Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1957, p. 2

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absent for the puttmeehfnmn DunnoWon Featured oi Niidonel Folcot fire Meet iret relinf than spray the inLe tIIr mum thehntrhmntard ministration un we dhotnconrml mallflm mdhepthmhonelpmding GNII boneAn pineden the mixturenatim retardant tberthlnmltinextinfiilah When droppeb around or in ad vmoreflmitviltetiectinly Inaulah Ihe brush Ind trees tan put the are under coonoi Delqu the ebemiull prem iu Round tire man with hand tools bulldoun anti pm dbl pninialnl equipment will till be necessary In eombetting forest Hm It wll swelled In Iddltioni to the bout db menatntion other term at emery dairqu nicPEAithdr we neglect cinidiins commit to the flames annually Industrial producer manor mu uecnun MM kindle the biggest bootlre In the would term solid cord liens annually to protect the luring My my world destroying well over stretching Iron Ottawa in Cal woodlands against flu toaccia Here or the first time in Canada ieriy years in toretry work000000 cords etmerchantuble gory new We iourt do everything timber he nddei In term 01 This wood bc mice would the rarest wa rent belong to to Chicago The with th use at Siearman biplane sodium calcium borate Is tested as means or retarding forest tires The chemical mix ture insulates the brush and holds the tire in cheek until gro nd crews arrive with hoses and other fire lighting equipment Featured on the rogramme or etorest lire research conference sponsore ll Pulp and Paper Association stealmans levels to bomb the blaze lower photo hose pitch prepare to relocate their base lines by the Woodlands Sec treaked overlheiiames iwo tire lighters carrying portable gtethnogmuuswcsexwuoimnrw ufimggnmsmtfirrrfifjvntnwevrclwasaziotamvrrv Pilgrims Halt Overnight Barrie Continued hotn page one Varied deletions Remiorudo be long walk Ire varied ieel bit worse each morn lng said one girl wake up lccilng chipper then rude our bout hale wry through the clay said soothed tine above the wrist another girl said out dont knwwhlUler my net and luu can make it Glenda memy at Toronto was still upr to in dance rtepl um play ul brikcibaii genie when she nrrlved in Barrie other set dusted tittr lost and waited tor iticlr bed rolls riicir ipu were mostly joking icncc ininarehirig this summer was Sheldon Currie at Sydney Nova Smile who was ani lieutenant tit Camp Borden Hid boots were worn paper thin by the end at yestordnyn march First Day Wont Weathlr suyud worm during the second and third dlys ot the pilgrimgo The first day was the worst Snitl Johnna Smith or Toronto who noted no onemun sandwich detail to provide lunches It poured while wo were still in Toqrntothore was no cover II was muggy most or the why Thu Inst three miles the first day it rained hard ngnln while the group was pushing their way through is rutted truck north of King City to the Muylnke shrine entrance priest tram st Michaels and About five more students were to JoinInc group today tor the lost 30 miles of walking Men will take turns carrying Ililc 100 pound cross the final ill mlics Thursday Purpose ot the pilgrimrgc says Wilson in ioullet issued to the group is to mIkE reparallon tor sin pnrticulnrly thc sins oi our selves and Icllow students You will have unique ex pcriencc that will test your pew ers of endurance resiliance and some of humor You may even sell bc seys cnloy your onot the Canadian titty foot selected irorn record number at 25 state winners The selection will be mode in the international Little Theatre iii the Show Judging contests nnd the 3rd unnuill 4II Dairy Conterence are only it tew events thiIt will at tractdoirymen and their families Intorniitiunni and diseaselie stated Alter ILL in our power to put stop to the finished products this national keep nmgp pulp md plpu the Culltitan public All we air Golden Spurs liedco starring neg Allen headlines the enter tainment with 18 scheduled per formers that will run through Oct 20 matelhl destruction by tin oi catastrophe II costing Canada hundreds oI inllIlolu of dollars The pulp and paper Industry the woods or recreation help ua Canada lending exporter and preserve this valuable asset Canada forests Iver year mostly through The wood that Canadians thus mill going for up to live years in return that those who use TIIE nAiiiue EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 131951 operation Thc toilowing ncw toe TWO Reports chers were assigned to the Sub Board History Continued item page one office the interested instructors felt that with the permission of he board they would like to term on Air Cadet Corps Student Council The election oi our student year To assist the department to heads have been training them pre this schonl this year pure their lessons Starting to morjow the beginners are going to sit