23 The Barrie Dyers won the lad Iu division oi the Cannon Series tut night It Queens Park when they detulcd Ortilll 54 While lltill oiiicially gets in belied with the detent the Fliers too should Just get hall win and halt loss why They had to but themselves Unlike Iny ot their previous gamcs this season the locals were almost pititul ltleld rhcy commuted ninn errors and Ifter each one had to hallie that much harder to remain in the game let alone win it in the oitcnslvc phase oi the game Driiiia was way out in ironl by outhltllng the locals 125 How ever the 0rllllans wcre not quite as adept on the basepaths as they could have been As for as the scoring went it was most even and either club took too big lead or tell too tar back All error anda single gave mom tally in the lnpni the ilrst barrio got it right back in the bottom oi the flame on Dorian Parkers single and Ann Averilis base hlow Then the Flycrs wcnt one up in the some tramc when Averill scored while the orillians were making play on Mary Ber thelotte Another pair oi miscues gave Oriiiiit their second run in the second inning But the Flyers took the lead right back with single ton in the third as Dorian Parker scored on two crillia gools Busc hits Bus and Pat Vhlt ney plus another couple you Strange Names Gotstiletto sunning Slotted Fi By HERBERT WILSON journalist named Scoupe school teacher named Btelhlm houscwlte named Cleanworlt and tohleeonlsts INlil3 ellied Virginia Leaf Cently checked In It London Airport There is often comic twist to surnames land this article tells oi the ins gtIlllilllti Fish Train started by Cod Mullet Ind Whiting oi the Norwich church whose mngregltion answered third names ut the Devon marriage or Mr Rolling sMnI and llttss Moss of the Chinese with six aliases in various combinations or Wong Ind Tang why Elef thertos Knvoundidls become Larry Andrews and Where you can ï¬nd Miss Topsi Tervi and Miss Grhnd Plano LONDONHow lunny or iron ically coincidental can surname but Recently among passengers cleared through immigration at London Airport were Virginia Lent is tohhcconists wite Death In surnnce broker Longair scientific ofï¬cer Bentham school teacher Cleanworit llouscwite Scrubh dry Cleaner and Seoupe journalist Some of these names in mid combinations have made local his tory in Katoomba City in New South Wales inhabitants stlll rot for to patching the Fish They mean an evening train iroln Ka tuolnita to Sydney which some 50 years ago wasstafted by an engincuiriver named Cod tire man named Mullett and guard named Whiting rhcrehave been instances ot surgeon named Cutwoli police man named Copp butcher cali edMutton doctor called Pitt and ophysicdl training instructor named Goodbody Not long ago wasreporred that the licensee of hotel in Sydney was named ll to BOUT TlIIIT sumorust onsss rigour THAT SWANKY BIG TOWNDRESS SHOP dub bouï¬r FORGET THE TRIPS COSTDO You 11th Will krill MADE OF MONEY gt1 25 at 545 ueHeccaNg seeoc=g Sll Tlttlll Butcher Store next door was Brcwcr and named Dyer ald liarnrn Pic Sage and Lt Onions Miss Dove as bridesmaid ago had the strange experience of baptizing three hahies named Martin godmothcrs Misses Raven and Crown nilerwards he contirmed ltliss lay and Mrs Bunting joined lht Meanwhile Mrs was running the authors Union and the church magazine was printed by ller Goose himselt had the Rev Ernest Martini Passenger List ousting Among church Wren The vicar bird name liner leaving Britain don borough it was found during Calltnrm canvass tor National Savings drive that ltlrs East Mr West in one Lono Spring Christmas Legg Toot and Hurt he Head Eye Foo One of the latest iound Mr Puihant dresser living on the same streetl in Plymouth Herbert Roti ingstnne married Miss Etonta Band l0 Perform in Huhlsttille It rlaher dlrertirr oi thc awardutoning BDCI Band announced that the band will hepertomln It the cavalca oi Color in uuntrrille th weekend The band played at the annual alralr last year ISKDUS lvllfldl oi Color is llllll to draw littl knowwhats gavethe visitors temporary lead turn to the brilliance oi the in the bottom oi trame Diane