Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1957, p. 9

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ny iiIZLl The accompanying map coplcd irom the Jury Report on the NlncMiIc Forum will prove oi grcst value to nuy who arc inter catcd in tracing the steps at those who first traicllcd ncrou the site oi the Town at Barrie Wil low Creek drains tram Lilllc Lnkt just thsl ol tilt portion at the map shown illlD Ind cmpliea into the Nntlnwasnxa River It point lust oii tho northwest corv her at this map Tbecmap was drawn irom ln urination galhnrcrl in tile slud made at lhcportac by Dr Wil rid Jusy in Seplelnbcr 1955 AI soclaie it liilti at the tlfliL chc nlclnbtrx oi the Barrie Chamber at Commerce incliitiinR Sandy Coulis whose lather nud grandiatllcr hull mln Clarke Grant Mayur and othnrs Firsthand information sought from any one who had llvcd along tho rouic in yours past such as Nprlnan Scott whose lilr most romantic memory has totally lived on Canccssion in at ito do with the large cache oi Vcspra whcro thc troll crossod and William lit at Barr rrolilo cuts wrrc made in tho ions oi the officers ground at points whcrc wagon occosions iconic rnmc and stayed ruts could ho traccd and as indicath on the man all help shows Shirley Avenue lookln usnm nue betw anA ne nnd Vine Streetshas nt 1111 internsicll tltc caliscway and slowly sank in him in tho route as boy Nor io the swamp was iticns in tho swamp at the iringlc arm during the brokcn rum bottic providcd clue Ill one pinto Wiliii rnlnuins ol building loundatiohs mll cutsltiurd day and did not return WITHIN THE PAST mint Shirley Aven ue was raised to cut across the guiley through which the old portage led Picture cd to establish the route with minimum chance oi error rho story or incstudy is toldc in dciali in Dr Jurys rppnrt and malics iascinating reading Live Near Fort George Priugle who resides on Wclllngton Street But was an othcr otlhosu consultcd having Ilivcd just bciore the turn oi the century on form on the 10th Concession oi Vespra that looked across the raid at the remains ol the Old Willow Fort lie rc calls the main building oi vErticdl polcs built in thrcc sections ilarge conire area with portion st cnrh cnd that lulled toward Iile trout lie was consullcd particularly in lrnnnrrtinn with the location of title obi cannon which slipped oil lilr lringlc passc cd it many times on the way to anti mm the vmdcultlng opern nonrantlc alcmory army pay rLputed to have been ltii llillitllfli the tort site by On several rrylng out at digging oprri lions rho last one want out tho OLIVER TRACY ColilliX wwds retired who will be in October moved to the Mlnoslllg are in 1873 Ind lived in the arc until early manhood lie is lull of memories of the Old Port region such as the finding at corpse in Stoacy Hill at the up por end at the tcut on the Jury map cutting cedar ior sircot pov ing blocks and clearing tits Willow all that saw lug could be floated down mm lilidhurit Ind Mincslng made some ricll strike and had thought it best to depart wlihuut reporting lL Wally Rayner at Donald Strut Barrie an inveterate hunter in his earlier daysbvisited the swamp many llmcs and ill inclu orics agree with those at Mr Prlngic except that he in of the opinion that the cannon was sat vngotl by persons unknown beiore it was completely swallowed up in the muck Keen student Another kcca atudont oi the trail has boon ii Thomas llca1ng the suspicion that ho had Street with toward Anne DEVELOPMENT an shirley entlie space between tdthe level indicated by the Hydrant the cutohbnaln former Toronto collegiate leactr Walker snide road is credited tlihim in th article The ing smith to private residences Housing development is visible in upper right thé houses was titled been over the iniXJn wrme lh James Travers cl lupin and Olivcr Train 01 Coilingwood both of whom lived close to the route in theirurlydm lMr 1le ilvadon taro plug to the present location Mn on Mn Concession and open much time in the mnmp FRI youngdmn cutting tree He ro all helping to cut large qiuntlf ties at cedar pollswhich wen nhlppedout to be cut into bloch for street paving lniaclui wu htcd that Torontos oldsDundn treat belt line Wu paved wluii loch irom Minulng Swamp He too watchcd tbs old unnow gradually settling into tbci ground Ind eels lhll heknowil the locaunn Iimost exactly Botbv he Ind Mr Pringl blve Itemi psulad Ienrcllera to the are in ntlnmpts to track it down with the help at powerful mlzneu HE also recllls stnrlcsbl the buried treasure the popular idea of his dly being that It had been taundv by neighborth lzrrn hmii named McBride who somn than Inter lent support to the rumor by building new house in re ply In this Mr Pringle admits that his folks also built house along the sldcrond between the 9th and the 10th but adds Ili tully that they certainly never touud nny treasure viuc ol cannon Spins ldca oi the value or the cannon it it could be located can be gathered irom thc last that no cannon at tho plriod can be found Is an addition to the Hills etim It the colours Quarters at Pcnctnng Now that the study at thcf pnrtagc routs has been madel what should be thn noxt movcl Dr lury would like to see mark ers along the accessible Ind Vlsvi ibis parts and some reconstruc Dld Fortr Some action on this can be Expected when thc Chum her at Commerce has obtainad permission or even title to the proncrty concerned Then is rcason to look lor hcip in the work irom the Ontario Depart mcnt oi rcnai institutions which should keep cost at such work down below prohibitive level Traces oi tho narric terminus oi the trail havenil but vanished Jury says that the waters of tho up to Dutile Street so that the bronze plaque marks the start at the portage with pleasing accur Bey Recent building devciop mum in the Shirley Avenue area is closing in the gullcy up which the trail wound to the heights