Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1957, p. 9

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DoubleThinking In Council Mény GoHungry Double thinking at somr time or other is shortcoming oi most oi as Naturally inadequate diet is strikinglyiilustrated in the town council is not above such human new report by the Food and Agriculture weakneses good example occurred at Organization of the United Nations ma 15 meenng One table in this comprehensive FAO re The Reeve when it comes to civil defence port issued in Home shows the cost oi expenses takes the line that really this representative diet of 3000 calories for one is something the town should not be called person ior one day represented ill hours on to pay any part However ii the town work by an average factory worker in India has to pay its share then he feels that the The sfime 1ch mod supply represented council should have more say in how the 38 hours oi work in Japan 32 hours in Italy civil defence committee spends the money By comma one figure 06 hour Can oda 04in the United states This partic ular table is based on 1953 levels The connection between low incomes and One alderman championed the cause oi civli defence and with certain Justifica tion which was accepted by most other members of council claimed that after council had agreed to the civil defence budget and had appointed the committee it had no right to question how the money was spent by that committee compilation the 3000 calory one being the highest Others had 2600 and 2100 calories It is apparent that in the poorer coun tries says the report the more nutritious and expensive diet would be utterly beyond the means oi the average factory worker unless he were single man without de pendents Even for the meager diets usually con sumcd in these Countries the number oi hours to be worked is greater than is nec essary in economically developed countries for the much superior diets which they lMW Even an elementary knowledge oi nutri tion could go far to overcome the handicap oi poverty says the report Greater emph asis on home economics and consumer ed ucatlon could have imprtant effects on health Where average incomes are too low ior fully balanced diet for everyone there is much to be said ior channellingua larger share of the protective foods to the most vulnerable groups including children and mothers The report calls thespread oi school meals and other welfare schemes for such purposes one of the most encouraging developments since the Secnd World Was and one of the most striking results of the growing knowledge of nutritional principles We have also heard the same alderman champion the complaintand here he has again had strong support from other alder menthot the public school board spends its money without reierence or control of council who have to find the money There seems to be close similarity to the two cases although the aldermans thinking may diiier on both Both com mime submit budgets which are agreed to and passed by council what further right can council expect to challenge the manner in which either committee spends that money ii anything it would seem that the pub lic school board was in stronger position For unlike the civil defence committee but like the council it is an elected body and should answer directly to its electors We Need To Be Needed Some very cheerful tidings for Canadians oi all ages is tucked away in the implications oi figures Just released by the Victorian Order of Nurses Everyone knows that due to advances in medical science the average length of life is increasing that Canadians mm it finds large 530mm me read today may expect to live much longer um oi the worlds peo le are still untouched their grandparents did But what 151 beyithese developmentsgand what remains to halls even more important they have hel be done is much greater than has been ter chance or livingmore normal useiul accomplishe¢ lives in old age even if they should be stricken with one oi the aiilictlons that often accompany age such as heart condi tions or strokes Along with improvement in medical tech niques which save lives has come new emphasis on rehabilitation getting patients back home restoring strength to weakened muscles enabling them to look after themselves and return to fairly normal activities and iamin life even after sufier ing an acute stage which formerly would have put them out oi commission ior the Gainicns of Others CD Chief Retires Calgary licraid Civil defence in Canada has lost veritable dynamo with the reilrcmcnt of MajorGeneral Worthington its cocrdinaior since its incep lion in October 1948 Under his guidance and often in the face of public and official indifference civil defence has grown from scratch in an Organization of 75000 rest oi their days In its nlnc years of existence He was admirably looked is mini Problem the 111 suited for the job since much of his career was creasing life span Canadians Places devoted to bucking apathy