Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1957, p. 7

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DOGS as sroclt hlAu BoxlI rum pod IN yun olo Illaddhon rA Hall nIlrl promo month old hum mu or nle on to ad IoI nAcilsiiuNu nod moon rooolo Pupi to choc lroot Dotti poooodolnr rxnllcllt Eur Apply lunar Tur lcolcfl Cowl chorp Borden In Iry pom CHICKS up rurolx rouru turnout PA nu vr camped co LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Rumour Ilorrud our lu prim Sultcn phonic not Irmlsrmco iluulrln Co lm om LITroll rm lie on Ilr mum at mllciwchtr cALvlzs ruit Vullr rillr poor rrrvlccpoio lzm slroull tlunllstllnrl Bonn ii mom 275 or III Ind mow brrrdlug Rhone mil lion ll Iurt It And mom lord Phone 219 urn lN AgingclArIoN Ilulot of month old lor ulr Apply RR Ulopu II uldnin IlllNTlls hv hotelie only but rntcu would no ordcrcd Ihcld Tul lwoyr you need tho but try noblo chm lor top uvo lolllly on production mo prom hep you wtlh your pvoplrro or our chick Mulmmcnu Clll or lArlI liunlcrl poultry rpm stroud blolfl duo Co Irrslu Apply lvln clprll phone so II no puny or 11 llllllwny 35mm uuilr no Apply Vlllloul IL an 97106407 Intro Ilaoil to tow mood routing and noxth lot too lorrlr noun uro And litu mama do In our neeat quoL cordsi mun Dr sonloo And the lIrIcl or II II doth lloooim rlrrry Knock lt In no Womm IlorleAl Aurlilm or lh Royl Vlfloflo llorpltol rouvy lhclr poorritloo to tho rtuduu nub on school pnhcipau Ill to ur en lilo mono and duo who led to their men numml IA our Cards of Thanks CRAWFORDMn Chorln callord nd molly will to Ihlnktlltlr mlny lfllndl Ind Minibar tor Iprlr rally or Illndneu quulfl or tyropr Iny Ind bulllllul lunl lflhuled tho Ilmc or toll rrcrnt no Iormur llIulL WI lIuaIIulu In midst or our car row we wish lo uprch our hurtloll IIInu Ind Ippmlntlon to our runny nlollvu fluid Ind ncuhbon In tho ktndllcu nod lymluthy rhom no the lot or our Inland Inuomd II lInrr rum lllllhu Mn lllfl lomlly In LOST AND FOUND rouNu Ilgt yellow lolo vtrbt mic owurr mly hrvo It by loo lllyinr on Phon PA EusromcnIhold Germll Shoplier dot wolllnl IVYl toil Phone Flt cm LOSTyDawnlown amen Iold writl wolrn trimmed with whllvloid Ind illmono on shoulder Eloldllon unrclrt llow room In um I7 no WANTED OIIKSIIIIIH IloAlllI ervlr bl In CNI PERSQNAL Litmus GENTS CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND hrzlAlll snuvlcs liolE uunlcp vm doon vtrl Ilollk or Novo Scollu oodm NEW LOCATION DERWIN HAI RDRtbblNG SCHOOL our now locoIIon II iIl CoIIlor well equippId In live you Iorvl Ich torcncr For appointment phone PA 86862 rpmm COLLECT IONS flu educator No doom Crcdll Dorod or nurt iaouuo PA 3475 on n13 FLOOR COVERING Floor GovHui luluIon Buypllm Ind lmuI Pn munIn WOLFENDEN DAS Hi Eledric Motors 10 Ross St Barrio PHONE PA 35301 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE New unlor mood lowindlll Ind hour so HAROLD HARI omir ldIecIno lulorl 53 Owen at Ell PA tizaou HI Does Your Furniture Nccd Reupholstering We Recuvcr OChcsteriield Suites Occasional Chairs Builtin Bcnchcs ochrame Chairs OLD VWELLS RECONDITIONED Concnt tile lur wells culvofll sulo mo Dol noun mm Weeplnl tilo BEP TANK UNITS MADE AND INSTALLED Alr camprcixnr worr PLIMP SALES id SERVICE Whitney Concrete crv Product Allcr hour dill FA mu RR Noni oltILLIA rullNAcIr Ind Chimney Cloom Inllrllcd Apply lldrr nrlrurlr BX amt ormv unvotl worn your own nroeo luwn looked mar by oxporlonc7og