31 no LIBERGE Canadian PM Stall Writer UIIAlVA OCT CP Re suits oI last years iaritl board overhaul at Canadas steel taritts appearedwhen it was learned last week that Canada has with lied several countries of its in tention to lock tnrit hoosts To do Canada must get agreement trorn follow signs turics oi the General Agreement on Tariits and Trade Canada will negotiate at Geneva early cxt month with individual inLin tiers of the 35country GATT Canada will have to agree to seine Iiii concession to various GATT members or each steel item entering the country on witch the Canadian tariit is rain etl Countries hntiIied include tile United States The iariti boards study last year was the ï¬rst major overhaul oI steel IIIIHIS in 50 years Items on which tariffs are to be renegotiath include ingots and other primary steel products structural Steel various pipes and tubes pipe Iiltings and couplings and water natural gas and oil castings Canadas expressed goalunder the louder Liberal administration was In snpportlhe GATT and seek expanding world trade through reduced taritts on basis ut give and take However GATT members have shown reluctance to reduce rates in recent years Nevertheless Canadian ottlciuls eel the ngrec ment has been uselui in modify ing movcs to raise tarltts The new Canadian negotiations will take place when member countrics will consider extending the existing tarili agreementa which are due to expire this year Oil fititfmasclllll wlmsas cczY HAVE ton MISSED EM MODERNIZE youra HEATING SYSTEM BRIS ow PlUMBEGJlEATING paired 84 WNW 51 WEST rm FA 63170 WMIIYIIE WNAI WE ELL The list extension art2 years This time Clnlda not thrapyear extensionand of tielais here rehopeftil other countries will agree Postal Contenttco The circuit congress ot the Universal Postal Union at OIIIWI ended its big jnb OI redrait log new international postal agreement All that remained was the sign ing at the document scheduled tor Oct alter the 300 delegates ram 96 countries complete visits to Quebec Montreal and the St Lawrenge Seaway The agreement is valid until the next congress ls held In live years mainly to replace the cr pirinz document with new one The new art affects countries post ofï¬ce departments in their international relations but does not bear upon their domestic arv rangemonts it hits no substantial elfeot 0n the Canadian public postal ottidtala say motor Innovation was the set ting up of it ZOctJuntn technical study commission to keep an eye on the latest methods or mail distribution and new devices and electronic aids Canada though not member will contribute information to the commission which is ultimately to provide technical aid to countries trying to Improvo their postal schIce Royal Amnesty The royal visit in October means amnesty inthe lorm til shorter sentences Iol thousands of inmates ol iedeIai peniten tiarics and provincial jails Justice Minister Fulton In nounced Sept 26 that all prison era in Canada will be entitled to remission of about onetwelfth the period or their sentence The move was an act executive clemency to mark the first time reigning monarch Visits Can ada in open session of Parlia ment Prisoners serving sentences or more than one year will be en titled to remission of 30 days tor each year of sentence Those serving less than year will in entitled to proportionate remission ior example 15 days or it six month term Prisoners serving liIe sentences will be entitled to amnesty with the lime remitted calculated on the minimum amount ot sentence to be served usually considered to he 15 years Oil Labor Boards Justice Minister Davie Fulton said last week he has indicated to provincial atwrnuysagenerol that judges should no longer be appointed to labor conciliation boards Anti be indicated in an Interview that the federal gov ernment also intends to end the practice Our leellng is that judges Dependable Starling PoWer EultlnrtoryIvesh power Available wet or dry changed In popular sites Sizes and teem most GI grid truck 10 mar Amour Johnston William Finlay nan continental