Nllnn Advance registrations lor the 33 in 351 Ordinarily 3995 14th annual eonterenec oi the Influx Canadian Association or Real Viim mm FALL Estate boards in Vancouver Oct 5W WA Swim ownM mm to to 24 indicate that the con hm Ml SWthlt trains SPECIAL so ventlon will he one ot the largest PM each ever held in Canada with al reading was given by Mr 33$ most 55o registrations received Neville dioliowrd by contest an month hetero the convention as con uclc by Mrs ll Gilpln won in combine the convention come by Mr Markle and Mrs nuncan 93 mm an arm mittsc anticipate that attendance The mming closed Wm hearings hangers ribhcdsleel seats with nonatlli seat bracket 750 iggistcnristilylitiiiichlillm alllurch WA bï¬ï¬‚ï¬lmï¬ 333° fililsu lbs tested ehnins two easygrip exercise rings and trapeze bar and 15 with Elrick the hostesses irfli Airgiirle with two tuhuiar steel supports operates smootth iiir and Min Boyle cel Irnv on nylon hearings Chinnlng barn Colour combination Red ehriilcd their golden wedding on Saturdayy Septemher 21 They us GrecnYcilow baked enamel are holding Open House to neigh Omen use Grips the latters parents air and Mrs Uisllntlli Billie Street F0 lowing the ceremony in SL An drews Church Mr and Mrs Tu iuh look wedding trip to Bani Springs Alberta Ind tor the put lehiitnstu MR AND MRS BARRY LLOYD GRANT Essa Road Presbyterian Church in Allnndale was the set tlllg tor the marriage or Lornn Bernice Ross daughter oi Mr and Mrs Htlderley oirsudbury toBltlry Lloyd Grant sort oi Mr and Mrs Roy Grant oi Barrie Reverend Muir aiilclnted Frank Dutcher played the wedding music and Em ury Hill was soloist Givcnln marriage on Septem ber seventh at three oclock by her lather the bride wore ballerinavlength gown otealcneon harrie were ushers For the reception held in this church hall alter the ceremony the brides mother were blue iaec month were in Vancouver where Mr Taeiuk was assigned ior speeinl ion by his lirm Canndlln racitie lirliway heirs and friends on lhn ianan oi Tuesday September 24 from seven to tell In the home their daughter Mrs Ralph Baker 25 Shannon Street With President Helen COX pres siding the September meeting at the Soruptlmist international ni Barrie was dinner meeting held at the Pioneer Reslmrnnt near Collingwood As usual or tho ï¬rst gettogether there was no special speaker but rather it was an intnrmal evening new morn her Mrs Margaret Laurence was welcomed to thcclub Mrs Laure once with her husband run the Phil Sewing Centre in Blrrlo ing at the home oi Mrs ii iii pin on Wednesdlyy Sept 11 Nelve members answered to roll call by naming onto the heauludes Scripture in read by Mist Murillo and Mrs Li gate read the minutes ol the last meeting hlr itiarkle introduced litr tic Quade who gave taltl on mod Institutes Fishers Corners Fishers Corners Womens in stltuie met It the home at Mrs Hodgson on Tuesday alter noon with to members and live visitors present The president Mrs Hughes was in the chair Alter tho uphil ing exercises Mrsi Ben Steers in her usull pleasing mnhncr welcomed the visitors Minutes were read and adopts ed rather lengthy business session took up quite some time Arrangements were made or the Timely savings tall euchres be lnnln thee with satin bodice tier over taiieta with pink accessories Also plans were4 margie telvthlc CONVERTIBLE iingertip veil was held by lace and eorsage or pink delight mi Sim Mum ML 10 Capt she carried circular bou roses rhe grooms mother zs the men Mud to go quel oi pink delight roses and sisted in chocolate hrown dress white sicphnnotisr Thc attendants wore identical dresses of light blue nylon over with blue accessories and cor sage ot yellow Queen Eliubelh along to visit and help cheer the men patients Next meeting will he at the BialgiCailiag9 SLEEPER STllllLLEllS Made by one nt Canadas largest carriage and stroller mnnuiacturer tins sturdy disc type wheels and tempered steel irame loo ltlres also long wide canopy itnd parcel carrier Fall ralr Spcrlnl ea rtiilli liltiiil STIlOLLillt tins durahle plaid entton covering