Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1957, p. 7

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EXRccvc William GlbblnSles thc vandals who rannckedhll home last Friday night must be strangers or they would not have chosen his house to search for valuables Mr and Mrs Gibblns whose home is next door to the township police office in Stroud were attending party lnthe hall for Doug Campbell and on returning they lolsndtheir home had been ransacked but very little taken except bottle of milk They were apparently looking for money and must have been strangers or they would not have chosen our place Mr Gibblnl remarked cheral homes in Harrie were entered the same evening school Fair Big and Successful People who are wondering where all the money paid for school taxes goes should have been At Stmud on Wednesday Sept 15 in sea the turnout of pupils at Innlsfll School Fair At this fair the sun seems to shine when it is held at Strand but frowns at Churchill perhaps because there is no shed or rink It the Ilttcr place and the ot tendants cannot get out of the rain Anyway the weather was per fect and the attendance and on tries broke all records One did not realize the attendance until the parade began to assemble in the park for the marching com etition Then as the school by schoolot marching children par aded from the Presbyterian Church lawn down into tho park and assembled before the grand stand bleachers and the total began to mount to over thou sand one really knew that we were fastgrowing municipality This did not represent all the children of all the schools as thcrcrwera some class rooms that did not attend Thcle is little doubt but that immediate expansion of the schools Ihroughout both areas is an lmrnedlatenocesslty The size or some of the classes that were in the march past would make one wonder how they were able to find seating for them all There were plenty of entries for every event Some had to be disqualified as the entry card did not specify the name of the varllt ety The Judging and the cias ing of the events was very cap ubly supervised by the staff of the South Slmcoe agricultural representative Keith Mehuer who brought along many judges and experts He was himsalr one of the busiest of people We have not yet been supplied with price list but have been promised both Innlsfil and Essa which was also recordbreaker fair One person could not be at all the events being heard as they were divided between the hall the United Church and the school frhc public speaking was very in ieresting and competition good That the event is well worth the efforts of those who take part scents amply proven by the interest and attention which was displayed this year The need of some typool educational enter tainment would be suggestion which might be considered by the committee The safety league might have been approached to have available interesting film and talk which would have given the children place to sit down and begentertained as well as educated on this needy subject InniinI police did good job at traffic control as fliers was constant parade of pedestrians across the road The Womens Institute which served lunch to the committee had booth on sell hot dogs and drinks that sold out before the crowd had dispersed There were lost children and parents just like the exhibition Mrs George parent Iiiviog in Minets Point had difficulty in locating herfamily But we did have theplessure of delightful chat with her during her hunt and learned she is another of our manynrdcnt renders llhe school fair is well launched on its road to isucccss The grant pl $100 by the township had not been applied for but Secretary lreasurcr Don Beatty rushed over to thecouncil meetingwhioh was also in progress to remedy that We formerly left this to our chairman Sproulc but as he is not in council now it was na glecféd he told the council This grant should beincrensed so that some added attractions could be included in the program More about the winningacbools later Two Local Couple Fifty Years Wed jEvorything seems to happenat once in theseparts On Wed nesday Juiylfl two couples of the Stroud locality celebrated their 50th wedding anniversaries We lesrned or Mr and Mrs Wiulam Lamb having an open house and with full day ahead mad eall in the morning ough them we learned that Mr nde Samuel inroley of stroud WrarmrfiEdion the slime day and by the some min later ethatbieso couples have William Lainb and Thompson both born within and both have contribuirdto tho Car Trouble development or our community