Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1957, p. 8

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along the rear wall in straight accommodate iwolarge hcdroolns retrigentea vegetables handy to The Gloria ROOMS BEDROOMS CLOSETS CUBAGIIz Itllth Garage The Home oi the Week Plan Service today Gloria potential sevenroom home that his lines caplurlng the mood of colonial days Although as presented here as completed sevenroom house it is readily apparent that linishing oi the two rooms andlmth on the second lioorcauld be halt in litter date AS such prove most attractive to the new lyweds for it will provide them with enough people It nilnilnum cost yct Oh for the ndvlntilge of being clip utlle mmmodhting faulin at altitrrdate FirstFloor Layout The lirst llinor living rooln kitchen laundry or utility room halhroom and two bedrooms The ltltchehis located at the rear of the house and the work counters rink range and retrig are conveniently placed the Living Rdom us the kitchen is gener ously pmptlrtluncll approximatc ly half of thc opposite the room will accommodate an other series 0i cabinets and also work counters Directly oil the kitchen is it smaller area that will prove an cxccllcnt location for the laundry its it is large enough to accom modate tub laundering equip ment and Storage washduy articles to thc hreczcway thereby provid ing rosy access to the rcar yard side at 23000 240 and base Icnttlres cahincts It also opens Living Room Fireplace ls located in the 12V by Joni threeinch living room The living room is enter ed mm loyal and in tltc latter area there is guest closet From the layer hall extends back toward the kitchen and cross hall serving rooms on the iirst lloor The Stairs to thc second tloor also lead trout the front Ioycru The master lrnnt oi the house is 13 act by It feat nine inches while the second bedroom and onehalf rat by 11 feet nine inchcs The sccond tloor Glam lircpluce the two bed cnntains the bedroom at the measures cight will easily pa ghtllll ntonohouse was to In skylll unit Irede It It high altitudes In Win enter portlon trmsrnit cool north light remote corner oi the living roomln this modern lved by using one at the newest developments plllel ot prismatic glass units Prisms In thl lied to reject the Inre and heist ruin the sun when cr when the sun is lower that olltght and heat Ind at III III vacuum in insulation which protects the prisms 1E¢¢Dtl zr nelson or theyear the us unusual serves as elow1rorn temperature chlngcs liidioli NG plnn ng Livonnn arranged to purchase homeontldlng unl remo delling needs in town or country lt ygtlt own your own lot you can tonnes Illor In of your lumher needs provided you out gt the monthly payments which Ire omit less thurthe rent you are now paying near to Servicemca Specialty new rippee plan to specialty designed to help you rtoutror townwlthont resource to mortgage Denis Shelld oenlusoeiroi rim Payment Illn perineum to supplement lrnIII lritirtgilgol Denis Bheord Iatd It PIlnlWlehZmIlll SoutholBlnll do no have the IIIVIII ttentlnn high quality nut tether with €tha but creditllmnle toga ot thcir expert Idiimry IEWI courteous tall with quick delivery mrnt In the building trade odhriiarc manhunt Tammi give you up appetite they say But accordan to the Canadian Institute or Plumbing Ind Halts log great deal depends upon where you do your walking and whit arm it takes The lmtltute hos hren doing some research work In the field at mealtime marotholtsIs per tamed by typical Cnnldirn housewivesand comes up with acts calculated to annihilate the Appetite oi the most ardent gour mlnd Did you tor instance realize that the preparation of simple meal involves many rd working women in hike it near ly quarter mllHnd all right in her own kitchen The distance she Edit in normal day Just whplping up breaktast lunch and supper would miike postqu More In In Intelligently planned kit rhcn walking stooping and oth er appetitekilling activities are cut to is minimum Check these points in your own kitchen ior Instance Is your kitchen sink conveniently located hctwccn the trig and loud storage cupboards where the meal stuns and the kitchen range where it Is ilnaily cookch Do you keep nun 90M storage space the sink where they can be easily WWW thls reached tor rlcanlng and prepar iioar mfirsurcs 14 feet by lave we lect wile the Second hcdroom Tk odl the smk is 15 tect long by 13 leet wide 59119 fl mg me am In éfif mm height tor you to work at or do 9mm 5° you break your back stopping mm MW over it every time you prepare an mm 19 load or wesh dishes And is it 3W 15 feet modern combination tub and by 4° New sink with cltype or mixer mm iaucet that is water at the near the trout and in this area mu my menu when work bench could be installed mm and who you Wm 11 PmVFe Mm 590 it is it equipped with re wired tractable rubbershose spray at taehment that will make vege way mm Wm table cleaning and dishltwnshlng halt thetask it once was Blueprints Available Ailthis has direct bearing Complete plans on the Gloria upon the quullty the melts arc liviillab set sizzle you prepare tor the lamlly as sets $1035 sets $2580 Send well as the appetite with which rcqucsts with the name or the you cln attack