Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1957, p. 1

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Serving The norm or AND coonn or smcnb shire i864 93rd YeatNo fswv ght these four lovely ladies and one who is libs pl ad close Judgesseott Young Neville Bar nett and Mrs elltriéeLLtcas in bathing suits and street clothesto decide who will have the honor of being Miss Barrie 1957 Fendleys Flowers will supply roses tor the winner and This years Elinvale liair will be remembered tor two thingsthe heavy entry in the livestock sections and the sottness oi the ground which bogged down cars and heavy vans Followlng trend that has been evident throughout the fall fairs this year the many horse and livestock entries were of high standard Speaker At Roity Theatre is Sunday LINGEN woon of Van couver wllt be speaking this Sunday at the Roxyniheatrc Banlepuntler the all lees ot the Barrie Christian scene sponsored by th Church of Chris route Ills subject will bewChrls tlan Science the Liberating Light otTruLhr member oi the Christian Sci ce Board of Lectureship Mr Wood has travelled widely throughout the war He has de voted his full time totho prac tice of Christian Science healinz to manyyelus During World one he aerv captain in thearitlsha nity Alter the wailAla engage yin contraction wol Argenti inuth rolrera While no official figures are available it appeared as if the attendance at the second day oi the almvale Fair livestock day was down on last year However there was no lack of exhibitors in the cattle classes and there were so many horse and pony entries that the judges did not anticipate bcing through with their work until late in the evening too late for the traditional parade of live stock usually held around 530 pm Added Accommodation Elmvalc Fair is the second lair in simoue County to benefit from additional accommodation this year The new curling rink ad jaecnt to the arena housed the womens exhibits and provided pleasant office ohthe new secs retary of the Flu Agricultural Society Marlene Tinney Wlth the womens exhibits housed principally in the new curling rink the main arena lookeda little bare and clearly thcsociely has ample room or expansion of exhibits in this area Excellent School Entries There was an opportunity to see CROREEVE RAMS TRUCK Kenneth Gillespie liceve at Orb cultured bruised ribs when he drove into the back of haltton truck on Highway 12 near Bass Lake on Wednesday His car suit tered serious frontal damage Mr Gillespie stated that he veered to the right to avoid what he thousht was dog in the road but turned out to be tarpaulin Partially blinded by lull he failed tnld thevtruck in trout him pull up ndrau into thatear oi it Attire time Mr ciliaa la wa on his wayto fetch train it nurse to flunk after his mother who had uttered ughole The girls are Nancy Hodgson and Doris Pre the back Liz Reid kneeling in iront and Pauline Plltz holda ing the poster Abscllt is Evelina Riccl BDCIs cheerleading entrant the excellent entries in the rural schools horlicultural classes in the arena giant sire hubbard squash earned Sandra Kenny SS 17 Flosa first prize but she had strong competitor in Wayne Dickinson ss 12 Flos placed sec andwlth squash almost as large in the swedo turnip ior table use class David Hancock SS 12 F105 won well deserved lirsl with some even and large round swedes However the same type oi swede only gained him sec ond place in the field class where the prize went to Barbara Turner at SS Plus in the pie pumpkin class the judges were clearly not impressed by size alone There had to he tlilolity and so it was that Luella Stone of No Separate School took iirst prim with one oi the smaller pumpkins It was clear that Doug Smith 55 17 Fins had received some professional advice on the bench ing of show onions llis evenly shaped and clean exhibit in the onion class stood out from the rest or theEntries and earned him first prize Back FromEngland Judging beef cattle in the show ring was Warniea recently returned trom his trip to England The Sproule herd of Shorthorns were again in win ning form following the eclipse at Cookstown He lost to Craw iord ill the class for junior year lingsbut took the junior and sen lor calf classes other breeders showing cattle were William Vanclse oi Stayncr and Sampson of Duntroon Daltoniderrney ot Goldwater showed fine herd of Ayrshires in the dairy classes here were no Holstclna showing but some eiiecllent Jersey cattle were err hibited Success on Success Back from winning the Pony stakes at Owen Sound thenlght previously the MdEacbcrn eta tiles addedto thalrsuocesses Elmvale taking the yearling ml lion undiestwenties Other pony exhibitors