sud institute News The Womens institute who are Sponsorins series or euchrcs this season held their lost on Wednesday September 25 at the town hall when so memoers and their iriends enioyetl sn evening oi cards Prise went to tst Mrs Charles coriand and 2nd Miss Elizabeth Carr Earl Carr isi and lioherts lucky prize to David Melirasior The committee served lovely relreshmcnts at long tahies let the end at the evening Institute Meeting The Womens institute October niceltng will be held In the totvn hall on Thursday evening Oct Mrs Kenneth Kidd oI Toron to will give an Illustrated lecture on her recent trip to Europe and Northern Ontario Visitors web come The comm econ histor ical research and current events Is in charge oi Mrs Glass Mrs Leadlay Mrs Graham MrsM McFadden and Miss HaLeI Arnold nsllynay Service Iargc crowd oi children hits in the entire centre pewi ot the church their parcnts and friends were present on Sunday morning Sept 29 at the United Church ltalty Day service The superlne tcndent lilrs Wesley Hindle took charge at the service assisted by Rev Nowell Scripture readings were given by Marie Cole and Joyce Strud wick The junior choir sang number and the primary choir sang Hear the Pennies Drop ping while our junior boys look the otioring presentation oi pins were given to125 pupils by the secretary Alhert Kelly The promotion classes marchcdunder decorated lower arches while the choir sane tinder the Arches They Are Mnrchln and alter the presentation at certiï¬cates by their Icaehers they were welcom cd by the new class teacher Mrs Hindle gave talk to the children and she chose her topic from St Paul have fought good tight have ï¬nished my cause have kept the iaith During the service the follow inz children were baptized by Rev NCWEIIZEIEIIIE Heath liston on Anytntu 3957 liter tor sane nichard and hired act ill in Hospital lvarl Graham son or Mr and Mrs Grahsnt was taken to Stevenson Memorial Hospital Al liston early Monday morning Where he underwent major op eratian Fromiloronto Mr and Mrs Wray Heckete salts Ricky and Alan at Toronto and Frank Clark Toronto spent the weekend with Rsndnlh Harris Mr and Mrs IIorllce Banners man Valerie Wayne and pubert oi Siayner Spcltt Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank lttumherson and Kathleen 100th Birthday Mr and Mrs Alex Hood iltcnd ed Tuesday in Toronto the 100th blrlhday anniversary of Mrs James Gillespie Art Club Sonic mcmhers oi the ABC Art Club attended the club mccllnz olrthursday Evening at the Le gion ilall Becton when the gucst artist Mr Tallman oi Holland art teacher at Oak Ridges gave demonstration at painting an autumn scene From Illmllloon Miss Miriam Nowell at Hamil ton spent the wcckcnd with her parents hell and Mrs Newell Toronto Visitors Mrs ltoy Harmer oI Toronto spent last weekend in town rc newing old lriendships Mr and Mrs Keith Coast and sons iiivc returned to Toronto and have taken up residence in their new home on Orton Park Road Mrs Cquse and children have spent the past two months with her parents Mr and Mrs Kidd while their home was being completed Back From The West Mr and Mrs Albert Gllroy have returned home tram an auto trip to the western provinces They have purchased the home at Mrs Glass and expect to move in very shortly Mr and Mrs Cameron Loblaw and daughter Heather of Aurora er dillah Mr rsNero Sunday visitors oi Mr and George Little Christopher John Stephen Robert and Wanda seen children oi Mr and Mrs George Bowers hymnwas Sung and the benediction pronounced by Rev Nowell Cooknichardson Wedding On Tuesday September 24 at Cookstown United Parsonage quiet wedding took place when liev Nowell perlorrned the marriage ceremony at Helen Lil lian Richardson or Barrie dau ghtcr at Mr and lilrs Gordon Ferguson to Wallace Stanton Cook son or Mr and Mrs Stan ley Cuak oi Cookstnwn McMillanSkelly wedding on Saturday August at the United Church parsonage by Rev Newell Marguerite Kath ieen Skelly ot Barrie to James Edward McLellan Harrie Birth ol Son Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Donald Elines Cookslown on the birth of son David Andrew at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alv Builders contractors orrFarmerst Nn na No nonllooia Horace and Pine Lumbar lonll or Drelied netherit ion the job by truck Elliitlï¬liltilt tllllllilzll til Mrs Little and uncle Fred Apr perley Attended Convocation in and Mrs Lemmon attendedan Wednesday the mis sion convocation held at Wyciitle