Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1957, p. 2

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Sicckjn Elmvale Feir Continued simple one ot Bradford Webb Thornton and the nontree ponles irorn devaie Jndnd ole Held Work Entrants the mid Cowli tlon oi themll bushel 011 Club sponsored inab Oeatro Fins lair lur Flnllefl were dllpllyed in order of merit Marks were given lor the field sown bushel at grain and or shut oigraln Donald Bell look first pile in this competition Willi total score at 115 Second was Don Thaiill son at Elmvaio 171 third Don hchrnlh at Eimvale with 160 Bacou Carnu Show Elmvale kept in line with other airs by having bacon carcass competition Joint proleet ol the Flos Agriculture Society the irovlnclal Department at Alri uliure and the First Coopera livc Fuckers oi Ontario Barrit The ten beatcmases out at entries were displlyed in order at merit they were David Smith llawkutone Ellsworth Collins Wrenlore Cor scadden Stroud George Graham Ellnva Nelson Miller Hills dale John fiunille Hliisdllr lack Dyer mvole Arthur Turn nr Elinvale John Smith llawkestone Lillijinlries Award Prizes Prize winners this you atln llla Barrie Buliders Exchlnxe are displaying series or at pan cls 22 deplcupg interior and exterior photographs and floor phns oi national and region housing design winners in the dlan Housing Design Coun cil 195 Awards Competition An accompanying panel ii devoted to description ot the council and its objectives The display is on view in lb Barrie Builders Bchange Council was tormed to promoio better housing design by provid to see some of the best housing constructed by the building in dustry The exhibit which in cludes winning designs Irnm Quev bee Onlario British Columbia Ind lhe Atlantic and Prairie Pro vinces utters comparison housing design on nation level It is hoped that this present tinn will foster wider under standing of the principles of good design Good housing design makes the mnst efficient use ul mace and materials available to provide dwéiling which is as convenient and pleasant to live in as is practically possible at the price the homeowner is able to Fall Essa School Fair Prizes ing an opportunity tor Canadilns ir haanaequiv asrai HV 1s iaaraar and hail Stile Not Em Road Presbyterian Church Wltth inr rummage sale Och ai Essa iton irehhytérhn Church Doors open at oclock null Euchre in Eastern Star lull atrnud on Monday Sept 30 it ails Lunch and prizes Ad gnlialon 50c Everyone welcome til Rurnlnage Sale Oddiellawa Temple Friday Oct Door open pm to pm Auspleea trinity Womens Auxiliary 11ml Dance in Community Hall Bond Head every Sllurilny nlubl in September Alispieed ot Anglican Young People Paxtons orchest II Ad We lOJJDZJlJfiJOlel Runlmage sale Saturday Sept 23 It 10 am at True Blue Hall Ausplcea oi Ladics Auxiliary to the Carpenter5 Union Anv don Itinns will be picked up by phnn lng PA olool want The Chllii Willi Junior Farmers are sponsoring danco In Church ill Communin oil on Friday Oel Lucky spot priles Lunch served Good orchestra Admil lion 75c and 50 lllllS The amid Christian Science Group cordlnlly invites you to tree lecture entitled Christian ScienceThe Lihcraling Light or Truth Sunday Sept 29 at 815 at the Roxy Theatre Duorlopcn at 230 11011 Tho Senior Citizens Club and their sponsors the Soroptimist in ternational oi Barrie invite all nisiil School Fair held at Stroud have been announced its allows Denis Sheard Cup In school having highest number at points SS 10 DSproulo Cup to mhool having highest number of points per pupil ss 15 Smith Sunoco Station award $5 to girl winning second hlgh est number points Joan Small SS 10 with 24 Watson Construction Stroud award $5 to School winning set citizens 80 years and over to join them at their weekly Wednesday alternoon meeiings in the LTB Hall High SL These meetings open to men and women eom meace let For information or Baxter Show MONTH OF AUGUST saw great spurt in building in Barrie partlcu lows Home in