Im BARBIEEXAMINER MAY 5mm 1957 natty Birthday Pnrly entertained number or pliymtn to her sixth hlrlhdu party on Mondly FroI Bolillo lt No Service There will be no union in the unitcd Church on Sept ow ing to anniversary service in the Presbyterian Kirk Ind Forest Home church Next Sunday 5ch rally tin and promotion ur vice will be held in Ihe regullr Sunday School session It L30 pint Attended Service Mr Ind lira Walker Caldwell Misses Jean and Susln Blrtholo nicw aucndcd rnnlvcmry cervi ces in Midhuul Unilcd Church int Sunday Ind visited with Mr and Bin Bartholomew Mine sing rnrcwcllrarty List Friday night the immedi ntc ncilhhors gathered to say goodbyc to Mrs Desire and ltuth prior to moving Io Toronto Mrs George Campbell rcdd short Itl drers Ind Mrs Love presented them with table lamp crystal cream and sugar set Ind celery trly Itth made neat little speech cxprtsslng their thanlu Relreshmenu were served ilonnr Newlywrdx On Saturday night large crowd gathered Mr and Mrs Cecil Camerons in llllld shower for their daughter and her hudbznd Mr and Mrs ricn Farragher Mrs Lorne llcQuay read In ad drcss and the girls presented Mar rnret and Glen with many lovcly Ind usciul tilts The groom Ihanktti th Camerons neighbors or their generosity Lunch clos ed plehsnnt evening Under Doctors Care Mrs MacArthur unda er the doctors carc hllss Margaret Forrest ot Tor onln spent the wcckond with her grundmolhcr Mrs nybkmsu Ilrlnrnell Home Miss Laura Graham RegN ol Colglry has returned home oltcr on cxlumlcll visit with Mrs Ar chie MacArthur and other rcll tllcs here and ill Oro Station Attended Ilillly iirs Howard Campboll Mrs Beverley Berlram Mrs Mitchell 01 ilitwkestone and Mrs Georgi Campbell attended the rally for leaders of Mission Bands in Bond lurid United Church last Saturday Frolll Moll France Squadron Leader iituriel Mac Arthur KERN who had been stationed In Moin France with the RCAI visitcll lricntls around here recently Then she went on to Edmonton to visit her sister Miss Myra MacArthur and thence to Whitehorse YT On her rev turn she will be stationed in 0t lawa Wedding Guests Mr and Mrs Mason and Miss Dianne Mason Mrs Enlon and Mrs Chew attended the wed ding of Mr and Mrs Barry Gor don rice Lynda Cottam iln St Johns Anglican Church Toronto last Saturday afternoon Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs John Capcl vlsl ted Mr and Mrs John Gil christ at tho first of the week enroutz lmm theil summer home in Tcmagnini to Owen Sound They were going by wsy oi Tara onto to nttcnrl the funeral at the late Thomas Hughes oi Cult nth er oi the talc Mrs Allan Lums den at Hamilton and Norman Hughes of Nashville Tennessee The Hughes iamily urod to spend the summers with Gilchrist and his parents Mrs Ross and Wright 01 Hamilton spent lcw am with Mrt and Mrs Alex Campbell on their way homo trom holiday ntSoulhampton Tuning Household Selcnrc Mr and Mrs Gilchrist rnd lsobcllo drove to Guelph on Wed ncsdoy where lsahclle registered in the ouryear household science course pol i7il continuum PREMUM lllllliliilli till as Slflllilull Two TRUCKS thll METERS AND TICKET rlthTEits To Assutm ACCURATE MEASUREMENT PROMPT DEhlvrlw CALL TODAY SIM llillilllilillltl urn rcnco Servicesut 84 Tliiiu st my PHONE xveunmypwxmcggwywrwrrrssrumrn vr717mlnrrn roi rerIEtU Lynn out From neudiy School Picnic Holly School picnic was held at NW my slflcmly In irlentily hour wait spent ovcr the too cups We wcro very him to fbgfmig say hello ogsin to the brides tlr ters Mildred oi Nipancc Doro mm ï¬zhfliirlnrflfï¬gï¬ thy of Toronto and Florence ol lunch pop Ind ice crcun at noon mm Ind enloynhle sports Ind races lollewed Mm hm been mm Mrs Graham were Miss the school on Friday School Fnir The school