Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1957, p. 6

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HELP WANTED POSITIONS WAN ED nurcll women urine rimrun EODFPQRTUNTY PbeoevPA ulna ei no led Hellhie herd world1 renumso uul Ilnd rell pryins IIlellme lab or Baku Ileeruenulive wilh mllvlnnwn core dhn rornruiuy lsrrrie end solimp roe ierrisory ollered lo rulmde up pdeonl Prevlour isles experirneo nor neeesslly This rosy he lhe lurnliu poiol In your Ille Apply Ior Ioieo view lo Ion Ilsrne hummer lviiflIW BOOKKEEPER STENCGRAPHER nsii or psri lime Ior nulmudrm olnee In Isrisle All empio re here his Shlhry seeordloe lo our inuiinru wriie lies The nerrie sislner sssiinr ourlihesuerr IIII1Iod DISSATISFIED YOU SET YOUR OWN SALARY HERE Your errnlnes sve hosed on your own lnI rilre We need sen mm er men In ihlr ssoe Nu selilns expen enro neeessrry No Ixe llnul Pov sn lnlervlew uli Mrpie Avh Ie sl Iurdry srvl lleprerenlr LI REPRESENTATIVE Ileprflllllm Exrllldve shocoe Counly cllvvr she eoosplese line or uZLAVAL mini mum mum IIENT All IIIIxInli llrehlnr quuinrllelli In IIIIn Combine Milkmi Olin Pipe Ililllu Infl LIIIII Vinlllulini Inn re line ol IVoler Syliullx Vsler bifiprri slurp sieel Wuil All Perm Srnlirilon supplies Cumuizle Irrlnlno rvslishle Io ruererr iIli spplleoni lovmlns horrrround would he help rui Inierview win he srrsnred risllns ere ond pre Apply In erIIns selling experience II rny i°I em so Inc Bromulan Onl iIoollls rrle Exrfilzneeffidy shop Phone PA osssn RRLlAuAlu WorrTrn in dry lo Priory iilallu PA is prn DxPniulzrl on Girls or nrsrrled wom cn lar prrl lime honouoi wurk Phone PA Iiillo ilu1Ioo PIN BOYD nied Apply Ier pen orphone PA 97m Kempvlew Rowling Aueys Inn ulrlse Si iWll rouNi IAN Inleresled in servielne liourehold upulihndex slro some sell lns AppIy Iiohlnwn llrrdwrre urns rie WOMAN lo esve Ior children To end your while in Intgurung In Vriii lre II Fm sleel culisr on or SPANIEI Aiul ll iii Iluu ulvz IAyIr in my hnlm ohlie moiher warn Phone PA um bloom nrlrr expeneeeed will do iyplnil rl hoe Pier Madrid deuveryPhoeo PA il 1dme WILL wall rner pseeehoei ll ehITd in my own home while moiher wru Phone PA Mm zIN lsAlsIl fllllN0 lay Ihe vhour lu Vrrk in rrl home Rerrersoie Phooe PA DAY woRK sod hrhy ruins wrnled hy relishie mddleeeed ledy Phone PA Mm Meanper zImdno smoulllllrlNu servicer provided lor esnrli llnnl nee ellinulu lnlernul lion wrlle her Is llerrle Lrsmlner amm xxruunluii ily roe lenee wrnls work liallrly orp see wors lleilrol huuy worsen Phone New lowII mo zloells MARRIED MAN 21 yens or see verve hlsh rehoei Plus your eesrlul uleo experience rneehrnle hlilly Phone PA um AmArllVE sellhie wldow eery Ionle desires househeeplns poxlllox Iern rood rook nonsmoise co nyuhere Linx Iii Ilsrr ExlllIIIIsI WANT ED HIGHEST PRICES PAID or or SCRAP METALS BATTERIES iiline PA68331orPA RAM Sfiuflifi 1351 INDUSTRIAL IRON AND META Inrolop ol Mes reeledI Phond PA 66331 or PA 87204 ll Eorrie Metal 61 Salvogé SCRAP moN METALS PURE RIDES RAGE BATTERIES FBATHERS LIVE POULTRY II ii rm inir were Isl es imam psid Speck price Id ll 31n5u was MAX PUSHKOFF AND MMPANV aluminum Ollie 204 Tiinn Sta coon ussu cerpenler loolr wr led Phone elml Il duo uox ITDVE worried crsi prelerred Toni Cxell Ru Uloplo Phone PM Ivy sloo Tully Isms wrnled lroin Lelroy lo be In Weslon vlelnily 715 or Phone II ulroy llnDIIH POULTRY Is IIAIIIIIzu RocK Pullelr monlhs ysi8 one wen or rre ruce soo lmm 21 uuh Pislzssoli reoulred sl dry clerninr BAKIED RUCK Pullers Ior sole Cord ionls Isl Alllolun de GAP LIMP Irylne sirIn well developed birds onilm Conilsci IlIII IloII sac Aiilr Mum some 1D ion