ems Pins charge BARRIE couple of miles of where they now reside on the Nb line of lnnlofil are parents of two boys Willard of Weston and Merwood with lhe armed forces William on Spééder By nos Lamb was born where the Isakb lands community hall is now Io catcd The well that is used by the hall was the well that su pllcd his home with water concession Thompson on the seventh line niil Lamb as he is familiar known worked with farm when he helped to gravel wh was Ihtn known as the coun road now Highway ii fro cherry Creek to Allandale many of loday around the lake cottages later left the farm and began as contractor working around the fin built cottages supplied ice and In fact he and his horse Dolly were well known in that part of the summer area Samuel and lifts Broley Ethel Wright who the preacher mar ricd on lhc some day have lived fast developing lakcshore did landscaping in the Strand area almost on tinualiy all their life cuplcd by this writer sold it They had four of family two boys and two girls Howard and Clarence in Toron and Olive and Lillian marrin lifts Broiey had decided that they would not have on open house but that there might be friends calling so they prepared some cake and cookies and were ready for any callers Our photographer surprised the the girls thought Brolcys when he called to them to pose lar formal picture in the living room We later them inihc garden in front of The whole Broley family anticipated their Stroud residence being together on Saturday Thc Lamb family held sell ion with thevgrnndchiidren on Saturday evening The communa ity at Lakslands put on surprise party on Friday evening which we are safe in mentioning now as this will not spoil that plot Neighbors gathered in the com munity hall and presentation was made on their behalf to the couple who have alwaysbeen good neighbors Mr Broley took an active part in the welfare of thc Siroud com munitypbeing an the school board for years and also on the Com Mrs Lamb was born at the Thompson homestead lot ii on the seventh They were married in the same room as her mother and two sisters previously in tho house haw occupied by Percy This gravel was hauled by horscs and loaded by hand shovels He then learned stone masonry and built the barn and house foundations that are still in use Many of his fireplaces and chimneys are to be seen They once owned the farm that IS now or Thcy in fuel owned it more than onco as they rcocquired it after having The fact that ho had to rice duo to mechlnlcai trouble with his car brought Thomas Dereson 32 of Toronto before Mlgiruate Gordon Foster It Bradford Court on Tuesday and cost him $125 fine He Was followed at speed of lot to Ho mph soulh bound on Highway 400 and the police car did not gain on him However fate took hand when the steam began pouring from the vehicle of the accused and he was obliged to pull off He pleaded guilty to careless driving lie was asked it there were any other offences and res pllcd in negative until cautioned iv lS at 13 in who read list of rlx speeding charges during the past two years He snld he had not been the driver in all the cascs but did admit to at least three of them He was fined $125 and costs at sis and had his license suspended tor six months You are the type o1 driver we are trying to discourage Magistrate Foster told him after the Crown had asked that he be placed on suspension Grahnmplcaded guilty of apecdingat so to as mph on le Cookslown intersection to 3rd of lnnisfil he and another vehicl he was following wereboth stops ped He paid $30 and had his license endorsed Stop sum Offence ilohn ODonnely of Lefroy was charged with failing to stop at stop strcet In Bradford and also with not having notified the department or change of ad dress on his license He pleaded guilty to the first charge but on the second he said he was only living in Brad ford temporarily and Magistrate Foster felt that there was not suiflcicnt evidence to rate conviction John Rutherford 46 pleaded guilty to driving his wifes car while his driving license was un der suspension He said his bad leg result of war injury save him difficulty in walking and he took ihecar thinking that no one would see him He is truthful about it any way Crown Attorney Thompson remarked He was lined $75 and costs with the car impounded for three months charge against Edward Manlgan of failing to have proper clearance in passing another vehv iclc was dismissed as it was shown that he passed on the pass ing lane on Highway 400 to gt nt by Crown Attorney Thompson Highway 400 clocked