Tiii nARRiBRxA IHELP WANTED OPPORTUNITY RuiIIIlI hIrd wornnl enllrtnen RIIII well pIylnI iileiinle lob II with willelnovm IlIrrie Ind South 51 eo terrirnry ollervfl Io IIIltIue Ip tee erpericnre nor be the lumlnl Apply Ior inter llIYll IrInIed RepreIenIIIive olIII romprny Pilen1 Previous neceIIin polol In your lire view Io Dox Name Err mznlwczn IlIInireIser Aeeouamodrllons Phone lILIIIIvnie Sullun Ilenurnl ior new Expefluue preteneo Phone PA ewe lter van RIIts SIIIlon oIInent motion In Ply Box woIAN to core ior children 1v Ind yeIr while molher works Live wme Mn ll cIIpy Itit llIrrIe Ilmloa Pill552R required It It Ailisinn Ind RcAI conIIet IIIli MW the lIrxe no mo Iei iIIl LII AIIII 1In1io9 MAN oir wullAN hill or pIrIllrne nke older Ind deliver nIIlnnIIiy vrrIIIed Wllkln Prodnels in Bum inveIInIenI WrIte immedlnlelylo Funk nrer Roch sirert MonIreIi lalal 0511 POSITIONS WANTED DAY alt wRCIiLv em 57er in chil Iiiam PA 1min ZIIBAIIL dren Iny Ire IIAIIII nirnNu lly Ihe hounIleï¬r week in my home Phone PA 14495 zxrsnlEnc lieuxonsute LotIIIr wonu worIr ilonrly or pim worh RellIbIe Women lIIurlI Gllrlm Ner LOR lI zlao ArrItAcTlvrl reiieule widow IorIleI IleIireI uonxekecplnu porlunn NeIt eleen good cook mt smoker No tier Co onywilere EKImIlIE WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAE METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 60331 or PA 68487 peI Manly III II reinrcrelnt IlIo Ieu cbInIIeiI In INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Duelop at war Phone PA 60331 or PA 84204 ll randIl Barrmetal Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS PURE BEES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHSRS LIVE POULTRY Our more will con Spsclni prIIoI le one DIrrie MAXP hut prteoI delivered StIanr nan DH USH KOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Ofï¬ce 204 Tlmn Stir alzADv Rim wInted mm Lelroy in Weston vicinity 715 mm Phone loI Lerroy mlomw 51m scmcli PINE chrisimrs trees or Iny port Ihereos wInlod nuoie price cut or Illmdlnx Duch ley Av NiIrnrn Fells on wOOD FORSALE DoDv IIARDWODD ior Iurnoee or Apply Gordon Clerk phone PA 6751 oropply lIl Cudrltgzl 11w111 drepiree MORTGAGES moo WANTED by young working eon ple on home In Dorrie wnl pry Apply Dex 21 nIrrlc 421004 PERSONAL LADIES elmls CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIR SERVICE HOPE InrereIt IIuiner PA HMS Bunk ot Nov Scotle loildII Dunlap We adoors west CHICKS BED SUSSEX Puiieu AWY Rn vIn CInIpen can months old UtopiI iIlmlw HUNTBRS have hatches Ive ohiciu Ihould he ordered one IIwaI you need Ihe be DnyDekolb chiciu ier IopI in live Ihllityell prodneiion Ind prnRt Let III helpryflu wiih your problem or dIIcuII ehleir requiremenu erte Hunters Poultry FI Ior IIII rIn Siroud uIosm IRES EIIII iiilIEI jnnlililills DEADLINE FOR MoNDArSATIJRDAII mo ADLwrs MAY Du TELEPHONE To PA mu each word Following Consecutive lnseriiuns 