in and observe some of the dim of mm mum lessons at their senior colleagues esmmly phased hm The 59 Very WF and our caicteria back in normal use State Street in Chicasn on Satur 69 by Wu me Our caretakers have doncan ex WWI de91W cellent job clconing varnishing them into capable teachers painting and repairing dliion oi this school is wimp the board It is nice to have our juniorymkhyesljafntedmerggfi new field in gond same mm its more health building food value Athletha iments have been made to hold Building The huuding is very attroctive pom my and am an lawn mower that could be drown lete hut these type used on agolt course Cut mm ting the field once in thesuniirier lng straightened out Central Collegiate inrtitute Report it in his report Mr Bowman prin proper turt cipel at the Central Collegiate shooter that only in one instance was the estimate of class size at out to any serious degree In Grade is there were 20 more pup ils than expected and two classes 33 in geometry and trigonometry bus enrolments of 50 and 51 jccts as Iollowsz Robertson Home Economics ItIiss liir Kolasky History English Guidnnc Training Science last year with between 82 and brn paper particularly diiiicuii Because we these alum mm the results in that subject Miss Keith Commercial Itliss are Music English rind Latin Mr Marcellus duti Our registration is reasonably Grade 11 183 Caicurio in Use We were pleased with the Con credit to on but the present maintenance culd consider purchasing it somemug den mm behind the trnctor similar to the th farm mower will never keep in proper Shape nor develop it Upper School lleiiulis You have received summary our Upper School results and Canada ll find them about the same as of paper written beingpasn Our students icuud the alge anil eating goodness grocery dollar spent by the house Fiold Da no unit is not sulisiactory The field dillo5 up mm should be well rolled to embed mod theiittie stones and the board not slates show president flt is fitting that we pity her special tribute this year Also lilting is the fact that the lersey breed ilrst to reach these shares will have its National Jer sey Show iind National Jersey Junior Show iii the International Open clnss cattle shown by adult exhibitors ure expected tramus ioruwny as the west coasttind Junior herds shown by concerts 350th Anniversary Chicago Dairy Show Marks Dairy CoWs Arrival Herg CHICAGOGloriiying tbc dairv boys and girls will Come born as trinl Arts Mr rcrruult Phys cni cow no the 350th anniversary prior es Utah to compete tor extra her coming to this continent sets prize money tliiit is earmarked thcme or the coming 5th in tor the competition in is the mplete with um roiiowing op nuol International Dairy Show in nrsi such junior show ever held council is to he held this week 1me mm mm chime on 15 Sta rude lo tea or the 20 teachers employed Crude 12 115 Grade 13 us To ionr are teaching tor the first ml 837 This totni will increase tiio 9oo siudcnts estimated iur They wcrc theiorcruuncrs or to Shires Brown Swiss and Milking or PA 82313 shortkorussorc also expected tui Every 5mm mm mm to such ciiicicnt productinn ot milk be larger this year finestsay mm the Fame pygmy that keeps the American people breedm Fulfil PM as Mulcnstcr Street oiicrs you 331 good choice oi boiling and roast ing chickens new lnid eggs home made breadiaud other iancy daili ties to coax your appetite novel ties blankets quilts vegetables Annther feature tbat hwill bl garden train out and potted now nrger this yearwili be tlnu ers Service with smi prices The Wm 1° oi the 3rd annual American Dairy lower than elsewhere Free park Princess contesin Dairymen who ing tor customers meeting of my support this program of the Am the market vendors to cailcd inc Assnoiutlou will Saturday Sept 21 at 130 pm 107 First cowswcrc hrughttn the Jamestown colony Americas Ilrsi English sctilumenr days improved cattle moi give healthy and catlng well The big ouiry Show parade on day Oct t2 will ienture the on niversriry as its theme llIost Food For ooilar ior Wentworth suivinier giving several summer at Britannia hurstBlgwin Inn They also coin petcd at Waterloo rid the Cane Al We he secured permissionot the bonrd Wm disnmmung The mp dien National Exhibition to relieve them by conducting two dent pygm classes um pun to 445 pm The tea were willing to cover these extra classes lit night nchntil rates Webb firsts sccunda thirds grimyomutrsszfiflflly an en lcredii incMudigan firsts IXPEC MW Chmmu Wm be second third3 credits possible to discontinue these an tra clesseewbefi sump students find they Ire carrying morersulr fleets than theyciri handle report is given below regular chum were underway ontiept vWe were pieuaed to regret that Mr Synnott besybeen snrie John Powell iirots 2occonds Several students have rccclvcd number at soiioinrshlps and bun Peter Webb