Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1957, p. 3

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zit 3y Lowe Lorilee Store noun Varied Decision by some Goldwater merchants to remittyped Friday evenings until nine oclock and close at part Saturday ttarting September 21 and announcement by another group that they will remain open both Friday and Saturday evenings is based on condilions provlilingdn dlliergnt types of trade as well as ditienng viewpoints on the matter None at the membanu are crit ical of those Whose altitude orcir cumstdnce do not coincide with their own The businessmen who plan to conlinue to suy open both nights with few writing to see how pronounced the trend will hel state they think Goldwater should give extra service in catering to the surrounding rural area and not run the risk ot possibly tos lng some or the present trade to other municipalitius Merchants who decided to close Saturday or pan are or the opinion their customers can mcct their requirements satislnctarily under the arrangement claim Sat urday night business does not warrant staying open and say thEy and their sin should have that evening to relax Also they point out most towns have the shops closed Saturday evening There is no bylaw relating to closing hours in Cotdwater The places 0i business that will be open Saturday night are in many cases at diitercnt type to those which are closing that venlng the latter with the ex ception oi one store supplying produce Itecord Entries Iluronla Fair Even beiore oiiieials lud ex hibits placed or displays rcody for this years show new record for entries had been established by Huronio Fair Although the list was not com plete Chester Martin secretary treasurer announced boiore 10 pm Monday preparation day that new high for total entries had been submitted or the 64th Hurnnia Agricultural Society Fair at Goldwater September 18 11 and 18 Byt Monday morning licbe weekend rain had subsided and the sky was clearing with indica lions there would be good wen ther or the annual lair During the weekend residents at the area watched with interest as units at the midway were set up and other preparations matte This was the second year in succession the show sponsored by Coldwnter and neighboring town shlps was presented tor three days with the iirst one devoted to getting ready President George Graham nn hehait the air executive ex tended welcome to those at tending tFeatures included the opening parade school lair concert in the rink Tuesday night horse races calf club livestock show mid way displays and record number of exhibits Hospital Addition Corner stone tor the new addi tion to the Ontario Hospital zit Peactdngulshene will he laid at an oilieiiil ceremony on Novem her ii 1957 according to an an nouncement today Wednesday Sept 18 by Lloyd LeLherby MPP for Simeae East The new wing which will pro vide lurrher accommodation urg entty required by the provinces hospital administration will cost over two million dollars otiiciais say Hon MaoKinnun Phillips Min ister at Health and Hon William Cresinger Mi star or Public Works both expressed the wish that the Simeon East member Mr Lelherhy otticiate atthe lay ing or the corner stone although it is anticipated both cabinet members will attend the cer cmony Due to the importance oi the construction from the standpoint at extra iacijittes tor the mentally ill and the economic impact on Penetanguisllene and district it is expected that the Nov event will be largely attended According to tentative plans the ceremony will get underway at pnt Nov at the site of the new addition where plat Iorm and marquee will likely be erected Among those who will probably partlcipate in the eventmarking the ttrst stage ot construction of the large addition are the two cabinet ministers Hon ill Phil lips and Hon Gresinger Lloyd Letherby MPvP George Johnston MPP or Centre Simone Dr Rynard MP for Stmcoe East Dr Cardweil superintendent oi the Ontariosilospital Mayor Thompson of Penetanguishene and Fisher Ganton Warden ot Simcoe County and represent tives ol the clergy Two Millions Expedited The construction work by the general contractor Bali Bros ol Kitchener will involve slightly more than One million dollars