Jr cliniintied mien page seven Wino Athletic Event School ehildrén provided the molt competition to data in the athletic events arranged by the baton All ihe prize money do ruled by the begin was taken up There were nuaneroiu common ell dupirys and the midwry pro added vriuy rides some seen at Coldwller tor iheiirst time Most putstandillfl exhibit by any at the merchants was lhe disply by Dunlops Appliances oi Moonstone Many types oi lmonsaving and entertainment equipment were shown using Headlights and other elcclrical illumination Best Flowers Seen The ilower section always mlin nature oi the tlIlr reached new heights of accomplishment this year The principal judge oi the 346 entries Percy Bacon prominent Drillia horticulturist Salli he was amazed that small eommuniiy could provide such display and termed the lowers the best he had seen George Graham of Body serv in his ilrst yeal aspresident was happy with the nllround excellence of the air and the wonkieo Dont roll and tau nil nlrht lint beehqu you have in move North American Van Lines can hndlr the rompirie loo ior you In in lines the Withinoroved mnvlril mm in Call today ior men uti nuu hi crmuhrii Ltlnllrd urnir tor North Ameriuu vsn Linu hiovlnr nod storage no nnrion Ave Phone in was it such success no cooperation which had nude Noexaurun llAtRm Mmy old hands or the air were luck along with large number ot new ones ton brnlllht lilht horses tom Durham nesday was the wedding anniversary his thoroughbred vied nesdly weleornrd Alex Cupplge oi Orillla rownrhlp who is no ly in The nonegenarian never ioiis to attend the Goldwater lair speclnl word at appreciation was conveyed by the announcer in llnrry Martin 85 who al ihongh not retovrred irom re vent illness attended the lair to maintain his unbroken record of heingpresenl nt every one or the in shows held Al the close or events Presi dent Graham thanked all who had attended and praised the din ectors fur their eliorts Among those who assisted with judging and comments were Ile dnne reeve Fisher Ganton coun ty warden iormer Cnidwater reeve and ioriner warden Ernie Miller oi Barrie Judge iiarvie oi Barrie native son at Goldwater Mayor Wilbur Cramp otOriliia Lloyd Lather by ilill Fred Brown and Charles onnby hnlh of Cold water he Carley who raced horror at Goldwater 45 years 330 llnd who at one time operated har ness business in Midland was omong the visitors Senior residents Mr and Mrs James Lozonby woreogoin in terested spectators lit the illir Tum Ramage 01 Owen Sound was on hand with his starting gate Mr homage drove horse at Owen Sound track whenhe was only 15 nccled with races ever since Years ago when he was named chairman of the attraclionx com mince 01 Owen Sound iair he Increased the mte charged the midway operator our times in the ilrst year thus giving re ceipts notable boost New Building Filled The new building conntructed shorilybeiore the fair housed lopens inr exhibits and all were used except sOIen Huronia Cali ment Day was club lender Garnet Bell all the junior farmers competing Four Club Achieve Itdl wold 090 not lug swung THE WitSON BUILDIN lhune PA $1850 IO To him yourlg imp into nrlgels nothing is quite so eflective as promise of invorite dessert Demon Pie or instanbe with the smooth delicious kind of filling you make with Joli0 Damon Pie Filling Its the quick ensy sure way to make lemon ï¬lling thats iresh and tangy and flavorful just right in consistency Andthere ways to serve lemon pin LEMON PIE COCONUT CIUSI luhlupooul loft brim cups Bakers cornnnt porn deno unison ruling orrrto honor evenly on down mi nder at or Mosh lmtd oi pun tho prlnkiu mount in pro pro evenly into honor none in si no twop abounds ruinm rim lllhtly browned cool PM on ntitnl leeoldinl to mom uiremoiu root liolnutrl stirring olefor re pour into ornrt chili wo orint towed with my Secret of the ï¬rm tona Ii JIILO Lemon PtCIFtiitlw the flavorh him his 110m real lemma CHEESECAKE plain or with ttutt odded nor lately been ukï¬infl the inlay or undue on thotwuntry And heres to be uid tor deueru tint muting or soothe an irritable husband are many delighttu difgrenl Heres simpletornl modiii cation or Cheesecake thatr molt PINEAPPLE CHEESE SQUARES poetre moo Lemon ri Horn 34 our lugr cup water an unoroun as any um erenrn or too mm pound eotun ehrur neveo is moldsturd united crushopiu Ine truism mien arriv ensued combine zeno union ei ulna Innr nno cup wmr tradepus Add ieno wen Add maul no ramming water Cook uni our our medium but until mixture eonm to run bun nd isms ï¬lial mint soun she hidbur or zlneh you Pour in lemon mixier Syrinkl with remain mnm cbni cut in runs 1151 iJltauu 4n and has been con Euey warms or ey Medonte and Toy ll interru Breonnns learns trout Brutal took tint and mud money Bud anburot Body our third DidTime Torauto comment Barr oi Moonstone tbout 1875 air and Lils npr dosh olro ln iiutype wile carriage took third prize Medonte were rat attached to it placed lourth Floats in lllldc