on Two hours after this picture was was taken Pat bogus 29 or Calgary stopped playing the piano utter It recordbreaking 11 hours Previous Canadian piano playing record or 16 hours was held by Tiny Bird at Hamilton More than 10000 persons including his wile Carrie and six mnnthoid son Mike shown here cheered Put on They have tour other children should not he engaged in extra judicial duties he Said Our view Is that the judges act makes this quite clear lie said no order has bcen issu ed But the government was looking into the situation to see whether anything definite nature should be done about it Pending completion of an In quiry be had indicated to the attorneyeuneral that persons other that judges should be ap pointed to labor conciliation boards or commintionr Mr Fulton said tblt the up pointmcnt ot Judge to labor arbitration board II not good tor respect of the bench The side adversely attested in labor dispute lrequeoti was critical or the boards decis on Thin amount cd to criticism ofthe judges de cision He said the Saskatchewan gov ernment recently asked the led eral department to approve ap pointrnentot judge to concil iation board The Ioderal depart ment intvrrncd the province it would pretcr that judge not be appointed while the guestion was being studied Gordon Renppointed Donald Gordon has been re appointed to head the govern mentowncd Canadian National Railways tor another three years it was announced last week Mr Gordon now 55 was Can adas economic boss during the Second World War as head or the wartime prices board He suc ceeded Vaughan as CNR head Jon 195 NEW FLOS Surprise Visit Mrs Alex Finlay had plea ant surprise on Wednesday when cousin oi her mother Miss Ella Heron whom she had not seen or many years came to visit her Miss Heron retired school teacher is now librarian at Cairnport Saskatchewan Mr and Mrs Rutledge of Toronto were weekend visitors of the starlings In Hospital Mrs Miliigan was patient last week in Barrie hospital DArcy McVeigh is spending few weeks in Toronto where he is taking treatments Toronto Visitors Mr and Mrs Murray Pearson of Toronto visited on Saturday at the home of their aunt Mrs Kirkpatrick Sunday Guests Willard Sage spent Sunday here with his coutiin Ross Kirk patrick the younger son oi Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay was one at the live babies baptized on Sunday at Knox Church Croaxlnnd Anniversary Services Several families from here nt teltded the anniversary services at Stayner Baptist Church At WI Convention Eight members or New Flos WomensInstitute attended the convention in Barrie on Thurs Rnwn andMaa George Smith re turning on Friday torthe second day The Institute is planning their annual owl supper IorTuesday Oct II tube held it Huths School To Honor Newlyweds miscellaneousshower is be ing held Thursday evening at the home at Mr and Mrs Leo Mon enu ror Mr and Mrs Eugene Mdruau nee Josephine ritkeyi day MrsJ Cameron Mrs Steve EDGAR Gordon Sbelswell spent tow dlys with Mr and Mrs Mowiorth in Craighursl this past week Sickness Cuts Attcudlnre owing to sickness ir the com munity the anniversary services were not on well attended as hail been anticipated Rev nan neman oi Barrio gave very inspiring message at both the morning and evening services Special music was by the choir under the leadership of Mrs Johnston and Mrs McLean added to both services WI Meeting The WI will meet at the home ol Mrs Dolley Wednesday Oct at pm Topic Citlten ship Mr Coburn of the BDCI wilLPe the speaker Motto To have goudnelghbor you must he good neighbor Roll call Name the president when you joined the WI Mrs Bailey is in charge at the program Lunch Mrs Malone Mrs Strachan HILISDALE Minpsing vi Mrs Rowat is spending Iew days at Mincsing with Mr and Mrs Irvin Johnston Perfect Attendance Awards At the Rally Day service held pn Sunday in the Presbyterian Church awards were given out to thnsi who had perfect attend ance as toilows diplomas to wendy Dunn secondyear seals to suite Manning and Nancy Taylor iourycar seals to Nancy Train and