IerIW Kenny shonly Dry PA mhaln rAnIl HELP wrnied single Drlry experience prelerred Veer round em ioymenl AIIPly lloes lluoherl lisrrie ER Phone Ioriz Slrnud lmIoa WAITRESS Ivonled olso Rilehen llelp hill Isnd pm ilrne nilorins snd Irons ponrilon supplied dens No II liiohwe Moll EXPERIENCE Hrlrdrerrer wonledlsr well eelrhllxhed hesuiy prrlnr Good weers No nlehi worir For lull par iieulsrs mile or phone Cnokx Resuiy Pssior B5 Queen slseel West urorno ion oni Phone Glendale lmd ul ciendsle 1319 oller noun Iddo Ilu1llu EXTRA INCOME erles FIII ond Chririrnor huylnp on provide his eosh pronls dslly lrsI selling cilIIliflnl lodler well to moods neighbors PeruIIlui mleslop ouellly wrlle lodoy urlilsh Knll slmeoe ohmlo IMJII AGENTS WANTED Business Opportunities TENDERS will received meshed Sodding unili opt 25 1951 lo pui Ihrhes oi lop roll on rough rrde sod sod lhe grounds or cenlrsl unlied Church New Building you In he cnmr leled hy Nov I351 Per lurlher Eilormsllon re mslilno or Tenders ronlsrl II Tricky Ross Si Dorrie Tieundo CHICKS Nan surlst Pellets inonIns old we role Apply RR lllopis Vsn compen Con zlIo1m DRAV PULLHS storied dsyoid lin eiudInsAmes incrusl prompl ship rnehi hllsed ehlohr Dronese order now lor demo or irier including Indlrn lllver cross Csn Rive iull poriloulors rpenl LR copelsnd RR Deelon phone 55m uloo llllNTzRs hove hotelier weeirl hot chicks should he ordered she This yesr us rlwoysyou need lho hear any Deirslh chlelrs or leo lis live rhiilry er produrilon end prom lei us help you with youryrobleuu or discuss ehleli requirements cell or wrile lluniePs Poullry Flmflmud mm Ilevlflille Fni Lop each word imilNlI erCNTs menus In nor use llm lnserilois onesrd lhsodels BATES HIE IIIIIEI COLUMNS olIrll Iléels dry preeelllulume DIADLINB FOE MpNDAYlAruIMY MDr Ahst son an momon To PA um Iolinwlllg 30nseculive insertions 35 word mInimum 60c cAsll RATE 3Cwurdlnin mumSOC Following Consecutive Insertion 2c word minimum pillarDu PAIDVll Fmkfl Box Numbers or replied lllremdsto inn illich am re nordosifllusnos $100 Wall rigConsoluIIVC Inseriionsac word minimum 15 rNlIllaruisIIM CARI Oll TuANIls IN APPRlemoN so wudroleloosuoo IENGAGEMENI Nmoao 4L9 Ir niriolner will poi erodi nfwnlihliliy lor oily Irrot Iss nilhm werihe elapth nllhl you llype MHThnlhrJlIHADIIY Wan1 FARMgt EQUIPMENT Huge Reductions NEW FARM MACHINERY 51 cockshuil in Diesel Trselor brsnd new tuned llilm Severrl coelrrhuii use Trsolors on new end errrily reduced in price llrlers 5W wiih no down phymenl rnd no esrrylne chutes unili lune lose Dlher Msrhlnery ll zreelly reduced prices CAMPBELL Cockshuti Farm Machinery rric Phone PA ham RR Yor WWW mp III Ford or Ferguson Trrelor wineh lyoe Phone PA om Islimam MrcoilMch No ll Cnrllose Cull Frllcual bilevflfl nln Brasher ir orrs epone £915 dslno CAM Per3e Herverier end Rlowrr wlih pick up sluehmenlApply lohn Dowmsn nil slroud Phone 11m siroud lfllnlWl BALE CulvATnR eornpleie wlrh mo ior EmIIllieCutlzr wIIh mi pipes In John Deere Ilzmrnersnlil Avnly loe Ilsiohly Prrdlord 59108 luIIN DEERE Corn Binder wllh Loo or map Insulsro Caller Polls In sood nndiilnn Len Moreru Anren Mule Phone 152m Cimvsie DIMIM lulAllsR la one will Iii rhy irrelor wllh 78pin new never used Ien Will II eheop Phnlle PA Hus sInlu MlhluNu Memlne Perle end Serm on oil lmlkel dl mlllserr New ourse Mflken end ell min or used million Wo lusi hsve evsrythlsse II delryisssu needr plus ure mundeilelmvu lly Con Irol Fraum on In kelPhon lll sty si PA sum as Penn uh win l1 Mule slsr sis Drrrle IIIu we mill mum 80¢ 40 AUCIION SALES NOTICE nor Ior error In on urinee ee Ilnniflufltpllilfl 51 Mall is sIeeI