them yumsell home desired to Home me And that is why so many ramilius View i7 wyb3mi Sm itiniikn333ifri ioirisev ti enc mrdhdy oriier ol Thine5 have kitchens remodelled and sent can complete home modernized Tllcse loans avail owncrs kit and ii contractors able at Ill chartered hanks om kitwill be included at no extra viii hmvflowfigotzmcmmug cos ma The Glarla was originally pre Millie timq forthrepayrgenxtaml Jared by Home of lhu Week with mung mo another tloor plan The Gladys at kitchen two layouts are no but so many letters requested malty ioltowed ltiest iavorcd IS changes the nont plan was rc the shaped layout which mi impii itieSiitafiirr iiiirliifiim sma vn ellt slaconxd Igladimglrzrrigcrienh er icntly located on either side and state dute at Examiner in the trig and range are located at which plan was shown the tips of the This iorm in St lilatthlas Parish Hall Cold watcr Tuesday evening at 815 pln The travelogue is sponsored by North Sunrlidaie the Anglican Ladles Guild and is in old of the oil furnaces fund Sympathy of Community Rev Mr Churcher has travelled widely in rm yam the relatives and iricads ol the late Mrs Robertson and Mrs gained reputation as an enter mng make ly both were lormer residents Masonic Service or this community Members at Cnidwatcr Masonic Rm sum Lodge paraded to St Andrews Presbyterian Church Sunday last Sept 15 whlre they heard an address by the minister Rev Charles Carter Michael The Presbyterian Sunday Owen Sound Visit School resumed at pm utter heldits nnnivcrsaryon Sept 22 on Sunday INDUSTRIAL ASSET Sunday Guests Mayor Clair Wolkeis andounce ment that Gannnoque is missing the boat or the bus industrial wise without new modern build ings or rent should be given Mfs and RW deep and reflectivethought by all Weekend Guests the Barrie who is ill She re pquc Reporter Mr and Mrs MeFarlzne artisan Cgliingwood lineage Beach visit day last week At Memorial Service day With parents Mr Norman Howe spent if Niagaralrells Day In Toronto We extend our sympathy to Mr and Mrsl Alberbrislter and 521 the 5Immer boys accompanied by Mr and NEW Presbyterian Church liirs William Stork visited rela uvcs in Owen Soundand itieaiord Mrs Lewis Codk spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs Carl Mn turned home Sunday evening with progressminded citizensGnnan Mn and Mrs Eric James Toronto spent theweekend with Saturday and Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Raymond Cook were Mr and MrsuG Fisher Mening Mr and Mrs ctai nich at Eddie Toronto spent the Week with Mr and Mrs Unell orlal Aervlceyat Waverley on Sun ouple dtddysrecently With her lpaients Mr and Mrs Souleity Mr and Mi Wis Cook and Beiier Ige aink Ind srlnge should be in that order or enslcr preparation til meals One other lmportlltt tutor that must not be nverlooked in plan ltlllg the new kitchen is the hot WIter heltcr It would be hard to ovcrdLllnstc the importance at coastht supply of hot water to thehousewife in her daily rou tlneot work Yet the uses at hot wlter have multiplied to such an extent over the past cw years thatJew water heaters Inslailcd In prewar years arr adequate to meet them As some sort of guide to hot water requirements the institute alters the following suggestions house with one or two hcd roams should have S0ltgllion heater lit loo Willi three bed raplnsthe dc nd will probably wartAnt gallonshcater tour or live bedrooms sogalton heat er In clch cllsc If there is second bathroum in the housc the bigger siLcd hcalor should be installed With wellequipped and pros periy planned kilchcnthc house wife can do her walking where it will do hcr and her appetite goodout ot doors because the new kitchen will not only save miles or induor walking hut hours at time in meal prepara lion as well GRENFEL WA neelrles Against Supper the last meeting were read given by Mrs rercy Ford tion is ideal where the shape or the COL kitchen allows tor it and where DWATER most at the wark is done by one person it can however prove T°I=° little inconvenient when two or CWTW Whn has more persons are trying to oper just returned iront trip to north at one time crn Europe is delivering an il Wednesday evening Oct onShirley Avenue Barrie Duncan who passed away recent naught Cflllgratulations to Mr and Mrs ll veenstra on the birth of daughter Sept 12 at Royal Vice Mr and Mrs Thomas Hailain lnria RosellaBarrie iormerty or Winnlpeg and now at Recent Wle Toronto spent couple or days with Mr and Mrs Rellan par designed to hold everything from bicycles to garden trowels Big deep closets will Store screens or storm windows tricycles and reiuse cons while smaller sections provide space or tools rind cleaning equipment Plans are available tree lrom lumber dealers From Township iEIerk litiiisill coulicii lti granted rublettto all restrictions in lorce in the township and sub ject to the approval or the Star me County health unit dclcsauim was present to re PtUlvllliNCrHEltTlllG quest the extension of No side germ road as tar as ihc Crosby pm oiobhlop stutst Atthc second regular meeting ot council tor August the 21st large delegation tram BelchBvart headed by Mr Co hen llirS Llly Evans and George Baxter appeared to request bet tor pnrk tacliittes in belle Ewart They