consivsbu right oi Beeton cd from Brown the Quaker Oats tro phy tor the premier breeder and the Staten Fair rord Feed Cd Holstein Show at this years Beeton Fall Last August when car drivon hvm trophytor the best exhibitor Beeion Exhibition The Simcoe County Black and White show stole the show at Eecton FullvFaii this year Twentythree Holstein exhibit ors from across the county showing the best herds made this the tinest show so tar staged by county Those exhibiting were Jenney Barr Robert iiiddcll Alliston George Farls Cooks town iCcrswcii Ecclon Wilcox and Sons Bccton Nor man Cook Cooksiown William Cook Egbert George Jack son Bradiord Campbell Simud Robertson Stroud BtcCague Alliston James titcCaguc Allision Roy lilatson Tottedham in liaison Schomberg Wilmot Maison mod Sons Schombcrg Peter Schcp Alliston Brothel Toiien brim Keith Sanderson Shanty Bay Ralph Robertson Stroud John Buyers Alliston George Soulcs Stayncr Donald Gibson Stayner den Haon Lor Elto Every class in the show was well illlcd One of the heaviest entries was in the junior heilfcr class in whicll 23 animals were shown The senior heilier class had 17 entries Ccrswell took top honors in both these classes with Bond ltaven Cen turion Lass in the lunlor and Bondltaven Signet Rose in the senior McCaguu wilh Lodestar Symbol Dewdrop took second place in the junior hcitcrs lilcCagucs Glenatton Symbol Tcnsen being placed third in the senior class Mc Cagues Glcnaiton Ne ié Bon heur Winsome was judged sec ond and third place went to Ccrswells Bond Haven Signet Grand Champions Roy Maison took the grand championship and junior churn pion hull awards with Erethets Bond Haven Fond Hope Century being judged senior and reserve grand champion Lode star iioyal Kathleen women old bull belonging to North Cook was reserve senior TheVRusscli Hood Trophy or the best junior herd was award ed to McCaguo whose young heifers took number or first awards through the show the Holstein breeders in the grand champion icnialu went to Wilcox and Sons Willi Beaver Vale IlA Dinah Ccrswclls tarm took the Quaker Oat Trophy tor the premier breeder and the Biatchiord Feed Company Trophy tor the prem ier exhibitor The Eaton Co Trophy tor the best udderod icmalc went to Wilcox and Sons with Beaver Vale Fond Fanny Hereford Chases But even if the Black and White Show held the limelight at Bceton Fair there was keen com petition in other classes as well in the Hereiords there was close competition between the two principal breeders William Van tlse o1 Stayncr and Cook oi Barrie The Vancisc hull maintained the lead it had established at Barrie Fair and took the cham pionship mm the inc buil tram Cooks iarln The Vanclse herd also took the honors with the best get at sire Cooks herd took awards ior grand champion tcmalc re serve champion bull and reserve champion icmalc as well as the award or the best herd Shortborns The Shorthorn entricx were down probably bcoaiisc sonic oi the breeders were showing at on Sproulc oi stroud split his herd and showed at boiJi Drillia and Bceton Even with this depletedherd his term took the reserve champion icmale and two other first awards in the le lnale classes William New oi Stroutl took top honors in all the bull classes and had the champion and re serve champion hull was award ed the female championship and took all the female classes but one in which he entered animals To complete the weep hc had the champion herd and the best set oisi strong Itorse Entry 15 hands and ovctMrTliici strong entry in the horse ciasses and this year was no exception The Belgian show is feature oi the fair but other classes also attracted good competition Alvin Taylor and Sons oi Grand Valley were alone in the ring with Clydesdaics in the doua bio harness draught vehicle class However in lhc general purpose Class or single horse vehicles there were seven tine entries Alex Dolson and Son of Norvai took ilrst prize with the Leo Stephenson cniry second and Lawrence and Son Di lilaltnn placed third in the single horse to harness Barton took iirst place with Mr Barton second The line cool weather attract led good crowd to the charming Show grounds at Becton where there was so much oi such high 93rd cutout In mu Marc clamnon Hlnrl which Containedhis iam ily both vehicles were demolish case was heard on charge at YaaEeNof in mm mm av lacsu in by Helile passed several oth ers over doublewhite line at Cemetery Hill on Highway ll south of Fennclis northbound and collided with car driven by in Bradtord Court this week he lore Magistrale Iiowitt the careless driving The accused who had signed statement with the OPP at the time oi the ad cidcnt was rcprosonicd by iiiciurk oi Barrie Constable Fox stated that the accused had passed cars on the approach to the hill which was plainly marked by double white line and presented as evidence pictures at the scene tic also read the statement oi the accused who had said that he did not lac the whilc lino and suddenly had lound ieilow coming up the hill towards him Mr lltcTurk did not qucsllon the evidence but although his client had admitted that he was going between on and 85 miles per hour It the time he claimed that he was not driving excess ivcly He asked that sentence or line be imposed as he iclt that his client who