cockshuli Wozons 311 lion muons 111euklrerro EOIISALE PRQPPRIIIYPCRAALE PROPERIY Pull ALE EROPERTYTORSALlE PRoPERrY FOR SALE PROPERTYPORASALE CLIFF STDU Iocéffécmnr 322 SLESSOR BROWN LACEY RUBBER STAMPS MADKTOURDER WEAYMCDUTHS 00531235 UR TCQATS IWe hsve nurnher oI lur leis Pu sod lrcisels oil In need eoiililoo lelur eholeo ids and MILBURN 8r SON 162 Uuulup Wusl PA 82632 7Mlly JONES USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES ls SSA RD in all Alwryr hrve lsrro snd vsrled rel eeilon or line ousllly mruhhliul Nyeryiilhll Ior Ihe home AGENI uAvIs or LONDIJN llNlrullr PoLlsll 1Ialll BRICK HOUSE TO BE REMOVED FROM PRESENT LOCATION OR WRECKED FOR SALVAGE Coll Mr ProIIPA ossll 1sdllno TAVIlIR sAP Prosocl soon ustu rill eon eruh eonlmls to Phone 13W Lelroy 1lhe no NEW RIEKI VIII relilrelisori shle Phone PA salon 1Io medium sire Phone 1loo PIANF end Utncnlln ereeiienI condi on Phone PA 526 1lo1loo illiun cuRNDlTIloi Air Phone PA emu evehlher ll ilANhslinls szri eedsr Rowho III AppIy la Chlppel Grave Porn re RCA VICrm push hullon Csr ilrdle lih serial Phone PA um 1In1los 1an oshy Csrrisee vied lpyeur od condlllon Phone PA ham 1mIoll 000 Tim roll olndnlllzi Isolr llélnCI lilicil rou Um 91iool01loolho quAlllzri shore Ilrler loo girls end love piper us Pilio us RITCIIEN Slave IIIck snd whilelow buck bun wood Ind In Phone PA 57528 TIWIOG usnn MeCLARV Dlecirio Rlnllr high even good worlinl order Phone PA H15 murllIllll 1mm MANII ovlziecnlld hlrrIs sire il es eellenl Cnnfliiiun Double bed eom plele hood eondlilon Phone PA ham hAhaz Norse oil hurne slnder Sew lnli Mochlnei Voulhs hed rnd insurers All In and condIIIon Phone PA oasis 7Idli NBw Pouczn AIRFurnce complele omy mo sh ow well pump 15 Deep well pu mo Phone PA on 1mle uPlNzMAN Weher Piono so lor nulelr sole Cood oondlllon eusronleed Prsnir Rennedy Phelpslon Phone yrli Imvele 749 PIANO Cerhord Helnsmen Uprlsht heneh Iheiuded BxCeHull lone use or quick role Very good buy Phone an Ivy 1l PIIILLIPR Rodio rhori wrve hrnd exoeiienl rondlllon Con me Also sunheom Record Ployer whri oilersr Phone PA Will 1lIIIl FRONTALINI 45h leIIu Accordion eood eondliion plur eerryine ru Cluil I111 35 Apply 51 Toronio API all 530 km lIOiv PIANO wlih bench exeellenl candle on Conversion Uni Ior cook ove or herler Mens Illeycle ovoli usilery Phone PA mil 1llnm Allr0 TRAILER wllh Ilende sulomslle hillz rnrehlne spsrlsssenl woshlnz insoldne Conllnennil Ml wrrdrohe lrunir Phone PA fluid Tisull WAEIIIR Maxwell roolrel reel lype iswn mower Chins Cshlnei childs wrrdrdhei Tr eI irull Gro eery or men eerie on ine nelson sblo PA vod7lll TYPBWRJTERH elllee essehloe WW elsie sddlns lllliohlllu sh reeislers sale no rervlu Carney l1 Prereer so llrrrle phone PA Hill Box and south coroll repsesenissilve 150 USED COAL end Wood Renter 25 end up wrehlnr Mrehlner ell prices all Spice Ilelslen Ilelrlerrslers rsnr elles one only Rondlx AIIIIMIIDKIE$M lnellr euiomsllo eloihes dryer Rohinxon flhrdwlrd limo BCIAL criihre Proe on swirr Is not Iishlhine sshrepesirr delsehrhle anallimb only tins Avrilhie Deinx sooner only moo shod Winenerier oe vflenurlllnn orhoi reperilns oporiers onlyum rzrelr llllizflllnnieed cIei yours now while sup ly lull We ship COD Ernmpliy nlernrilohsi Plresrsor co Id loll aieury Monlresl que =1lvldlll 11 Should hrl reoch Pryor open Insrner Grll Rrhrurl Fun snd aeropys II on Relrieersler noel Rerrlsersior Hot erer Think com rrtsneriilieel sink howlsoup Nile en Feral Tamer Pop cooler lhnwdne or ones ems liner oompleie Re isle neclrie Lunch Diln Duher verrvr end my oriresilsneour erlloies ioe Appy Dower iih houseno or Mireheiiv sior Io Phinlwlck