over strongly constructed steel name This strol ier lectures rubber tired wheels and shop ping llag Fill Fair Special en 999 Qt Tl7 For the modern What dntu Indeed nonp will have impres wort the is giving to tho yohn Mrs DaVId Gamck To Give on dog luxltlpocltlnn old mute adult at the nn pom ur and Mrs George uollo rm name or more very mnoum the engagement at lnSlrUCllOn an Mm ï¬mehï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬lï¬ The new icdenl lwernlzient their daughter Diano Ruth to Pernonnlity in decoration YWCA 51 new could make it enter to re Alnn Holiness Jackson lion oi Barrie YWCA moment the due will continue then thaw Watchman new ms allrick out move Ionic oi the roealled ts Mr anderI Eric lichen at Big that Mrs David Glrrlck will be cub loudly irom In 930 pm we ufly Ame um In um an ue com enturn irons newbound Bay Point 109 instructing several coumain delt in up to the present The ï¬rst coune is dexlgned tor can French provincial color Ind the simple equipment that mt Ill iiwm young adqu on ecslebeaign rcberner the students wiu be asked to WW mm mm try 11 rm coming no An intro The huwiu hr cums urine at its Canadian origin to nominate the enssemen gum in it com iii no in cm will be Come Alto oltrred not be the hobby Basically the mailer must remain unit only daughter Phyllis Jean at my and painting groups For beginners Mrs Garrick il wellknown one or public taste to Andrew Buttock the matring 5m 30 Mn amid mg Fe lh Junior execsti it wiu include lullIll lnndr local palnlcr and decorator who Grand Prairie Alta to lake plnco in October loo ncr litTribune nnicia WA STORE HOURS Will Attend Dam 530 pm hair To ilrr rdhornsr1 raclak Siayner WEDNESDAY ave to en up res once Mont l2 real lollowing brici visit with SWIM WA am mm roses satin and carried cascades oi pink Fgr wedding trip to the Unit 22ml of Mrsi Andrews Oct Featuresj Chrï¬mllhm flutedbltuliulur under an glamelias The maid oi honor ed tates the bride wore beige earan us er 05 um Hive re was lirs Larry Grant oi Barrie suit with dark brown accessories STgMMYS PARENTTEAcflER Rn Wh Shh white Anï¬ gblak and the bridesmaids were Miss and corsagc oi Lestra Hlbberd First nicotine oi the Pnrcnt most interesting in Wiwork 015 EW Margaret Goody and Miss Mary roses On their return the couple Teacher issocialion at St Marys Mrs Hounsome read poem 10 wheels wtth rubber tires is it Lou Atkin both oi Toronto will reside in Strord Schtooleawtll gagsold or Téitesdlay on the motto it is good to have gt Groomsman was the grooms Guests attended rum Sault Ste GP Wm 05 money and the things money can brother Larry Grant Ken Fraser Marlo Sarnla Toronto Detroit eph Auditorium Speaker train buy But It is good too to FALL FAIR SPECIAL and Russ Pattcnden both oi and Bowmanvllle Ugo Separate Sehoui Enard Will check up once In white to make discuss school taxes Parents are you haveni the thing 3m invited to come early and get money mp buy acquainted with the leaching Mrs Ben Ste an start social gettogether will follow the general meeii lsung pap communuylacuv itics bringing thehmembers up to date on all happenings 1p BUSINESS WOMEN around homer il FIRST MEETING Mas treia it gave reading ar re ea uly PLAN REGIONAL Slims lcmfi use The Bushes and Pmimlon anng midumfl uh has specially low pried due to manuiaeturers clearance at high qual ii Womenrs Club Md Hm m2 stem ity covers Boucles and lriezes some with metallic thread in the her meeting for the all season Meeting closed with God Save group Coil spring construction thickly overlaid with cotton ielt at CommunityHouse Thursday the Queen lifter which all en padding padded arms and modern lilies In walnut tinishedshow by Sept to The president Miss ioyedo social levelySGZSS are both English She was born in Canada but her parents vero CollingvVood praduct Ruhy McCarthy presided with 12 members present regional conference oi District No to be held next May 28 in Barrie Miss nuby lvteCarthy delegate Mrs Ellen Lcay scrutincer and Miss Evelyn Kightiey observer are going to Ottawa for the 12th The tirst