were itskcdit they would like to contribute do per cent or the cost at park item was pur chased onthe some arrangement the endatthe some discus passcli that held on forests as the park mm 12th Linc sion motion was council investigate the possibility ot enlarging the park and im proving the present park Mr and tire Fred Wilkins in terviewed councilto get perlniS sion to open an adventure land on the property they purchased tram Mr Gazch on the on Line The adventure time devcltlp into an amusement Disneyland in the United states with trontier land an Indian village iantasy land and so an permission was ilrid Mr and Mrs Ycrlnctt Donna and Verna oi Thornton WLlE recent Ellis and Hugh Grench WA met at thehome oi ltirs it ENelsun Barrie on Wednesday evening Sept 11 with good uttcndlnce tllrs Everard Harris president open ed the meeting with the theme song and prayer and conducted the devotional her topic being Christian Responsibility Mrs Dohson gavc chapter from the study hook Minutcs at for relief land would it was announced that the semiannual mcctlng of the WA Simcoe Presbytery would be held at Vascy United Church on Wednesday Oak9 Mrs liter Master reported for the parson lge committee that 555 had been raised tram the bake sale bazaar and atternoon tea at the three WAS Angus Utopia and Gren tcl which was held at Angus it was decided that each member would donate to complete pay lncnt oi the parsonage bills on hand Treasurers report was Corn land Similar be tisitnrs wilh Mr IOPULAR EVENTS This is the season oi all airs and all over the district farmers and their families are getting their stock vegetables and pro duce ready for the big event But the foremost attraction or lhosc who do attend is the chance to meet again with old Iriends Temisk2ming New Llskeard Speaker Mrs ll Parr gave report at the lower unit and read several letters or thanks Mrs Harris read letter at thanks tram sim coc rrcsbyicry Camp ior dona it was decided by vote ol the members that donations would be taken instead or owl supper bazaar we planned or the November meeting each member to bring some item to sell For the October mecting each one is to bring grab box to sell or in line tor popularity is 25 filmed WNW my the exti shaped layout Here again the location at nod stor Plywood Bon and CustomWoodworldng 239 BRADFORD ST Meeting closed with the hone PHONE 4444 diction and lunch was served by PRICES VS COSIS Mr Sale said that over put ten years the factory list price typicalctr lesx soles Ind ciclse taxes had gone up 317 per cent commodities led in making the car went up so to on per cent cost of an hour at labor In Ford companys ratio OI profit to flit of Canada plants rose in per cent dropped min 32 ccnls per soles dollar in I948 to Ltl canl per dollar in l95ll dill WHEN MOT DAYS BUCKLE UPTHE STREET THlNK Want PA 83770 Council votctl to notlty the dc mImamemuv parlment oi lands that thclownship was having on open deer season in the township Accounts tor llnancc or Ind indigenis of straps and tar tire and police at $97371 were parsed been received mm the Strand Telephone Co informing council that they were at present negotiating with the Bell Telephone Co or the sale to them or portion or the north end of strand Teleph punys territory This great advantage to Innlstil rate payers in the vicinity olBnrrie Let Us Check your home tor Overloaded Circuit Blown Fuckerlnl Llhtl Poor Lightly realty rituau rLAY SAFE 51 Fill ering Cm Clue Fires We Undertake RESIDENIIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WIRING nEPAnl WORK LIGHTING Fixrunes HEATING INSTALLATIONS WALLWlN Ebzmrcac conrltAcrolts Oil Burner oles Cf Service room rA some 54 Sophia St out 154 Sunnldllle need thehnstess Next meeting is to be at Mrs Halold McMasters on my to parts plus iiir and Mrs Alex Miller mov ed last week to their new home new Iteep horns free of quickburning unkl SAIK pom om CAll PA 36515 COOK cARTAGEfif IOIIAGE lIP your Friendly Allied Van Lines Agent 43 =Essa Rd Bnrrie Pucrvro IARI ills and Earl of Guelph lewis Cock attended thte meta corllimnnlAL INDUSFBIALRBSIIQENTIALI plaos ourrnew home is rw sr illtlHlE emyein vlorontoi in and Mrs naymand cook spent 195 UP ate and part at SnmeJTime BUDGET ieLANifirD HOME iIMPROVEMEflT Shop at theslgri if the time CHIEF ihe roNElSTOP HOME IMPRéViEMENT CENTRE Wa lulil gladly Show you HQW youmciy urronge an economical Budget program on tconvenient terms et urgentrepdlrsdonenow JUST CALLUS TEEN orlBETFER STILL drop in yourself srhcreosyrnelrhboriinesslol tbsbailryard lcnce hiditr advantages hut privacy ulsohas its virtues In this city home lur land Mrs McFarlane the owner has solved his outdoor entertaining problems by called on Mns Secierund encloslnr wed McFarlone Wosuga Beach one scion the rear ol the house with block an oneihéh louvereiilvodu slutsrlve dotirsesdl transparent Blocks Iorn thetbues or the at the dtldilhe oncllnub slits mount Mrnlnd Mrs Ray Harrison and lap at he block permit passage orooellng breezes ugly out theyiewidl thuaren rommdloiniug housu has ml itrtltlons It ellher side in wooden turning on but help Vedto quote for flame llfAnnlc dunno men not SEA yvntlno no cosh required

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