gorocucr phouo FA 357w ALI nrusor Eonltnlctlon are work ruin urv cc wo Ended to gn phonc HA um IloNIl uv loo owl Tmng remit tailor sL Pliufl or volpp Limited ulllurl yrd tflm ant Phon Sanfln ourosrgyu limo ou III Phone suoud am sumlilo PA um Phone PA 66331 or PA 312m II Ihmpoa sct prrmonrnt wove holr lIulIng laciol molllcum ond Irolr cu ling lllldcr Ilrict uprrvlrlon ol dupli MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID or SCRAP METALS BATTERIES rhuno in 80331 or PA oum Iu ull lpod boom nnol uni rolutorctod rdr INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Iruolop st irel runn tt Barrie Metal Salvage scan IRON METALS runs HIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Null III III ilo Spool prim pll denim riciic tin5 MAX PUSHKQFF AND FIMPANV lord and Guide 204 Turin ou usnn crrprnlcr Inuit wontocl Pllnne 34ml ln1Ioa II out WANTED llunlcrl Hist ol inlcoc County lloIn volumrr du rd WrIIc Mrs Moolu Leinll rm mu rlr rd torns llin AUCTION SALES sIurdy spl 2t Aucllon In or harm stock Implrmmr lily lnln Lind Iluuschnld unecu ror wullrrn zlcow It Lol con pro annIhIp one Inllc south or No II lllgnvay Terms cosh Nn mono Sllo urp DsT lrrry Couilllln Auc Insloo NOTICE TO CREDITORS All rrsnm hm cilnu union Itle Elian ol hounrlr uLAuov AN In the Colmly or sllucoe nctlrrd Gen Iulw Iss7 must Iorwurd nm to thc pol thor bovr notice any or August AD 1951 AUCTION SALE Farm Sfock Implements Hay Grain and HouseholdEffects ThcllndcrsrIud Iuclllmecr rccclvcd Iholrucrlons lrom WILLIAM ZECAW MILE souTlI or liIcllvllAvl AT cAsoLlNl ALLEY To sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY SEPTvZI AT or EIIARP on THE FOLLOWING cow years bred Aug I557 Mixed Grain alto souuro Bllu que or on Strlw IMPLEMENT tor cunold John Deere to column hydro Pickup wilh rloclr ruck inter on solo Delivcry Rukc cocubmt Tr tor somdrr otocp Rubborllnd IA our in Morlowc Pump on Ind sir oaou curlIo 2inch rrIlIIIIln pipe 549 Dnuble our Cockohutt MISCELLANEOUS Irrlllllon with Innptm cnupllnu in Stop Ldde inks Chop Power Tphoull udx ono Wooden BIrrelLMIl Dru Pulley Belt Electric Fonccrl Pick Shoveic Forks l1 oiu uln numlmul to 1m Tblo Elcctrlc llot Pint ndlo Tortor Electric Mlxer Io Tums cAsoL Inmlnl updrnovln tor cumAt lion Vklodl hurt on soot I0 I51 no In porno can lit Iclcu clm lurk on In hon ullllMB IU DAWN Al 01 Elm ull Sept II 3m lo Ncillnro on Ind on autumnAl lonI Viclarin lint Elm Burk on Scot ll list to ml dotpom Llufll Ann llAlIvnvDor nd Dull liuvky Ido smarli In no to pounce tor birth at dllllhtlr um uulm uINomNAI Royl victoru Hoo dlulhle lt llonoroNsln Ind Dorothy unapol Io nnnounre the Irrile oe IooIr drumrr chvm Lyon Illuhlh vorl Could lloIplII Ntwlulrkel on All roll LEM At Royl viciorln Homi Bop on nouuosAl lloyal vlcicn lIuqul clvgruAI nayl Victan uuooLoAt IIny IIANomqudornly ot Bdrm orl Il Ill Lloyd and stormy runrr TIIuIANAl Royal vlclom llosniill wcsrorlAI th Ioor Home intrio rle Union cannery MATHEWSIn lovlnl memory or The world my rhIngc ruin your In And lrlrudr trnm In or out IIch will lhoyone iyloved rro rurnlory pm wy Grorr spAItuo allLurr lair at tho Town or mrr Human who died on the lib my lrcldlure still with love sincere undurhlzned on or infirm Ihr 15th on Baum mm hr to ur or September W67 ller which dole tho nssou will he distributh natallist tllc pprllco entitled tllcrcio Ind lIIo odmllllstrotan will nol he Able to any person or whosc min they oilll and mi oroihur