3c vlmlv minimum at CASH RATE word min mm 60 Enllnwltlg Eonseciilive insertions 2c word mlRIIIIum 40c MUST BE PAID WITH OWFI nox Nomberror replieI direcled IoilIlIlIItice soc em TS LOCALS AUCTION SALES NWCEB word mlnlmilm $14m nserutive Insertion Seward mlnlrilum 15 THANKS IN APPRECIATION CON NG EVEN Fall do on iNMIMIIIIIAM CARD he nerd Ioinlnrn 3100 ooI IIIIIIIII responIlblIlty or no Irror In Lbo lolepho nor or run in Vcirp IIIIIIII wrb DIrIiI antinklnlraxlll In ï¬ï¬tdgrthe iirIt Iourtion III In tlileI III ï¬lm lImth 11 All M6NDAYSIIPT 131951 EORSALE FILL TOP SOIL AND GRAVEII CAVATING AND wADINfl DENNIS MORAN 29 Am 5mm soum DARRII PA 52907 ml RUBBER STAMPS MADEgtT0ORDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE DARRII Mi DUNLOP wm Fm IONDs USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES 16 ESSA Rn PA mu eelion or line no1in lurnlntinn Dmnlhlnu Ior me home AGENTS DAVIS or LONDON FURNPIURI POLISH ioiii cc SPORT you he PA SEEK IIII Iix 7lmlll NEW DELUXE lrlcidnlm Desi ofer Phone PA wit 11091 DIED auRNSI 110 Air IIIrnIee Inone PA was evenlnne 1llmt cu r1 door reIrTnerIIor DI ior Iore or her mil Phone IA Dam 1llmll GCUI Deep From moolhr ORI Pnld Sm Will roll or am or heri 1i II AP Wenllh lcl tosh wIlIe Iilrer Ap 1y liermnn leleh beIueen DorrieIn Polnswielr Phone PA dSIIS 71994 LADS Rnecoon Fur Codi mInI overenII Ilnrm eoIt wliidhruller Phone PA Milli sIIIIrdIy SundIy or Mendy 71119 LADYS Winler cool site ltidl GIIII winlu coIt lee 11 nubnllly ol oItIer If wear Ilre 12 All hIrdly wom Phone PA 35a 1limi PIANO wilh oeneh excellent condi tion 011 convemio Unit ior cnuk mm or hula MI ltieye uIItery Phone IA mil NR OIL TANK lnleirI or used cam ItrIIction IIIIehIIIery eenIIct aliIeII Truck Dnuipmem LlnIIIed ml vonge St WIIloWflnle Ont 1103105Ioe111 IIIPLD SPECIALS 30 CIIIIIre PrrcIIion SWISS 12not IlohIninr In repIIIer deloehrhie mpgrrlno only 11695 Avnlioble Is Deluxe Sporter only $2250 was Winchester or Rernlnrlon orhot repertlnr SporterI only uzso men lully guaranteed Gel yoan now uhle Iup Iy lIsLI IVe IIIlp con Ernmplly nlernniionrl FireIrrns co to Inn Illenry lionIIeI Que 11011111 SECTION counter 12 StooiI hour 12 chain Preneh Fryer open Immu Grill IthII Ind cInopy II Eu Reidumor linnh ReirIgerIIor Hut wIter Tonrl eoran menl steel Sink howl Soup KIIche Foreup Terrier rop aocler showe ourner silex wiih Sliex eo Pluo Cash Rerisier SierrrIe Lunch rlrn DisheI Sliverwul Ind InIny mlseellrneonr IrIicIer tor mil Apply Dewrr ith houIe north or yiltehellrs more In rnIanlclr TIoti =l POULTRY nAIlIlzn RDCR FnlietI tor sole Oped lnylill IIrIlII well developed birdI nirrereul IgeI Some IIying Torn Kenny ShInty my PA ma MIImlll AUTOMOBILES Buying or Selling nIIIue iIIo nodal eIrI Ind men Very rIIInIIIblo ta With enmpleIo InlilflMOI STEVENSON ALL TYPE OF mSuRANCl PHONE 11th352911I Iii DDNLOP ST an 1554 CONSUL Sedrn good lnw nIlieIIe Phone PA 