was over everyone had this County Rccrcation Servicn ioolt leading part in snnrlay morning Mrs llrcnn at Bar rie led short period oiinspn lion and worship Llew Beaver of Barrie president at the Slmron County Arts Craits Association which sponsored lhe weekend wa present throughout and chaircd the llnal evillllatibn session Those who aliendcd from vari ous centres in the county were as ioilows BarrieMrs Atkinson Mrs Bruin lch Eczvcr Mrs Kcn Cavanagh Mn Alberta Cflig Ed Hooper Mrs Jar omhs Mrs Moicy Mrs Marshall Mrs Kcn Trcadwcli Mr and Mrs Garnet Pratl and llcrt Young 0rillia and Coldwatcrblrs Anderson ltliss Olga Mawdslcy htlss Maude Rowe Mrs Wilson and Miss Barbara Coopcr MidlandMiss hiricy and Mlss hlay Wilkinson Coliingwood and districtMrs Ken Abbott Mrs Ruby Allan Mrs John Bell Mrs Roy Buchnn an Mrs Cook lilrs Caroline Carlson lllrs Lyness Myles lilr and Mrs Thomas Blair Brian Morgan and Miss Bess sic Smith StaynerMr and Mrs Mar kit and Barker hilss Louise chlley and Miss Florence McArihur attended lrom ihc Simeoe County Rccrczilon Service Ruby POPULAR SINCE written one or two stories and at The Ferris wheel named after least one poem Several oi lhcse were considered so excellent thlt they were read to the whole group at lhe tinal gcttngcihcr on Sun may he day afternoon Some worthy of publication Play and prayer in addition to Ihi work sessions which were genuinely cnjoycd there was play party on Satura day night in which the suit ol Jzanï¬dqtvlnq 0W ROAST TURKEY llwilh nll tnc trimmings Sunday at Monday OCTOBER 13 far coop Diners excluSVivev ParlorAir Blower WITH THE Miiiim BUTIDN SAVES up T072577 orrujlau lilillTllElilVl llilllellllll Luxurious appenranee without wood finish Model 725 530 oTu output MAGIC BUTTON turns the nuoTherm pntsNalures law ioranilorm temperatures in your home loor air In heatsjt circulates it round and round its inventor Fcrrls WIS first built or Chicago Worlds Fair 1893 REGINA CURL SHOPPE sit nonlop St Barrio We Have Way with Hair INDIVIDUAL IIAIR STYLING 0nr New Number PA b9246 if the luttiiry price warm Sandal oru output Model 525 41500 lower on and on automatically or Rising Heart to work orig rtot air cant get trapped on the ceilings and cool air cant get trapped on the moors DuoTherms powerlul blower Keeps all air gently moving Reheat air thatcnols blends it throughout rooms or even healthy comfort withoutdraits lowerrfucl blllll PRICE$ MODEL REGULAR 625 $16495 MODEL REGULAR 725 511495 gt lNjctuoE Power viii Blower