in furtherance of an tremendous new load on nursing iacIllltles idea ma 99°91 mews le mm Long beforc the Second World War he saw the mile The nbe SR5 mile Vlc value of tanks and worked imrd with grotesquely torian Order nurses to Patients sulleflns inadequate equipment in create an armored force with five principal chronic conditluns has in llleCanadlan army During the war he com increased by 45 in five years Last year mended the 4th Canadian Armored Division which diseases oi the heart and circulatory system must have seemed the pinnacle oi his work after accounted for 19501 all VON visits di the early days oi training wilh tanks of tin and abetep 159 centralnervous system includ cardboard ins strokes 133 anaemia 102 Dancer 14 After an 1month stint as general officer com Imked at the other way round 1mm me minding Western Army Command in Edmonton point oi view oi the patients and the public 59mm w°g mm mm 53 us means that mbny more Canadians sub and became civil defence coordinator Indifference mm Mm conduit mudguard Wm we once again confronted him but through hisldrlve are being cared for in their own homes with mar mime have eggcmw in every accent upon rehabilitation and returning prom up que them to normal life as far as possible Thus the major sections of the VON annual meet ing at Ottawa this yearwere given over to studies and panel discussions on rehabilita tionfias it afiects both civilians and military veterans Miss Christine MacArthur Educational Director Victorian Order of Nurses for Canv ada made point which will appeal to everyone when she said Peoplewho are ill for long time particularlyolder people need love and aiiection andisecurlty and feeling that they are still needed This is hen It nubilitrflm If all the year were playing holidays The drive for iunds inBarrle will be held To sport would be as tedious as to work on Tuesdayppct SKAKESPEARE 112 flame Examiners ACIossA Newspaper Published Monday Wednesday Friday Athhe Wilson BuildinglPost oilicc Square Barrie Ontario CanIda BY The BARRIE nxamrhmmnrm Hamlinml elu inchaur bl curd Therm nu Paid Alia clmllulon TbreeMoatbsEnd March 31 1951 7i2l Ar illed wltb the Audit Buried or circulations rubies to radii Fortunately his ideas have not been put to the tch in nuclear warfare but whether they should ever proved to be right or wrong he deserves full credit for the zeal and singlemindedness with which he tackled difficult job Every mans affairs no matter how little are important to himself SAMUEL JOHNSON thing of beauty is joy forever its love llness increases It will never pass into no thingsncss KEATS Vw wance urnin calm unvnu sharian loin who arrm cold InnIr 3mm Advrtth manor my boom lupurlnundanl hum mane Anniat cups tam nippth uan Threediiierent diets were used to this ecoiomlc activity he said it did he called state of dynamic equil lbrium By this mean condi lion in which the industrial world vollll liETTEli BARRIE ONTARIO NADA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 27 l957 NOW nichesA1 Inacron iii THE HOUSE with pin HERES your FIRST ens Squirrels School gt Boys Andv NEW YORK Sept 27A let ter in the New York Times today suggests that elforls be made go writer had in mind were window planted letbcololiui lowering plants and suchculti suitable loca tions Such as could be seen in beautify heclly What boxes vatinns in other European cities This may or may not be prac ticable it is possible that til deiselfume laden air in some of deep canyons may prove in be somewhat potent New Yorks environment for such tendc linings many penthouse hold veritabl country gardens and powers the fortunately however such vista are forever hidden in their lofty seclusion from the lowly eyes of New Yorks teeming millions But in What is on first impresr paper bag will bring them squat ting right at your feet or follow sions granite and cancrel jungle there are actually many where forth enthusias licaily in the spring and holds the summer even in Manhattan to travel far treed and grassy nature bursts areas sway all during Anywhere there is no need Donald Gordon Although it is true that Sighiseeing Scrapes her than few subway slop for shell parks to be found and Cn joycd This of comic is not lmc that widecpen heathland entlETpaslures and trout sireanls are available here The cravlnx rm and appreciation of sucll sur roundings is perhaps some times more mental than practi calexcept of course for the fisherman Even in quite small park the shoals or grass lhe fluttering leaves the busy ants the scarred freebark the sparrows and lhe snuirrcls are every hit as biologically similar to their country cousins Contact with such life can be just as close as anywhere As merit here in file city there are quiet lawns and the friendliest of squirrels The rustle of ing you like little children with ihcir big brown eyes louiely coaxing Certainly New York to the eye of the unprejudiced be holder cannot really be said to Turn to page nine plase CNR Préiideiil sums Canadian