55435 ply III Dnydeid or phone PA msl aood enndi minimum 80 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES $190 Il lull II ï¬nialr WW ondition lxleio IIII FORD Coupe In Iurllllnl order SIturdIy momlnl as Tlmrl sI PEER PA um 151051 1m CIIEV coupe In good eondlilon new paint Iob rodio dood Iim Ap 13lasloé 125i FORD Comm 000 IIIileI two tone blue Ind creIIII Frlvltz owner Ph PA Mm or iy Ra MetrnIe AvgE 13iwlas MODERN new Onevhedroom opIrt nl and ed with Irir Ind Itove TITnor IeEIIIee Avollnble net phone PA W74 131094 lib MOR IS Iord Moor IedIn TIOIIUIrnulhnut Mun Iei TI 5I 3eiIPIlIAFImII Or one er 131031 CLfIFFB BROWN REALTOR max 51 DAR PHONE PA R2613 See Ihlnnlll Ind buy mm brltk house on lot no in is borne 1I Dnmrrnlrte IhrothoIIt New lumd Ilr oil runner rh IIndIeIped Ind prIreI iron the Society Brook rIInI throIIIh reIr properly nlll price tlzmm with em lei iI oeIntIhIlty Ivan mm In IrIIe Honienitu BLAKE ST ThlI home one to no proud or mind room with ilreplIce ablllll room IIvo nedrooou InnporeII tiled orthroom un rood icl wiih View oI me hey 3000 with IermI TIFFlN ST lelnr room dlnlhl too bedroom bItnroouI Innporeh aIrge Ind worr Inuu LIIe lot Only um Irllh $1000 down STRAEANE AVE Overlookliil me our room run low LllIIiI room wlln nreiIee Maroon IIiiehen with dinrie thee orthrooor tutl bIIeoIonl Thu II III gum reIIie only mood wllh um an TRIPLEXPENETANG ST Neniy poinied Good pnrhln iIeill LIeI This iI one IhIt IIIowI Irood re mm on your lnveIIInenI yiuon with $51m down Split level IIIIlrIcIS ll utlIully IlnIIhrd interior rhiI one lI reIIly land rluod wllh were down one or rieI beiIer FRANCIS ST room home on need lor uvlnl room dining room kllchui den or mdmnm downIIIirI Ind two bedroom Igmln road bIIeIIIInI 111400 with WANT TO BUILD Two iors on Snow any Road On on CndrInoIon Then Ron no view III me my Mlny oihen to choose rmn NEW NHA HOMES lIlIny plus to choose mm MAIRKET GARDEN IereI wth lovely bun mlhuie wnik mm slrmlll mill A11 rem wIlered iron pond and 5mm $323 completely reneed In 3111500 with ternII om Km vmn Cliff Brown REALTOR DICK HENDERSON men 01 LONGTIN nlpgglenllfllflva SMITII CAMPIIELL RepreIentItlve MEMBEREARRIE ANIi Du REAL STATE BOARDTMCT MEMBERONTARIO ESTATE ROARIII REAL ESTATE TRY 98 BAYFIELD STREET PROPERTIES 99213113 BOMSWStBm mm HARRI REAL mAn Dam CONSULT us ON oueIIIngI or Proposa ONItIonII Homing un OIIeonII PmeruI nIIIIeII Oppuflunld Property IIIrune hilerlltlfl Ill nnlILIT CI1I Caultl PHONES mm PA munSung DOWNSVIEW SUBDIVISION write the new Dominion Sio ping Cenire dirterent pIInI to eboereIrI NIIA or euIIoIrI buiiI tunneI nownIvIew bu to otter coNTACTs PA Dom payment Innmtllly Flinn PA Ir mamlnn Ind evening 1540 Ind Illlu reereItloII room on nd tIke over Iynu PITT ShirlEv Bummer flW m1 oreP inIi on mIIll hIIhIIIy rnileI nonb or male eeilent eondlilon III Ihmulhnewly dreamed CoIIniry home all eonventenceI glare 