had only been in Canada irom Germany for two years had realized his mistake Justice would be satisiled by line he added The Crown proscculor stated he ielt that it would be ditiicult to show more obvious case 01 care less driving and the accused ad mitted speed of up to 65 mph His Worship agreed and lined the driver $300 and costs or two months in Ja This hill which at the time of the accident had 29 ieet wide pavement is not the standard widutrsincednesnevrpavement Is without any markings it is extremely dangerous Admiral Lord Collingwuod second in command to Nelson at Trafalgar in tons went to sea at standard to sec Best at Beeton Pick Gran complete Tiiankagiving din ner bullet style lroni tomato juice to turkey was the institute pro jcct at the Beeton Fair on Tues day and Wednesday Tattenham bad the winning entry and Bar ion was closc behind The ladies with the highest number of points in needlework and eratts were MrsH Wilson at lnglewood with 45 points and Mrs Lloyd Anderson at Fergus and Mrs Mason oi Bramp ton both with 45 points Household Linens For crochetlng an ottawhilc tn blecloth Mrs Anderson won ï¬rst Mrs Thomas Graham oi Cooksiown had crossstllchod and embroidered border on her Winning tablecloth oi any other design Miss Bertha Cowao ot Cooksv rhc Sam Goiigh Trophy tor the Beoion Fair also attracts town crabroldcre be winning Loans it will throw this swttehwhen the newsiren on the municip al building will be heard for in Barrie as apart or thewa Civil Da steady blast the first time bu therewlli be no cause tor alarm as it is onlya practice ineWomenfssEinibits age ll d5 Winner luncheon set white with blue bordering and flowered bridge set gave Miss Cliira Sproulc oi Schomherg top place Mrs Wilson had fancy edged embroid ered pillow cases which brought her honor Mrs Anderson cross stitched three flowers on light green pillow cases to win that section Ind Mrs West had scroll letters and lawin design on her top Mr and Mrs pillow cases Pillow cases with knittcil lace trim were outshone by Schom berga Mrs William Edwards try The crocheted lace trim winner belonged to Mrs Mc Gillvary at Fergus monoclmw matte purple edge Miss Bertha Cowan had the nnlng guesttoweis Mrs Wilson won with an embroidered tea towel with the day of the week and two bluebirds hanging out their washing Miss Clara Sprouic had the ï¬rst place cmchcted dolly under Mrs Thomas Graham ero cbetedj set oi black oval place mats tor very striking winner Mrs Dempster oi Angus cm cheted delicate and attractive white doily with triliy edges till ished in red to Win in that divi sion Mrs Helen Strong had the winv niug entries in the wove hroidered or bucked toweliing ouuia ew desigir for bed spread ln applique quilts Mrs Anderson cntered and won with acailopedcdgcd entry with wide mauve border and square yellow centre with mauve flow err McGlllVary had the beat applique and embroidery Guiltiri thatvaectlon and also in the pieced cotton quilt Mrs ti plated ground Hack The air run will fly ll 5000 ictt over the lake west had the bastard CD Day Program Town of Banks The allowing program bis been arranged Io mark Civil Deicnce Day in Barrio The purpose or the day which is king held across Canada is to tillun on Civil Detcuce 513 pm luaugimi blast at allen Five minute steady lie signal This practice only set pan Mock attack by bomber accompanied by elm tuo vfllnctolltt0n oi miniature simulated bomb on the West shots or Kem pcniclt Bay 531 pm riy pm in uiutc at four CF 100 tighten lbey will fly at 1000 cat over the lake The salute will be label by Mayor Willard Klnxie it base south of CNR Italian 532 pln Simulated clanlb its from the bomb area will arrive at the dressing Italian Set up in the old post otilce building locus the attention at every with turkey dinner and street BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY OCTOCER i957 Vespra Township and in partlc ular Minning last night cel cbrlted the culmination oi nearly four yelra work and the otiicill cuiog or devolopmoni road dance The road oitlclally open ed by George Johnston MPP Cen tre Simcoe who has been largely instrumental in torwarding the project is paved or seven anda halt miles bdwcen Mlnesing and THREE COUNTY SCHEDULED FORNEXT WEEK Three oi tho ionr Simcoe County plowing matches will be held during the second week oi October The iirst local match will he held by the Centre Sim Coc Plowmens Association on the arm ol Tom Draper hairmilc west oi Elmvalc noxt Wednes day Oct The Blue Mountain match will Weather Today Sunny Warmer The week has been mostly sunny but cool with 32 last night baore inldniKht and 38 this morning Today indicates sunny and moderate Vinmienturcswuan lligh ch ca Sept 29 Sept30 61 33 not 56 ii on 62 in Oct so 32 on Early as Church gale Simcoe County Fire Brigades Tile Simcoe County Mutual Aid Fire Service will hold church parade in Barrie on Sunday 0elt tuber Reprcseniativcs ot bri gades from all parts of lhccouoly will paradc before Barrie Fire Hall at 1030 am Led by the Barrie Pipe Band ilhe parade will march to St An drews Prcsbyteriart Church tor special morning service scorc sentatives ot the municipalities downtime be held the next day Thursday oct 10 in the Colllngwood area and on Saturday Oct 12 the South Simcoe match will