Lionel Trew liveyear Seals Iu Clrml Train Margaret Thompson Carol Martin nine year seal to Larry Drennanm number or others had ver close attendance Attended aint Fair Mr and Mrs Alvin Brennan and Larry Mr and Mrs Glen MurdnyMrs Gordon Thompson Ronald and Garry Thompson were among thoseattending Bar rie fair mm here WMS Presentation number oi ladies gathered at the home of Mrs Albert Thompson on Monday evening Alter it pleasant time Mrs Hnr vey Johnston and Mrs Tyson itowat made the presentation at an aluminum cookie plate to Mrs Thompson on ltphail or the W115 and Mrs Howard Brandon and Mrs Charles Thompson made presentation or silver tray and beautiful tea service on be half of the community to Mr and Mrs Albert Thompson who were both born in Hilisdale and lived most at their lives here New Lowell WA 1Has Missionary Themé September The September meeting at the New Lowell wn was held in the auditorium oi the United Church with the missionary committee in read by the president Mrs Don Dull hrdugbt the meeting to order alter which the Lords Prayer was repeated in unison MnEMc Quay conducted the devotional per lod liter which 73 members and three visitors responded to the roll call The minutes at the prevtous meeting were read and approved and Iavonrable reports received from the dillerent departmenu and cards at thank read rum Mn McQuny Mrs Thomas Miss Evelyn Carter and Mrs Stevenson Mn DuII gave briel report or the Fall Executive meeting at Slmcoe Presbyterial which she and Mrl Slainlon had attended and asked the members to keep in mind the Inllowinl dolel Sectional Rol ly at coilingwood Oct 30 Explor er Rally Barrie Oct and Semi Annual III Vlsey Oct The Ihreo secretaries wcre up pointed to compile in history at New Lowell motion was put that the WA provide the study books tor the Mission Dnnd Explorer and CGIT groups as well as their own During the business it turkey supper was planned tar Tuesday 945 nmCHURCH SCHOOL II tun Nursery and Kinder Il00 BEHOLD THE 130 pm 815 nmCRUSADE iiinLE Speaker REV ROBERT CROO Including ministers at all deuolni lmd ALLIANCE MINISTER 945 nmSUNDAY SCHOOL Reception of charge Apoem This Itnovf by Rev Clarke served by the Everyone Welcome CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MENS COMMITTEE on BARBIE MONTHLY SUPPER MEETING Tues Oct Brit 630 pm Burton Avenue United Church Bo lan Church Parry Sound Come bring ll lriend all are welcome IGHT Bcrczy Street Barrie REV GJTRIMBLE BA ED OcL 29 the adminion to be $115 and 50 cents and in the New Lo well Community Centre It In dos cided to have the ticket printed Ind sold in Advance by the ment bets It number oIcummllIeE were appointed to make Iurtber Intl db tailed plans tor this supper The program consisted or solo Mrs Clark and an introduc tion to the Study Book on Japan by Mm Day Alter the closing benediction by dainty lunch was asters Quality Value are foremost essentials in our service yet Reasonable Charges and Iligltest Sland arda always prevail Our insured Tintl Payment Tim at funeral purchase ls adaptoblo in every individual need or requirement LLOYD STECKLEY Funeral Home 30 Worsiey SI PHONE PA 845553 ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV MUIR BA Minister MR FRANK BUTCHER Organist SUNDAY OCTOBER ti 1951 urten new classes begin AN MEETING THE WRD CLASS KS of st Andrews Presbyteh notions pm MISSIONARY RALLY nut and Mas WITH young couple called oi God to the tribes people at Viet Nam TIIE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY rant ING CHURCH IIIIRTIIII AVE IIIIITIIll ï¬RlIRCII ORGANIST MR DANIELE 00 nmSACRAMENT 0F HOLY COMMUNIO cw Mambch nunHOLLY UNITED CHURCH ls SUNDAY SCHOOL FILM WIRETAPPER at the Imperial are moving to Driiiie Mr and Mrs Thompson thunk Ed the ladies tiresth and wish to thank all the community for the lovely gills Back Home Mrs Miller of Chathnm re turned home on Monday after spending the past week with her daughter Mrs Albert Cook MidiandVIsitor Mrs Turner of Midland is visiting iew days with Miss Mabel Turner WI Melling Hilisdale Womens Institute