There were two floats lion in this other equipment oi bygono era Anolher iiolil arranged by Rev ing ohntr included in the ex hihltWol Bpletta mascot Conrrrt Buttes headed by Mrs of ceremonies were Jack Dunlap Coidwater Jack Teskey Medonte iEflltnln Moonstone ltlrBriIuins 75yearold moth er showed her skill at step done ing In number with herison and Jim Kitchen Ind Oliver MC Acie part There were 11 oldtime iiddlers contest Win highlight inr nets were Keith PrestonMld land Joe Greenwood Goldwater and Harold King Port McNicoii The highllnd iling Dancing Orillia Aeeompnnied at Relruhmentl by institute institute served dinner rink or as judges afternoon tea operated it too gardens Wednes day The and Goldwater Lions had refresh ment booths on the Erounds Schools in judged in two divisions Oneroom school Mount St Louis dressed as roosters Vns War minster Feuerton Carley Crglg hton North River Matchedath 23 Hobart Rosemuunt Graded schools Grade Cold water Waubaushene Jm Sn Waubansherie Sn Goldwater ii Coidwoter Wrminrter ir BIG TUNNEL nearly completed redrawii Iltd drew Everyone at the entries in the oldtime turnout in the parade Lance Rumble Hilisdtie native hum winners of ï¬rst prise were Rumble 3m sir rnd Mn Arthur Duniop ille lime residents 01 Medonle Both Amount Fnd Em wed were dressed in clothing worn hall century or more Ill and occupied ouggyrnaed by John ion Taylor and three children at Matche clothing were drawn by horse in 35 yursotd bum in which it was reported Jim Blair courted bis Mrs EdKilchen oi Coidwrter purblng an oldIshioned wicker Mr and sits Wes Langmlin ot in on old demolt train and excellent Adiudged in leading posi divislon were the Senior Womens institute of Cold water in nlddashloned dresses working with spinning wheels and Ross Cununing conlained ll spin mghwpnfllxggdflingggfljngg oral or in gay serving styles gate in quaint attire in rock The rink building resounded to presentation the Mitchndalh and Fred Bmwn was master Winnerslof the tier dancing Book 195 Farland 0t Goldwater also look entries in the reels and other donors were presented by Mhd° pupils oi hlory Betty School at the piano by his sister ouriyearoid Stephen Donovan oi Corie solos the parade were Stunning new apron iashloned 0t remnants in the term ot bl beautiiul lower Youll want sev ior yourseiiior gins bomrsl 7113 Embroidery directions tor makinx Pattern thinner Rusty The dog had been miss this tloweri apron 16 inches lng until shortly beiore the lair lune Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coins or this pattern stamps Cflnlttlt be accepted in The Bab rie Examiner Household Arts ant io Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME AD DRESS PATTERN NUMBER bonus or our renterstwo FREE patterns primed in our new Alice Brooks Neediecrait Plus wonderilil varieiy 01 designs to ordercro chet knitting embroidery hue weaving toys dolls others send 25 rents ior your copy oi this exciting NEW needle booknowi ro CLOWES Baby Son Arrives Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Paiil Shanahaii on the birth at their son on Sept 11 Mrs Shall ahan and baby are spending iew days with her parents Mr cheers and applause during per iormances at Tuesday nights con errt For this committee was iiirs Lorne Summers David and June or Crown Hill ilir and Mrs David Summers and Len oi Craighiirst were Sunday visitorr sang 10 wilh Mr and iiis Beardsail Mr and Mrz Gordon Lambert ot Barrie were Sunday visitors Tuesday the Goldwater flung with Mr and Mrs Alvin Cairns and served The Senior Wl Camp Burden instructor hir and llir iamin of peg are spending Unilod Church wA some time with Dan Key while Mr Skinner Camp Borden Birthday Celebration Mr and Mrs Thompson of Barrie Mr and Mrs Earl Ruglt man and Elgin of Grentel were at lllr and Mrs George Rugmans on Sunday celebrating Earl Rugmans birthday Mr and Mrs George Wilson is an instructor at grades and Penn oi Gore Bay and Mr and 6Culdwater Warminster and Mpgyvic Drury md him of Willnwdale were weekend vis grade and kindergarten grades on Wm up and in aid and Coldwoter grades and well The Late Norman Lidgold Mueh sympathy goes to who VANCOUVER Op We family of the late Norman Lid onIthe $16000000 Delis island tunnel under the Fraser River Hill on Wednesday Sept 18 here is ahend oi schedule Ole Bentzen famous Danish engineer said the Lulnlsland nproach is gold who was buried at Crown gm nut at the end of steering wheel isnt safety de viedDRIVE SAFELY 76min 1le all ore ny infidel Ear Bayou14 Navy lionqu otCnnndn mom overrun ll munitionan 1pm The Sid Skinner and ARRIE EXAMINER 1957 Illuminatewe new surmountedf Mflmwm7 WLPNEE it reef Wï¬ï¬‚ TMEAN oismriuo will FREPARED iTMué YONGOT 16 in so méiu or no sowwoonrvou Scott DtET wives CAN EVEN BUY WHOLE MEAL ALREADY WNLW UNDO Maxi WEY 51 Edit RNUN MINE WAS ROUND WT 00 AN OH CAN WOW BEA lE if on Jiiorénhiiwfléw tl UN gaucotgguosmw $261 Matt 55 ll 151Yii Fast Phone Pii82414 By Wally Bishop oNLv ONE THING LOOKS WORSE WAN