100 Down pIymrnI Irr nged mm LACEY BEFORE YOU BUY PHONE PA 85298 oIIOMES OFARMS ICOMMERCIAL AND SUMMER 151ml hw Down Payment Donne PIIIII tun IIMoll on anmvlaw 1711 our In new iohnIon st Public School Inflsno orlerlnz 117101 or RIrIetI stylo nIree Dedroom DunglowIwIIII Ive Overlnoltlnl bequtIIl Kempmlell DIy Deroro you my be run to In whet STAN CONSTRUCTION Iolom rva DDERN DedrnomNIIA Emillaw kley Park school oreI nm down H31 rO ERTYZEOR SALE RJ SLESSOR REALTOR 0an ST BARIII PHONE PA two ROOM HOME$5900 mm new bIrdwood noon DAN CONNELbEVES PA Hm sauceW STOREY HOME borne 11500 down 1311 PERCY RuIzvenlnu PA mm NLAZ ACRES 111 FORDvas PA Lmn BUY NOW 50 YOU WONT BE SORRY LATER deIign ldr prIetIc Ii room bnnIIio cloeeu In the render bedroom piece bolII Ivlih modern In IppolnunenI only CIil our HAROLD FORSTElbIA Mon EVES PA uies OUTSTANDING VALUE CENTRAL IIIIIII room on the mono iioor VI nlee loI ReereItlon room In bIIenIen mil IlormI Ind Iereenr Included an ass For Inli iniornlniIon coil FARMS FOR SALE no lo and error um Io sumo lell tum down pIonrnl Gnod IerInI ioeIIIons JUST NORTH OF BARBIE norm or Burt eonvenienee II only In 191 BUNGALOW4H£50 IonnIiion eIIi STORE0N BUSY STREET GOOD COMMERCIAL SITD sole 1375 For mli deIIliI eIll NEW NHA HOME living room Iehed SeIl wlrlnr Au III home cIrrleI or IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 13Rch BDNOALOWS CLOSE TO SCHOOLS $12600 1m $11900 unly sum dawn bedmdmlr Rod seol IvlrIn CIrrieI or 137 lovely rneI lee IPpolnthenu Vim PIIDND PA 85934 AFEIER HOURS Phone any of our salesmen PERCY FORDPA 37930 DAN CONNELLPA E7702 JERRY QUINNFAVOR KLSiAiz DoARD LlumaD II It loeecion 5121 III Ifï¬onlrreeuen llmll ma Lo In mum heed III gt him rounduion rm Inll II hnml with wageringl llllone IllA lll mm polMu ROOM AND DOAitD can AND noun rental Phone PA Om RooM AND IflAlD Null be omin an PhonI PA um Iron ANTI noun or rentieouu cInIrIl Phone PA 7150 IURNISIILD Bedroom will romp Ind bond It deIired Phcnl PA um IIqu AND ROARD Wuhlnl done iiuronIole IIIeI gentlemen prererrrd PIrIIIII II Ph all llIDIll lxinnII cenlnl leelion 4le Iziévm In Vllllte II Accommodation Wailldd xi ROOM Hunk or Aplflmlnl VIII or 15 manlh thllflfln For App II IIIrIIiIIIed Dox 1o llIulw fen iirIrer van II glveI you IdIIcent bIIlldln lol 191 For tuli pIrIlrIIIIrI eIil wile one children urgent iy need cor room home In Snood or PIlnIIrieI IleIIonIble Pull llIrrie ExImIner WANrub To Rent by ynnnr proI loIIIl mm with roamed house or II Apply Ru 11 Du LonIed on iIrge town lot on lllwllu lI IhlI deIlrIbie home llIeiIIdeI IIIl eheniivIng room Ind lwu bedroom on lht rlrIt floor one bedroom uplt IIIIII Dally heeled hilly InIIIiIIed your op rtunlty to Own lover lly dor rImeni neIr hoe 101Mb ROOMS FOR RENT NICR LARGE Bedroom In quiet horn CenIrIi rhono Iloou Iv Pull OLE Ronnie ior renI on weekly Apl Wellington iioiel IVorIII me money opportunity Dr Ilgned