scene For NewYour 2in Audience Periods oi economic consolida tion or stocktaking should not be interpreted as signalling the be ginning of recession Donald Gordon CMG prESldent of Can told members of the Canadian Club of Nchork in recent speech in adlan National Railways that city Despite the cyclical pattern of not follow that the economy must either be shooting upwards or plunging downwards it may be said Gordon and certainly we have reason larbopelhat we have learned more about living in what might is invtlle processrnl continuous creation with new firms and new products springing into existence while other fade away with constant flux both geographically and industrially in the viabur force while It the same time the sum total of economic activity as measured by such indicators as Gross National Product in real ierms shows gently rising char Iclerlstlc consistent with the Mr Gard is said that Canadsa trade defi with the Unit State was reflection of the curf rent boom ing the biggest capital investment progromtinzber history but duesK tion were being asked ms to whether this rate oi expanion could continue without pause to consolidate or at least to catchour breath Despite economic opportunity knocking on so many doors there comes point when it is natural and perhaps prudent to say for little while at least it knock Need Consolidation Mr Gordon Salli that he had sensed this mood in managerial circles in Canada and felt that IE need for consolidation and reappraisal might have been an important factor in the pattern of advance pause and advance that Turn to page nine please Canada was undergm matter of incl outside my apart have been zwu Bud 937N333 iho Windmr Stu Sir The cause street lawns ed but can rigor mortis pass the hue Parks Board demands Street To the Edilcr The barrio Examiner in the issue of Sept 15 there appeared in your paper rather uncalled for writeup The crux of this was the loss of new ly planted trees in our town resentment stems from the inferred state meal that till people of Newton Street were to blame for the loss planted onsaid To elaborate iurlher it was stated that lllese trees could saved had the reel dents in Newton street who Iplt parcntly dont take care of their as they ref those trees watered were instructed cannot speak for all concern truthfully say that the majorily of these people did as they were instructed and still set in Another fault or cause must be found to away from the it lilr Blair Board would lake icw moments of his socalled and drive down Newton Street he would find that his inlercnce as to unkept lawns oatbis street Thanking you tree loving resident of Newton Claims Wrileup UncalledFor Re Newton Si Trees Sept is 1951 for them of the valuable etractlon remain PmOULX Irate Moiorist Calls For Enforce Pedestrian Bylaw sept 13 1957 Parks time Allandale Business By BILL Ar¢mi busine change in Allaudalr wilh the opening oi Christies lGA Foodllacr mailv ed to the writer some iaeldenla at earlier dry in the grocery buslneu when he worked for the idle Robert necking and eventually entered the employ of Messrs Luck and Wisdom and then of himself With early years speot our Nottawasaga Bay John Duncan Wisdom came to Allaudlle in days of llghier power rolling stock and rails on the Grand Trunk Rallwav but with many more trains lie become fire man and advanced to engineer but In Incident caused him to give up that vocation The late Ed Luck wu fheil manager of the branch store of James Valr who had main store in town at the Five Polota la the old historic frame build ing recently lorn down He and got together raised the ante and mademosalbla the Ripley recorded some of Luck and Wisdom Grocers Ed had been in the business since hey hood with the lille Thomas Tora er hurlla but ll was Ill new to his partner One of the best Ic counls on ihelr books was of the Canada Railway News Company at tho Allandnie station An earl lcr manager there was the late Frank Ward then Mr Levisey Harry Brown and Victor Knight now retired and living on Burton Avenue Another good railway account was of supplies for the auxiliary wrecking crew and train More trains llghter cars and air brak es not yet installed on all freight cars all headlights telegraph only no telephonesall meant more wrecks than now The late Davy Sariennt was foreman than and idler Jobn Clemmens Sr Orders were put up lord rush but supplies were keptou hand for emergencies 11 pay car came along only once monthly and consequently lhe merchant had many head aches with credit on most ac counts nearly all good but be was forced to finance for 30 days and also keep his own credit good with the wholesale supply houses Jumping into business ms new experience for Mr Wisdom but ability and natural opllmc ism carried him through even on the morning set for his marr ridge to Miss Jennie Brunton daughter of the me Mr and Mrs James Brunton They had planned it use large tent on the Bruntonviswurior the recep tion but storm through the night