rNm no 1103 uchON Cuunlill Tehles LOST AND PCUND urnGerm shepherd rlllla brown end hieelr llunleviile vulnil Answers to noose ol Keno Row Hills I1Iill Pill rlaiily MI NEIIHIlnIIVIIII Schnnl jMQRTGAGES two IWANIID bylyull wdrislueou an hmrinnlml all only yesrr old dupiexed III Apply Bax III REALTOR uCouluI Fl BARIII PlloNrPA um DOWNTOWN BUNGALOW reoui hooeeiorv This re Alla isleer ONE AND ONEIIALF STOREY rooes holsr eenirrily Iooeied All mnwukmrl arrerr Included on hassles Prioed er eell moo down He FARMS FOR SALE Nesr Buyltth ores very Prodllrb Ive soil This Is xerllenl lrrn Willi modern roovr enres Priced lo re 50 reres nus Ilirrrle ilIIIIIIIIIlI need some nsll 4431 cell PRRC mnuezvus PA uvso ALDVBLYHDMEslmoo lies chrneo ie own lovon home illI essrier lornnly mm monlh inclmint lore vllh shl mrh ereel uvlu room dining worm kII chm and one lulmom duwnsulrl Nlue IIie holhrooos hodroesns up rlslrs This is en eseepilenoliy cirall home lass Por hill oriieulsrs enII IIAIloLb rollsrleI Es PA olilu EAST END BUNGALOW BEDROOMSWAN or Codriuuon 5L em in oolh pub lie end reprrslo schools lull yeors old wllh every modern eonvenlenee Rseeilenl nlsh dry hrrernnl Mod eeonomieil heelhrscorir oboul llzn yerr Iron Plremrn oil huiner In lided In prire NHA monoso rl an eevrier Ior monlh Includ Inr use lysd Phone DAN coNNRLLhvzvo PA Inm GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY LFLEX well lnsulriori hulldins on oulsxlris Two unlir presenlly mu ed Reminder need some work In eompleilon Modern loreed oIr nesl syrlem with re rile lemperrlure eonliol Ior ereh spl lheorno Iron renlrlr plus all per rnonlh This he ulidlns inurl he sold soe riiil Iprice or 5000 arberl oner DD Coll DAN CONNSLLBVES PA 511m Illsrrr NEW MODERN BUNGALOW DNLV iluoo heeulllul modern homo edmplele wish oersmie llIe pleoe hslh mod ern kllthen llvlns roorn wllh shepe lncludlns diriosere Allshe Irleer Innxlures Ir hell rnd silehen Ineludlns eaheuri in Red Seoi Approved wirine service which Is up intllil wirlnll Law down poyineni lsvi Por roll dol Ir call your aumry vos PA olm AnRACTIVE BUNGALOW $11900 lully modern bedroom home lovely herdwood lloorr modern emu mIe ilie hells VERY Coon our in lrsl ip ser lhls new hunrsiow analyuudm dowry lm Cell Ior ruli GWRGE wulumtvzs PA um THIS ONE WILL SELL FAST PuLl PRICE mil Thisono many home hos lrrse liv lnl ind dlnlns bedrooms rnd Isllohen on rse Ioi elxlls wiiil lovely slrsde Ireer ond oliroeilvo dor den BeIIu sold wllh Inull irnill down pryineoi BD on Pore lull delrlls uil nu PERCY munEvas PA 5793 VERY CENTRAL 31m DowN EASY TERMS ARRANGED Loesled ciepperlondllchonsld rrer well bum room hundrlow llrrdeood noorr sood sIsed modern irliehen bliilroom lush eonerers poured hiss Inuit Excellent loruree mun econ omiesi neoline Very nrndy use than hrvlne no err lew minures wrlir lo downiown shop Int DD ell DAN CONNPLuEVI PA onaz LAKESIDE RESIDENCE wmi unrnsIohed ioenle lsko view snd yel Inside room umlls Rue Iirick Very besullrul lei 1125 Pull lsndrcsoed In lrwrrr end elullellk lrui lrees lover roomr high dry bueinnl wllh reereollen room all heel close Io uilolli ond shonvlnr nus rlop nesr your door New bonus rserineed or oulolr ssle wllh over film or exlros lul MUST BE SOLD llul hoino must he sold immedloiely No In onible oller relured Your ponliil lo buy home horn rice mm horns eons line or live room dlnlnr srer IrIIchen end hedroohrr Uprirlrs bedrooms Ve lowdown 1pryuienl Only your ol CD on or lull deislls elsll HAROLD PonstRavzs PA as DUPLEXVERY CENTRAL uxeellenc room hrielr home on very mloe eorner loI Loss or Erskine spore end load or This onie Ir rully lly sell oonlrlned lorri