children and many parents ntiendtd the school intr at struud on Wednesday Conlntullilonn Congratulation winners Clmnbcll winner in the public spcu rig contest and vivid Barron in the TM automabflcs We love In iinglng Prizes were illitrn other events as well and aim in DWI we are the mimwe exhibits entered Mlernoon Serviccn Attornonn services will ll of Newton Rothtun Had an Sundry with Mr Ind In Downlnir Mr Ind Mrr crow Ind lun lty were recan Toronto visitor with relatives moullflu delighllul presentation VI held menlly It the limits at Hr who was married Slpt in SI Edim much happiness in the Kenwood blanket plant roll sci and towel ch Edith Litliked Recent Visitor Recent visilors with Mr znd itnth Russell and Miss Lauri Gra ham oi lgvy Alberta STARTED WIT FOUR In I861 only the tour provinces of Nova Scotia New Brunswick nu Quebec and Ontario united to lorm was the Dominion oi Canadz North Anicrlca mirror the hind have and the standards livan we rlcmnnll Bliilt into the cost oi every Car is the desire ol our com people or more comiorto more Ind itirr ArthurLlllle when ur Ind Mrs beo Ovcn oi Buii number at Holly mend tlathrmi Ila lll visiting with Mr Ind Mrs to honor their daughter Edith Georges Church Alhndlle tn wittor Jackiin lira Elmer Dy 33rd piliify oiletilirirlgndlsmzi er on behaii oi the lricndl wllhetj Coohville lml Toronto lohu Poole at Newton Robinson New In sum Ind Ml Bub apeni couple oi dry with his 513 Graham cousins the Downing children settled the bride with beruutul tut week it Is hoped thut all children will his in attendance mence It pm in liolly Church security more of the good things on Sept 20 Service this Sundin will be conducted at 030 nm by Rev Mr Mitchell at iiowkcstonr Promotion exercises will he held in the Sunday School rooms so nil News Lilllcs lllll Coronation Wi will hold their September mcoting on Sept 24 at 830 pm in Holly School The program is Public ltolstinns with Mrs srigley conycncr Tho motto is Lough more worry lcss Roll cult is lily lavorlle song and composer Lunch committee Mrs Leigh mn Mrs Bmwn Mrs Hera ry Visitors are invited to attend Weekend At Home Mrs Hubberl rpcnt the weekend at her home Mrs Casey itnd Thomas Jer ome returned home tram Royal Victoria Hospital on Thursday Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Poole and iam httlllllllitii nnuus tiltsma corn ronvoon pnrscnlprlon HOURS DAILY LI 930 pm Except Wed 96 74110 will to 330 ReadyM etiolan minivan MAR STREET IV oi lilo whclher these are paid inr in wrge rlttcs smiled lrlnge bcnoiits or high ilnxtlf noux tum ROUX Rinnv will onrlch and inlunxlly tho color of your hair hilghtln it cancel or it wont nil you can wcih it out In the nut shampoo I2 lovaly Teepoops AT ALL mum AND DEPARTMENT STORES Olmvo pmNT rd slm OFFICE mist TheéAktEANT co LTD BARBIE TANKS ROLLi046 PARKW AY 82461 or Whiter limo will religion all too quickly Now is they tlmc to check the level at 3E your oil tnnlt and to result with that Ilneit at premium GOOD Fuel Oil Kleen Flo Be relily tortho cooler lull cv culugr and early motulnar and keep your iantlly worm and healthy yoga1 our rr urfl mvryrwsrmxrrqu 77 TEA rors CInnllter Set cup llll sturdy wnito 70h WV gï¬ cl Mn llII tery with ulnin in flushed mlnum fly Illled llnl cotter speclrl sin ten nun hndlu uhd no your oIIolu will spulnl 535 991 MI WIste Bullets notonm blotted with brullied cot ry polished sleet iiit run in the titul pund tern Blill PI Clothes Polyethylene plow ï¬nk tin Squre denln rtrrrtly woven with roiled edu White willow nnri bundles Yel with bundle In low or minintro pmx lonl it is it 13 deep 11 wide Hell 33 99 mm 99 5N Enrons liudgot rut Terms in sensitivity 99 in 99g ia rnur nttinr floul lb rout rwu rtitlnr dr rlnu