Allandale Lower lett where the old Central United larly in the commercial section Above are shown some of the building Church once stood on Dunlop Street work is going ahead in erecting projects beingearrled out around town at the present time Top iett commercial building tor Firestone Stores Lower right work is well Mime Win the start or new plant or West Bend Aluminum Company Top right advanced on the modern Brewers Retail store being built at the west telephone PA 33109 Cup by Cochrane to school havmg Manes number the toundatlon stone was recently laid tor this extension otthe Oddtol end of the town 4mm points SS To school having highest num Van Qamren SS Marie Cole incide with the switch in the Uni SIIFF COMPETITION and Marilyn Hood SS Most Ontano ted States iron daylight to stand KEmWNA or animals oi On Fast Time Prim winners this year at Essa School Fair held in Baxter have bar or points per pupil by winners at purebred dairy and ardtinle lhe BriHsh Columbia Trce Fruit Applagata 55 To School winning second high gcjlcal figms by XImi But Windsor Port Arthur and WW said Hi 59 M9 ne cass Terry on in 55 Fort William rnmained alool WM Wins have Ml denl est number at points per pull Ronnie Howell SS classes among Ontario cities and stayed the markets due 10 and highest number at points in Bank at Toronto Alilston per pupil 55 ll liegemy Hive 55 Sunday Guests Visitan Parents Unfll Oct on sisndird time this summer Weliiion Iwm New York and Thompsons General Store To boy winning highest points if Mr and Mrs Fred Henderson Mrs Peter Letelsle and chil Several townships in Western On Minn 9918s award $5 to boy winning second by the Bank or Nova Scolia Bar Ply thy fling Rf of Fergus Visited on Sunday with dren who have been visitinz standard time returns this week min swilclled beck Labor Day highest number of points iloug rte Earl Lenrinx ss Muhtfn 95 EX their srsicnlnlow Mrs John with her parents Mr and Mrs and In British Column 53m weekend and several othersln the To glrL winning highest points Henderson GeorgdS arntt loaves soon lor chem Mum Newroundlml same district plan their clucksot las Campbell 55 10 with 27 lnnisfll Farmers Credit Un iun award $5 to school second highest total number of points SS 15 Eaton Co Ivurd book to girl winning highest number total points Margaret Cowan SS 15 Willi 68 Eaton Cr award bank to boy winning highest nunilirrot total points Herbert Shannon 35 15 with 32 4vPercentage atlentlance points to count for school standing SS 11 ll mill ting move this weekend Alberta and Prime Edward is land stick in standard time all year round Allis recent visitors withVMrs her home Houston Texas Henderson were her granddaugh ter Mrs Don McFarland and Joanne of Cookstown ahd Mrs McFarland Sr Fennell Falls Sunday at bradrord Mr and Mrs Oliver ram spent Sunday in aradiord with the Iormers sister and hufiiand Mr and Mrs William Langioril Mrs Harvey Simpson visited on Sunday last with her parents Mr and Mrs limes Fry Noble und in some cenlres in New Bruns wick and Nova Scutin Most oi the rest of Canada which switched clocks ahead April 23 will keep them there until Oct 27 this year That includes Barrie Most of Ontario and Quebec will retain daylight time until Oct 27 which happens also to col GUTHRIE by Royal Bank at Canada Bar rie Mary Applcgale ss To girl winning second highest points book by Eaton Co Enr burl Dunkworth SS 10 To boy winning second highest points hook by Eaton Co Lawrence Spears SS Cup to highest judging team by Feltis Casey Van Campen and Jim Excel SS Trophy to champion livestock showman by ira Wilson George From Hamilton Mr and Mrs Luke McKenna Peter and Belly of Hamilton spent the weekend with the intv ters parents Mr and Mrs McGoey Tossorontio Has School Fair Al Everett Grounds this ANGRY TIHEVES KEENE CmArmed thiefes who broke into Jimmy Gratlanl home shut his dog and stole box or 22 shells Keane is six illiles southeast or Pcterborough House Guests Terry Hill of Bolton is house guest at the