Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1957, p. 7

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all healed central Allultll Ahl Ilan Allo lroonu lad hath ua PROPERTY FOR RENT nanny ran rear AIIloIIonlLEs Blllflidl OppaflunIIIu APP VVIAVNIEII ROOM APARTMENT IN PLUS SHALL xmllEN MTHRDDII sum and relrlgenlat Red on heel talrel nonlhly ldulll only Alla noel lune cell tell all hot ureter hell us manur Iy Agnly clul Eraa nutter till PA IsIII BEDROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT urtnl raonl Illgl lllteaen eupnaeldl modern Slim hllhmm unrn clo cell prlreta entrance eer purl llne nledlele pnueellan Ahaye Inonl shoe 5lare APPLY AT STORE lbolllwlfl Orrch erEl la enerll Cent Ioel Moll wall Do Dlrrtl latrenter Isslu ROOM nlrnlehed Aplruaent AII ronrenleaeu Phone PA um IsIlalll eMALL Apertrnent ln lerrn hnuk nrer Ivy Cumd IL PH Ivy DIIIIIIP 13 ISIIlll le LIIDRDOM ullr modern lvlfl lllent heeled Well end Phone PA was lsIlalll ruRNllllED eahlllned room lalrtnlenl Adulu Apply En Ilrlr lrer shop ISIII Alon OHICH duwnlnn IIN llcly Ill pIIed no per month Phone PA and gt lolastl LARGE Roonr he rd Iarnllhed Ina lette one at wMnl nraehlne ery SI Hunt LARRE hrtlht lurnllhld bedroom and Irlleherl Clrll arelerred Phone PA mm IsIIIItI OR hDOMED Apartment unfi Ilhed Avllllhle Iranredlllely Phone PA mud Iollotl nxDRoOM upper net lell eohnlneo heated Ayllllllllr Dcl Phan lA sol lblmtl on hxhltouhl Hauler All Convene lentI warm and rerlanrple Phone 3W ISIWIII uPPEIl DIIPLxx lplrtrrlerll raoall Apply llenry Euler Relap lull Drlye arm ma Isl IIT ALLANDALE raonl apartment eon yenlenrel rm chlldren welcome Apply tI Gowln SI lslIaIII ROOM Ilaule In country nelr Wee lgl Deaeh Ip rnlle lrvrn lean and llare Phone wrll Elmvele lslll MODERN raorrl lower duplex Clale ID downtawn nII heatlnl AVIIIANO Oct Phano PA will lSHolll I2 uNPultNtsllsD Rooms central lone tlan Apply lll Maple Ave at Irlell darn or phone PA that alter pm 15 ROOM lllrnllhed lnd heeled lplrt ment The chIId welcome An hr 10 vIclarIa St or phane PA 14 lolwlll Room unlurnllhed sell eantllned lparlrnent lor renl Inlaledlltely Cen lrIIlIy located Phane PA Ennism ruRleern healed menl Ahltalnen 15 Aylllahle ad Phane PA Amt lsllIlll llPPER Duplex eleIlhIe Ocl Cen Irlliloxallml iAloll III1 hfilunlkofl Ilre ulll Lam PDRNIsllED Raarhl hlth lnd ll ecny wh relrtlerllor lnd rtave Dawntown dIstrtct Phane PA 3440 lsdll RoDM llaule In the yltllge at Even ell ll rnllel Irarn camp plece hath llrale large ylni Phone PA llual lsllalll RODM Apartment halted PHVIlle Ilaln prlyllc entrance heavy duty wlrlrrg Apply saphla Well lsIIMII MODERN bedroom lpartrnenl on rlllln rlrror oII helted Central law an AvIllllllr Del Phone PA llama lsIII UNTURNIIIIED mom aplrInlenl wlth Irlth ls month Ayatllhll Del suItlhIe Iar young couple Phanl PA 66097 lbIHln lew MODERN Dedle lpertalenl eleclrlellly ulutpped wtlh laundry Ile llItIel Ior real lay Nuv Phone PA adult tollmlwr EEAIITIPDL raorrr bungalow on ukDSImmel lnllde canvanleaeel year round Phaa betray lNlrnlc lblMIll Rooll llIaule bllhhal water In Coohlllwn Apply ltloll lrnrn Aunl Lucyl Rllleurlnl or wrtle Ral Wallll clautawn l5III Room Apnrtrnenl lmlIy