where the tobacco form now by crates But beyond this the trail still showsJHrcquent point nndn it Is hoped that these can be prclt served The Badglcy Story in much the same vein as our Portage story the Ottawa Journal carries series under the title Ottawa Valley Daysf by Harry One of his article deals with the fabulous career of mcmbet possibly charter main her at the Northwest Company rival the Hudsons Bay Com pang in the rich fur trade He was Erancis Badglcy greatgreittv grandfather of Squadron Lender Mr Budgley MBE of Blake Street Barrie It is oi more than passing in terest that when the War at 1812 brokevout nadgloy organized corps at FrenchCanadian voy lagcurs Dlficered chiefly by Scots This unit travelled by Way of the Ottawa and French Rivers to the northwest where they saw action in the defence of Fort Mlchill mackinac and in the captureol Prairie du Chicn on the Mifils slppl Their biggest exploit was tho capture oi Astoria headquarters at the Joint Jacob Astor company on the Pacific coast Badgley and his voltigeurs also took part in the more momentous battles of Chateauguay and Cryslers Farm Three other distinctions arc diary he kept so faithluiiy on his first Ottawa voyage has become valued record of travel under voyagcur conditions The island outside Killarncy on the north shore of Georgian Bay where he operated is trading post command in the mouth 01 the French YRiver boars his name only the cbarts had tho nomo Badgeley Fur company records tell that the island came to be known as Bldg leys Kingdom And finally he one daughter all of whom he came prominentjn the Life of the city of Montreal AOne other lutmsting not is that the nanté dzle wall of tinn work done on the lit oi the bay in early days cam right GEORGE PRINGLE chief cus tndian of Hillcrest Schnnl lived ior some years during his early boyhood within View of the Old Port or landing on the edge of itlinesing Swamp School Principals Remarkable Film Of YIJkOn Trip By Gerald Smith principal of King Edward publicachool Bar rie made trip across Canada and up to the YukonAlaska Highway during his summer bnl idays ills pictures taken on colored movie film are very re markable inthgir description of the beautiful scenery It takes overrtwo hours to run the complete script and every not of them is good telling the story as seen We 01 course were especially interested in the roll taken in Vancouver where lilr and Mrs smith stopped and found that thay were within block of our daughter Mrs Mnrgurette Butch nrt Ind family who live just was the father of three donor Indround the corner haulintelntiveé It in to sur of the Smiths see the grovnalaof chi iiclaliy Applied to the island in question by Admiral Bayfleld who did survey at the region the name nayiicld ior whom one or narries best known shoots is Ci Service Association of On MAPSKOWING Dr Wilirldvsurys findings nlong the bilneltMile Portage route land iéntures and building Sites Harold Bowen Midhursimon Gels Position Eitocuiive secretory CSA Qnii he board at Directors or the tario announccs his appointment at Harold Bowen as cxecunvc secretary etlcotlvc Ocll originally vrl1m Birmingham England Mr Bowen has been president or the association since November 1952 Until his aPnnint ment to the associations slalf ho was an elnloyee oi the Dcpart mcnt or Lands and Forests at vilidhurst He joined the Ontario Public Service in 1934 in his iiva years as presidcnt lilr Bowen saw the association expand irom as to lea branches with total membership sp pcoaching 22000 Acting President until the associations annual meeting in November is Harper vice president ior two years Mr Harper is an employee oi the Department at Highways Downs vtcw dran whenf they have been away couple years lilr Smith teiisot the dust on Mm LEAD CANT the Alaska Highway being so bad Leann world finder on im that it is impossible to see past canlta basis in 1957 Canadian ax iha vehicle ahead and one must ports in the year erased $302 per parsau imports ernxnd $355 just stay behind and take it per person Cakes are 25¢ each and bologna sandwich cost $150 iiiSUililliiifi air Smith had the car equipped AUTO rants linmnxrr for use as sleeping place and the accommodation was the least ACClDENl sxcnmss Gen oi his costs although he paid as high its 759 gallon tor gasoline Mrs Alison Banom Tomian He came baclr across the north Vancouver altar which they went aways4000 home by the northern states and saw the Grand Canyon Wo suggested that Mr Smith should malro his picturos avail an musnv Visrron PEMBROKEAn adult male bide dusk bearing lag band andcapiured in muskrnt trap nanrrberntias been revealed as having been handed in January 1958 at Salem Cove New Jersey nntnnv OCT t957 VOUI fiiVll DIIINI DIBANIlAIIDN IRE Ya fill WIRED PLANE HITS HOUSE andif this is YOUR house will your INSURANCE COVER you Dantoga to your home by tailing planes isinciuded in our new Homenwliun Policy which cum blues all the essential Insurance for your isomerian nnepollcy youshyn 10 and got better insurance Coverage Call about this Money Saving plan todny ti MSTEVENSDN iusullllucli and us rinsr Insurance at ALI EMS is Dunlap st PA 85201 ern end of British Columbia to slanted st notria able to public KEEPING BUSY group or children bars were asked if they were glad that schools would be here again and the surprising answer irom some was yes Asked the reason they replied0b thares nothing to do This could wellbe contributing factor to juvenile delinquency Campbell River inc courier Sllturlltlyisopl 21 ii AWENDEN AND Hiébitcnssrkk SUNDAY EFT To nnmsslml aoo EXAIiIiiN i957 splendor mnlnorl wishes to announce scorn lPiFiElii illiillllii institutiontitiuulnui up DISTRICT aniunnlt ORCHESTRA under the DIOK RIVEDSIEAVANDSME ladrm Dnvtmcinn inns nnncnnsnnf Jlm coohthrotlschOL tho ntion or this direction nunirqmuhi

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