north of PERSONNEL OF RCAF STATION EDGAR were hosts to members of the Barrie and Oriilin Chambers of Commerce on Wednes dny Sept 11 They were welcomed to the station by the Commanding Officer Wing Commander Harry Bryant Inihls address the stated that such visits were an opportunity tor the personnel of the Station to express their appreciation to the people of Barrie and Oriilin for their hospitality and assistance Members were conducted throu stntio MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23 I957 gh the nonoperational arena of the otter which buffet luncheon wns Served at the officers Mess At the conclu sion of the visit short address 01 thanks was tendered by Ralph Snelgrove tor Bar rie nnd by Cowden Whitfield for Oriilin The members attending from Barrie were Gri Fisher Foster Snelgrove ffin Coutts Emberson Caldwell Kori lennett Murray Mills 11 Welhnm MoeLoren vehicle stopped while couple of men held conversation on llth concession of West Gwillim bury was later struck from ho hind by Buick car driven by Fred rrlz ii the latter was charg ed with arelsss driving lifter hearing the evidence of the will of the driver Ind the accused it was decided by Mig isiralc Foster that there had not been sufficient alertness on the part of the driver He was found guilty and fined $20 and cosis of $21 and his license endorsed The driver of the vehicle which stood in the way of lhn truck was not brought into the ease Harold Edwards of Newmarket had been charged with being in toxicated in public place and he broke away when he got as for as the Bradford lockup but was costs Sleeps In Park George Holly as Bradford found sleeping in the town park said he was not drunk but just dead tired He claimed he had accompanied truck to Ottawa and backs and by taking our nos nods he had kept awake They bought Mickie ot liquor and drank this between them on the way home after which he had two pints of beer and meal and went to the park to sleep recapturedw Hopsidgt$io and $4 Big Baydfolot as abouievard to munin Hall Board when the present hall was built We on behalf of the Innisfil ratepayers salute these two cou pies and wish thorn many more Not Alert When truck driven by Peter was unable to get clear of Highway 27 owing to another as it was five miles to his home He was found guilty As he had spent three days in jail ho was allowed to go Hurtlnia Flair Draws Superior Exhibits In Reco By LORNE LETHERBY CDLDWATEEAn allvtimevhigh the number of ex hibits was chalked up at Huronll Agricultural nunl fall fair at Coldwater Sept Bright sunshine Tuesday rfcord for 1548 and the succcss of the show Jihere were about am more en tries at the senior fair according to Marti Wednesdly Societys hclptd secretaryerasurer rl missions to the rink Tuesday nighthelped boost financial returns attended the for will the rink Receipts Tuesday were up $50 over last year for the same day and the last day of the fair ticket sales were also up $100 concert Fisher fair Ganinn 84th sn Nearly 1000 performance and paid 5288 about $50 more than entertainment in Warden simoee County who opened the asserted that the annual show at Coldwafer is one of the iNllmbers finest small fairs held in On tario Schools In Parade The parade Tuesday brought out record number of schools The crowds lining the parade route cheered many of the en tries and were generous in ap plans for new feature this year turnouts of 50 years or more ago ii an from oriilléEIiilcglale ensure Chester Community leaders and bur lnsssmco who attend the nth annual meeting The Canndlan Chambcr of Commerce in Vic toria BC September 30October 1957 will get profitable back ground lnforrnauon on how all Canadians can increase still flir thcr their standard of living Thai objective is threaded through fourdly interest packed pro gram themed Productivity Key to Prosperity harness and communlly leaders from all 10 provinces and del egatcs from many of the Canad ian Chambers some 750 member nunld of Trade and Chambers at Commerce across the nation will be in attendance Resolutions on many topics of national lntertsb submitted by member Boards and Chambers will he considered and voted upon Each Board and Chamber has vote of equal weight lrro spective of size The policies adopted by the annual meeting will he presented to the new gov Moon formerly of Wormlnster anti Piper Cyril Martin of Cold water Inlsr Ior luluor Fair Stewart Page of Barrie North Simroc agricultural representa tive praised the junior fair showing nml nolcd that among the departments where there were notable