Limiied Release DATED ut oprrlc ontorio Illlo lmh Boys scthAm lutth 13 owcu sinr Baltic oourlo lollinw riculture announces that approx comhc breed will he sold this tail for commercial swine production Lot 23Con Oro Twp CATTLE MELIch llolsietn Cow Plinccn Tcxol Mlstcr Mrk thorn Nov 1552 llrcd étug filing page no cil lcr quotation without ohlintlon 32 Ifwmm rimmed ID57 Ilcl COW yam Barrie Tent Awnlng Co riof bred Aprl riflcil Ilercloro cow st Firm PA ow 34 Blydcd FM 24 ycors old Ilrcd duly lulu Grad Ilol lcln Heller ollglblr tor rclistro Halli llorcrord llclicn Holstein Bull WELLS DUG TILED Fifi cur pm or my wcli toyed Quantity or Timothy hn Dean50 Tm Iollu more lurrow Plow hydraulic John Deere Duulllc Disc an mo Chev lo gun lacorcot Hummermlil Tumor Mounted Buzul loll credo sopl Itor cut or Dul Harrowi sot Voi rur Scolu huoocrfurcd Whoclhlr row Iut Doulllo Eiltonsloublddnr qulutlty or Groin Woods Blncll re Puma PIE Sul irll Cute SellFond HopiIon Chop Glrdcrl Spray Pump Mlt TnoIor llroodorlrnpl srnll Matul Bmodcr lock Pump honoursw swede Sow is or wrdpu chain ud Clhlo ctrhilly or uprdwood Lumoor Axe section at show Fence slopboo other Irtl HOUSEHOLD prrctrs 6illiglhon palm uracil ltnlvlovcll Iron you pm llm promptly or country allpoul Hm Wlh We Min MI um Irnlco chmo for loch oIII rho Galilc3lh1l rA magivi ohluc convene to electric Bedl dinedmelon loo num No reielve iho own3 Ir twirl Nolhlng moved uulh remid to kufl III 5294 I1 oath do In torn Druon IR Ir Women ml to wo In All ru ruoon unu IJlxhnd no nod It WIIIIIII Crame liner lor fit on Son 14 51 Im Vorll counly urnIorIl pool Nrwourtlrt I01 Ill prrIr on sea It ml to Ir no In Willlom llIrrtlelon nee Jule llllutxl II Cool st Inn hlnlen urdlont pro bowl IroI tour purrlr on Sept l1 lssl Io Ior Ind ion Ailo unto New Lowell rte on sun I7 ml in Kennclh Lem In Bynrld so unrrlr on SfDI II um to ur uni Mn wlIIlrc Rollins RR llowkr Ionr ro n1 on Sept i1 ml Iolilfl llrr sowrd shulh 55 in 55 drurntrr norm on so In new nd Mn II it wn dull DIED Virtorlx llolplrli Normn LIdrolll In oil It your door hroihrr at Mon Mn lloroorl cnl onto an warolny Si Barrie ror service or wednudy Scptr II II no pm Intcnllcllt sl lIrlr Crmrlory Crown lull Tuesday Se I7 ll57 St hour In II II gear 5133 son or Mr nor Mrs lrppon Marl uzr drr brother or hurl llullnr llorur so wanley Route rrol to st illraf churdh on rrldi Sept 20 or utrrn mm to lulerrnrnt 5L ryt Ccmcury Eonta Kyrylo Trojan III or III vlmom st Elma brlovrd hu bond of the ill Am sitpavilion ud dur lolhor or Illrnoel ol rrlr geslinl the lroneu nInrroi omr taurte lunml lelVifc Ir Trinity Anglican Church porno on sotunloy Sept 2i ll on into mrht lsurrlr Union Cemetery on Tuesday Sept ll rm Ilouo wwon Delayed wile iimtii Inlc wllilllm wmoo lirsllhv or tile Jennolt ruurrol Horne Barrio Fullrnrl nrvlcr on Thundy Soul lo lcsv Drill lnIrrrrlont iior lN MEMORIAM mother ho plum wa soot to year Lodlnly relucmoorrd by Ian ll Iovint Iull Jdlulhlfir Ilrr W53 ow can srpl my Loviuly rcmemhcred by mother 1m OF lacolnbe Bears The Canada Department or Ag imateiy 50 boars oi the new Lil in Canada Applications for these boars must he mode on speclal lorms available Tom the Experi mental Farm Lacmnhe Alberta At the plfisElll time there will he no distribution of Locombe to males The method of chance draw has been chosen as the fair why or distributing the limi ed number of boars available Ap plication forms and detlils