Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1957, p. 19

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Till THROUGH THE ULTRAMOD ERN DESTROYERESCORT HMCS FRAS Ell at the Pociiic Command the Royal Canadian Navy was among highlights or oneday visit to Victoria BC by Hon Mrs Ellen rolrolough Secretary or StutaShe is seen here by the torwnrd guns or the modern submarinekiller with the Frasers Com Phillips Mrs Fairclough was visiting west Coast units at the Department or Public Printing and stationery The Queens Prin ter The Esqulmait unit under James Ad ums is located in HMO Dockyard While in the VietoriaEsquimult urea clough also visited the Canadian Services College Royal Roads Mrs Fair NEW LOWELL Sunday Visitors liliss Shirley orsss and Denny honor oi For Eigln spent Sun dry with Mr and Mrs George Dull and uthrr lriehds in South Carolina Mr and Mrs aicn Snow and iamliy are visiting irientls in South Carolina ior two weeks Mrs John Gordon is visiting with Mr and Mrs Montgom ery Nottaws Dexter Visitors liirs Cochrane and son oi Bax ter are spendingI low days with her mother Mrs Sluvc Rawn At Markdale Mrs Wes Mumhcrson is visits int with Mr and Mrs Ruwlisofl Markdale Short Visit Mrs Edith Carter spcnl few days with hir and Mn Car ter Crcemorn From Barrie Mr and Mrs Watson at Barrie called on lriendLhere Sunday Mrs Bell of Barrie called on Mrs esrtcr Saturday who re turned to Barrie for visit Then MrsCartcr is going to Toronto to visit with Mr and Mrs Roy Carter From Toronto AKnow10s el Toronto spent few days last week at his home here WlilS News Mrs Henderson Presidcnt the WMS conilucied the worship pcriod Various church business was arranged in order Can iestswere conducted by members of the Evening Auxiliary and en iuycd by all Mrs Watson Served lunch at the close oi the meeting From Vancouver liirs MatllLt of Vancouver spent few days with Mrs Speck Sunday Guests Mrs Paddlson and Mrs Allenby und Edward spcnt Sun day with Mr and Mrs Herb Prddison Erentwood Birth of Daughter Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Maddock on the arrival of baby girl Sept 21 1957 Birth at San Also congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alliin Legato on the arrival of babybny Sept 17 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mighty Atom The allowing incident was drawn to the attention of your correspdndent which is quite worthy at special mention Last week citizens were lind Llng mushrooms all over the place growth brought on by the rain and warm days small eriiptlun wasnoiieed in the newly laid asphalt side vvrik in iront oi the home at one our worthy citizens Within tow hours the mighty rnushromn pushed itself up through and burst into full bloom Entertain Church Groups Misslola Watson entertained the three church groups at her home on Thursday of last week the WMS the Evening Auxiliary lid the Womans Association Public Library Opened be new public librarywu ficinlly opened 1by the reeve dqxephBeltoiil yon Saturday in the council chrmburs The lib mending oitieer Commander Raymond ment of Sam Johnson former EGBERT Prize Winner Congratulations to Bryon Breth cl on winning third prizc ior his call at the Cookslown Fair on Friday Weekend Guest David Church North Bay spent lht weekend with Mr and Mrs Church lt From Toronto Ronald Whlieside of Toronto spent ihc weekend with Mr and Mrs Cecil Whitcside Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs Carl York New market and lilr and Mrs Thomas Blakciy Barrie spcnt Sunday iviih Mr and Mrs Gordon Blake From Toronto Gordon lilcCuicheon Toronto spent day recently with Roy and Vincent Holt Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Burns and fam ily Churchill spent Sundry with Mr and Mrs Garvin Burns William Miller Creemore is spending few days with Mr and Mrs orolley Wedding Guests Roy Holt and Vincent Holt ai tended the HoltWood wedding in Toronto on Saturday Sept 14 WA Meeting Egbert WA metlin the Sunday School room on Wednesday Sept 18 with 11 members and one Mrs Jean Emigh Mrs Bellord Mrs Mallion Walter Rogers and Rev Mr Taylor Mrs Leg gett who is also on the board was unable to beprescnt owing to business engagement Some interested citilens were also on hand as well as num bet at children ever 200 new books have been added by the Simcoe County public library hooks to serve both young and old Mrs Keogh ihe librarian took on her new position with much patience serving about 50 cus tomers the lirst day she was assisted by Rev liirTaylorThe library will be open every Satuiu day mm to pvn Honor Newlyweds shower given in honor at Bobble Walkem and his bride the iormer Shelia Aiken oi Bee ion in the Legion Hall on Fri day evening last was wellat tended by manyfriends and as sociates Congratulations and good wishes Bobbie and Shelia Bridge Game Eight tables of bridge were playing on