by the owner OrirlnIt hoIIII lIvInl modern Lovely living room with helllhlflr IIrepiIee Klichm IvluI novel moor dividephmtriul In in bedroom with llr Ind Mn PuRNIslIrzn DedrooInI Duunen men prererrrd block Irorn flux Phone PA um IIIrnIIheEITom iiouIelIeepinI quianI Very centrrl 109 no IuIIIIIhed mm wil oedI brthroom Ind IltIing Ian wllh TV on IIIne floor Linen IIIp lied Inn bond 11 deIired Phana FA pm or willy 92 Run PROPERTY FOR RENT mt MODERN IInInrniIhed heIied PA Min SINRLD IncilIIieI II re ulrId No reIireIionI Phone PA Mm Iller to pIeII you up In Iee lhir home 1m llilinirr Iiler Loerled on IuonrnllIl lol this line Hm Itnrey borne 1s eonvenienr In Illnplt ing Ind uhoolr In nod condition he llvlnl room hiirhcn Ind dliIIrlz room In IlirIetlve oedroouu Ind IpIrinlent 19101 PROPERTY FOR SALE PIIIVAYI BALI OIlIley TArl Price mm Phone PA um lkllflHl II THEN room house yeIrI oi my NIIA mongIr IIIem mile noun or Fire Po III Phone PA It lnol11 =====s LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CALvu lorVenlIIl ed 11 evening Itennzn itcrned Dcrs ply SIIIloI phone FA ow klMIW zmCALTBIKI rat IVPIIIII lso Vorir re oer Ierv 1m Strond PM ITDLETEIN iirIIer Ponne IIIrrIe eon oici my Lloyd LIIlanInne norm snrniy ARR 3109 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS Ir Salim No nun Ondll Bunl OI In non rA um innLn FLOOR COVERING CAImum Floor carflu gRIIbbvr Ind AronII Tue ounolennu on ie Well ruI ItIunIu prpuId Ind lamina rm nilInn WOLFENDEN TONIIto ll Pborlo PA InI DASHS EleCIriC Motors 10 Ross 5L Barrie PHONE PA 8530 2100 MI Pr or lieled um do MIry SI omcx AC lo IuIro CentrIl loeI WIlte Doll II uurII Elrmmer HAROLD FORSTEII EVES PA Mm PA Mair IIED SIrrlNu Room Ind llichlnellle suIIIole or onI IoIIIiner Phone lSmlin ROOM iurnlIhed IpIrlrIIeni II WIe IIIIIIulIIliy ioeIied on III lot Jon Peneh For lniormoiion Hlivlvlfy modern kiIenen bed rooms very new living Nam LIIu IIIIehed rIrIIe Fully iIIIdIrIped Ind eom ieteiy renced In Full rleI ï¬lm wIII only H000 down Ixes Ilzls DERROOII npper nIl Ieii eentIined AvIIIIoIe act heIIed Isloau PA D1502 TSACIIDR wlIheI Io IIIIro InrnIIhed anIIIent wiitI InoIher one PA Mam vuRNIIIisn winierlrcd co IgII Ap Fly PIhouenI RetorI Phone Oro OR BEDROOM Room All conven iencer eruI Ind reIIonIbie Phone Winn iIlWl PLEASANT rurnlIhcd double bedroom Privnle entrInce uee or In Sopnln SI Elm PA 5340 IIII TD7I WELLS DUG TILED R00 ApIrlInent wllh bIIh cell mu pIrI IeInno SEPTIC TANK UNITS DAN CONNZLLEVES PA mm young lIdy lklw Lure let 155 Nil two bedron bunnlow with living room din rcom Ind kitchen 191 For full IRA lLIMJW JERRY QUINNEVES PA IIIRSI lbllIOln lIrne omceI Ind worh room Apart ment ItIIrI all heIied Good win dnw pIIy Priced ior imlIIediIle DIyIield St Phone PA our 15 08 rurnIIhrd III bed JERRY QUINNaEVES PA MISS $14500 Only $3150 down lovely home Kitchen with exh In bedroom if Cum II II our to bus Inn mi um 