of thc regulations governing this draw will he avniiable on request from the Experimental FarIll Locomhe Alberta an ill after September 1957 only those application submitted on the oiliciol lorm and according to Ihe specified conditions will he considcred in this draw Interested swine pro ducersore urged to apply for these forms immediately and to note careiully the condition and requirements stated therein The deadline date raécipt or completed Ipplicolions ot 11957 Ind the final draw will take October This will he public drdw NEED NEW OUTLOOK IuId rélur rr CECIL DAY centre new president or the In Cunullion weekly NCWSpupers Association mm centers lit the Bunllspriugs Hotel with Kr shtylloy William Teller left muhugtngdlrector cl soiréiiiilrii loon the CWNA ond Wluium Drupyer tmmcdlr Niwsoflbokflbwp the will To Chrisl choir of Stillllivlilc will render special music vIsIIor In Town Mr and Mrs IL AR0hcrs Si Calhurillcs wcr reconLgucsls wllflli At Royal Victoria lluplul with Mr Rubens Mr and Mrs Stewart Acton were gucsls with the flu herls during the week Mr and Mrs Clarence Balding Timmins were rccunl guests III the Iurmcrs unclo Burr all blond Sepl ll 57 and Mrs Donne liliss Mnry 00d Tornnln spcni Slnllll porn no Ilmc Ilerlilll Lloyd Ind Stehklley 33 mixiisgafinrgllrsiufimlfir cr RR llm WI of the Toronto General Hospital was last week guest with hcr parents Mr and Mrs Archie Currie Donncl low days wit other guests during Iho work were Mrs Bariumman Cliirnrd rmd Janice Mrs Robert Shurp llld daugpler authorinc III at Barrie Guests Mayne Mr and Mrs Bruce Tlllnhuli Barrio werciilsl Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Doug Lcmmnnr liii zlnd Mrs McFadden Toronto were guests on Thursday with Mr and Mrs McFJd den hciorc lLzlving lo spend three weeks Springs Arkansas From Pcterhorough Alvill lilackmore oi Petcrhor ough visited his Ialhcr Charles Blackmorc They visitLd lilrs Blockmorc who is pulieni ill the Toronto General Hospital on Saturday III In llospltal Mrs rrcd Dawson is patient il convalescent hospital htvlclr clunguisbcnc 0ll Ilolidilys Anll llulllei Reg Barrio who has been on holidays during the pilst month leaves shortly for Edmonton Alim whore silc will he on tile staii of hospital lhcrg In Toronto During The Week Miss Margnrel Paterson Mrs John Houghtoll Mr and Mrs John MichoIChuk Mrs Thomas Williams lliss sirnh Slighl Mr and Mrs Charles husscll In Detroit Mrs Donnell and son James Arnold spent Lahur Day weekend in Dctroit and attended the wed ding oi lllrs Dnnllelis nephew Donald Eorlic Family Reunion Mr and hirs Wayn Edmonton the past week with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Ch They are now rest II where Mr Pettit is cnglgod in the pipeline construc tion work lamily reunion was held on Sundaywhen all the loin ily were present Ior thc first time ill 17 years viz Mr and Mrs Alex Copeland and son St Cath ariues Mr and Mrs Denny and family Home and hlr5DDnflld Gregg and daughters Richmond Hill district Anniversary Service The Presbyterian Church are anniversary services 29 at the church 77 pr iilr Grey Struud will he the speaker and It icrics or cuchrcs on Wed ncsuay Sci 25 at the town hall Everyone welcome accompanied by friends returned hcmc onSunday cIIernccr Iru an culoyabie motor lrlp lo Ni Inglis Falls Quccnrtoll and But no vacation in Hut weekend Society held meeting iii the rink on Thursday In lnilke iilllli ar rungemellls for