llxcil got on via an error and scored on an in Mossthus citeclrrcly rclulmtl all told out Thats the way things remained Doreen and Pamela Sullivan 2o until the bottom hali oi the last ycacold twins oi Northampton inning Then Malg Ellis who was changed their na cs to Blunt and hitlcss In two previous trips drill Sharp at doullc wedding in cd Ions OUTDIEEQL making the North Lnnden church scars in in tavor ot narric Tomorrow turning leaves old proverb in December 1955 we recalinr Nantes Dislrict udicsllnals wtllstart at UNI do strange names Queens Park The rchrs will mcetcriP up Last year or InstInu the winner at the NewmarkctEIm among thc i500 nlemhcrs ol the vale game tonight ORlLLlA Lennox 2b Wray ct Bailey lit Ens Whiln Mi Whilncy in itipwcll llarc rt Tinncy ss Totals FLYERS Parker cl Averill 3i Jenkins 55 Barthelolte Foster it Miller Ellis rt Excll 2b Excll ll Totals Orillia liycrs illrlwcll itnrl tilts licrthnlottu British Automobile Association more were 1639 with the name of Car 352 with the name Driver an namtll Gallops 172 Trolls and 5674 anhcrs There were16 Apples 5t Plums Crimes and 25 Anchors dot Smalls and 236 Larges llit7 Gllhcrts 722 Sulli vaus 1108 Knights and 2287 pays 56 llammcrs and 12 sicklcs Some names ui cuurst are lot less simple when Zulu went to register at the Native Atlairs Department in Durban South Airicil his name had to be repeated sgvcral limes bciure iI could be nilleially recorded cor rectly it wits Ntlahitlnhnntuzik luluvwangubdtlajaaNgobo This is as difficult it priinttnciiltion job as that ni Vniteschlngclstclnhausen bergcrdorii iamily oi ocrman descent in Altoond Pennsylvania NcwueN mooooNc 110 070 M12 Legal tillfittlltles th ndtaccd by la the diiiicultics ers tow years ago when they sought probate tor the will oi llnng Kong manwong koon Yu alias Wong Chow Tnng aliasWnng Yan Slli ailits Wong Yin Lai Tong alias Kwong van Tong alias Chik sing tong alias Wong iook Tong 0n the other hand Anton nelginn businessman had great dioicully in getting people to spell his name correctly when he arrived in London in lost in Britain thuy thought him an irislo man with most oi his surname T1 own missing whereas on the Contin VANCOUVER cmAn arithcvcnings To begin with the priv um mm on we on side Exauiljfyrlllgiullfflluticfhcsï¬atgg mom system using colored sticks nto hunch otters pertcct settlng The butcher low lnrdsnway was named Gllihb Chinese student who attended strange Coincidence The mm Was letter wrlllcn more quickly than incidence ni nnbcrl Bttcon at New llC decided to sell est name on record was borne by am American Ilniversih his Among postwar uMiss Amer and improvements of teaching beach is must houseand the buyer was How was was his Ejvslyn AyVshc mathcmn ics and cant see wiry originating at liaystairssleiiicsiiii recalled when visiting liritarn lustbecaasc he suttcrcdihrnugil happy plchnc ioronc otthosé Ala dinner given to holders oi Amwcfl lamflics with surnames the multiplication table that erisp clear starry winter nights the vc Corporal Veale sat ncar IX and Ek Both Ma and It others should do likewise These are only tow shgges 3545 an havehcen known as surnames in chip is as Whom mum ms mm Bnmn The mom havewa ncr lions ior planned activities in chutarsstsostso ant or rorthcawi in wales mar pr and had names unlike Mr Excctrom Fungnwindcr springs Norm ilyounut write numers lmmcdlnte courso tthllollllght of any such Norwich mm mm years Carolina tvho doubtless under till nagging oi his pysehialrist changer his name to Excctrom 5m puilcnwimle Springs Cam al about 540000 and schools aid has the iacllltlcs to serve snacks were Soon Practical Reason MPH TEE THIS ossss DDNT cosr HALF A5 MUH AS YOU THINK bzctuss BOUGHT IT RIGHT Hss IN The Mr University tit London proicssor corner and it does Sound inviting then there is practical rcd DF GEMS SN dumons ecn St Patricks Day ancn gr magnum or mm pm trdtinn lesson with grnup ol lines Day you always thinlt of among 05 being mule youngsters who were taught his having dancewith your own Wm One day last ycar GreekAmen mvlhnd 1851 year named Eletthcrois Kavnund We hung