turn llhed heated elutrlc llay Ink con llnuolrl hat wllu Rellenebl Phane PA ldlhl loIIam LAB healer 121ml unlurnhn ed bedroom III fionulnld Vlry Ccnlnl Adults TERIrail W5 Plume PA um 1510 ROOM lloule Irl Ivy nlrnlcl water Inllde Clole to repeal ltale and ChumheEPmnIon De Phnnl IIrzl lyy IllIIIIlll ROOM partly Iurallhed lell conlala ed apartmentClhlrlt Iaceltah ed an lraund near Adult arIlrrld Phone FA lzsll LBIu Room lurnllhld Iplflmlmp nugelte oupbaardl contlnuaul hot water Dn Du llne Adultl AtollInns lIo InnIrn PA um IIIIll APARTMENT on ground our roam and cloudIn Varnlldlhl All CDIIVGHIEII eel Arnllaale OEI Apply aa Ely Held 51 Battle I5IIIHII sMALII well lllrrulhed lltrnent slave end lrlg scperle enlrl and rlwll Irllh Rralan ole rent Box errle Exnmhler IDIIMH uerIItleluD upper duplex rooall and hath water and hell lupplleo nerl FIID3 PA um llllmtl uerIansIlllD Apartment rooms and hath not end ealll water IHP piled all helltnl Slalll pally leeept ed Phone PA BEHDu IEIlfl II ROOM DlIIll apartment hell rlylte path It month alumlyllra ohleetlan to one chlld Ayatllale all Phone PA Ml IbIIHII UNPUBNIRIIBD Raornl and II lh modern Illtelren all heetlng ry er heavywlrlng lllw llorl room eat us Phone PA um IllIndia LROOM lell aanlllned unItllnllhed lvlnrnen aalaluadloue bflnlt HID reandlngl bllCDnyl AdrIIll anly Tell Inllllen III IAN NDV Phfl as lllIll YBARgROUND bedmrrr cottl CIIy convlalenc rnlrllerllor heavy duty ltave Apply Mn Patter erllllanl cattlgel Jam end It peach tsItynl Puansllltn sauna ll rai end llltll din tho Innanull rullhefllplnmflflr Bax ll herrt hennar wlnplll Arum mules veine Pl Bax alrrll Ellrnln IsIlolla mALL qclr mad hunk Catapul llelllrnolll relrtcental lad nan hot and lid ruler Clrdea clan nelm porn Telephone shlaty unrulllullln wtlloll lsIlolll lulled lamheal raanu loo hlth lll eonyerlleneee 1y decortell end ellln Inaulell rtrlll home an hul lIae Ahltllnerl hone PA in lllALL nlrallhed hmullfllln lplrt rnrnl hell llrhl lyller lneIuaed Vary rellanlhle sullehle lar one Or two arllla women pnlrrnd Ihanl PA may mu plan no ll lae rent Nor Cenlr mm lelrrldetlehro llrlle all decorated Ahllllaerl SOD on ehIIdrerr rrlr klmlnell leTIDNTI III raollr hrtcll harne oIl SlullahIlnr pay all PA All lsIIIlu ll FASCENGmillADIO HEATER IlIlott hut ner ry not eat ply Bax as VIII heated eanrentenle nllsltulhlx mnce Spree newly dr wllhraorrl Ilellltlel Mllahle Irnnleolllrr oeeupe Cent Awnrfl Mary su phone lbIIHH ooreled Temple Rutldlng uon For the eron 10 can er llecullaugh PA Mm AUTOMOBILES HAROLD HILL LTD HIGH VALUES LOW PRICES 1955 CHEVROLET 150 cullanl lldlo very cleanalr Ilght green law rllIIelge 1955 DODGE CRUSADER llonr green cultarn rldIa stAN new reel cayen 1954 PLYMOUTH PLAZA SEDAN ltane whlte and hllll Illlle lanllly elr 1954 PLYMOUTH SAVOY SEDAN tone green new lell revere Ith how prlee 1954 PLYMOUTH PLAZA DOOR del hlllck new leaI Coven Mlle nIce nmlly cl 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 2ltDOOE Ilrlge wIlh brown trlnl 1952 PLYMOUTH CRANEROOK lane helgl and rrlarrrorl rldIa sole ll excellent lullllIflll eultanl run yllar lmns new whlte wll llrel sharp car 1951 MONARCH SEDAN Cleln llllcath runnlng err an blue