mull4 rooms up end rooms dawn sIeIre Pioored eIIIo concrelo poured he rmuli uli hesiine unremer and Yugo rl only oluw Terms Irrhiiea IDEAL FOR DUPLEX Also IDEAL roll LARGE PAMILV Do you like levee homer NicelIv In room dlnlnl room and Isllehen four bedrooms slelrs wlih pieeo hslh on near Corso Llellnl page sum Low down psyrneni EUNGALOW DOWN PAYMENT um Only your old home lneood con dlllon onsirls ol nce lrliehen livlre room Indv bedrooms NHA ressio requires no nl ry ourllllerrior Cor rier Inr only v12 monlhly Priced or qulnk isle HM LFARMS FOR SALE on lo zhd rerer um in mm Prom 11600 down Good Iouiionr AFTER HOURS Phnlle any of our lumen PERCY FORDPA 57930 DAN CONNELLPA 37702 JERRY QQLNNPA 32896 GEORGE WRIGHT PAS4300 HAROLD FORSTEII PA 34465 The BARRIE EXAMINER denim muz man In min1mm REALTOR mall Er DAllnl THONE PA 2678 55 ring UNI AND IIUY mnbriek homerss kl liner in Mr heme lr dormmine sinonerous NW mossed elr on his Th Iol II beaulifufly lendsesped rnd hr won ihree Anl prises Iron she in llorileelsursl sociely Bmi ru rhroueh Karin Dmvrrly nu prie iluou ivlih lerms eIPLIT muss In one ol lirrrlrr holler dulriels uesuilluliy unlined Inlerior nilx one Is rerlly sood slimmkun llMDilduwn llANClS 51 room home on sood Ior Livlnl morn riirllrl room kitchen den or bedroom downiloirs nd lilo bode rooms upslelrs rood horeloeni MIAMI Willi leinu ELAKEST Thh hallu II on Ill be pmudol Livinu room will nreelsee dinlns room 1949 hrlirvuuu Cullwnl Ind hllhnwnl Du good Ioi WIIh View in urr sumo our sen STRABANE AVE Overlooking lne psrlr room hungr lllw lIvInr rwm wllh lire re bedroom IIIIlilHl onus dinele Iiird halhroom IuII bsssmonl This Ir en NIIA resale 01in mm wIlh mm TRIPLEXPENETANG ST Vewly orinied loud in nine lo lies This Is one IhoI shows eood relurn on your lnvexliuenl mow wIIh 15000 down WANT TO BUILD Nu Iols on shonly Ion Rosd on codrlnillon view or choose Irom TIFFIN 5T Lilill Mm iiillilll mnrll brdmlmll hhlilmom lllflPuKll inrlle Ami orrlsrhhp Lorre Iol only 3090 wun 12000 down NEW HOMES MANY PLANS To cllnosl PRoId WE HAVE SEVERAL FARMS FOR éALE PRICES from $I0000 lo $25000 Cliff Brown REALTOR DICK HmDCRsoN Represenlellvo JOE LONGTIN llepreseolollve sMITII LAMPUELL Represenisllvr MEMBEHLMIIIHZ AND DISTRICT REAL BTATE qulln MIMEER vDNTARlD REAL ESTATE DDARD 16103 REERS NHA MORTGAGE GROVE STREET EAST Slum Lorierrlsed Hmdrolml hrielr honsolow eehirr holl plrn on is low price snd lennr seldom seen iheee dryr Nieer derorried lhsourlloul riorms rnd ureenl rnd miny In hrizill horemenl isondiy 125 rn mosi modern oIl nerilnr down prymoni and ruler porr rlon ollered Phono PA nose1 lo Import onyllrno NELSONMELROSE AVE 5Vz NHA RESALE iluoo Very prelly red hrlelr reneh rlyle bullzliluw three eorr old lully eornplele In ell delol llss lover Lxhoped llvlnxdlhlnz eoinhrhrilon lsrpenlsed irllehen In nsrursi llnlsh ond llle lhreo bedrooms Good wide Iol with woll keg iowns end Ireei In excellent nelxh orhood monlh ly includlnu liser is ioirl eosr lo rrrry MAPLE AVENUE DALTON $15M Rue hrieir deluxe bunslow slirehed zorore In very desirebio ee Irol iocislidll House Is three eer old beoullnilly kupl rnd eonlp elely equipped In every way wilh mild in lovon mrple sheded srounds suo sIoniIeI Ith is required or poms nor in oeloher Exclusive llrllns wiIh our olllre MODERN BRICK TRIPLEXI CODRINGTON 51 In Iopnoich renlrl iocuiluil close io downlown Dorrie Well pionned rnd rpoeiour Minny irioleol bulldlns new Ihlr yerr Pu renled at mo monlhly sross ollered or role by hullder or rock boIIom lire end lenns Exrluslve ILIIIIIK hone PA hum lor lull Impeclinn onyllme VWeii be pieried re ihow no wide ehoieo