home at Mr and Mrs John Bullen and attending school at Banting Memorial liigh School Alliston PiiiillliliM lllllllllCE nil Prige winners year at Toasnronllo School Fair held at Everett have been announced as Cllit Lookbart Cup to team Flldey 55 allows an Rallyin Liaws highest Ildfilng Pmm 1th Whig Em WW To My Will lush vomix Rich lull Anniversary Werkrod at Summer llome itally day service in the United 56éiwéPlUMHER WV 3m and We 9Pg End WY hunk by To FEM 00 DWEI number rpm here attended Mr and Mrs Lloyd Leggell Church will be held in the reg SS 12 MelMilitia Victor Hayward SS McArlhiir the anniversary at itich liill Un 5pm Mamam their sum ular church servlee at 230 pm ll WllielnT New Cup to charm To girl will highest paints ited Church on Sunday last ma game at Lqu posse on Sept 29 Sunday School will pron livestock showman Balpb Barrie Examiner Specul weed book by Eaton ted Kathy Mr precede at the 51 ho 139 Cook 55 collection Mary Applcgale SS Healip ss and 50 Elmfirmci gmf Trolisseilu Tea WITH USTO SEQ5 Two TRUCKS wml Class 69 James Leonard and 5mm 50 55 10 Elm Firs lime in assay contest by weft pm numhar at local ladies at Mens Council WLLBE SECURE MEWS AND th Cirruthers SS Beverly Buym Alliston Herald Paula Stephens tended the troilsseau lea given by Beverley Bertram and Gordon rm Glam finfificfiefifi 55 Victor Hayward ss SS er Mrs Freeman Mrs Ha at hum in Caldwell Handed me Me OURWORKIS rnlNTnlts To assure gfiflnnon John Wanless Rnnme Mildred Elliott ss Second prize in essay content Home to willowdalc ion on Saturday ulternoon and Council of the United Church at 16000 ACCURATE antars Ron oirard nnuglns Bfink ui Commerlce Earle by Alliston llrrald Sharon Me Mrs Choosernun who has evening last in honor of her Fine Oaks Paris rlastl tView AND mansunnlnniijr game 33 $3 11 figmmsgii Siiiiirtifriegifr sixritisiaiaiag highest points 25saiipii3iiimii3miirliia lifl fifiiiéisaliifitailiifafilifi 23mm Vmmmmr 25 mm mm era lne eea Mgrgam Comm Elinmh Wan SS Sheila Galbelt ss per pupil shield by School Fair lahn Cheesemiln has returned United Church to Stewart lack new 51 AND CALL TODAY less mes NHL Tree naminiiseeml by George Association 55 to her home il Willowdale son or Toronto Mr and MI 699m CHIP su25 Wilkinson Alliston Steuben school winning highest points bell and family Visited at Oak Jack Webster give special Wilson ss 10 Barbara ouck per pupil la Noni Am 55 mid Sam la Ville Hamilton and Niagara rails awardsmcto pupil in grades worth 55 in any Carson SS smol winning gaps minis HLLSDALE mlzidameifafrly lastweekend it i122 tmlieabtr ihwliiniivmmnz 10 WP Am 55 Mrsr Frank Plnyiard Toronto Entertained Junior Choir 1E High Judging teams special Mal Win It Exhlbmnn spent low days with her daugh On Sept 13 Mrs Howard Camp LTD bell entertained her junior choir at most enjoyable party in her home prior to Miss lsaoelle Gil Harry Hulses entry of 25 birds had every bird placed winning nine seconds our ter Mrs Playford here Out at Hospital lexaco Service Station ill TllIin Str Barrie Total number of entries 1207 by Wilson Wright Jim Excel and ANTEhl Mitts fir Recently Married £35 ml Binea lourlhs winning Mrs Albert Cook returned 01 Mn donald PIION Conwhflmns in has best collection on Butt cachlns liomo irom Paneling General HLllf Guam PlUMEINGHEATiNG Bus PA 3256 and Pauline Johnston who were be common Golda Ramhurgs Hospital With her young dangh Res Ph 85089 in Harpitai Mrs Archie MacArthur is patient in iloyal Victoria Hosp ital Barrie and we wish her speedy return to haalth and home ter Saturday Weeks Visit Miss Ella Rowat spent the past week at Minesing with Mr and hiljs Irvin Johnston Trip West 84 DUNLOP 51 WEST WIM PA 83770 recently married Weekend Guests Mrs Boongarden ISpirit River is visiting her niece Mrs Cnx Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs Murray McKenzie This is the 41th time Mr Hillsc loosen pk Manlnail Wine has exhibited at Toronto lair BaokIroln Motor Trip Mr and Mrs Harry liulse have just returned