lhcy were hell essary applied to Detroit Michigan prepared rnr grade arithmetic with these thoughts bubbling court tor permission to change than any othvr grade group over Ihe proposcd progrlm or his name Even my wite canit mid Principal Wilson activities olier intriguing possib spcll or prnnouncc it he said The school board has approved ilities tor thc socially inclined at His application was granted ile continuing the method with the 3min in 1955 Fox Fish But is now Larry Andrews Pigeon Stage and Dove were on the passenger list or famous Ilsa reusun why Mr Wrisglc necke became plain lnhn lnnes smwau BUT suns will to think ynu had an outlet or Thcrc was an obvious plcs turihcr grade lvclgss in Britains tnllflhcr pasttherc iacturingi industries our are night after hard wéeks Work was perhaps less sgns vity about hastd on agricultural production Discuss this mm with you and Mr Nurth lived in the names in Sussex in particular same area with Mr Knighl the Puritans of Cromwells time bread and bakery products mis mused as you are Someis Miss liglle proud of ï¬rm péï¬uliar Bib Winter and Mrs its me pails registers maril on domestic de ir Anatomical names rcicr to people like Periormothy um deas one district alone have included lVowcs Soars Sinndrtaswti High alowc ratct LStringcr and WeepNot billing Mufï¬n in mm hm mum tlitow the old Puritans would havE these discoveries in Leeds York shuddarcd at the idea occasional ly tound in America 01 parents dentist and ltlr Thatcher ahatr tacking on smart Christ name to strange surnamelike Mr and Mrs Piano having their ditugitler cilrlstoned Grand and pm Mr and In Chmplin visi Ild ilh relatives Brlmyton Mn oorlr Butler and hire Walker oi Tomato cadcd on lhclr Wuikem won thUr three lame 3L cousin in Olive Touch Ind Sunday Guests ladier doubles bowling tournl other lrlends ur Walker who in and Mn Ewart stringway merit in stoutivillc on Mondu was born here had not visited the and ramin visited ttr add him last Two other rinks aceompan town ior 32 years no is ton suingway on Sunday ind thern allhaving good fluid at the late air and tin stdwulr uaay oi the local bowling tutu er who was at one time at can 7mm VB are bowling this week in the nose tractor here Mm Elhsnn Id Doubles which are being held in tamlly visited triendr in Toronto Bump 5w Sunday With Family on Sunday Ehbtctllmer who Is patient Mr and Mrs Fred ncrmott visi Sovohlpph rinks ofladies gnu spent Sunday last with his lamlly day draping bitt took part In tourney an llile iocalshowltng greens on Wedncs Prom Toronto lNrutTlth TitltEItT lay epl llPrizcswenl in First and Mrs George liilr man up men three wins ltlrs Heart at at Toronto spent low daycare helgmm $335 Slouiiville hirs Walt oi stouli cunlly with his mother him or Canada is that or inilattoo or nlehmond llili three wins prices with an inevitable eiteet Mrs storey of Slouttvilic high angff Kmhmrun md upon the cost oiliving The auto two wins Mrs Rayner ol Alian mobile Ind the automobile mun son of Toronto visitcd with Miss no high tor one win om Toner and mm mm utaeturer are by no means lm liarvest Home Services ltlrs llcath nee nuth Tipping Harvest Home servlccs were at nostnn is spending low weeks boldSunday last in the Anglican at the home or her parents Mr Church hero The Pastor RcV and Mrs anlacc Tipping ltlr llalhcws was the speaker at the morning service Ind In the Fm lm evening ncv ll Bridle nl Al Edgar Wm was Shank 55 In uulland are visiting with Mr and mu was me Dec Ans is non Crawlcy and Mrs Tho chair The church was benutiiully CWW decorated ior the occasion 03 mm mm tirs Thomas Crowley has re The citizens or Toucnmm and turned irom Stevenson Memorial district will he served with good ihiplflv 510 much HPme reading The new public library hm will be opened Saturday out with InInn Visit Mrs mm Mr and tlrs loscph beiiord spent couple Di Cl last wick Bid Attltlent in Hamilton very bad accident occurred about 1030 pm on Monday last when car lrom Toronto going WWW north tell the road as it was mnk 11 and llrsnnulph Thomp lng the curve and ran into lrail hm hm hm Wm from molar trip to