era such strong competition II Ritchie Etiurnto page two please MONDAY wroussoar and FRIDAY single copy NTARIO CANAD 0ct4 ston standing in Alconcl Bleach Legion Branch Elect Officers By 165 The newly formed branch the Canadian Legion at Alcona Beach is now going concern On Sept 11 the newly signed up mcmhcrs met to elect slate of oiilcers The results were president Burton 1st vice Ralph smith Bruce Russell secretory Bill Footer executive committee Fred lrltchard Maurv lee Martin Earl shepherd rer guson Fralick Ernest Nash The election was cnnducted by Zone Commander Carmen Gowan assisted by Zone as follows president vicepresident of Creemoro Sccrotary Ernest Roberts oi Creemore Douglas McGIbbon prcsidentloi the Barrie branch lst vicepresident 2nd vlce lvan Crowe Barrie Cllli Kelly president Barrio past Zone Coma lnander loo Spiker ot Stayncr and Mike oi Slayner branch Following the election short address was given by the presi dcntele€lt which he outlined Herman George Burton some the Barrie rallrair lion Goodteliow 0m larlo Mulder oi milIre will olflclaiiy open Barrie Fall Fair this attcmoon The core many will late plate at two oclock at the ludgcs stand immediately opposite the blea them Mr Geodfellnw expected to arrive at the fair ground shortly after eleven thll morn ing Ailer seeing some of the exhibits he will be enter tained to lunch by the board of directors ma One Killed Five Inlured Near Orlilia One man killed and live persons were taken to hospital following in accident in which car Ilammcd into farm tractor on Highway 12 few miles lrom Orillls yesterday Deceased is Duncan nelhnm of orillia who was it passenger on the tractor it Is believed Ihal the tractor had just pulled onto the high way and travelled about 30 yards when the collision occurred Driver oi the car Mervin llop kins oi Roscmount and three passengers Ross and ry Pipcrhol ill lleaborion and Fred Sallows oi Coldwatcr wcre taken to hospital The driver of the tractor George Strachan 62 is in Sol dlers Memorial liwpital wilh injuries to his side An inquest will be held on so or the love bug is jump ahead of Asian flu in Cold water Village clerk Chester llla had three applicants for mer riage llccnses less than 15 minutes the other night when the tirst couple arrived near closing time he took them into his oiilcc part 01 Martins novel ly store and to secum privacy was about to lock the door There preparing to enter was another couple on the same ma trimonial miss As lllr Martin had only one license on hand he had just iinlshcd asking the latter to re turn when third swaln accum panind by his blushing bridevtoe be joined the gathering at the entrance seeking marriage li cense Following rush request made direct to the parliament build ings in Toronto tor additional forms Mr Martin was able to as sist Dan Cupid on his merry waY 1717th and aims at the newly formed group Among these weré the sponsoring couple of hockey teams it is hoped to have ice arrangements made or them by the time the frost is here There were quite number of members signed up and the Al cona Beach branch as they will be known will be going con cern right from the start To finish up the evening sand wiches and cheese Were served which were enloyed while the members had gettogether Barrio Fall Fair opened last night in blaze at lights and shower of golden rain but the low evening temperature damped the enthusiasm of all but the most hardy tor the out door display by the RCIil Camp Borden Pipe Band and the ponycvents Nevertheless large crowd did go to the fair ground yesterday evening und saw the exhibits In the main hall in comiort quch trip around both through lhl grounds and the hall mldc it quite evident that this yenrsinir had set iLseli an even higher standard than last year There apparel to be more order beltcr layout rind more in sec Near the Era Road car park there is most comprehensive display oi farm machinery and equipment little iurlllcr on between the main building and Queens Park Play Area Levelling Barrie parhs superintendent James Savage slated today that the department has under taken the grading and levelling of the playing area oi Queens Park Immediately north of the Armoury building it is hoped that this area next ycal will provide aotore level playing space and better gen ehi appearance At the moment grading is in progress and low areas will be filled in with top soil prior lo seeding The town parks department asks in tolopcrdllon oi citizens in retraining tlaln walking across the area being worked and in preventing children from play ing on it at in present time Council Gives Grant Barrie Town Council onthe recommendation of the finance committee