our world mrp the other hnndrouin old col rcd 109 die an limit or 253 99¢ ordinat with nor alemind hlthlr dy lleel Irma nubbe covered inwh to Rel Yel to nubber drln rt This it vilringlr even greater vulue in the its manydelultc tenured powerlul lituhe interlerence at Aluminiud tube tor sharp coln rtrting ritttttn overrturily frame Mixan Bowls Four nnllpallcry plitll DreIt Ind rhlyrellltnnt EH hllhly glued nod Palyelhylrnn Tunuoltr Whllk Yzlloi Inger ml in IV on Vll In dlnm 99 iv decorted rum pa on ur honed wooden rnclr spretil Cop nncIt ltubbcr nathiilot sturdy metl lr mth lite In in bottom or secured by on rubber suction Approl lorll dcrri Pink low or White undrr oupberd lhell tub To Tn Cake Pin tlu llhlrh re oi hcvy rubbrr it Mr buns nhd one with tunh lerlloneo lnr hold my im springlu lnl olnnnlllll tissue in type Clllp loch lecurnl bottom oilm 99 Slurd or top or itrndoro toilet p1 White or Pink deep is rell rrlul cicb cion Tea Kettle cutlery Truy yrnlihrd wood our section Glenmlnl onillhtd llnrn inum kclllc whittlns to tell you when this wlier tr bolting litell camper orurn 55$ 99 iii bet at Coasters tent or Inn protect with nelvy cotton tan Ihle loin lmm IIIMr bu tht nu wire lrlme in ate in brlihl colourli to hook over liner Red or lootJo art Relrlgerittor Boxes Kitchen or sturdy Polyethylene Strllnerd rtrulnlnr linear or chip with snughttlnd dnlninr ventbier wuh Ildl or hard rtyrcric pIs ht bcrri dad tie donre Turquoiip dmm 99 till it not lecch hy Ilat or cold wont break or Yellow rein sperm 99 let Qtttistgndmg Offer Fsxove ion redolentEviction ultefTelesollitl Chossis It Down Indzl Monihlylaymentu at 1213 line lamily entcrt inmcnt field Comply Telesonic ehossid thatcuts bothersome clear definition and Cascode tuner for For your convenience controln are topiront mounted no more bending stduping or tumbling around the till nndtiome veneer clhineuv mounted on casters lot poiltlorting Model TOD286 Slum tumult litTAN attlteicaliase in the Summer recreation rooln till Winter Bu no the price into advantazenttd niv Asrrorv Good nullity corn lhk ly tuned and llrrnly vb ltlirdy rtrtnu urnlllled wood shinlnr uniturn tour dum rtet evenly to help olden brown llnl its hp In turn out coorlcr mu on lrrlt rpeciu rcmo nbin bottom rox lo dilm 99 Fre Erycr llnhed olnmlnunl Id with tinned with mt lor unin 99¢ Mctnl Serving my BlllIIIIY instl with itsmpr um metrical drrl lay lllï¬ lvcci in cotton yum rTuri coluurcd twltell on ntronltnctul rlln deadwood trundle spedl cut it nttrnctlvo Approx splt Ind rapper hat shutter top huh Ilnlll lxrlnlJld wit lit Tumbler or my to hleptnl It won llurnlnurn with ii iii unrdy ion Id hnnd colour Elna Ind Red lll lllhtwellht InD dlxzfl lltllnlnu tiny lit nhol sprrlnl 99d colon vh lllt Pepper Set and Whit Vat lllniloointed db liInl in 11th colours EliIE tnDl Ind blul nl mulled on It Carving linnrd Approx lo ehcrrywooa wlih vnrnirhrd ilnuh wrnond true dotlrn And be tipped mu Iprciu Wiper cleln in titty cl plnrtic ï¬nilh mlio ed can In yrticrn or tery wit nnrld in rort Iilan usnpis Approx irux° brtlhl lion nzd vor Yellow on rutI Finite Ind occurlive unw wnlorinl Wick flint mend mm one lnto tho MIDI to now wu er tron to button Pin Ynllow Grem cnto Decorator 52 Hurthieo screen tor trt Mitre your own ple minnw Whit with norl denim trup 99 Clothes reg and no Spool rubber cortors Puklnt at dorcn sturdy lit lnufly over the bot wooden rprinl with hti metl onlor opolrlc at up nnd IpeclI lllowl pl Blind Set nirhiy lined son tnincn rk Tray Ind Cantu Bet Meul with White llihir mphed anlsh dotted rolli oi sturdy nillily nlulninllln toll on ll wide Inn 24 lpeclll 1259 95 The no literally dozens of uscd ior thew lortahll tull hairs ilrinl woven all them whilb