Oultanl note 1951 MORRIS OXFORD SEDAN Econcrntell IIttIe elr al luw prIee 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Cullarrr rldla Runl well l949 DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN let Illck autarrlallc ndIn aI cundIIlml I95I PLYMOUTH sedan IIISI CHEVROLET door my cIlEvRDLET Sedan radla m1 FLYMDUTH SEDAN ulna arms To CHOOSE area We Have Few Top Quality Trucks FARGO VFTON ExPRPss BI cm from EXPRESS l2 FARGO non lpeetel new raalor new um uPPoRTtINlT appreclnleu I95 clrev Sedan calm plelely overhauled ready or the ra maroon Exrepllan WE ARE OFFERING TERRI FIC DEALS ON FEW DEMONSTRATORS HAROLD HILL LIMITED gt PUqulh 172182 BRADFORD ST PHONE PAS5355 DPPICE AND SHOWROOM 55 Dunlap SIWM alm mlllr BtIyIng ol lSelling mmlfifllfl rrnlnre tram rVery rel wna ecrllptete alurlllae STEVENSON ALI TY 0F INsUnANcI PHONEPA 85201 In rlIINllnP elr Asl EALL SPECIALS 6u Para Patrlrne halo dnnr 55 Meteaeraglra deal 54 yolkswngan Panel 54 ChayP1ene1 52 Marrls ulnar daar 50V Morrls Mtnar ssnadge Ilrztrrn Pickup lia WW5 Jeep twtIEIIL DRIVE VIAU Molt llama AND éEnvICm PlloNz PA um RénOh VVagonS IIIIIIIL In al three elrra moatll FORD $895 PAslLNtlm CHEV $695 PASSENGER DODGE $295 All tllrle yelrlrlra no In eleentlnnuly good mnRIM eandIuon Iult the thIne Ior lnln wlth lrge llnlIIy ar dune Ina laneKPH rIc TRADE Illtlls Fairway Motors IIIGIIWAV AT FmNDALE PHONE PA 66696 DOLLAR DOLLAR YOU CANT BEAT HALWIG DEAL SEE OUR SALE AD 0N PAGE lsIloln ml Dod lllI Apply lred Prllltcll Strand PInl Sllllon lsIlIIll IslI rollD wlth loll molar good um ll lanlhle Phone vlctor May mu Da lta PtlllNlIIltah room mm hauleleep Ing Ianrunan Apply eller plrl ll In Reel Phone PA law llIIltl 50 AUSTIN SIN IBIII Dodge 15 gt54 CIIKV Iltnn plelup cl Itupl older Iruck Ilr Cur Ind cash Phone NI Strand IJIII or van Md MODERN new anebedraanl apert lnenl equlpped wllh mg and llntlar servlce AleIaaIe Dot phone PA lam IsIollIll Isso PARuo Truell In pletlarrn racks dull rrllp ncw um um arIgInaI mllel MIISI sell llroolt lllfl Dunlap st Well PA Mala IZIlmIII lave IIccnse Neeohlhle I952 cIIEv door In top notch CnndI tlon Illusl sell an Ielylnl country But olIer wIIl he accepted Phone PA mm or apply Illa Dunlap St Elll ulloIII Must be seen to he Musl laerlllae Iar huslnell rellonl Phone PA 955 between and pnl llIIIllz cAlts AT Whalellle Prlcc m1 deep wltn hydrluuc plane 49 Chev se don my Melear Sedan mu Vln luard I95 Rulek Ilsa Plymouth Ilsl Pord Sedan Apply lhI Vlclrrrll sl or phone PA 31m Ilmlll anvERTltlEEs llsl Pard Palrlane 5m Illen exterlar red and whlle up halalery lull pawlr eaulprnent H200 rntlrll Trade accepted Eluy terrnr Leon Carrlek Buy CIty Malanl PA lssza PA I146 llIlltl mlADIANT In Town or cltnlan do Ill Womlwddfllt lrlladurlevultelauneholehte sword llv mmApauArehlenetJrlln theallhelrlrleedeend WM tar one can clllllan asI lvttNIsllED DESIRE rTo water heated Kltlhen anyIIruer or Adult lIrant PA Llama Iurnllhed horrleleenlal raarn oll lrllh Ilaor all hzlllll near here IL Aqult only an Thomaon Sn ereultld purebred and grllle IlaIrIeInl Irarrte Hamil carnrnlng Creean Plrnl Bl runner When 205 f3rfl mgmend llllkzellle allyta unlrlnea rl we ronl ray calch llul rn Anllla rl