up roniarlo provincial police of Barrie District Headquarters hlve announced that the new pl trol boat on Lakes Simcoe and Couchlchlng is now ofï¬cially in service This crait which is at teet nine inches in length and hunt lotoot beam is powered by two 275 hp Chrysler marine engines and is known as the William it it replaces the William which was commissioned on llloy Ionisï¬l Notes Dy IDS Continued trom page seven from the subdividers and over which the owners signing the petition have entrance to their properties They are petitioning now to prevent action being tak en en petition previously pre sented to have this roadway open ed across to the Big Bay Point road so that access can be made to other subdividors and also to enable the vehicles which now supply services to the area to get across the concession without doubling back to 25 sideroad How they were permitted to get deed or roadway was asked but not answered other than the Miami that it was shown on the plan as block Assessor Sproule told the coun cii that the added development of at least 60 lots which would be come tax paying it the road was open besides the development oi subdivision to the north could be made if the road now held as private could be opened to public use This matter has run through the hands of two former coun cils Indis still back where it started Council seemed in agree ment that with petition such as was presented they would be hesitant to commence exproprlla tions even though the bond for the road costs hadbcen requested otanother developer Séeond Concession Developments Seen Messrs pundits and Averill 26 1953 at mum and was named sitar the late Commis sinner wuliam it stringer one The new boat which is known to the police as Boat 12 was sc ceptcd irom the builder ctiii Richardson aoat Works at Mea iord by District inspector John Clark accompanied by Cpl Giddcns who is skipper oi the boat Constable Reudman Constable Les Patterson and Sheridan or General llcad road opened across the second concession into their properties were again present They seemed ready to assume the costs at the opening and to repay this by placing lots for sale in an arch not reached without the road They are to have an extension added to the canal lhat the Fed etai Governmentds developing or that district and which is through their properties This canal is intended or boat haven for oral on the lake and also can be used or boat houses along both banks The muchin cry to do this work is expected in this tall and the road to get it there is needed This is the urgency oi the request The road department are loathtI to take on anything more this year it hits are to quote the super intendent the bottom oithc barrel It the owners provide the fund is possible that some action will be taken Claim Projects Delayed By Engineering Paul Penman who owns pro party on the Redtern ditch which petitioned council last June and this petition was then reterred to the engineer claims that there has been no start on report on this yet He said he had personally in terviewed Mr Weir the engineer and was oi the opinion that it would not be worked on in the near future He suggested that the township should obtain the assistance of another man who would be under lilr Weir who has more work than he can han dle and is also on the retired list Besides the Redtern Llitch the big south lnnislil ditch is still in aheyance and although this work can only be done in the dry part of the all there seems no likeli hood ot start being made soon The delay is said to be the High tom It illnn mi mixes tiolu panama lid Ill pay them on 10 mzmmux WMoNDAY 3m 13 157 Ntrr ON 1118 pm oi Canadas teil provinc two the prairie provine hertz and Saskatchewan border on salt vat wane ur Amer radio the recent col umn of our musing correspond ent it In amusing to find that so manyuwere ï¬ndinl thfmseivels many as rollt Hitlung it my Gm WWI air and urs ioaa Holt and PM mum EI Mr and Mrs uro Bloocliiï¬eld 1° km and was at Toronto spent Sunday the following in it store post amps ieloplaone exchange two in MMv patriot ot young daoght namur In Bed Mrs Milt is spending tow days in Barrie with her daughter wbo ia confined to bed Arm In Out Sorry to see llmsfllndy laid up with his ldtafln in cart hlvr ing rmured bl wrist II mw mnm1 murmursma EYE CARE bar 01 houses Ad now we under stand it will stand out plain with large Mlntï¬ng markers Now the question is when is Centre Vesrl and the old so swer Know where the Union Cemetery in Well we are so or out And it it is not known then you dith themtrout hosp ital What have we well about one mile west of Union CLlnetory It Pin Grove you turn right so about one mile Youll see small red brick school little further along you see small chumIt Christ Church by namu also ministered by flcvl Gordon room school two churches with Hamill arip douguul also mtnixtersmllso reslltliing in air and Allin Wellington nob loosing ping ha team son moiorc to asarnsville during welding shop service station the weekend bringing link some Noe ePhenSOfl R0° basket factory Iplzrylnd nuno ot the seasons trulL opOMEu51 gt It undulations Congratulations to Mr And Mm HIrrillEtontncc Jane Hinds armor womens editor at The Barrie Examiner who are proud STEPHHNQONh JEWIELBRS Ind OPTOMETRan Nil APPOINTMENT GDUNLOP STREET lIlONla PA 542 BARRJE ONTAN Aldon TEC HNICIAN by having