190 For Iuli delulIl Iyndp leli cIli GRORCR WRIGHTMs PA lIBW Ron nirnlIhed Ind heIIed IpIrt ment One child welcome Apply lnl vleIcriI sl or phone PA um 151w111 mm on Whilney Concrete prime iIIth good me child Apply 39 aann NEW NHA HOMES ALLANDALE rrn weleorn milbio not Den iIoI wIter hating on tired Annlu Apply ml MIrLSI mil uPiDR Duplex EXCLUSIVE SLESSOR LISTINGS °°° BUILDERONE OF THE BEST BEAUTIFUL room Lure slIIleoe Year round Phone Leirny art Ernie MIlteer hunIIlow convcniencu on ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE New HullN Nude Wint and IrvIII In HAROLD HART IIIrrIe lieetm Items Owen at P11 PA 32206 Iau mm Your Furniture Need Reupholsrering We RcCnvel Chcslnifleld Suites IOCCnsioml Chain OEuillin Benches CChiume Chrier cell or onolItIon wilhcnI obilrniiou Barrie Ten Awning CO Hlilbll OLD WELLS RECONDITIONED IlornI rewen Welpinl IiiI MADE AND INSTALLED Air eonIpIeIIor wnrlr PUMP SALES SERVICE Product 157109 Aner more old PA HIM RR No onlLLrA FA amt LUCKAI ItII sIeIIri Nunlng Home on SIIIIrdIy 1951 Tiny rrIIor wIId beloved IIiIe deer moner leliil PeneIIng or net lie or covvrr Cllfl It Ihe Pethirt FlinnAI Rome IIIyneld SL IIIrrie eIIIpel needy II pnI lnirIrnenI Creen Iilll Cemelery PLANTS FLOWERS ir more we anhei Derran Nunulu iohnron 31 uInlil ======= PROPERTY WANTED GARAGE wInled in Maple Rees dlII oo riel Phone PA mm as Servlee In 1hr mm on sun Ind Rn Ron mm as coiiier dIIIgIIte Debn xlmt mIINsON RoyIl RoIpItIl hurt on Sept lure win Ir Inhnro sr run uohn Vincent JOHNSTON AI RovII vielom llm pint Business Opportunities SRvacr STATION Ior teIIe town or aIlionIre wmosomo yeIr rIIIIy ulnlpped lieIonIiIIe renl Phone evenIan Aililirn Allirion DOGS PETSIOCK ere oeIIIeen fledhone Ind IvIpe lune ord phnne ProIneeI 5465 con West Gwllllmhltry DERS TKNDERR will be received IIIriled Soddlnl nnlii Sepl Is 1031 In pm ineheI oI ion roll on rough ngde Ind rod inc Ironndr II Crni chureh New EulldInl Jul Ieted by Nov IrormIIIen Andrer be ronI ror unhte ro miilliiiK or Tenden ronirct 11 Torr Itou 51 mm lt1 1551 FARM EQUIPMENT HUGE REDUCTIONS ON NEW FARM MACHINERY Brand new 1957 SHUTT 40 Diesel Tractor $267500 Brand new I957 Ton Oil Steel COCKSHUTT WAG $14700 SEVERAL COCKSHUTT 35 GAS TRACTORS ALL NEW GREAT LY REDUCED IN PRICE BALERS $1500 with no dOwn payment and no Carrying charges until June 1958 OTHER MACHINERY AT GREAT LY REDUCED PRICES CAMPBELL CoelthnI Form Mechinery Phone PA L1 COCK suti mums KI one my will in my trIeIer wtlh Spnlnl hydrIIIlio never nIed map Phone FA MISS iInLRINu MIchIIIe PIrII Ind Servl on Ill rnIkeI oi InlilrerI New surr FultNAcu Ind chimney Clunlnl New Inslllled Apply HIIon DrinIIIe EX Mm bIW letI will avInltr IF you Kwantyourbrlower llldlen o5 hwn loo er In oxperence 4°91 gardener phone PA H753 SMtt Only 52m dawnIa bedroom llen room dining IreI lrIleheII wiih exu thII beIIIuiuI erruric Ilie bIth rooIn Red Sea