blow it down flat The residence however took in the overflow of attendanceand happy married life ensued even when sickness came later GWH was first at the branch store with Ed Luck who later de clded to go on lire road as lraveller for McCormleks of London Mr Bruaton then took over the partnership which last ed congeulslly until the latterl death Before telephones were ia everyday use it was customary lo call at the homes twice weekly for orders task which often fell in the lot of own and he still remembers dear old Mrs Sheedy on Cumberland Street who usually produced Liarge helping of pie with the naive explanation Try this dont think it has enough sugar but the pie was always super The grocelerll later showed up first in Toronto and the Section TwoPages to Hillilhilielofiouruge city to look over lhc planwllb manlger Cork in charge it was tried out in Allandalc in file former ice cream parlor laler used as restaurant but the customer of that time preferred the telephone and dallvcry sen vice with credit and it was drop ped very soon in earlier due the traveller came by train regularly The word highway was not in color moa use with no cars or trucks Some attire friendly salesman who look pencnll lulerest la the business progress were men like Billy Glover Willi Warren Bros Toronto plump and friendly but we often wondered how be dcclphered the lime black mark lic made in his or der book and supposed to be ordersthey always came how ever llllke lllalorle withGil iards oi Hamillon had set list which he ran off from memory Jello Jamlesoo oi Barrie was regular caller for Eckbartl of Toronto and another fine chap was lllr Burton with line of spices who was sincere mem ber of Ihe Gldeons and carried l13o Bible into everyday business Before long distance iinil ports were heard of the GTE had the Barrie shed for freight and linger one on down St Allandale in what is now he carpenter shop Sugar came then in barrels of clean wand and about 300 pounds each and was usually bought on the group plan by the crrlnad Tea was all shipped in chest from India and Ceylon and smaller clients of uncolored Japan Wifh picture sque lining Coffee was all ground by hand power no this nor packager Rolled oats came in canvas bags dust and all and package goods in general had not hit the marlin Grape Nuts and Force heralded the army of breakfastvioods Canned goods were mostly of salmon and for inatoesut first and the slogan was We eat what we can Ind what we cant we can strwbemes were isvcrites in season and if local supplies fall ed were shipped from Thorn aury or Beamsvllle Peache were mainstay even then and with order token ahead were bought by railway carioad some times on the group plan from Niagara before John Saso came to lowIL These were all in quart barkelr only grapes in slxlt quart size New with parking space where the old store stood the Christie Foodilner is in full sail and is built back over the former loca tion of the ice house which held some 400 blocks packed each winter in sawdust from one of the many sawmills probably by Lbs isle Chris Harsfield or Scott Co The uncovering and prying loose with bar or several blocks was the job of rtafflmemv bers each work morning wish log it and splitting it after mark ing into sizes for rafrlgerslois and coolers for ginger ale and cream soda the only drinks then The ice cream was pack ed in chopped ice mixed with coarse rcck saltit all meant work Looking back it is recalled that the late Miss Carrie Whit ney who was for some time in the ice cream parlor and then in the grocery section was the spark of the sales stuttwitb witty retort for every wlse crack andrwith many friends for each customer was adrieud Poor Cnrrie had returned in Eng lead her homeland some time ago butlnsde visit bare about two years back with To Thelditork The Barrie Examiner Sir Having recently heard of file efforts of Mr Snelgrove of the speed limit near our local schools reduced to 15 mph think the line has cumelo place pedestrian safety partly upon the pedestrian and not wholly upon the motorist Drivlng to and from work daily at noon hour one cannot help but wonder at the number of older grade school students walking two or three abreast oil the side of narrow street with aslde walk five feet away or riding bicycles on the road fliree or four side by side breaking bumpy law which is ugverenforce pr watching lnfeilgenthigh school students vfho will eras Dunlap st anywhere belwcen High and Eccles streets by the simple method or walking three or four look either dliectlon daring the motorist to continue hislawful palh These older studenlsare the ones who should allow the younger children the properrway proper way to act on tilestreots The method of passing Prule page ninepieasel bass with GWH went the min to page nine please the Barrie School Board to have rfcet onto the road before they Tllll might be long day cries Monitor and docketfor relatives kWvv

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