just case or llttlng the receiver dlnllng It used to take uS qiilte some tlme to get is number when we wanted it sold Mrs Mo George Now we pick up the phono and get the dlnl tone It SurelS nice to have It MRS MALCOLM MCGEORGE and he twoyenrold daughter Michelle rind the new dlnl phones it Angus quite delight Before the McGeorgeS had to share 11 party line with some 20 other subscribers Now there is no party line for them and it Is CARLEY 0rlllin Minister at Anniversary large crowd attended Anni years oi happy married liie versary service at Hobart United Church on Sunday and very much enjoyed the services delivered by Mr Royce Martin otOrillia litany thanks is extended to Mrs Martin and their two sons David tor the lovely singing and lmusic provided by them TwentyFilth Anniversary and Mrs zslh wedding anniversary Clarke was iormerly oi Carley and his wire Margaret Ball or Eddy Best wishes go to ihem tor many more good look heals good luck in vlhe Jobot stile drlviiigDlqu SAFELY At neavcrtnn Falr Mr Lind Mrs Milt Board and daughter still All lillll IiESTlllllillNT iilghway 21 miles north oi liorrie For neilclous tried chicken and straits open am to 12 p111 Friday and Snturday night on am CLOSED TUESDAYS Robert Mrs Cohorn Mrs Connell and Booth Mr and Mrs Armstrong Mrs Gordon Hilbert attended the and iamily and Johnstnne Mission Bind leaders rally in nttdonllod Beavnrton Fair on Snt Bond Head Saltl ur ay At Mldlnnd Fllr Mr and Mrs Everett Johnstone and family and Mr and Mrs Clint week sailey attended Midland Fair on New Residents Saturday orvllle Arm strong and Johnston called on Mr and Mrs Clérko Johnstono oi Drillia on Sunday to extend congratulntions to them on their mii AN EXAMINER wmnn and we hope they may spend Point Sirloin Roast aohrtrss LividSteald choemd Han stileSlivenoa box st 90 9t ï¬ll pkg sicSAVE 5o 2I6ltozpkgs65¢ neg pkg musSAVE IOAaz pkg Run seeSAVE too bkg 89c gun 49r5AVE in ush45c Hug setssAVE io ml 5c eaten around lion this 73s ll Rum lioNiLiss EUNK iNAonALL VOLUME N0 Now on rhododendron nourishown Fancy tirade Molntalh Rd 17AEPLES iinnd Bulletd duality Finest carstin SALE prawn lell BAGS MIX it Gerll ERIOS Wilk Povfdur Instant Aliiilk kr Giant lItOLI outth OCKCOFFEE AtMtMntuJtunlun lt Mr and Mrs Robert cresvcs and Ronnie and Mr and Mrs Paul ooardssli imd iamily Tor onto Itiended the Melllslcr re uulon in urillia ram Sunday Visitors with Mr and Mrs tob ert Kendrick over the wlekend were ur and Mrs George tliint er oi Clovuddle no Mr and Ills Gordon Park and children oi Tilden Lake Miss Sadie Mastcr and David Ynuiiinn oi north racy Corn hurt Enjoyed one coro roast in the school yardon Friday evening was on Joyed by evoryunr Get On Fllr Prize number min the Villngo at tended 0m rair un Wednesday Ind were lucky to bring honic aeverdl prizes W02 Ind Mrs Willinm Young Moose inw spent low days Mth Mr and Mrs Robert Grulw do Mr Ind IMrs Ernest Ellsmcre lapent Tuesday at Vlnolnntl Good Sale Mrs Powells Hill on Saturday was well attended and prices Avert flood Annivemrv Well Attended The Presbyterian anniversary senices wereiialit Sunday Sept Wlth Rev McCrtimble oi land In charge olylho well ill tended services Mrs Richardron and Mixs Jenn Minty Toruntn vlsltcd Mrs Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs George uidweil were Mrs Johnston Miss Johnston ltnd Don Nelson Fergusanvale also their ionn iamilies and grandchildren ltnrvrst SrltIus Sept 22 Ilnrvcst services In St Johns Bill Sheii was home irom Camp norden ior ihe weekend Newton Robinson Mn Id Mrs Walter Andrews spent Saturday waning with Mr and Mrs George Holt Thornton Mrs West and Herbert ii Harrie vislted Mr and Mrs Station on Wednesday number from here attended the South Simcae Jr Formcrsl church service in Alliston Sime day evening Mission Band Leaders Rally rday Mr and Mrs Harvey McCul lough Regina were guests at Mr and Mrs Grenville Italbert lust Mr and Mrs Houghton moved into the village last week many happy years in their new home Mr and Mrs Joseph Gordon Mr and Mrs Cecil Gordon