further million dollars will be expended on plumbing heal ing and electrical installations lnthe new buildingthere will be 150 cells each with toilet Itfll wash basin and some ward accommodation Isa thatgroupg ttt inmatao may be kept ant observation ahahospital extension tor the crimimlty insane istd eortly pro jeet cell conrtructlnn required under const an extraordinary mount cl steel Plumbing requirements are much more extensive thin ordinary =Aside irpm inmates ourrters there will be the usual service quarters medtul examination rooms minor turnerv attendants space and other accommodation Firé cbtct Resigns William beach so patrolman tor the Department or Highways in charge at the doom rt Feseer inn tendered his resignation as Coldwater tire chict and it was accepted at meeting at the vol uMeer ilrcmens organization Mr Beach is also lormér police chief tor Coidwater Keith Robinson has been ap polntetl acting tlrc chtel The firemen have invited Mr Beach to be guest or honor at party to be held Thursday evens ing Sept 19 It Delnwnn inn Honey Harbour Geologist in Town ltlntormuiion has been gathered in Coldwater and area tor the Ontario Minister at Mines Hon Spooner regarding all do posits at Crawford Erundonsser vice station on Goldwater Main Street where on oil trickle has been coming rain the side at crook brink and at other locations tn the district The investigation it being car ried nutby geologist for the Minds Department Karrow and Britlain rhiel ill spcetor oi production of the On tarto Fuel Board Death ut Joseph Irrvir Joseph Jarvis resident at Goldwater district or many years was ound dead in his home on the Port Severn Road at 730 am Monday by llnrry Cowan oi Mid land ltlr Cowan called on Mr Jarvis in connection with business and was shocked to iind him slumped on the tour at his bedroom prc sugiably the victim at heart serture htr Jarvis who was about so years or age or period of years decorated Goldwater rink or the air and each year he usually op eraled merrygornund at the lair For time he conducted dance band which played it var ious halls in this area Believed to have been native oi England Mr Jarvis spent his early years at James Benttys home at ltosemnunL He has one brother Jack oi Toronto 355th Toronto Visitors Mr and Mrs Thomas and lumlly at Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Pcarse on saturday Mr and Mrs Wilired Wright visited relatives in Toronto on Friday Bowling Tournament Mrs Service Mrs Letts and Mrs Dale attended the bowling tournament in Richmond Hill on Saturday Niagara Trip Mr and Mrs Wx Hammett and iamin visited relatives at Niagara on Sunday Weekend you Mr and Mrs Met Smith To ronto spent the weekend with the latters mother Mrs Butler Miss Margaret Hoover or bar rie was home tor the weekend Weekend Mth Parents spent the weekend with her par ents ilr and Mrs Vernon Mc Quay GILFORD Hostess To wms On Sept 12 Mrs Russ Neilly was hostess to the WMs The president opened the meeting with poem entitled Prayer There were 13 members and tour visitors present The roll call was answered byaverse contain ing the word Hope letter was read from Ebenezer Sociely ng an invitation to meeb October to hear Dr Marg aret Arkonstal Fifteen house and hospital calls were made dur ing the month report on the Executive meeting held in Barrie Sept was given by Mrs Russell Mrs Sawyer conducted the vorship service and Mrs Kell oad the Scripture Mrs Guild tnld the story from the study boolg about the Work ng Man at Japan and typical Japanese church Rev Mr Sans ders closed the meeting withthe ienedietion Speaks On Trinidad The Giltord church was sued to overflowing with seats in the aisles and even in the lobby to hear Rev Neweomhe tell of his work in Trinidad and show otored slides Mlnellng Trip Many of the ladies of our church motored toMinesing on Saturday allernoonlnd evening to attend trouoseau ten in honor at Miss Mrvio Coutu hrldetobe or next SIturday Scout and Cubs The Boy Scouts and Cubs have begun their meeting intha com munity hall this weekCubs on Tuesday evenings ndthe Senate on Wednesday evenings Suynor Sun Erie Lawnsonresideot of WI saga Bedeb outlined at length the with that might be tound in the plan to have the Province take over