the womens sec Iiun at the lair on sootlo and 20 Mrs Robinson till president opened with Thkbords Prayer and conducted thtI meeting Re parts were given anocommlilzes named or various duties during the two days special prizes The arts nnd cruns will be judged by Thomas Mitchell ARCS OCA of Bur ric Tho Now Canadian special will be it collection or not more lhonsix oriicics oi hindcrolt of their native country and it rs hoped large number oi New Cunadiolls wili ilvail themselves and show what lovcly work be do in other caunIrlcs relurllcd home from three weeks motor trip to Silmlncrsidc PEI where they were visiting their souiniaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Anderson Mrs Pellit and spent returned home With them or children munihs visit Copeland in Cornwa opcilcd Ihclr series of grime or Friday evening at the Alliston playing Blue Water Highway to Windsor having their on Sunday Set at Ii arm and combo is Monday September 30 place at 200 prln VDIIv Mouday mm um THE GREATEST 9F THEM ALL Now with small additions recently made wé now have you an even greater cult ua So much so that he your eruLocs Speaker sees need for Carlud ions to adjust their thinking Ton llllllly people have begun to take it for granted that every year will ho better than the last and that everyyeirxour salesvcllrves will Iweep upward and our revenues iwili lncrease Tilat kind 01 bus lncsll philosophy is unpound and unrealistic Burriilz war or calamity lIotiIing can stop Cour odos oconoulic progress but at same tillio we have to Joe the certoinlytlle tofld to progress iwiil have occasional dips or well or peaks rind few flotrrpotr ill lociween Important thing Mr us Ito do is to recong these econ Iollllc wri es tor what they are he panicked into sum we OFFER Tllrepuc dairy and feed her Purina Call Sturtono If she is not the biggcrt and best coityou cv er ralscd at months ol plus being the lowest at to produce we will give you the Call startcor Alison Lurlsw rncc You Gan lie Your own Judgd BUY IT TODAY AT Illllleliflllnsllpply 11 Molcortor street 92952 heifer coil tiop pbnp PA nalCn mth lrrthou pit Auc om W1 recession or deprepsibll psychol it to Europe Miss Evelyn Currie gruduolc rlrs cflv Nell Sloyncr spcnl Ihc Curries lllslllute Euchre The WI are holding lhc first Mr and Mrs Thomas Ilaycs Agricultural Mecunl The ladies at the Agricullurul There are good number at lioturucd rromrcl Mr ondMrs Norman Baker Anderson and daughter Down Coakstown bowling Club The Cookstown Bowling Club bowling alloy with 18 couples lute Trip Mr andrlrr Lorne Arnold re turned home on Friday from an enjoyable weeks auto trip driv ing to Owen Sound down the Detroit silth side oi Lake Eric and homc by Niagara Falis Mrs Sadie Walker is pa Iient in Toronto General Hospital Results or Friday eve ug gains are as lollows Team cap manI who Mk that ouvé you to go crop und power in the man to we now ozyhy purelytarmm or sitin rl illili CKvRrv CHANNEL rota can on Low sum vuv um no um num an ml to no on OCnnu no ouch Thotr no Could low ollm Ilohn rut anun can In cl It nor Community Iain snoop srrr nouml nu cram no wooo dour no mournnu no no um uo commml luo no IiDlV srrr 2c 00 cu Ii rodv In loon rm comnwnlw um Iuo WitIlla ruuuoilv Iiirl ls Lu mu us snarl Amy 5m to Am CKBB PRO louuDAv Iiohti no um um ull mus on plum moon GRAMS mulluAv inn 1r nurlAv in as also Hllrnrlll In my stun clock It II Huoll pro um rum Erolu null uveokllst