be held on tho iarm at Cooper Cooks town The East Simcoe match will not be held untilThursday Oct 24 and will be held in Tay Town ship on the iarm oi Ralph Dal ton Victoria Haibor The international Plowing Match Is to he held this year at Simcoe in Nortoik County Oct i5 to la and the local mltchcs will givc our Simcoe County plowmen chance to get their equipment polished up or the big provincial match Ed Carruthers oi Stayncr is president oi the Centre and West simcoc fiawtpeus Association arï¬hhï¬oitlliavl lilliiciin secretarytreasurer An excellent prize list with 11 plowing classes and horse show provides wide range oi classes tor all interested in tlie Elmvale match Priles to the value oi ovcr 5800 are altered at this match with top price of $15 to $25 ior most classes Four of the plowing matches are limited in junior competition which should give encouragement to our young or plowrnen special utility tractor plow ing class has been arranged or 345 pm in the aiternoon in this class speed as well as abil ity of plowing counts as only one hour is allowed to complete the plowing at tho innd Most farmers are particularly interest ed in this utility class is it re presents very closely the kind of plowing that is practical on the homo tarot The usual banquet allowing the match will be held at the Legion Hall Eloivale at 530 it will Iiiord con necting link between Highway 90 and Highway Speaking it the opening day Hickling nccve oi Vcspra said the road was an example oi what could be accomplished by 100 Highway 90 cooperation right across the board He paid special tribute to those who worked on the project locally especially ivan McLean the roadsoporvicor Largeu Budget Warden Fisher Ganlon ielt thal this development road was now about the finest in the country in making lt iwtoot hill had to be cut down to more suitable gradient The Warden had just returned irom the Good Road convention out west where he had learned that the Ontario Govern ments road budget was greater than that at all the other pro vinccs We should be proud we iivc in province which is taking care of the back roads as well as the highways Fire Poses Mystery FOr Barrie Police Barrie Police are not ruling out the possibility oi arson in the small tire discovered by police in restaurant on nuniop Street Vest ¢ariy yesterday morning Following the discovery of the act that $500 was missing from the safe in the restaurant in specter Bishop of the Ontario Fire Marshals ofï¬ce was called in to investigate The tire was conilncd to the basement ot the building and no serious material damage was done When Angeiotf was called to the premises he reported alter examination that $500 was missing train the sale which did not appear to have been tampered with roll oi American bank notes had not been taken Police stated yesterday that they had not round evidence or breakingdn Deseition Charge pcared betora have also been invited to attend iurnto pagc two pleads 1957 Pin Ontario Retorhiatory Plano not ema ouuonui muo irom liliicsing to Highway loo were 185 roads covering 1010 former Angus resident ap Judge Hamil ton at the Juvenile and Family Court Barrie this week on charge of criminal dosertlon and was sentenced to six months at Avm bl mu fllJAII The road was dedicated by Rev Gordon Klng oi the Anglican Church and the Rev Lucien Vinot oi the United Church Following the cutting oi the ribbonby George Johnston MPP guests oi Vespra Council sat down to turkey dinner at which the Reeve was chairman Among the guests were iicber Smith lit for Simcoe North George Johnston MPP tor Simcoe Centre Rev Downer Speaker of tile Cilia tario lcglslaiurc Warden Fisher Gunton liiayor Willard Kinlie androcvos oi neighboring town ships Name For Itnad The speaker or the evening was the Rev Downer who was introduced by Heber Smith MP in his opening remarks Mr Downer suggested that tho town ship of Vexpra should give con sideration to namingthe road sic let the man who got it ior them Let this be the Johnston road Commenting that the province vvas laced with three major pro blems transportation education and hydro iir Downer chimed that transportation was the great est Alter the war 700 million dollars hill burn spent to catch up with the backlog oi work on roads Al the present time there miles under construction We have got to have main link roads but am not in favor of designating new provincial high way Give us more development roadsand we rural people will no vcry happy nevciopmcnt noad Scheme The need and importance ot these roads was apparent when it was realized that In the past ten ycars the population had increas ed at the rate oi per year while the number of motor vett icles had increased at the rate at per year He agreed whole heartedly with Hebet Smithwhen he had said that present policy of the provincial government to build development roads was to ward looking because it would enable the province to improve its roads more quickly Each summer six million cars come into Ontario and those that come with the cars spend three million dollars This year the provincial gov ernmant has 234 million dollar budget or roads said Mr Downer For tha first tithe it has something else it has highway plan We are planning now roads we will need twenty years from now