Ipprnyed WIIIIII CIrrieI or monthly piuI IIer ROOM Hume Cookslown Apply Lucyx Res cookrtown EROS nested IpIrtment unlunlilli 2d hedlaum comIrma Adult Prelu ore welsh om neid Rlcnrrorrn ALL TYPES or eonliruetion Ind re Ilr work prompt Ierviee worlI guIr nleed Leigh phone PA azw svsu PEGGY or Fuflyls DeIuly Salon II oIclI troIII vIeIIion Ind on the lab lslNllo Very us Phone iolodII gAgHEIIdDB Akplflmlml lechIIDIEllflDuW eI In In er Iupp um wilh FrIgidIIre Apply ï¬ï¬ï¬mï¬nï¬ Dkwfl59n SIDNI BY roe Owen anI Pl dlervlu Tutti lotmflflr lul in Ink Screen Show Elrdl cutout letter geAlllnI ehen llvllll room ceramic tile iIIuI good price or home It Tom high cost or living hmonlhly plus IIer Ieeond rioor DundonIld sI Room rnodern IpIrIIIIenI 346I Inve xe uIve rerldenIiIl IreI Apply lIeIr on Mole sup CONTAINED bedroom deluxe Irtrnent on IIIIln floor lslnvm CIiI IIIKOOI our IIieInIen to no there thIed opiionIl gï¬fg PRICEDAPOVD AVERAGE IrrIIIDHII For dhcrlmlnlllnl buyer we IIIv IiItingI on Iome very very nice er elusive norm in Ihe mm Ind up orIeIrIt Thou Ire eIlItoIn bum Ind the Owl11 the rnIIIy builtin elmII to piere tbs lIIIyer whn wIIheI ing or home cIIl Iny or our IIieIInen OPUSINESSES ARE EEl AND SOLD av sLDSSORSHIIEIAETE TATE YOUR quUlRlE Artie IN lolwlln BTW Plum PA 5H Ismu nNIIRRS yrlll be received by the no available not IIEAnm IrtnIenI eleIrr PrIv la entrInce eentinnonr ernI wetr 4mm Ir ml prn FrIdIy Octbhn ior the eomtrnctIon or CunenI Dloek Building with eemenl llnor Duildlng one windnwlo am Ind one door AiIo eonercte older hlanEyl with 2131 912 men II we deem eeIovI mm est point or root or cieugher School LoweIt br ny lender not neeersIrIly IDLE SeemIr Dioeir lo LoblIwI phlld Reuonrbie Ap IoIIDIID 11mm ApIrIInenI Ind Ihower Cen AvIllIble new um lrII loeItloII oe Ioslslners rcn APPIy III Collierai Iiler uil 154W Ieeepied Rooms HeIted IpIrIment prlete DIIenIollt Ind Ir GEORGE WRIGHT PA M800 HAROLD FORSTERPA 84435 1217 SLESSOR REALTOR MEMBER EARRIE DISTRICT REAL lsliin RSEON entraIIEPt Cenlr Ire Newly decorted Hair 10 per monin Phone PA WI 11 own III19M VEAMIOUNII bedroom eotrI relflxenlor It eonvenienee Itovo AppI CottIgeI IoIn Ind uo wmge lsIoItt Ii um mrnI IIId mm rrmem ToIInronIio Ior eonIpIete lnItIllI lion Ind wlrlnt In Clother Sehnol 55 No Ind Cieneelm School as No or FORCEDAIR DIL RuttNINiI Plllb Imp NAcu with InliiIIent ouIleII Ind IniIIble duct worn to InlIieionlly iIeIt FURNISHED Ind bIIh Ieeiion Al Intniehed laxminer uNPuRNIdIIln heIied roomI III nawhome KlIehcn 1M1 bedroom IIIIvy duly Ir cupboIrd were PA IiIorSprn bodelttlnl morn room Ind REAL ESTATE BROKER DRICII DIIanIow roo mm PA Sun Dunlop SI EllHI 01ch Open Inn to ma IIIilr LARGER Iliï¬lnurly Innludlnl War Ilium uIiLIl ll 1911 Phone 151le III1m In EN 3121 flow pln PridIy aeIo Wu IrIrIIenI Pflvllelu Iii Mun neeunnly Iccwlzd Ible BuIIneII women or mm AdtIitI only LAImD round nonr