College when the lormers sister liliss Frances Lemmon oi Creo more obtained her If degree scholarot Theology Miss Lero mon is taking the position at assistant to Rev Chotc at the Church oi the Messiah Services at Rich Hill Mr and Mrs Clarence Ereetin attended the anniversary services at the United Church at nich liill last Sunday week ago Coakshwn Fair large crowd attended the CDokstown Agricultural Fair on Friday In spite oi cool and cloudy weather The new building for agriculture and curling club was an added attraction to the exhibits oi ladies needlework school work and merchants booths to display their wares There were 12 schools In par ade led by patrol of Boy Scouts from Newton Robinson The treasure hunt was won by Larry Cause and the mystery man was finally tound hy clever lad called Brian whose surnamc ls still mystery Thesecret message from Cind ereila wasnever discovered but she arrived at the danceand how The dolls carriage Gail Downey Jane Rowe Gail Halbert Tricycles Linda Cole Dannie Bulmnn Sharon Ross The special prizes sponsored by the agriculture ladlcs division went to lst flash camera to Donald Eltnes 2nd rug to Mrs Kenneth Pegg 3rd basket ol groceries to Mrs French or aol Fort rotlies olltarln ton Albert Roberts was the lucky II can can on Inertz insist on th coal than col ored blue MitRYsT corona ntismisss helicopter irons Urlited States Navy carrier annwa picks up equipment from the quarterdeclt or the Canadian destroyer St mg NATO exercise Ships of manoeuvre WYEBRIDGE Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs CliLtord Miller Audrey and Irving oi Stroutl visi tell with Mr and Mrs William Fall on Sunday Recently Married Saturday Sept 28 Marshall Gccnicr and Rita Beauchnmp were marri in Pcrklnsï¬eld Catholic Churc In St Pauls United Church Midland on Saturday flit winner at plane trip tor two to Buttalo This was donated by the Barrie Travel Service The Institute Easter dinner dis play prizes went to lst Fishers Corners 2nd Littles Hill and 3rd to Cookstown Institute Pctcrbaraugh Visitor Mr and Mrs Alvin Blackmore and baby or Peterborough visited the iorrnors parents Mr and Mrs Charles Blackmore over the weekend lira Thomas Kay oi Toronto spcnt several days the guest or Mrs Thomas Williams From Nelson BC Mrs Erma Aronsen or Nelson BChwas visitor on Wednesday with Dr and Mrs Harry Leadlay Friends at Mrs Sadie Walker will be greatly pleased that She has left the General Hosttat Tu ronto where she has been quite ill lnrseveral weeks and IS now recuperating at the home at her sister Mrs Bassingthwaite in Toronto Masonic Lodge Meeting Manitoba Lodge No ads enter tained the La Salli Lodge No 1045 Niagara Falls NY on Sat urday with tour oi RCAF Camp cordon neturning to the iodgc roams In Cookstown in the even thurent ln midAtlantic dur Cnnadn and the us were en route to 10m units of European NATO members for the full ernoon Lewis Hewitt ol Minded and Jean McConnell were married Congratulations and best wishes to both couples Toronto Visitors Mr and Mrs James Cromio oi Toronto spent the weekend with their sonindaw and daughter Mr and Mrs itoy Eakley and tamily From Boston lames Wilson or Boston spent tow days recently with Mr and Mrs Orville McClung in liospltal Sam Ellery spent twoï¬ays in St Andrews Hospital Midland and received blood transtusion Weekend At Home Lorne Carrulhers at Cultlcr Spent thlI weekend lit his home here Mr and Mrs Edwin Reynolds o1 Barrie visited Mr and Mrs Henry Reynolds on Sunday Mr and Mrs Fraser ol Burwash Village were weekend guests at Mr and Mrs Angus Rawn Mr and Mrs Charles Hounsomc and Mr and Mrs Ernest Houn Dalhousie or the weekend and some of Midland motored to Port At Unlvenlty Iohn Allawnlen week tnr studiesat Univériilyot Wes 6m Ontario Lorulon II was home last weekend and sang solo at the Angus united Church anniversary service on Sunday morning The auto was much enjoyed by all Bill Edwards is attending Queens University at KingstarL Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs George Shell Brcnlwuod visited with Mr and Mrs nusscu Adams on Sunday and attended the United Church anniversary Sunday night James Ictttrics spent Monday in Toronto Weekend Visit Mrs Duncan Graham Barrie spent lhc weekend with Mr and Mrs Duckworth wedding anest Mr and Mrs Leslie Rose It tcnded the MaxieBrew wedding at Newmarkct on Saturday alter ation Sept 28 Sunday Guests Mr and Mn Kenneth Butler and iamin at Palgrave spent Suns day with Mr