train ten days mo tor trip th ough USiA attending returned from trip to northern Europe View at Norway wore shown by Jack Tippind operating pro By boom monitor rum At Booth At the regular meeting of tho Home Again Peter Jamieson at Forest Home Lions Club in lhfiiPlliBh Hell it was reported that the Lions booth operated at thefiair had netted about $140 tor the clubs wallow work Thoreau an increase in iectort Mr Churcher was intro ducal and thanked by Mrs Berta Stevens on behalf oi the Anglican Gllild who sponsored the address WA Tel The ladies of the WA and family Toronto spent the weekend at Lorne Wilsons held Michigan tote Fair in Detroit Chicago State Fair in Chicago and Eikhari Mr Hulae claims Ontario has for better exhibitions and the Warden and Reeve and Mrs Fisher Gpntnn leit Sunday for Saskatchewan where attend convention other ni Bert and Melville oi Guthrie is home again rum Dr nurse lilia hospital accompanied nya Lunch was served In Brio the number of members Iron the main man much very successful atternoun tea and bake sale on Wednesday after Mk and my mumpm to Ontario breeders it Kill on Sapt 03 Cal ge chaired by President lick Dunloii 24 Mrs Albert anlr nonn with proceeds amounting to Albert Cnokloft or Tom nto to rv ing the president entertainedSi $5765 At Algonquin Park Coigggfmxycimgu ox AndrewsPresbyterian was him Short virlt Mn and Mrs ctltrnrd porter Ryan mm meeting at her home on John St Mrs Edith Newton spent and Mr and Mini lack Rumble In 00 Commerce lnvo etuted tall roundill activities with the first scheduled loot turkey shoot and otherattractions in Goldwater rink also 12 few days at John Nthonobelore leaving for California or the winter Mloden Weekend Miss liens Collins and intend motored to Mlndan lor the week spent last Sunday at Algonquin Park Torontoyiillt Htb irorrioy Waverley and Ciiltord Porter were in Toronto laatwoek to attend the BA show Al Lindsay Fair Mr and Mrs Gordon Thompson and served lunch Mrs Frank Buchanan was host ess at her Main street home for meeting Wednesday at St Matth lhs Guild Repairil were mdethia week to the foot Epletts grist lllill Elinvele Fair was opened by Lloyd Lotherby MPP and starter end STEELEfs CORNERS tor the races at tho lair Sept waa Goldwater Reeve anrenen WA Bazaar Detllne animal EVAh garner wingbf Goldwater brary Board met mien Sept 24 11 included in thehual in Hm nau disposed or was arrange in Fm Wm merits togpurehasd newbooks °Wd through thobooii committees 50an Wedding Goldwater orgaaiats Mrs Ep Cpagrstulotlonstomr and Mrs leil and Tipping will catch in Sidney Wright Hollows ho col the dlstrlctiehlptero Emilia ebnlad their golden wed in on it Miraapiettr buns enacts Mondiylaap 23 Ma 11 be it no place sporadic Ill CarlynMacDonald of Toronto spenttho past week here with his my gt her Mrs Iona MacDonald scallionnod visitor Mrs Lloyd Tgrnor oi Coiling twond spenttiio past week with Mabei Turner Mls Ernest Dales were Mr and JAPANESE QUAKE MrsJiarold noieslobn and Ron Yukohrlna proteins on at pie Tor9mm In all WIBIIIIIOSE eomple elyde sunaay visitors withlliri maria by enrihouakain Parrittanll boys were Mr and Mrs Merle Porritt ilnd tamin WON KEEP Iner and Clarence To gtVANCOWE5 CP tinder amt naw regulationii all direiard Ea Alfigpfeaglgfi fir latoos imported into BCnust he Amer Bum Flui returned to provilioe or coun tryoi origin urdeis they do Sunday Byehes otherwise be exported outside Rev ll Gardnerflottenllam the province The measures are will glareeh at Ebenezer United designed to control the Spreador church nextsund potatoring rot gt SEPT am niirjsnlililis TIRE SERVICE wulhe berating iromlthe Rev Charles arter cut minil Andrews trea byterlanchnrch Innovator is the nth eruma to serve thereon gregltton ennivsrsary oi the vill Oct monsoon rayonno Midland nape ll mlnlstehThete will be special music it then IJll 19331i NTIAC This car was In Afrnay ottleer condition Ma The BAIiRI HS had4 iEXAillllNER

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