Tuesday evenlnglast at the home gt0 Mrand Mrs Frank Johnson The proceeds in aid of the restoration the darn netted over 5100 The ev ening was in charge of the Junior Bridge Club Bowlers The alley bowlers got 011 to loud start or the season last Thursday evening at the Allis ton alleys under the manager resident here Illllt Club Local members of hunt elubs jackets out at the moth bulls once again Their wlves are at ready planning lnng evenings of bridge etcl asit has been said there isnevor rt dull moment in Tottenhun especially where the are getting their find pans and visitor resent sided The meeting opened with hymn and The Lords Prayer iol lowed by Scripture reading und the lesson thoughts The minutes at the last meeting were read by Kathleen Mooney Business was in connection with the bazaar which will be In the Sunday School room on Friday Oct 25 It 230 oclock Mrs Realty gave very interesting papcr and Mrs Broiley read poem The meeting closed with hymn and the benediction otter which Mrs Realty and Esther Downer served delicious lunch Accompany wi Kathleen Mooney and Esthcl Downer went with the Thornton institute ladiBs on bus trip to Toronto recently Mrs Biollcy pru Sun ale Corners fllombury Visit Mr and Mrs Earl Bull and family visited in Thornbury on Sunday buy in Weston Mrs Mel Bates and Miss Jean Bates spent last Thursday in Weston visiting Mr and Mrs Brown Back to Stoyner Mrs Catherine Wiggins has re turned to Stayner after spending some time with her daughter Mrs Mel Sage Rally Day Sunday will be rally day with Robert Bates assistant superin tendent in charge assisted by the boys of the ohmch school October6 will he anniversary services in Zion Presbyterian Church with Rev Thomson BA Orilila IS speaker At Lindsay Fall Mr and MrsGordon Bull and Fred Moore attended Lindsay Fair and report one at the best tairs in theldlstrlci BAiirER In Charge at Services Bruce Edgar was in charge oh the services in both Angus and Baxter Presbyterian churches on Sunday Attended Funeral Mr and Mrs Denney and Mrs Florence Denney attended the funeral of Raymond McLBl ion in Detroitan Tuesday Ra mind nephew of Mrs Denney tell from high building in July and never regained consciousness 5122 passed away on Sunday Sept Teacher uraTlu tiilr Lindsay cheer the teachers in Baxter public school is absent owing to um and number of tge pupils are also away with II Sunday in Welton Mr and Mrs Gauley and family and Er Gluley sent Sunday in Weston guests at Mr and Mrs Gnuley In Gravenhurst Mr sud Mrs Jolin McKnight are spending few days with friends in Gravenburst Rally DayServico Rally day service lwill he held lh the Sabbath School on Sunday Sept 29 gt Weekend Guests W02 and Mrs Miskey and two daughters Cheryl and Lynn 1y or Vancouver were recent visitors ivlllh the tonnerl parents Mr home Monday and Tuesday Willa Thu October meeting Holly cbpnh Sculqu Church services It Holly Untied HOLLY rust snd Belly have recently returned tram an enloyrbie hnillt ardent Visitors Mm Siessor and Weston and Mrs Martin Crone Grade teacher was companled home by 315 Harlin Sept 29 Tender wtsrlu Home sod 5cwa Sun 5m All parenu no others interested in invited to gitsnd Relativu Onsvidi Mr and Mrs Johnson had city in Vsbcouvrr and were at churrb win he st pm starting the uh ML mm Mr and Mrs Orr In family visited on Sunday with Kraut Mrs It Rodger llisses and sngioy lyeut zomnannm EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTLZV 11 board was he are cheatnu Contillia spent theweehend with relatives here the BARRIE EXAMIN You this great in Fair sateeulinedPinch Plii hid Readylo Hang iiandeBamhnflimil 90 Long 00mleterWiihffil°°°3 SlNGL WIDTH Low low prices for the rich look in draperies Striking tiorols gem metrics and scenicsiheres ombinotion to go with most rooom color schemes These are drapes youll hang and show friends with pride they look mueh more than this law plies odd new warmth zeualgi D1 color In all your rooms the budget plan way choos yours to urea daily and save by buying now Thin WiDTH NO DOWN PAYMENT 0N wALKrns ween PLAN rm cit ts Duilltig fattest sAbs MINIMUM PURQHASE l00 sins width udy to lvhhorno udttsns bonito on TriplqutMtI delivered In it day Protect Diopes from Sun broiledlions bet to we Nurture shade rghr gCiosely woven cotton saféeri with soiinlike finish ihqi oddsbeotityto your mdcie strenuoeropes and helps to slay cleanerildnsger comp and Ready If with enough rollers it toinstull emf only screwdriver gt It Lengths cut to your measure ments Msoruu your window or vo am and cross at manlyloving one during this aunt mot lym mouth Mr diaper opln and not to nino rulich on track ii957 and Mrs ii Slessor Mr and Mn flu We hope he is feeling betteréllomesanii School will be held inhis lull and uncle tron Toronto lhl Vlltckend at their horn¢7

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