Tennlnal PIrahe lA um 45 glwbfiIrclrjkpsnn lnd DMD Spraula LAME Iranl htlIlltllng ronrn tn ground llollr apartment llaasehceplnrr prlvllenu all cnmlllrls Central rerl hall lul I1 Cant ornttal llralonlala llallnell want rale steel Implement llltl ur mint Avlfly IF Dunlap st naartlrahl ourell ISHolll at prn sarolrle Aacl eyenlngl lulAun Rn one wayl wIII at any tractor wtth Spolnl hydraullc hmh club sale at Oclock noon lhlra new never need Ietl wm Mlll Spraule Auctlcneer cheap Plume PA lam 39llllll lllLRlNu Mechtna Pertr ena Servlrr on all rnrlter at mIIkPn New Sulu Muller and all mku at red rnlIlrern We Iult hlvll everytnlna the delryraln aeeor pm the men ellecuytr Ply caa hy the underalerted up trnI Prolrlrn on the rnlrltel Phana ul today at PA um errle Prrrn sup Ply I1 MuluflurfiL herrte usatl CoaIlslowlr curIInl Rink kept In lullole eandlllon lor earllng mallet la the approrel at the DIP PLANTS FLOWERS cclars IImel WELL KOKIKD Manure Ilelzanl Nanlerlea volrnlan SL LIVESJOCK FOR SALE I2 PICS wzsxsruul enllng well Phone enalnlnwn cant READ or PleatEsteem luau all Ills eaeh Apply to John Daenn AIIIr stayner alter 2t WRANED PIGS we slnrtell lnlk dl SCkh 21 céorslmrfms IFinaIll MRS MURRIEL BAIRD an at LI POULTRY nuxu Pupplee rellltered Relloa luvlu uAzwll lor ere ten of thlal also plan muted lhna ta th prtcrd Phatl PA um Lenvy AIIIlton Ihlluull yul ulhl molarole an wulpaed Renaeole ml Phone lled neatll Roan AND lloAllll Central Phen crab lA 5m Izlulll ROOM AND DJARD I57lalllnul mun31 53 IloArs AND Morons IIxu AND IIIAKAH trrr rupeetlhll emut Bum Italnu rt Mind PA mn RDole AND MAED tor genileraerr lhlrtngleplrnlc Dede rev mnMu Limited ROOMS FOR RENTf ll ll urlretlr lelh lay Runbull PIIRNIIIIIRD Iledmo7CnluliPllone Nell looI Iahneoll Molar Ill hp nature at Ierlldhlr Apply ll rlnple Prtm To Ctrr k77 5Ill rhl clearance on All LlGlII Ilorhtltulllllg llaonre Sllll Ira léilm wm 15 Delaney Bolus LIalIled luhhlellelll Indra 311 llayflclll blllLl llack mln Inertbemkhlu lawn Pho PA utlll IA 53 uIllrlll cal DIKALI Ilene yelll old or lele urtl evenuul III 1ch null PA Hill Iolll wentED Mather do end Inter aI lolll rlu null yewld lar lele Lelhorn ape ll ween nld Ilaerd apparel SUMMER COTTAGES Thel ahala harm in lllll nu LlIlulnt callu at land Dlltrreat llne some hylnll Told Ila hp chryllrr drlyl Cleellrue um New and AUCTION SALES rdnesflly Del nllperrll sale at all held lrl yaeclnlted and rally ae Krlded enll Checked Iar prrlnlncy prlcr laAlila lIIIIl Saturday on Prell wrlaht loulh lnnIllIl Auctlan Terml cllh Sue lancer Illrllfl Ernest Illn ml FARM EQUIPMENT 311on con II Ele Townlhlo Allallrrn role at Palm sleek Inrple rnenll and haulehald erlccll Tornl lza SEALED TEIIIIEIIs marked al In conterrl will he reeelved ta Tueadly Noah October I951 tor the care MRI and mllkInl al lee lor the lee to he IlelIeml lhould have some lnawledge ot mlkInl Eurl cALtu Wenled trrr VIIIInK Phnn Doss tr PET STOCK IIILIIIIIIIIILE uIII lad Ilmd Roch eree Anal Namn Ow Nahletan Phone Klal In uul runeaun Pox Terrler uppln neell ald tar alla NI tend rar Trrrter lenrele In old Phone LIMITED mm slyIll well drrlloped him Kenny shlhly hey PA DEER llOlINlll In late lo rnanthl CHICKS ala