ol med uio price homes iheorno rd erli end hulldine lols In lipser lrf close lo Town PHONE PA luM ANYTIMEDAY 0R EVININE Charles fRogers REALTOR slehtha TRUSTS lstdPARRIR Members Dorrie Hr DIIInzl he Ellul hosrd lolho line There hrve soou ury Meny olherr lo ou COOP This Ine ns ihoi ll REALTDRP lined below and lhelr lesinrn are WM Ine lo sell your or pony when lined lilo 04 way you deol only wish th RRALlel or Your CIIOIEQI lluAKE 2dr landlord RI PA lulll BROWN CLIPP Illsh 14m coinrs II oweh SI PAvml HENRY Izuilcx is Miami Io dwen 5i urns KELLOUGH is i1 Tlllln st PA um LACCV iBBnyflelg si PA um ROGERS CIIARLPs Dunlop sl Pirum CLESOR ll lo Collier PA um vlodlur red lees hrih huililid sense loll Io mi volus option buying This older Iype mun ruralrm bedroom belh lure Iilleheis livlns end dloiise min sirsued on Isrev undre ies Indhuh Mrur sr srs II price OM lull Imuunvs JIOIIE rflMMhpflfl nuMinivan bedroom hrlll lime mural lh one or lno Writer reeuons lolois veo be yours lor es Iiilli mamao nnlrhed lo lhe Ierl drlrll ihis hom nu Im modern Illness Ilvlngdlo Ior roomrid kmhluI do urn lroer Polly eoce edbeuissool lhu reerulleu roerouulily mushrode Dktr Iulb Imely indiepod los Amandarue REDUCED FOR QUICKSM This lovely modern spill level III reel nnnnl use hollervseeldenuil dreeu or Dorrie clash yousriser IIiII or down Prodsme 1p eieur IIIvlu trons you esn hove llne rlovl el dilly Irhehouee ls surrounded by iores sully lend roe lol eood hedrooroe rod Pull Prise Iowa FARMS oelns lo deslh or owner or hire so were lionslly rliieellve IslIn In No II lishuy our urnisle we level Aura oleodd Ieern 55 under euliivsllon msiluoodlol 1w lrei In hlrhwiy Iol Poved ro do on see rider miles lo church rchool end riors ever lufllnl isrerrs rrrd res um IuPPly underpmrure In em urns born hydro end eisiem room noun nill nee uuoo slow down will banal so mlhlxhl produulve eiih under me In rd ToquhIp Mervho Ilrise Lsree house eseeiiehi mndIlIonl oieee hrrh snhdern kllchenlw rur nreo hesi Good herns riliio roller Iron norrio Yur round recess lo mumy Preiehlly operrled nnill Ierrey Isnn Tell prlee only 1000 mm will hsndie ALSO Iisny iiiin ol homes or rushed rhdpries rnsee PourI new NBA monies uid reslee Moiels Ihsousheui sunshine anon lemmT PRoPmTIn voila ufllNu IertIll GORDON Slgw I02 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA859OI ilrosoere onisno mid crnrdiee Rerl Revere nord lsn WellandPA Mm corhyPA um lolno ELWOQD BLACK BROKEII RR shrnly Dry Phone umre run so AcRDs heel ol ciry loser soil end oil worrehlo lrvei lend new born wlih eround level lhrerh rloor 11 inch hloeir well wilh plenly or Ilehl some rleei hilns srrnery end ehlelren house brrn urea drive shed um uven more rlrense houie ln sodd repslr iwo rollerlo lwe hlsh weyi miles lo vluue leres om price slum very essylerrnr r5 AGHIS ol level rieh dsrlr loom roll ell worxrble oseepi Iw roses or hush end insure ndlolnlnr vllleso with rehool rod rio paved re rioril rlreros room more houee in Ten conhliioo bsnx hrrn lasso wuod rishllne heiween looii lexer lloll prlro Illm Achrs isdy srden roll seine lruli lreer splendid seeds lrroie wrier pressure lull br Ir hirn luxu lhu would rake en excellent chiclun hour price only um PRAMI Hulls snd hell sore ssrden lo villnre on fllrhwsylllnlne rooms wllh hdro end Piece bslh Pm eelisr rn lmz exeeiienl looms eod rsrden on verycosy ierlos ls ACRES on county road to arm workohle eeres eedsr Inn hel snes psslure In archrd the soil is rloy his end Ipsrr no loeIo nlne room brick house fly ro end weser on presrure herd dxho with cod elsblihrube mllfll on roundlion sepe lo hos prn leso drive shed end re seven