heldits meeting the home of Mrs Ethel Tre on Tuesday Sept 24 when they entertained Back Irom Warden and Mrs Fisher nan ton have returned home Irorn who were recently married their trip to Saskatoon The stop to NIABAIA qun hut call us on your telephonel EXA BARRIE the grandmothers of the village 1015 nmUP To veans CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH nEV CECIL EnENN EA MR AE Bert cltuticnILL organist SERVICES RT RIILCRESI Stilllllll Till IiutlI the NEW CHURCII is ready BEGINNING TWO MORNING SERVICES AT I0t5 nm and 30 nm IIOLY coMMtiNION AT a0Tll SERVICES RECEPTION on NEW MEMBERS CHURCH SCHOOL 915 nm10 YEARS AND OVER COLLIER ST UNITED Ulric FA Ill llama um Torture Orlantst and Chairman SUNDAY OCT 1957 It nmMORNING sanvrcr world Wide Communion THE CHURCH SCHOOL Ms nmJunior Intermediate and Senior Departments 945 nmAdult Bible study Group tumEVEN SERVICE Tern From st Luke DOCTOR WRITES ABOUT RELIGION Everyone welcome si ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen Ind Wolsiey stat itcv Jamel Ferguson Minister Alfred Clarke Mus Baa FTCL Organist nnd Uhoirmastcr SUNDAY OCTOBER It 1057 It ampMORNING SERVICE The Slmcoe County Mutual Aid Fire Service Assoc will worship at this service Broadcast CKEB The Church School to nmJunior Senior Classes ll nmBeginners Kindergarten and Primary Classes pm EVENING SERVICE The Minlxler at both services COME TO CHURCH F=v Free Methodist Church zoo Itaytleld Street REV It GOHEEN SUNDAY OCTOBER 1951 1000 nmSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 nm 730 nmPREACIIING ST GILES tnnglioani 95 Cook St HARVEST THANKSGIVING 94 nmSenior Sunday School 1100 nmHARVEST SERVICE REV JOHN RIDDEL Junior Sunday School SAINI Grotto Anxtican Church Inlandlo Rector Rev NewtonSmith EsA Organist Mrs Shaw ATCII Choirieldcr Ilrs it Smethurst nmnon COMMUNION II nmIIon Communion Ind Sunday School Sermon TIIE JEWISH cltuttcu mamEVENING rnnvan EVEhquE WELCOME t1 m1 TRINITY CHURCH Anglican 24 Collier st October litll TRINITY XVI 500 nmIIon Communion 930 nmFamily Service sunuay Srhooi Baby Department Downstairs 00 Im HOLY COIIIIUNION SERMON THE IMMINENCE OF GOII Rev Silerrlng nahy Dept nuwnstuira 10a pmticout Cub Guide Iirownlc Sen PROMISE REV SHERRING Choir Director Mrs Roberts and riiiiisriiiii science Services It Sunday School SUNDAY OCT 1957 ll nmUNREALITY THE I00F TEMPLE Collier St Darrin ALL ARE WELCOME THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL till Collier Street Major and Mrs Crew SUNDAY OCTOBER ti iil57 ll nm The Privcicgcs and Responsibilit Ies of Christian 215 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL pmEXCUSES When we walk with the Lord In the light of Ills word What glory lie sheds on ntir way While we do llis good will lie abides with us still Ami with all who will trust and obey we Residents of THE Soulla Bar IN 13A PUBLIC SCHOOL BRIGHT SINGING ATTENTION lollendale Painrwlek ittlneta Point and Distrch BEGINNING THIS SUNDAYJ nm NEW Mission YOUTH CHOIR PAUL FAWCEII Pastor Sponsored by Emmanuel Baptist Barrie FIRST IAYMEN EMMANUEL BAPTIST St Vincent Street Fellowship OI Evangelical Baptists REV Nullmï¬yor Pastor 945 amBIBIE SCHOOL 11 nm and nm ANNUAL SUNDAY cortNEn neuczv 42 MR GEORGE DIAL THERE IS NO CHA lt 957 Watt Vuntti nm and ILyour AND DRIVEYOURSELF cnrrlerharnot arnvedthenEait MID WEEK SERVICE The Christian and Missionary ALLIANCE CHURCH DDNLOP STREET EAST ROSS PASTOR SUNDAY SCHOOL nm It dugCOMMUNION SERVICE Dedication at Sunday School Sta MILTHE FOLLY OI UNBELIEF Special MRS KNIGHT will be the guest soloist EVERYONE WELCOME WEDNESDAY pan nmMORNING Wane IP EVENINti annvrcn nutrientom REVARTHUR clapperton Stat Worrley REV LUCKv BA EDI Mi MISS CLOUGH EV Organist lndgtChoir Leader 80th ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY OCTOBER 5195 950 arnSIINDAY SCHOOL All Agent suhieot IIIE VAIILE cnvror FAITII broadcast QKBB gt MCDOWELL 8A 33 Principal of The Baptlat Training Institute will be GuestPreacher MRS DOUGLAS SMITH colllngwood Soloist convemtlon nlOntnrloand Quebec hitter OF THE STORMI