nereases in the number of exhibits as well as higher rlualiiy Waa the chn tables and grains division Ton Attraction The invitation race for two ycnrolds Tuesday and the trot ting events and buggy race on Wednesday on lhc halfmile track proved top atirartions Hundreds of spectators occupied the grand stand and positions along the fence The light horses show and drawing match along with llvc stock competitions attracted the interest at most visitors to the fair mm to page nine please CO 0P thUhhhce AUTO FIRE LIABILITY ACCIDENT SICKNESS See am Alison tannin Telephone aahd provided music for the par adc Musicians included Lois PAykwoy 811000 as steel 53 Victoria Meeting Hus Theme Productivity And Prosperity crnmcnt in Ottawa shortly after the Victoria meeting At the annual meeting outs nondan speakers from the world of commerce and industry educa tion labor and government will take part in panel discussions on such IubIecis rs productivity rc apaasiplliues at frctflom taxa tion inflation and government spending in addition concur rent panel sessions on Educas lion and Citizenship and Imml station will discuss what is he lng done and what will he done at the local levoi 310 help raise standards ol education and thus ensure greater productivity to to encourage more immigration and to prepare new citizens for useful role in our community life Among prominent Ipcahern Raymond Dupuis president The Canadian Chamber of Commerce Philip Talboit president Tha Chamber of Commerce of the United Slates Prclnilr Bennett of British Columbll lilacalllian Chairman of blac llllllan 5t Bloedel Limited Dr Andrew Stewart President Uni versity of Alberta Grant McCon achle President Canadian Pacific Air Lines Limited Harvey Perry Director Canadian Tax Foundation Dr Eugene Forsey Director of Research Canadian Labor Congress YOU Fill OWNED TIIE ECONOMY SIZE In INSURANCE nowadays is the new Homeowners Combination policy which combines your as scntial insurance into one policy and thus SAVES you 1053 over separate policies Call us about this money saving INSURANCE plan and let us show you how to get the best Insurance at the lowest comparable coat Ii STEVENSON INSURANCE SEE us rmsr roll insurance or nu ma 95 Dunlop St PA 30 an in the of years of happy family life Pictures were carried on The Examiners womens section on Friday Sept issue Council Holds Second Regular Meeting Council held their second reg ular meeting of the month at Stroud Wednesday afternoon Sept in They had done some touring during the morning meo tioning the Belle Ewart area and lilincts Point However as no report was read of these outings they did not become part of the discussions There was no re port in the minutes of the trip made to Toronto when the 400 Highway service road was to be discussed The result will likEIy remain dark secret until such time as the matter comes up for open discussion It was heard that some arrangements had been made with the Provincial Govern ment to handle the school deben ture now pending for the north ores building program gt The reading of the minutes of previous meetingsodid not disclose any motion that the mile of pays ment in the Stroud area be laid This is already fact but no mention has been made in the council meeting of the method of financing same It is to be pre sunred that funds are available in the general levy to cover the costs The minutes did disclose that the clerk was to obtain informa tion on the legality and method of selling the frontage shown at the owners of lands Also that the solicitor waato prepare an agreement inrogards to he purl chasc by arbitration friendly or otherwise of the lands required by the township to extend road way across the McLeanproperty in fourth concessionw The date of this was extended to allow the owner who has been Way to givc the matter consideration Mr and Mrs handy presented whatthey claimed was genuine petition to prevent the townshi from taking over what in claim by them to boa private roadway been lifelong pendants geranium which they purchased as block Iconii to sumo pieu Flower Arrange monk Demonstration Into estlng HoIIExhibirs FEATURE hrrkacrloals lOR Eventone Largo Sr Lawrence SeuwaylModel Ponies Norse Ro mg eMokingDemonstmlioh byrhe Chum on Santa ornnd Arabian Horses BARRIE EXAMINER i95 our WINNERS TAKE an ALI INCLUDING PliRliScunllvy coins salt pasuns Lor vault omissions VERSUS THE TEAM DI TmMlINIlGEIlJ our or FALLS Honk LIMIT ll Sensational windelln to lliegwmslling Season sSécond Main salts heroism

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