miles lo camp Bvrden olore Io Alilrion This IIAIPAIEEVEHIIE Madrid llama In won och on xes lo priced Io IL loo ACRESI on level end workhie eholee eley loom sell close to lose nlxhwnyl church end hool one mne Hill nhool snd Sen rle school one pole one door eeroenl veneer hou rovers rooms hydro snd wslor lrr slry hrm with hydro end wsler on rsir rishllhs The Price Is very re onrhls L5 Achs or elsy loser soil close to isorrie on well irrvelled rosd rouse nipple bush hnd some rwres seven room cement veneer house in exrre looio ProbIII hydro In house end hsro Ihe born Ir mm with on nlblt Ilnr drive shed auxin close school hémsy end viiire Tires 99 Price loo ACRES wilh over oil sores work ehl Jood elry loom so In very oceilonrh Government Improved rord eiose ro ville school more one Church lzseopllo ly Ans llnuu end irons The eemlbisnrslow Bu rooms on lsurnlnx rurnse hlrilhg silild navy wlgnl or sense on rn es own uses In Price Is now with hell eesh ACRE rouih or Issrrie snd el Io No II lllshwsy eeres wurklhil so Irruvbudh and prriure Pith room mm houre In road oondillon weler snd hydro lwo hrshr iaxm wood moles oil oerer In my drive hed mull lwnfl nrl p512 mile soil re on ere inll lo Derri Priced lo roll lsm OAKLEY PARK 3BEDROOM HOMES hPrIlIllle 1A Clinic or mus 110 women mu AND ermT uvp comma HENRY BERNch PA 82670 10R gANV aimlle ear Mill flame hy vrnlhy counsellor For ADMIN IIQIIIn uvnlLIyllnfluished woodlands lei was porsIoiIiI devourlei xx adouninsurer lv ii dil rull flel PA died lble11 957 REALESTATE CUSTOM BUILT order one eiorey hm Ioe red In an meer and This home so Ior epseuo oerrer Lem eooes Ilmflldvllm MillM are loree Ilesr hsih sneierrl aeolian hml Ileneed earlier eeo union dues mumur eII merrier ehdry iqll maxim so Infill isi heron3e Ivor xeerlirer de ulle ll Al MJIAIIIILhylhu QUEENS rPAdix dim almm7wwwnwlm manufsohr ooielr bro ileueylhors mposlrr rlnv roer end oelh newruler III flv swer hsreosenl wIIh or herring lulu sndsereens AesIe oneeJIIm CIH um rnyuore BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LACEYS MOIOBLITIATION PHONE PIA 85298 BB¢BAYFIELD mm oIloMlzs oPAluls COMMERCIAL AND SWMEII PROPERTIES end here all lorue COUTTS Real EsiaieBroker BMSmIM ND SALARY REQUIREMENTS azuanoN INIM RMALE or roommrieii DIIlIlinvll duurr led lhrouehoul wrlilnrlen Illreei lssi lend Ariles in ere TIie belhreoro lleleel design ol Isllehen Nllyvlmllled oil Ilred lieline one In dhl¢lfl srelneor Low down psymenl hslsncs lullhlll reni awn er leesiovrnno obilesIIons Cell Mr Meislull lt PAY ITS WAY sir sores ol rbulluhli resden sell llrhrvsy No II lwo miles norlh or lawn I6mul home Ivlos room in uneonllned vlew el ly heremenl srsso llnl suloloillc slimod emmnnvmionnmfim sood hen house on properly in Naumr IPICTIJRE BOOK HDME Dvorylhinr you would rrk lornolh In erirsie hoy ere Irons wIh Plvo well pisnneci mirror Ilnlshod ink soon deemsled lhrourhoui Cloie lo new high school cell Mr Mrnhrll 1300 DOWN PAYMENT Perm you io own roorn dwelllnl enI oondlllonl hydro Wrenlire km sle esreee Ioi warm on Iehwsy No 10 SUNNI ALE ROAD llfirlorey llDu lrsrne eould slsnd repsir end hung on corner lol ml price um erms ern he so lulled Two 1015 Disc wen slreel use esoh or lol in Is mther er no Cull Apply MI Mum IARRII HIM MAT RDAn CONSULT US ON om Davin Prymeoi Ilouelise Pi min se or Prowl Nslioesl Emma lune lncoioe Propmiu allusions opportuqu emufly Momhirer lolereslod in renlsul coll Coulis PHONES ulna PA ImIm PA urn IIuou DOWNSVIEW SUBDIVISION lop Dowme Dr neir use new Johnson sl Public School rod 09 peel he now nonunion slam shop Pliu Ceoirei oilerlnz choice or Rrnrh slylo Thu mm Bunl UNIMlh