wad llelrrle lad Illa Tun he leer lnr llare Ilrnell slerna mm Mn Rerrnry her phone llll hrnlalle nlrllm alerted 4m aux IEAIMILD Purl and Deer hound DELANEY BOATS hymnx i°Ss ehlele Aunt eln llye lull artleallrl NH When Ind Ill nun It Callvllnd III lleefarr anane Jul Sm IUIIe mm Andrew rrrrrrlprllr In term llrerIIarll harrr Prolaeet nus can IFIIND II ah FALL SPECA ll an IEwIIIIrnIrury ale qll lell hm fum New Del cleR DI Cruller lltINnrd hevl hetehel weekly ltA all non aI car 00 thf PHWPX tIa an up alelorl ennlpllle enlel lhnrrla nraerea lh lylmml Illllr rar Terrter realrlered Irmmalliy Hm um WM roe undo Salem moo year el elwlyl 7w need In pen napl urrnutlre lnlemluonal Chimp yearbelrnratentwrhear ny Bum any Deltallr clrlell lar tape In It Iun ltannoea Relalute l1 IInrel out parent puma Irluty ell hradrrruon lna plant let In lnnrr amt rundllrr Nurmly mm rm hm mug immn gwfi lll help you yrIth yrrlrr proolenrl or Saddler val tlrrrel Mil In lho Mm ma In um human 30 P9 dllcull chlrl reaulrernenll CIII or wulld reeonl Phone sIlyner mm ar rho lo am wnmm Del cren llarrlhwtr ls hp vnle IIIlnlIrl POIIIIry Pennagag lune Buck llIl Sterner ESSA no $2323 nu lllll clearanc llln mnAlllllE Wfimn sin 21 lssII sun Prescription oNlAlalo THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER or SKIIDR II The llunlclpll Aer Iltsu I950 Clllllllrl llll In anrraded nlld IN Tllr MATml or an Applleellan at The Carpornllon al the Town at lllrrta lnr ARnlIllllIDIl thereto al pull at the Tawnthlpr ul InnIltII On and when and Ialrdl under the wlterr al Kemponleldt lIly al Lllre stalere In the earthly at slnreae and more nnrlullhlry dalerIlmI In SCIIPdulefiUI altaeInu honIn llld Til IIIAIIEII or IlyIlw Number ml at the caraarrrtlan DI the Than one APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING TIlE ONTARIO hluNlclPAL lloAItD llRNIlllv APPu um rlrr IlIlr tlay Orluhrl tell at me Illrllr at Ten ovrloen Ih lhe Iorenoa 000 Ill lIrl talrrt Iluule In the Thorn at uarrle anlarlo Iur theIrlarllru at nII up lllllpun at or In annulluan Ia thll rppllelllon DATED at Toronto Dnlarln thll Ith day IuIy I951 SEAL OWEN ll CHAPMAN Sunburn SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION or LANDS IN TIIE TOWNsllIPs DP lNlePIL Dlto AND VHSIRA T0 Ill ANlexzD THE TOWN or llARIlIE COUNTY 0P SIMCOE dAblgll AND slNoULAll than certIn plreell ar trlctl at land lnd premllee lIluate lylng ln ng Pleer Land In lhe Tawnlhlpl al lnnIlIII era and Vclprl Includlng Ilndl under lllr water 01 Kempenlelat Ilay nlcre plrtleularly delclloed ll Iollowl COMMENCING lle palnt In the hlgh water mark THENCE sauthellterly along the centre hy the centre llne ol Caneelllan east at the Path hall at laId Lat No In Iangullhene and of the Townlhlp ol Bro In Ire rd mm lllu Suuul welterly an lecl rnare or Iell lo the man SPECIAL Lowest or any tender nal necelllrlly THENCE Northwesterly llang laId northerly IIrnII figfgrf fldhgoflimm cm accepted mu Iecl more or Iell to the nonlrwestelly lngle at mum munu smam tam Lot No end Cunlhlllan lmflmwulally so Icet Tlllzlcl southwellerly llanl the northerly Hahn mm Mb mm rm to rm nannaallerly angle at Na or sold Enll Illll tn the northwesterly angle ar lald cuammwu