and Mrs Patriot Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Al Bourgeauat Cnlllngwood Mr and Mrs Edward Holland and Beth spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Andrew tlooner Sudhury Mr and Mrs Keith Weber Marilyn and loyce spent Sunday atternoon with Mr and Mrs Smith at Alcona Beach Mr and Mrs Ross Wilkinson and tamily Richmondttill spent test Bill slat visited with Mr and Mrs Albert Hounsulne gm illg banquet was served and degrees put on on ndly IDA gator tlvlnaSTult onus smite 56 Baytleld Next to Iaoblaws lriosralr5cisilÂ¥nv3llliul Ill 646421 issratiuomrm martenus Insosuo vool revues mo those or omn mourns IOWa for all of us meninliofntivtscorli Jams rmvmktelmceeodamn BNS people areirlendiy palateget to know them at our Barrie brooch HA Hanoock Manager hairless mstsmoneyantl the money to ï¬nance prowl comes out clearings So when you saveryoure outing things better tor youn sells prodding the annoy br more goods Here on time good reasons lolly it pays to Ian You llqu vunsila ric eg for the fame You help ï¬nance more production and make lngiier earning powb to You help to keep the nine olyour dollar up Andhuolelhoealywylouve with The Ban of Nova Semis exclusiv rsr Puntla Security Program you instalment loony psymcnupom hined with insurance protection anyour lire Aalr about the modern way to save at your nearest Bank of Nova Sootia branch 9V McKay WMS Nail 2y at Central Arthur The meeting The order at servit Thumss Wilkinson Mrs Goldie Perkins Sandlordlue The Womens Missionary Soci rraahyterian Church rnet Wednesday Sept 25 at the home of Mrs William tic opened with Mrs McKay in charge was iollow ed in the Thrnroloring service the weekend with Mr and Mrs Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs IIIIE IsARRtIEEXAVMINER I7ltlDAY OCTOBER 1551 it The Womens lnstitule will leaflets provided Mm meet Thursday are at two DJ at the home at lira and Kay ntsdthaScriptum Mrs Fletcher read very appropriate paper The meeting closed with prayer air and Mrs McKay and Norman alonk with Mr and Mrs cuewltt and Albert or Game bridge molnrcdlothe St Lawr ence Seaway returning by the USA and Niaxara Falls AI Area Convention Several emndeo thearea eon vention held in ilarrle last week Sympathy ot community Sympathy or the community is extended to Clarencevneld arid tamin in the loss at Lloving lather and to Sturgess Ina tarnily in the lose or loving father New Arrivals Congratulations are extended lb Mr and Mrs Iloatheriniton on the arrival ot Baby girl llr and Mrs Mitchell on the ar rival ol baby boy and tn Mr andlllrs Lloyd Fltteller on the arrival oi baby girl Mr and Mrs littler of Midland are if itinz with their daughter Mr and Mrs Rice Sympathy ut community Sympathy is extended to Gillespie and tamin ill tilt loss ot Iovlnu wife and mother Mrs Gillespie Glycol PERMA PERMAFILL Gallon 219 eAsrtow RA SOLDER Menu 100 approved Ethylene tilyeol WllH comma svsreM CONDIIIONER not tutor antityeexe In the whole wide we dllhon renMArltt Mode exclusively tor Cunadlanlllo to this lolossl monotoelarerot Ethylene at noon hear at well in com gives complete oinvvauther security PEIMAFILL gives more protection than youll evor Approved EthyleneGlycol with special coating yr tem conditioners to prevent rust eolrollon elcg inq and learning honor to portals and car llnh on nctllally lengthens radiator hon lite and lohvleolel the water pump Sale oil in way down lo 62 helow sale the with ony tharmartulvnlver needs testingslay at full strength Fill up new with oguiml sloliinp and hard ItEEzE lesien IIIEIIMOSTATS originleeuipmenleoaiim nrrl popular cl rloln levy duly sol lo length or would FAII BELTS sevenp 55 Crtulnul eno WMER PUMP lIIIlIIIGMIT sl HEIIVV DUTY IIEIIIEItIIOSE ff rate ustsevisv Fullstrength holcnln prle 10°95 Irep your ear at prtcu Sold only lquski 74 ltlltItItIIt SPRAY Spicy this lovah olorlle coating on you ignition lyilom Sect cullaln and condensation proleel puttincrode Elhylenl GI coloi GAVCW llwlliltpliuicilull roundup full Slrcnnth IlalgylllltGrucla PRICE FOR BIG SAVINGS Special inhihiios over again ml and corrosion Parmunant untlshecxa protection at all winter long Equal to many but known blonds telling all much higher In totald containers ouanr 67 199 GALlON ausllv 54 Consenlmlod Mlhylltd lard Allow heall opolohon rat in Itallitw oor bomb Into pol lnlr Ilenl qucllly ll Iyn nulltn Av low amttr xe now 55 44 ï¬e CIA EXTEltlott unrssr stamina WHEEL oven DUNLO sitteerwns RONALD