ute post president The trio isnt discussing unnual meeting business they ore examin ing copy or Just My Vicws book Writ ten by Mrs Dily about lost yrurs CWNA vis ll all boon uouo loo New llollr mu rlrpurur IIoId vn up lulllil In 700 um Iludilnu llllhilllln lu rrlv oTrnllusku in unit on oo mm nouoduo us it ruldr cud doom or 21ml quo rim lut um as shin oll New or nud unlim Th II loM Nu murmur Cltnlo loilllinliiliu It not Nell lluillou llpro not erl Na oriai Colmcil Navy league To Meet Toronto hICLEDU n5t Nollnnni announced lllc 40in unnuul mctling nI Np liunal Council The Navy League ol Cancun pl which Hill lilo Queen is lill Patron will he held In Torr onto on Thursday and Friday Dci 24 and 25 Dciogalcs Irnm each province will In prusclll purpusc or the meeting Is In re ccivc alid consider lopurls elect otiiccrs and determine tile iIIluro program Founded in l895 as patriotic organization the obicciivc III the Navy League continues more or less unchanged As presently npcrhiod Joctlvu of Its lioon Canadian Sea Codul Navy League Godot and Navy League Wrouctlc Corps con tillucs to bc voluntary youlli organization to give youth such training will develop in them those qualities which llllIllC for good citizenship and to foster love at Queen and country Every is being mmle to match Canadas rcmarkohlo growth cvidcnccd by the act that during ils current year new Cndct Corps have boEn osiublished illitl the total enrolment now cxcccds 13500 In peace and war since its ill ccptlon thc League has contillllcd to conduct educational campaigns vuullsoltv Jul in On Blrrrilllljur III In mum Clock on um mu no Millil it It or sum or ucrdrr poo Mavlc Mung In slnclnlr II run riuollpc nnu Inn moor New on um llodllnu pron ml oz ll Culry llhuI so liarl um lll lllIlirllrI norm on Io um at int mu you no Nauru so no or President llpurur Ia Trnnrrm Ian uo New oanhe Iorr IluIIlr or is ourIlon our no Nru humn anrrlicc wul Tumour cvulv show 45 Colin nmc on News 15 llomrmrr Cllnic an Troop New llouuhoid II Pnlllu Pond lump ltoo Th ll Corry pm llll pm on Neil mo sport llou Nu Ind poo Imo up mu Ill nu wutllu MINI lumm Illrilughnllt Cnllrldll in matters hcninciul to tilt Royal Canadian Navy the NuyiLs and March anl Nhlics it the rec world is rculich Ily loading citizens lilut Canadas uconullly prosperity illltl irccrium lllrgtIy dcpcnd upull sllips and their crows In this cuunccllon thC Navy during the week common Oct 20 called wlll dgrliri attempt to lows the allunliun or lhc pub lic on the Mud oi slrungand mil Navies wurld hllving in mind that just rcccnlly Marshal Zhukth the ZDIII Communist Putty Congress maintained Ith in luller war the slrllgglc ht son will he or measurably Ih it was In the lust gather with the that that in April loan it was rcportcd that Russia has some 475 modern submarines servicc as compared with but 57 undunvnicr cratt ii the pass ossinn ui Germany ill the sturt at World War II Navy Weak will be sponsored by the Navy Ldaguc with the co opcratiuu or the Royal Canadian Nilvy and oxNrIvzll veteran argon Spccial events will he hcld throughout Camilla including 0an lluuse Sun Cadet quar tors parades programs in schools and specialized publicity IIUIl IlllllllIII WELLINGTON Illlkcs Iinri no liter of tilt PlT lulllml iulliI mcnt has iv iliLd for rum mils In lei Muilris shillli gollwiul migratory birds by law birds gather in the Ncw lilo ob nluv prnlcclcd rlllS lllc nlls along bill in lll