In canceulan WIJL at the Penetangulehene Ilalll Em In the Tawnlhlp at Verprn TIIENcE spalhellterly lllung the centre llne ot Mums 49 pol TEIIIIEIIS wnllml slateI lander uddmlled ID the null the northerly produaltaa at the null he at um InnIsnI lna VQSFHI Penelanlzullllanl Reed and Canerlllan New survey In the Townxhlp ol Vcspra ol Lot No In concrlrlon It at the Tawnlhlp oI CASII CARRY urslglltd and marked gaffe wafimgh In £0 who rngrmrfi rr NIL aneelson ew urvey to lll CE sauthcarlerl aIana the ll rI IIrnI ROSS COOK Tend Construct palnt In the easterly productlan ol the nufllmrly ItrnIl Lot Na In CDRCBIEIDII It all ma Tinyle la the FLOWER SHOP 17l ll Monday Octaaer EIN vacetnnTuu due Arl lull the chattel ol PERSONA LADIES at GENTS CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIR SERVICE HOPE Dunlap Well PA dml ldoara welt Rent at lnvrlscnlh lllnull LOST AND FOUND LosITChlldlr iml red and thle Trlryele on Saturday Sept 2t vlce lnllv Shannon st and sl vlhcent Phane PA 56111 LOSTsmell allele llastan Bull wtlh whlle ehe rnele Anlwerl la uurler ln Ccdnnclon Area Phanr PA tom II vulHll LnsTDlnclt male shnrlhhlrerl Ter rler Name Ray Harlon Inlcrthed orl collar Answers to name at Rlookle Reward Phone llzrtz Creernare ITllIIl HIGHEST PRICES PAID tor ECEAP METALS OBAIIERIEP Phone PA 6833IJII PA 60481 ho In g°l III INDUSTRIALIRON AND METAI Dunlap at lrrel Parallel Phat PA 5533 or PA 872fl4 ll Bar Melgl GSalvuge SCRAP IRQNMETAIfi PURE HIDES RAGB BAIIERIES mlmm LIVE POULTRY lnu IlII llI not near 353 SDIIIII Mlv Ilellvrred our ll lll MAX PUSHKOFF AND IMPuni mm some PINE chrlllol mu or lhlrcnt wlnled ill to eeotlt Or vlsuolt Iey All ulnarPaul 9a SEW GOOD Near0D Puruficd Lelcuslier Ranla Apply Knapp IIIIrrecInu Phone at lyllnellne alll County at Slmcae wl arllr lar me the Ibwe rnen TllENcE southwesterly IIIDnl the northern IIrnlt THENCE Nonhwellerly lIong salrl epnlee llne tloned rulmwrnlnr by anon anetlan at rata Well lleII to the northwesterly an al reln tell more ar Iell to the llIch lvlttr Mark at Reno mm 540 and la recaver renlr nwnl plus all West Hall and conllnalnc southwesterly ll Ieel lllnleldl any or lee Slnreoe on Id Th IIEoIrLlIflNm XIII gnhsimflya IKIcIIIflTme II TmNcE N°w Wm Km he an array cool Dllcusull la lel rm rm lrd lssv on the mantle at IT Tmln ll RTOCKERS nrJIly Sllunhum Ea 2a PIGS an to 1a In Pl one due In Oclllbel WIIIIL Inc In REDISTL Ell IInIsleIn Helllrs and leveral gradel Preln lI duc In IERRV couCllLlN octaher vacclnated Jnlmslun MYmLLDEAN Llc lllIIIIl Iluwkedlnhe Phone lull orlr Dated at Dlrrle Ont VCIIISVIOY are Andaman lot Tuna all ar over Apply TIrarllal Ntlsnn Dclnck prrl BUoHJ Sept 1951 IF YOU EARN $4000 YEAR AND HAVE EDEN WAITING FOR AN NHA BEBIIIIIIM BUNGIILIIW WITH DOWN PAYMENT UNDER glooolvlTll MORTGAGE AMORTIZED OVER PERIOD 01 ITIHEII 25 CI 30 YEARS CONTACT ll BERNICR PA 82619 HOMES IVN OAKLEY PARK V2 BLOCK PRCM lew COLLEGIATE ll BLOCK FROM OAKLEY PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM l020 lolc 1031 sq FT Fully decarnled lo purchasers choice addition to Flrc IIIII Elmvale al lad Lul No at the VIIIage Cerkn omee an den TIRE SflLlI IIH mm Wm ma angle the Well Hall at saId Lat Nu 2a rae antler