comlnfll IIot outer In mm Mm ORAvDL PILLFree inr tIklng Inryy IurInt or write Phone Ilinesinr 9111 Lot Go In Dlien SI PA 3411 TENDER thI nor RR No er Band at 10me when and Ill mum at uIed Inlilgerr We lost me everything the dIiranIn needs pipe the most eurcuve Fly con trol Frongm on the InIrtIot Phone nI rndIy It PA omz Dorrie FIInI sup ply 11 IIIIIleIItIr ISL DIrrlI Carillon pills caurlesy plus come mull sense equals safelyDRIVE SAFELY IF YOU EARN s4000 YEAR AND HAVE BEENWAITING FOR AN niliinooivissnllliciiluw WITH DowN PAYMENT UNDER 0MB OWNERS LIndIprerI Ind Flor wml EdsutllmlmllulillzedPvéeedlflz rod rIeilllleI In new bufldlnz mull elf Inf DeEeErSod CufflLtd BPS Ire Phone PA 1mm lslwlt Ign OIIy Phone nerilne who Ton PURNIMIED Apartment Central anII lawn fluted Nam In hlflIr no water Rem munnlble Adnflt AVIII role Oct Phone PA or onto CI dedueIed on delivery Hill lirosley II PA 109 FROM 1020 Fully decoraled torpnrchnsero choice Alnuludes storms Screens and Sodding Nuns Ivlii bo receivedby tillo Commencing cniIItIucllmi lmmcdlatel um merit rehenIe tor occupIncy by Chri Inns Plylu Dunlap at lIInlllr lolnam RODSRS AvAlIAIILD II nIiIIDLD Iieereury Lisle OntIla an NIL lvnxnwlvhl RoyI VietanI IIl hurt on sepi 51 to Ind Mn Gull BumIl Alben st EIII Aiihton no IMlehIei aeoilm cANTAt Royl vleicrlI IIoIpliI made on Sen 1151 lo lir ms Dddlr Cu then st coax AI Re VietorII llorp Dorrie on Sept ml to lir Ind run II no 1m 1951 to 30m I17511o MC Ind Daniel nude on Sepl 21 1951 in Ind Ii RIy iohnIIone Ills niIre st Inlet MINDSAI IIcyIl VirloriI iIoIpIIIl Dmir on Seni fl 1957 lo Irr Mn Ivnilrrn Jones ToronIo ran TozAtt AI IonIl VieIoriI liorplto Danie on SepI II in MrI wIIIIIm TorI New Lane Ion nAcKsAI Royi vielorlI lioIpIiIi 1IIrrie on SepI ll 1m to MC Ind MrI AII TyIrIe Oro SIIIIon nlï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©ï¬ heyl VirtoriI it ltII lee on Sept 20 lm Io liIrFlnd Mrl deud Winter oi reel Io Mr Ind PHI FOR Ill Grill il llti CONTACT FARMER CLuIIs FARM MARKET PROJECT FREE DRAW FOR GE ELECTRIC FRY PAN GE ELECTRIC KETTLE ELMVALE EEETON Sept 25 Oct EARRIE Sept 262723 Free Draw with mailbox mime marker orucr bargain installed It Only $15 The lull price goes lo our Club lunds Free Draws fur Coap membership order 10 Free Drnws Ior Coop debenture Order See you an the FailS or order rum any club member cute PIES Ann fllrlvr II CouIII DIDVIII cIIIIrI roI BJIIrdralii rIoIr yl Noluwauwa nnmoir II lrllhol Inn IonnloIII Ii nciIIr Irln will awn feew deII Cnop Sponsors In Old Time Fiddlers Conleslal Dimvrle Fall Sept 25 See you at lhc Fairs Dorrie Sept 282729 $2000 WITH MORTGAGE AMORTIZED OVER PERIOD OF EITHER 25 on so PDARS CONTACT BERNICK DRSiIucliiIn Com LIIL 2670 OHOMES IN OAKLEII PARK BIDCKFROM NEW COLLEGIATE BLOCK FROM OAKLEY SCHOOL STYLES TO CHOOSE PARK PUBLIC 104i 1037 SQ FT yunilPr new CMlId abvern QIIDOSE Olin LOT Now In no Mtilll Tayv Med rlnv