has agreed to make grant $400 to Barrie YMvYWCA but this is not to be considered as an annual grant and is intended to go to the building iund hope this $400 is going into the building lurid and not into working operations said Alder man Williams The clerk was instructed to makethis stipu lation plain when Iorwarding the cheque aarrie has at present campaign fund from which current expenses are met while consid eratlon is belnggiven to starting building iund no such fund elilt ists at the present time Sunny Bill Goal The week has been variable with sunshine and ahlde strong cool winds and la drop yeaterdnydo 48 high At ltlln ets Point no frost was shown this morning outwith 33 early or Barrie Fair Temperatures were High Low Sept 22 5t Sept in 44 Sept 24 56 40 Sept 25 as 43 Sept 26 in all the horse classes is 33 sept 21 Early ANDltEW ELEM silo shis harpless horse somaor thegmnny fine at Elmvale Fair There was sting on the track the Ontario Hydro have tent in which in display on scale model or the st Law rcncc scheme Around the walls oi the tent are comparative pic tures oi the new and old towns in its usual corner oi the fair grounds is situated the midway bright and inviting under lhe lights last night The cold wea ther made it ghost town and there were no lighthearted youngsters in the two slowly turning illuminach lerrls wheels Today no doubt it will be ill ierent Old and young will be caught up in the whirl oi sound and fun oi the midway In the hall there is so much to see and appreciate that to do it all justice it take full iiay to see First the small room in fronl or the secretarys oiiice there are the womens ex hibits the needlework lite lca thercratt and lhe woodwork and the home baking 20 PagesThree Sections Champion took of the if this year ll Mrs Elwood Bone of Thornton ltlra Bone VIII ill champion two your ago Second In this all round rimthe entrant have to halts loaf oi white bread pies cakes with Icing tart Ind hermltbwas Mrs Sutherland oi Stroud Third was Mn Simpson Shanty Bay There were 10 entries altogether The first thing to catch ones eye in the main hall is the horri culture display The ilownra are magnificent and outstanding is display at one corner or the stand by the Thornton Womens lnslltulc Vespra has Month ful array giant dahlias Easily missed but worth looking for in pricewinning about or barley prepared by Roy 5qu pt ancebrldse who will be demonstrating how to make such sheaf on Saturday allernoon at 310 Mr Golir is regular ex hlbllor at the Winter Fair With the promise oi line but cool weather today thousands will flock to the lair grounds to see the finest in livestock and horses in Simcoc County lull race Card is an added attraction Fair Manager Tolls Barrie Rt club FairsImportance Fair and the community and nat urally enough it had particular reierenoe to Barrie ralr uillolally opened today An alternative tle suggested by himseli was How an agricultural society secretary can develop ulcers in three weeks Enlarging on thr them Mr lilalcolmson explained how airs wore governed by the Dominion Government the Provincial Gov ernment the Ontario Association at Agricultural Societies tho Geor gian Bay District Fairs Associat ion numerous breeders associat ions with their suggestions tor suitable judges and of course the local board of directors An essential oi any lair claimed Mr lllalcolmson was to maintain balance and he attributed the great success of the Barrie Fair to the very fact that the board of directors had always paid particue lnr attention to this balance Some indication of the standing Malcolnson Manager Bar rie Agricultural Society was the speaker at the Rotary Club nor on Thursday His theme The of the local fair was given by the quotation of figures spent on prize money at various county fairs which put Barrie clearly in the lead in 1955 Barrie topped the list in expenditure in prizes with $8 451 Collingwoud came second with and expenditure of $65000rillia third $3390 in gate receipts Barrie again headed the county last your heat ing Coilingwood by tow hundred dollars As always theiair secretary is expected to be awalking encyclolt pcdla He must know the size of horses the judging time of all the classes and thedltferencevbetween the various animal classes He must at all times have the judgment of Solomon and the patience oi Job There are however many cool pensations and the main one oi these is that the secretary or fair lnects many interesting people The Barrie Agricultural Society said Mr Malcolmson was striving to do job or the benefit of the rural and town community job which would draw them closer to ge

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