Dominion provincial 13A me Bursary $500 Isabelle Gilchrist School opened on Sept top Dominion registration end organization and 5500Peter Webb AtkinsonvFopn detion Bursa $400 JoeMedlgan tklneo Bllld siltch Our4 and bed at more tul weather is ieir terloo they won it playing class and marthing class and at Tor into they ticp tor dk 55 Alter paying travelling expense seconds third credit Peter Fm med $500 or bud iirst piece operations land brought home oral atiraetive tro Iii Sehool Activities School activities are in the process of organizing and the eit at 331m iotarginn Blnéhirly ecutive oi the Student Coun err 20Peu en The substance or lur Bowmans on Leonord Scholarship fiml tor the year will be Is Ioilnw President John Richardson ist vicepresident George Boormnn 12o 2nd dunepresident Imvinnhiw nursery Mary Coleman 113 ard vicepres ident Donna Thatcher lllA mum Burma Eiield may willth held this conin wee on5 undo the hev air incinbers ot thestatr on $400 Alired Konls Department up top apply 01 11mm at Agriculture sohoiarthp Slot Grnvcnr United Church Saturday Sept Ali brood Clusaea Larger Futurity tor 3year old cows to which is large purse has been con signcd by breeders to odd to the usual generous show money erlcan ooiiy hiivle chance to see the Princess sev For Just sum your idvcriiionicnb glued under the proper clan itilontion ll brought heturethe public in one outlay on vicw iron the IIreeI night and day viowironi bisido our shop It Roll street quit on no the orncr troni robiuwr iiic Tudhopc Thompson Meet willvbe held Sut urdliySept 28 We expected It our school éXAMINER Publisher Returns from Convention CWNA in Alberta Walls publisher Ind mnnagingetlilor at The Barrie Examiner returned home today irom ninii Albrrlii where he Attended the annual convention 01 the Canadian Weekly News papers Association and the semi annual meetingol Class It Newspapers oi Canada The unlnrr has been member CWNA since its incoptinn in 1m and at Cllss since the group was formed in 332 Mr Well as president of CWNA in 4953 Also nttcndiug the convention and meetings were Mr Ind bits II Cmnston end Mr and Mrs IL Chit ick at The Midlzul One student who had uponis pm 1mm Mr Wills was accompanied b5 In Wnlls and daughters Sue an iiynno Thcy stopped over in Cutlery or brief Visits with Mr and Mrs Buchnniin and Mr 900 an pm Saturday 900 am to ISA CHOICE FANCY WHOLE KERNEI iiiiileis torn Yonii IlliM SAICO SOLID WHITE FANCY Tliltli IriSii DR BALIiARIJS CHAMPION nummago sale ut Collier St 21 tile Auspices WA St The mes Anglican Church Shanty Bay nummuge sale to be held at Oddtellews null Colier Sh Fri day Sept 20 130 pm to pm mm Va under auspices ct WA to AirCad in Virginia brccdsiiolsteins Guernseys Ayn For Wm phone FA Mm 105107 lillti lilllil IGA PUIIB ORANGE MilliMllliiliE rGA SUNNY liltinN Tlill BAGS REGULAR AND CIIUBBIE IILEEIIEX Mnior Trent at 29 51 GAUGE 15 DENIEI IIIOM BltITISIIl cotuwlblA Spinach lied iirtipes BRADFDIIDMAIISII ivory Silovi STORE HOURS Mom TueL Thurs Wednesday 900 mm to noon lridny 900 mm In Iieinzlleicitup oz 45¢ liriieil Choice Plum 20 oz in 29 Cllllllllit Beans un 29 ltiii Sunny Mom tattoo oz iinr 33 lzoailn 91 27 m2 24 mini 37 35 35 Frontenac at 25 Iiili Nylons Pnixnnduipnr 93c FRUITS tr VEGETABLES Bniiieii Penis livedm 23 FIIISCO eiiANii wusneo Alvo TRIMMEI tarpon ea CRISKSWEET CALIFORNIA TOKAYS Celolyflulksobnox nun El WITII FREE scan nouusnbosren lAPE Sootiinxpgnize gr aléooitylonioiacfiri 7c origination 12 73 oil giant ain 72 oviwcpo4 73 int Mrs vvbytc tormerly It you have pl us or tomorrow oi Barrie 1h trip oul was made he careiul allay DRIVE SAFE by CPR and ninth by iClt LY llflllllE RECREATION COMMITEE wishes to announce the iormatlen or tile BARBIEAND msmscr CHAMBER ORCHESTRA under the direction at MR DICK mom AND MR PETER Dnvumim FIBSI REHEAIISAL pm CODRINGTON SCHOOL AUDITORlUM SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 22nd insuretechnetium PIQMPbmlu Wt bacon on pm vtouna Celii Flutes obncs Especially Welcome pan memes Ln PKG 73 GA ROYAL GOLD Grade bongo PxiCodoiixcopiionoily Low MEAT ENTRY Sfirve It lint Medium or Well limit PRIME lilB liiiilSl sneer cur Illlfl IIliXTIVE SHITi iiiiii IEI no 21 FOR BltAlSING BEEF Siillili BIBS 333 MAPLE LEAF lUILYC0iKEl SIIANKLESS is Piliiiiiis 49 TAeLeniro SLICED gt iiilllliliil llilNI as 57 WITH FREE $250 BthUS liiltlslliit lil1 nouns iuusrrlt rriiiunlls Wlili 5259 IlthUS iAib STOKELEY FANCY duor iin 33° Tontnlo Juice EACII WITH 5500 IIDNUS TKIE OGILVIE ANGEL FOOD finite Mill oz nka 53 10 OFF YDUII FAVOURITE ICE CREAM CHAN lbtin 69 Rosie Willi glont oizu fowlPASTE iiieeni EROZEN FOODS ritAv iiiAm Iisli and Chips 24 aka WITH FREE $250 BONUS TAPE 23= PICSWEE FR Eli LUI GiiiililiBEliiiS oz into Milt onus eoosrrns meme ONTARIO CORNER or essA no AND CAMP eoitorhl V44

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