chat with quarters Garage Toronto The boat is strip planking trimmed with mahogany it has sleeping accommodation for tour and is equipped with galley washroom and has dying bridge which increases visibility The bout is also completely dual eon trouad mooning each engine is run independently of the other For iirsi aid purposu the bolt is equipped with an Emerson resuscitator and complete tirst accept its responsibility at 400 Then there Are couple ot small projects that are being delayed awaiting the time of the cur ginecr who has other than lnnislt til work to handle Reeve Allan Todd assured that there would he meeting arranged with the township engineer and In on deavor made to get him some help or change made some way Found ownership Unknown ToHim lur Salmount owner of the property in theBig Bay Point area came to council tor solu ion to the erosion or land which he had owned as subdivision but which was supposed to have been deeded to the township as park when the plan was regis tered However on the land reservation hail been made or portion of the land that could be used as boat house or booth by the owner but of this he was not aware Mr hluson ot the aid supplies which hove vproved very beneficial while in use on the other boat The boat was commissioned on Aug 25 Ind was brought to Lake Slmcoe by way ot the Trent Canal system through the Severn River and Lake Couchichirlg and arrived in Barrie tor service an Aug 27 1957 However it was tuned public only recently that the boat was now in official ser vtce WYEVALE In Toronto liospltal aiil Webb is veryaick put lent in Toronto hospital We wish him all the best of hoalth and speedy recovery Bobcaygron Visitors Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Victor Stotts were Mr and Mrs ltllllard Sproulc and Mrs Wal lace and son lack of aobaygcon Midland Fair Winners Congratulations go to Mrs Vic Campbell Miss Pat Spring and Mrs Howard Grier who took many prizes or entries at Mid land air WA Meeting The WA held the September planning department will ascer tain it the deed was ever made The erosion could be stopped by retaining wall on the park pro perty who havaheen anxious to get ways Department roiualng to Borrow where moneyseivice has improved with age When you borrow money you want tterviol tbat backed by year oi uperienoo Thats why most people turn to rlrc providing money ratyids backed by 12 mm taproot AtHFCyoureceivepmmptlttenttonJriettdly but businmlike eflldency your money in on dayund your choioa oi wowat plans Phone or viait HFC body Houstlmi and floor phon PA 5529 Roll out emu um lhalIIII sum uuli louv rin uni Hmnlflrlo sm aoaondhoor phon coutuowooo our iha nurse is saving ranulgiiy tor rotation trip 1aratiosarmor llta Father is saving lat the things glowing thilti will and for you audyonr family iBut whatevecuse you ï¬nd for the money you rsave youll always hegliad you saved it mlllionrdal Save at it batik Nurse and father both agreethat some thing are too important to leave tovchancc So like most Canadians each uses chartered bank for planned saving making regular deposits to accomplish deï¬nite purpose Your own savingsplan may be shortterm ntodcst one maybe vacation trip or new drapes for the living room0r your goal may he longrange like providing more security greater comfort and independence Vritsrcuflaatsasn sinussanviuavouaiaou King or uincsing Oi coursy someone will say Oh you mean Gretttel that tar shllla last hell read Mr and Median Greniel and Unlon So lets do something about it meeting at tendance Mrs Duke Caston took thedevotions and Mrs Clutc the mission study lilrs VictorCImp paper supplied by Mrs Roebuck Mrand Mrs lke Brock spenti Sunday with lur and litrs Bill Couiia at Maple Valley Itcd Mr and Mrs George Martin of Elllsdaleon the weekend Tho RCAF Cartier Counsellor Flight Lieutenant Corswoll Rglit here In Barrie Want to makciaviatton your career There are important openings now in Canadas Air Force for young men who have what it takes In intelligence skill and lnitlnttvthtor top training as Alrerew Oiticers and Aviation Technicians Theres great tuture In llvlntlon theres challenge ahead tor you For full intormotlon on RCAF tiylng training trade trntn log duties pay and other beneï¬ts see the our Career Counsellor II owsnsrnAnnta mm pma 24 sent 195 Not We are mid hetwuen Mrs George Mar week with good at very interesting Mrr George Stott visa vouiulluolirrlerintho GitASiS4I3FI7ED We all want something maybe its ct big savings on beautiful family car lost pet that has brought tears to childs eyes job with better future help with exhausting housework big TV set or an appliance that you thought was out of reach or perhaps youd like to clear out the unused furniture in the attic or give someone very personal message whateveryou want you willfindit outrun iiiiSlEll liliitui artilllitiz and ruilrlrllliui to use and read the Classified Section Its the towns largest shopping center Your classiï¬ed ad costly lust tew penniesa word Its this biggest vnlue pack ed into theslnallestspace youll ever find subscript on aid ABC Three Months Ending hroro 311951 fitted orship 112 son woltp WEEK DAY PliECEDING ISSUE DEnD 4c EACH WORD MINIMUM 80o Following Consecutive Insertions 30 each word Minlmu 60th alteration RATESVAND Triesr as liOKQStLEM Bisan otassmro MAY oaraibisnrrttiioustl THE lsrL APVEItTISiNG DEPARTMENT