Sault Ste sitlc Two or the thrcc men were mm token to Ailiston huspllal The othe minimaoiiiiilaniiifiiiii BIG PLANS wr ng Mr and Mrs nan Walker FOR BAYSTAIRS San Antonio Texas and lllr and ltlrs ltlcltlullcn and Miss Ad line Nuwthfllflflislairs Mdteisw rwVA maining open all year roundthc ncw proprietor Mr tirank Vim cy ts scrinusy plunn ng Fri 95 or use day Night Dance Club to liven up thc long wintcr months ahead For Arithmetic Onlookingovrr inelocationone elm visualize many unturgctoble oi various lcugths each rcprctor isll wiener roasts and sing scntlng number is being test songs around roaring tire ind ed here by or Calebeattcgno lan Summer is Just around the MEN He is secretary or the interna docsnl it Come Winter skat nitl commission for Ihe study ing party on the bay just bit the Young mens single breast cd styles plain and oncy all want suiting in hit the popular tall shades Sizes nttmhcrs he saidrtctuaicount which all as club member proud or content to retain their mg is unnecessary and children might yenjoy pnrtlcipating of evening would he the dancing and Cost oi bringing the system to gclrlogethcr in the beautiful Pine Vancouver schools ls estimated Room Here too Baystairt Lodge MENS just having their at the new tie in the perpetually hungry For velopment serial occasions nch Hill Regular and Western slyl blue black grey and club nn lurthur planning is nec li 45 sameclass into grade and Where do you and yourfrienris go ior an evening out on the weekend Wouldnt it be wonder tit Canadas 15 leading manu your pent up spirits every Friday mm or meatonckinshutter and cheese tricndssee it they areas cn ccllaneous ioods Depending pri Call The Varlcys at PA postï¬war growth hits been at it surely you will have some that thmn phone call to Baystalrs will one mm sure that you will receive an in 1595 1693 Mr and Mrs Christmas having union to the organization meet child called Merry Miss mopsy ing to be called in the near ut Tervi and William shake spear urn also ia leg pulling future Complete range or all wool sui ngs Sizes 3544 1950 745o 85 EXTRA PANTS sw ATER Sizési Small Medium Large 488 sm nus on in Reg l9570LDSMOBILE ER 88 SEDAN Driven only3tiooi dull aand rally equipped with hydramatie power steering power alter electrtc airway teat Royal Minter tires two tone REALLY hit since nEDUCTION Clutan TO BUY AN ALMOSTNEW CABATA son CE BRADFORD sr Clivttiltl ililtmnhilt ill THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SBPI 1951 munetp the pressure or the cool Ptrhapl we am more vulnerable than most induv tries partly because of the nature Inf our product and partly because highlyorganiled employees otten leldenin settlnl new wage and henetit lcvels in indus pribd spiral to Toronto General Hospl in area and population British Columbia is almost entirely moun ny AN gxummn wluu Milton and ranks only nxth in PA 1116 PHONE chKsroij hllluSIï¬ie Walker is patient not AriltlcULrumth Third largest oi the provinces Local Tournament at Stinnyhmnk Hospital Toronto ted trientll in Toronto on Satur ville three wins ltlrs Chatterley George Cowan Ind olher lends Rising costs continue to push up MENS ss Pools Great variety It patterns and plain shades Sizes 30 lions anti Yount thats Regular 095 799 Mens Gabardine JEANS Topcoats Zipin lining sizes 3046 Blue and Grey lteg 3250 BQYS WENR CARDIGAN Powder blue navy and grey sites 846 ilegnlar 3453 Boys Jeans stern style ponich blue black Sites to 18 Regular 288 SLACKS Stride style all wool iancy and plain patterns Sizes old wool themes Work goons chnlar 69c pr 48 or Work Shirts 88 Work Gloves Short Long Cutie nua Re 239 Greys Blues and Browns sizes E28 ltllllllTspl MENso BOY wsAll MENS SUiTS SPECIAL GROUP Regular $5950 3485 MENS SLACKS Nylon Gabardine Sizes 3014 Brown Navy beigehlaek Reg 895 gport Coats Sizes 3368 Grey and beige ianey splash patterns as 163 Sizes 648 Regular 550 Extn Pant 588 MENS SiltCltS All wool iancy and plain patterns many stride slyl es included Full range at shades Sim 2844 itegular 1495 than 1299 SiiliiIi Willi illIiiiittillills till llil liEMS Sitar and SAVE illlull Phona PA 665