lIll Landlord and Team THEN southwesterly alang the narlherly IIrllIt al Issnr Cl19 551 hm lala Lat la the nart westerly anqu at and wall Pflcld WWW PM 9121 when one Vllrlnl Eleclrle Relrlceratar IIIlnIrI No Ems SOIIIII NasD MGR 81 Tlflin Battle Ont cam an expenrel at larne TERMS CASH Auellaneer uth day al 14 onstruction 6011 Ltd Inelntlailstorml Screens llan Sodding CommOnping construcuan Inlmedlalely under new CMIlc Covarn munt scheme or occupancy hy chrlsrrnns 0le III IIGUSPES AVAILARI at am Lol 20 en cantlnulng sauthweaterly as Ieet ar Iell to the nortneerterly Illlzle at Lot No 211 we bushel In and Ipcdflullum are nilW In oncealan al and Towalhlp al laId Lot No ta to the northwlllerly angle at l2 at rala Tawnltllp laId Lat Ile canlInuIna spalnlwnlterly as Iecl mare angle at sum North llaII lllld Lot No 2a to northwesterly angle al the Cult hull of ram Ial Concedhlun I2 cl the Tawnllhlll lnntlnl Lullzudlall Is Ieet more or tear to lhr northelllerly Illlll and eontlnulnrl Saulhvllelry all Ieet more or My leg to the nnrlIIDnhlefly angle al Lnrl Na In In cancelllon al llld anllshlp angle of lllId Eall Hall male or the Wesl Hall or Lot No lll In Cancelllnn Na I5 and It In laId cancelslan l3 TIIENCE suuthwcslerly along the nartherly IIrnlt mnmmv at lald Ealt Nell ID the narlhwellerly angle at raIlI Earl Hall presently conrpr Ing mtea at DarrIr Ontarlo May lth lash Town at Rarrlo 5988 llne at at Itempenlelal any where the lame Il Ihtcrlected Caneeerlan to the northeasterly angle ar the Welt THENCE sauthnrllerly llonElha nartherly IlrnIt THENCE mummy rd flIna up or reld wm Illll lo the northwelterly angle Dl llId reel mm let r5 tr nannmy mm Well Inn Lot No 20 In Canceltlan and eonunu THENCE Norlhwrlterly alang lhu norlllerly urnIl Contentm 01 um rowmhllI of Velma and the me no pmer mm laulherly produetlan therear lo the soulnerIy lInlIl also tell more ar lell la the Interrcellon lhereot by the Road Allawlnae between lhtv Tawnlnlnl ar Rand Allowance between cancelllan West or lho TIIENCE Northeasterly Ilnnu the mummy IIrnll at said Rand Allawanee to the northwesterly angle lauthwertcrly angle at SlId Lot and cantInlrIng Suulhe Tmch Southwesterly alang rlld pradlrrtlrrn and lumerly 55 eel mm or lw la the nonhwuslflrly 112 Dunlup Eusl PA 54892 wtfl In ruculvcd up to aalaclt noon llalln lald nflrhfldg IIrlrIt la lnr nonhw¢5¢y an lnglc or Lot No In Conceallan la lltd Tawnlnlp THENCE sanIncaslerly alone the wtslcrly IInlIt at lahl Lnl No la the ADMINWDSLEII unflle lald Lal No end eantInuIng southenslcfly no Iuel la 11 mar llosll uI slum Lowell or any rm THENCE Southwelterly along the nartherly Ilmlt the northwesterly lnala or lal Na In crrnrrrlllan rrat llccllsarlly accepted MEI RARRm Clerlt or IE8 la the nonhellterly angle at th No Zuln vIIIlge Ol EIraraIe Concculon at llld Townlhlp lII THENCE Saulhweslt aIallg the northerly IInllt TllaNcl Southeallerly alarm the chlcny mm at Ole North Hall ol and Lot Na to the eautnwultcrly THENCE Narlhelllerly alanrl the eentre llne ol centre llne or the Road Allowance between the North THENCE Nollmweslcdy along lhc centre llne lIaIyel ar Lot No Is and In at 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