the bench at Waugh provincial park He spoke to both Sunnidale Council on Thun day and Notanaga Council on Saturday Hr Lawruim appoled such nwve on the beiio that the pro vince would permit campers to pitch tent on the beach it does in other pruvindal parks He pictured belch trout titled with Washroom facilities picnic tables tents etc This would he said need additional police atom which the municipality would have to provide Mr Lairan uried the coun eilI to lutilixe to the tallest the irueotoeeuponey now permitted and to devoiop the beach them selves by providing toilet tlcilv ltleo tilt the belch Armed with figures on other provincial parks he expressed alann at the im plications when comparing the tacilities provided in then with the area and weekend population oiWasdga as SHAN BAY Recently Married Congratulations to Mr andMrs Faragher nee Margaret Rose Cameron who were married on Aug 31 It Guthrie Presbyterian Church reception was held at tho brides home in Shanty Bay alter the ceremony with the guests in attendance enjoying it meal on the lawn Burks Falls Weddinl Another wedding 01 interest took place on Aug 31 also In Burks Falls it was the marriage at Miss Cariotte Murison lormv erly oi Shanty Bay and Kenneth Gavine Honor IirldeToBe Miss Beverley Foster oi Barrie who Is to become the bride oi Morlcy Packard on Sept 14 was honored at miscellaneous show or by the people or Shanty Bay on the evening at Aug 31 The bride was assisted In opening the many gins by Mrs Murray And erson the grooms sister Mrs Rosa McClelland or Tor onto visited with Mrs ll Martin on Sept linn the Trousseau Ten Several indies irom Shanty Bay attended the trousseau tea in hon or of Miss Beverley Foster at her the stck Childrens Hospital Toronto Miss Joan McQuay ot Toronto homein some on Sept Edmonton Holiday Mrs Lighthourn and Monica have leit tor vacation in Edmonton Alberta Recent Guests Recent guests with Mr and Mrs Prlssiek were Charles Perr and his sons oil Syracuse NY dome From Hospital Lynn Anderson is home mm per where she recently had tonsill eetomy Mr and Mrs George Simpson spent law days travelling with their daughter And Mrs Har olld McMaster and Harolds iam Short Visit Mr and Mrs Marllnrare spending few ys at the home of Mr and Mrs Herewiird Martin Double or single bed sizes or use as eonll nentalhed or with regular bedstead Soft medium firm pr oitlru llrm arotcoci Attielt or new deep moltresx Continental Unit with Mattress Start At seroud Monday Highway gang and corn innislll load dephtntent men together with liightnyl Din trict Engineer Mack were at work It the crossing oi the illlh lino Ind Highany 11 in order to getlt ahapcd up for the asphalt paving which is to be llld soon This pav ing to be hid trurn the United ehurcb wart oi the highway to about 500 feet cut at the railway tracks in Craigvale one milein length will complete the surfacing to be carried out thll your Savings mldo on the estimated collI ot the paving done at the 25 llderold will provide some at the costs of the Strand stretch The parking area in rent oi the Township oiilcn and iirehllt is alsoto be included in the paving although this is entirely town ship cost and will not be subject to the 50 highway subsidy gt The paving will be 20 tel wide and have two coats ol asphalt Plans or taking the water lwa at the Slroud intersection thl been completed with the installa which drain Into an underground pipe running into the open ditch below the Shcring garage entrance WinerShdhn Winter shelter for beef cattle should ensure protection from cold winds and train falling snow and provide dry bed on which Such elementary comlorts can be pro ided by variety of structures which should be assessed from the standpoint ot adequlcy oi ac commodatlon stock casket construction and chrrobiliiy For many years thc Canada De partment oi Agriculture Expertr mentulthtrm Brandon Man has obtained satisluctory results by using an open iront shed with singieboarded ralne walls and strawcovered pore root tor W1 lering thc heel breeding herd in to April oldest PRINTING The BARRIE EX MINE pan oi two catch basins animals can lie case 01 handlin winter of 195557 wintered in this shed little weight change duringthe wintering period from