meeting of the exam utlye oi the Barrie Art cluh was held at the home ot the vice president Mrs Jack Marshall Parkside Drive on FridiJYr Sept 13 The president Bert Young presided Other members of the execu gram secretary Eric Pope press secretary Mrs Alberta Craig Plans were discussed tor the halthour over dainty lunch Edgar The Womens institute met at Ihe home oi Mrs Teri Wed nesday evening Sept 11 Owing to the very small attendance there was very little business travelling hrskot is being started by Teel to help ml mum Wrench raise iunds nckhurnolBDCi Onli iii20 at the Chateau Lnurier Hm Any new mmbm we will be the speaker at Mrs Daiieys meeting in October and it good attendance is requested Everyone is welcome The WI held the school ilowcr show despite it lackul rain for so long There was goodshow ing in most clnsses Mrs Rattle was the judge and guve many suggestions worth reriiemburlng in choosing blooms to show Gary Struchnn won first in the dahlul Ind Shnron Coekburnsee and cosmos Sharon Cockhurri Heather Hutchinson large zin nias Myrna Simpson Wayn Simpson pompou zinnias Jen ette Cockhurn$haron Coelcbu inntasyzlnnias Sharon pockburn Jeanette Cockburll esters Jimmy Hutchinson Sharon Cockhurn nasturriums Gary Straehnn Gary straehan Clara mitinneil French Marigold Myrna Sinip EFFORTLESS POLISHINGl glllltmo ZBrttsh loltsllei Handsomer finished in twotone Valley Green and Grey Twh brushes are eontrerotatingthe lork type handle helps to give stability nnd balance QnOtl switchls placed on the handle included are 20 it cord nndtwo ielt butting pads WESTiNGHOtiss LAUNDROMAT ELECTth washes till yourlaundry wood Red green grey and brown predominating norlsrreston 19yearold has do live are Past president Mrs Sham mu Wig easily stated ambition When asked what shed liken lurker recording secretary Simm WW she said Id like to start by being Miss Barrie Mrs fr McVeigh bulletin are Elam yAflm 13 Std ding and weighing 120 pounds Doris measures um 013 Pm Huwmmnn go including these precious tabrics omitrlc WASHERS son sharon Cockhurn sick room You airnplyset the dial bouquet Gary strncban Sharon Cockbum treasurer Mrs Cf Brenn llblt rarton Llew iBeaver social cont vener Mrs Delphine Jaconths picture converter Mrs Kenneth Treldwelit re Automatically tilts washes rinsesnnd spin dries Features the thrillitdgseiieltÂ¥ltiltae gum for easy Ind convenient loading nnd unloading that acts II scale nndso eliminates guessing when weighing the land Flciuhle Control Dlnl one setting gives you both the anreet length at wash time and water temperature and its tully flexible You ennstart stop Doris went toGrdde 11 beiore Joining the record her at Brydon Electric in Colllngwood During her school years Doris was cheerleader tor ï¬helbume Collegiate Whennot listening to Nat King Cole perform Doris can be here or thiscolnlnlttee include round wntching movie stars Doris Day and Rock Hudson in between she iinds time to horseback ride dandepnnd sing in thebnthtub Dorts taste in clothes uns to sheeth senses preferably pink she complements herouttltswtth iargestriking Hlflflnl Dorisiwns dcontestnnt in no Miss South Simone eontest lihe is not entirely new to beauty competition Sparkling Plans for the tall program were discussed The first meeting will be held in the Public Library Hall Sept 30s It will he Crit icism Night wit it each memlt her may suhrnitsomo recent Works lholnns Mitchell AMA willhetn chargeu this part of ulenleeting phiackxey Satan short¢urly7dtirk their reports ntribution if WI decided to draw up eonaututlon tor the dieing live past presidentsMrs Barker Mr Reeve Mrs Treldwell Mr Youngwlth Llew lievet as coir venert Mr Mitchell honorary president lsalro member you are interested In art ytju tillhe welcome now mem er demo close oi the meetingdc lieloun refreshments were served by thohomiu 957 pnnivnltv FALL FAIR MODEL Cl sSPrECIAL mMEDlAlE skip or repeat any part oi the washing oyele Re oivlng Agitator method combines tumbling actinn wtih agitation to give you ugh demand gentleness In exceptional value