dillereoi pisos Io euonulrdm NliA or elmho buill homes overlookinr hesuillul Klmpenleil Dry Ilelors you buy lie sure In see what DDWHIVIW In lulu CONTACT STAN CONSTRUCTION PA Rom Iklnlfl CARSON UNITED REAL ESTATE BROKER IUSSUABBON NOILII durum rs ml puniop ill rm Perri open no so phi Dolly Rslurd unul Ipn SACRIFICE mom ilil rprird liennr aerrsnred solId hrlelx epsrlnsenl hou lin ils euiomslle loreed rir ol hnlhw how Ml renlrdflor over me is bloelre lroosdownlown No oorls oller wlll hr reldred delsils erll Russell cerion DUPLEXWMW DOWN IFULL TPRICE $1190 VIII our Illlfl IWlnl lull blth self rloor more end brih Novl nflllnl II 000 per moiiii inr olth lmmldil woman or run iorlpurc rrer sun dawnwwn an sireei hi1 mil med IoI hill deleus crII Russell ICIM mil $3000 DOWN 51min AND HAWBRICK Mmem room bflck honso Ieree Iliuhrn dinlnnmmfllvlnl roeio luil bedroom plus In on mnhroom ion hellsrooin on seeded neor Plme oi rull ihulmunl with oil slors LIIu oi rellnl heels when Ailarm ehIIIsvllu shouldlo hard one lr III luss Cured or PA ml illloo lulu floor hddreornsaiidd pleee ersly resend lflfulllu ls isssslor Innedlrle pesmolon PA 66255 lGlm PRIVATE Mui bedroom immoral onloy Plvl Price upon Alheeie LFAXWIL IoInlll hamrod loan need urine oslo PseneiisrIner ioi oe smiley is room house yesrr 4w NIIA reorsesse Elnin nu ooni or rive Poinr Phoo PA 14m 154ml MoImlN Redmos Nlili Isuisrriow orlsley llrll schoolrnu upon down human 69 monihlyPnon WWIY ml FIOIW Du ll hue ow end lsrse truilnn reorn lr nundown Ind ieke overvpryieodis uex I1 Desilelmoliner Ilnlii ImnITFls Times New fit lrree hedrooin reneh Malem speeiorsr Ilnfllclmd Iol vrry eensr Iluer kllmn vAPply si nadir PA Midi loIuslua Ilshullml ill siorey lneiudlno powder 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PET STOCK uRACLl PUPPICR iele Phone slorlz scaTcll Colle weeks old or llIGI urehrod monihs old house Ireln Ior sole Phone comp Borden as JlllnIM nAcllIlllan ind Trench PoodirPup to ehoose from Porn nanIhoddln excellenl eix ApPly Dessleys hl rey Ilene MIdhurrI PA mam nIulln LARnR RDDM ror renl iHME Phone rFA ereImam LITum rl Perndole Apply do hisple Ave issrrle ISIflllnfl imam wlih privlieiler No eslu sller pro Isl Mrry sh Elltie Islwm PuRlelllm Iledrooms Business meh prelerred bloehr Irons dwn iown Phone PA M001 51le LAIml lurhlrhed bedroom lor two This lo shore Kllchen priviiczu Very central Phone PA H709 amllu FURNISHED Red Iililll room oil wrier hesied Rliehen psivllryer oi trill Vesy cenlrrl Adull Phone 45x PA moi BRIGHT Iurnished room wlih iwlrl beds boihroom end sllunr room will TV on some lloor Linen supplied rid horrd Ir desired Phone PA lulu or pm or only 92 Ross dsm Iii Plan is worn our swilser Crown Hill Phone PA was Idloo Punuunsn Horned nurse Run Ap Ply Sutton phone PA Min allnm REGISTERED IIoislelr Cow slss Cow rreih APPly lvrn Cloris phone on are Pllmns uuhslerN Heller due oer Ia Meuh Ice Hnyu Edger Phone azlrsl CALVDR Poll yesllne riso LYurk shire horr rerviceohlo eso Phonolt Ims Stiolld oIlmm ZflilFERS one Hoisieln one per Iersey due in rreshen In rhoui wu Phono Ivy lam OrvilleCIrr Iilo rolslroisiisi luohnr urvlcelble use These pier were sl cNP Mr urrseedden slroud Phone slroud m4 Plmiol PLANTSII FLOWERS NOW Is THE TIME TO PLANT EVERGREENS saunas HARDY MUMS SPRING FLOWEIUNG EULBS soleei New rroor our is older AFRICAN Vlbm son CUT meulgs SPOT Mlllvls BEZZANT NURSERIES JOHNSUNST Phenom lopporlld Newmeisslol siorol cAsll rs CARRY AND HKV1I munuwmn Mehurenuo ImIne hull Nunerles lolimois Ill Pl 21le PERENNIALS 41mm poem Ilemeoiiisineie LIVESTOCKFOR SALE

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