November in the average they lost 11 pounds per head in this period The edrrespondlng aver age loss for 21 head wintered in stanchion barn was 19 pounds in both groups the and the youngest cows showed the greatest Weight head losses UTOPII Bob Jackson returns this week to Winnipeg Manitoba to resume his duties with the RCAF alter spending two weeks leave will his parents CALL The EXAMINER Hon PHONE on pane lawdid you sleep lastiiight or the rést of your life Sleepitinva our tllltlllStllllttS These tigures show that the accommodation provided by an open lronl shed is quite sous factory an rup ll Stoddard was in the panic Court on Monday to answer charge of speeding in the built up are or Churchill no pleaded not guilty and whenotflrer Rollins oi lnnbtil police who called he claimed that they were not reed to proceed with the em and mir ed that it be withdrawn Chief Bio had been in teib phone contact with the Highways Department liter it was learned that the use would be contested and pin given the information that the are 50foot north oi the line to lots 15 Ind 16 Ind 500 hot oouth was in 1953 designated built uplrca He chimed that as this had been propertyshown as such by slgn of 30 mph limits that they were justified in laying charges at speeding in conversation with the recur ed we were told that he had as sertalncd that the are did not quality as built up area and that he and many other had been wrnngiully charged He claims to be on employee at the Department oi Highwnys Numerous other vehicle owners had passed ovcr the speed trap on the day that the Stoddard car was clocked and sunimonsed it it can be proved that the area is not one to quality for the speed at 30 mph then these him may have to be withdrawn even it they have sent settlements admitting their gullt leiteriead in Council at an open meeting month or so ago and quoted in this column stated that it had been decided that the district was not built uparea Clerk Allan ireton says in re gards the matter that the Churc hill Iron is not buill up are but that slgnilreterrtng to concealed intersection are an bi Almtmt HARRIS proprietor 01 Harris lowers 99 Dunlop St aarrie is holding special An niversary Sale to celebrate the reopening or the modern upto theminute flower shop just one year ago To thank you for your patronage during the past year the entire sine cut lowers potted plants grit ware pets and pet supplies is ottered at srr CIAL 10 DISCOUNT on all cosh and carry orders Visit the store during this celebration you may be the winner of the SPE CIAL DOOR PRIZE 9500 cash voucher mow rh IA aim 1é57 iiiiii Finiiidniiulddr fifibaEiYSiNSTth STARLF hwwmmmww WHUE OX Jackson leiiy Pie Ernst NTAItIO GROWN NO GRADE SNOW WHITE is rotunda rMAIlYLAND OLDENNUTRITiOUSDELICIOUS SWEET POTATOES FIRST OF THE SEASONN0 GRADE TASTY waxen TURNIPS Anontart BlGVALUElN colt ootsreoa $195 one at LoaLIw Mousv seven PREMIUM comb ECPKElEN Pork Shoulder ll SPECIALl lEAN Polkin Roasts Ice IIAonoclt cIIOIcssoLerLaers ALSO FOR votutmsuc on rteito cotton nmou Len OolIN rlnou FILLETS aid Kl AND MANY Inuittonal van It on vi nus ox an out ax rm hIL cunt FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FROM TIZIE FAMOUS BRADFOIID MARS NO GISADECDRELES iWASIlED CARROTs or 19 DNTAIIIOS FANCY GRADFrALL PURPOSE FAVOURITE WEAiLTHY APPLES mm 39 Wim no as MIdeNAuptu PURCHAII vou my ALSDPtllt II IRESHTROZEN FlSHPANIEADY IIil ei lAKI out on annual toauwr QVENFRE5H llllSlllSS PEER llllllJlES utscuir exited tidalst nuitnr IOASTID Enitee it 83 it 243 iohtaws tttuubr noasrso lwo liup College 13 eorrIon BRAND oIrIo oAiLv ioblaws tresli Bread ILIern on unsuceo or 11c Loan wmrl WHDLI WHEAT CIICKED WHEAT tro IIFL as 25 29c 39c Loauws 1105195 lce Cream rrlrtlc 29c le anon renown IFICIAL to Lonuws Chocolate Cream llolt lIcM euAurv Encoder THE IODLAW lAKElV nenEeM voua Lllllilllil EXllllllflllll TEli tlillil COFFEE ElllllllllS Ir Am LOILAW Irons in ournntn mas 23= room gt STORE HOURS MOM runs THURS 830 non to pm WEDNESDAY 330 am to 12 noon FRIDAY 1130 nm to pin SATURDAY 330 am to 111 lure eonnu on rAcKAoI LLE Ann scatter in 7an wuicnro moose lrlileolltrubia GIOCEIEIIAS CO lMllED rulers tlirscrtvr am 19 Tom

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