lvinILr lhcy tly sphm and plump ilIIldtr At ILIIJIII Lrugut Culludn Navy ch he said Ilciullll mm for the Ilrllllillliisl ill Siberia JUIOR FARMER CLUBS FARM MARKET PROJECT FREE DRAW ran at ELECTRIC lIlv PAN Gr ELECTRIC KETTLE COOKSIOWN sitpi zu iiicalcl importance thins mime score Jack Patterson Tonics Jim Smith Bcl Airs Bud llchccChamps Nicholm Dystandcrs Dori McKiilicull In Hughes lllgl singles lint Ladies Jean Coutts 196 gents Boll Riley 232 High triplcs lat lcur Coulis 516 Bill Draper 531 averages 172 Bill Draper 187 Illgh singles Bystandcrs 55o illgh triples Bystandcrs 2401 Legion News The Cookstown branch 01 the chioi 4le have purchased proicclor series of pictures Saturday ilitcr lloons during the all and winter season at the Legion Hall with phowings tor the younger chil dren Saturdayafternoons and the teen rigors the ovcning Land izutinnsr ELIIIVAIJ SLpl 25 BARBIE Scpt 2627433 Free Draw lvltll lilnililox llamc marker order bargain Insluliod at only 5150 The Iull pricc £005 to nu cfiili funds Frec Draws or loop membership orrlur 10 Free Draws tor Cirop dchullturc SEE you oi the l4 irum any club member lcrIn Coulis C0TS IIAVE JUMPED stucc l9l the cost oi operating the CBC has increascd Iron son millions to more than 340 millions showing you BIDIINERS my CLEANED SERVICED Fully Qualified Scrvlremo COAL WOOD FURNACES CLEANED Phone lInwclll Iulilor PA 66662 piles It soon ovoVorm Mccrnth FlorvInvL Sui idol drum Nuluwauua Presbyterian Anniversary Sorvlce The Presbytcliun Church are having their aillllvcrsory servicc Sunday 1de uwill mm no Gw mnlcr church loop Sponsors on old Ttmc Fiddlers Contest Il Elmvrlio Fair 25 Sccyou at the pairs Barrie 262725 September Siroud will In the spookcr Youth For Christ choir from Stouflviile will render special music Mr and Mrs EFildey daugh and son Douglas left Monday morning on on auto trip to Holilax NS or few weeks Doug Fildey who has been In London is all lcr Betty lidays PutLETS Alta NowAr LAYING TillIiL Molly Irr Ilocks or pullcts urc upw going InIo laying pens and your profits are reliant on good chicks goud management and above all it high quality laying ration Coup suggests that you wor your pu either Illon Poultry Worn crumbles or with porno Liquid Warmerfollowed up with at least one locdiug or Ctrop poultry Stimulator whichcoutaills 200 grams or antibiotic Iced supplo Illc iiiicCOR ilets more housing with By ceding Coop complete laying mush which requires no scratch icodpo be led you can expect to pr duce eggs or llqu breed layers for approximaton 12 cents to cantilccd ctlst per dozcll Get oh you growovon cob thutl oo the stalk including the nubhlnn nnd bordlogotot eon Now McCormick pickers givecurnwvirlx odvoutugco huohelo per ma lootcleunrnoppiugopdribhou troa on even in bighert yields Theres model to mulch your acre lo giva you dependable lowcoot picking In any wcuther und Any condition of crop Mason otter lepton Your lH dealerl This years grain crop has hecnhenvy and Coop can give you ll formula to obtain maximum results and more prniit from your home grown gralp unliCGup Concentrates Ilul ProMixes mom on CALL IN roll INFORMATION Laolrror ihe Junior Farmer Coop Display at Falls Cookstnwll Sept 20 Elmvole Sept 2325 Barr Sponsors at Old Time llititllcrs Contest lhc Iollowing Fail Scpt com23 Bcelon Oct at clmvplo lulu Lllsou PhiNiufifim 259 liliIISIIIST Nil culllrllmr all

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