and David vlslted at Walter Andrews on Sunday Elect Otllcers llllsslaif Band Mission Band met on Friday and opened with hymn followed by roll call Election oi otï¬cers took plnce and the tallowlnz ot ticers were installed Presldent ionailaau Parsons secretary Di anne Coifield treasurer Paul Cu horn World Eriend nossBlown committee or helpers Frances Chontler Evelyn Connell Kens neth Coitield and Karen Beeston The meeting proceeded with the new president in the chair Mrs Cohorn introduced the new Study book on Japan and Mrs Lennox Rowe rud very interesting Story The meeting closed with hymn and benediction The usual treat followed WA and WMS Meet The WA and WMS metal the home Mrs Ireland on Wedness day afternoon with good at tendance Mrs Andrews conduct ed the WA meeting and several matters or business were attended to In the WMS meeting Mrs Gordon Halbert had thé chair Mlnutes oi last meeting were read and roll call answered Mrs Chantler read the Sdrlpture and 354 was sung and oflctlng taken log with prayer Atternoon ten Sunday Visitors pare mtais for the Queen during her October visit to Canada when she will stny at Government liuuse in ottawa dam in France Mr Zonda was ehet in various European embassies hetolre join ing the gurernorgcncrns sta in 1952 in this photo he pre pares meal at the citadel lhe GovernorGenerals Quebec toss iChtIrch Sundu Sept 22 at 1115 idencc the home of Mrs William Schcll The meeting was opened with hymn Scripture was read by Mrs Clark takonJrom St Mittth ew Sermon on the Mount Roll call was answered by cacti incin yn mm chm 5mm her with verse irorn 101st Psalm Monthly reports were read and business discussed lovely lunch was served hy Mrs William Scholl and Mrs James McBride lrood Weather For School Fnlr orett School Fair held on Mon day Sept 16 with good crowd attending The parade was very colorful with the banners repre scnllng the vnrlous schoels In the section The teachers and éhii dron deserve lot or credit or what we believe was one oiJhe largest parades ever held in the township Most oi the teachers were all nmvcornersto the various schools in Tossorontio and by the way they decorated their hauners and had the children dressed to the occnsion dont have to take back seat to anyone The School Area boards should he well sat isï¬ed with the display Mrs Brown had proyer nymn Rev Love Introduced the study book on Japan with very interest lug talk Hymnaaï¬tt was sung and RevLove closed the meet was served by the hostess and Queens Chet BRENTWOOD WA Regular Meeting The WA meetingrwas hold zit EVERETT Good weather favored the Eva Falr Date Changed The Tossorontlo School Fair to have beeniheld in Everett on Friday Sept 13 wits cancelled and was held on Monday Sept 16 Could it be Friday the 13th was the cause for cancellation But It proved to he an ideal day for ialr Mr and Mrs Edwin Pearson and iamily Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Pearson Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs and sons Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson and Mrs George Peacock George Peacock Reid and Blanche onSunday Going Away Party committee ed to Kingston 18 THE BARRIEflttm WEDNEEDAY SEPIJB 1557 in Guelph In Jui with sing sung iottowed hy qu Save The Qlttcn alter wnlch the hostess Ind colnmltlee served dainty lunch Employingthy Sympalhy oi the community is extended to Mrs John Trace ind tnmlly on the death oi nor has band who died very suddenly at his home on September 10 1957 Tuttin ln mute ltnpltll any in or is pticni In the Private iwaiienin Pavilion it the Toronto General triends Snurlu September Saurln Wt oil héld Vlllhl home or Mrs Parnell wllh loot Iltendlnfl llretlng opened theuNnIm1nnlr with 15 nrd Baron lhe president sldlng Roll wall was dnswered by oath manitwr welrlng carnage oi vegetdtiits which proved veg liable Irv not to tood nnIy Mrs lngléton reported the ï¬lm liad had another good season commutat wnsnn pointed to loot dttcr flllplly it the Elnwllc Fair Dclegaleswcn alsu chimin or the are convtnr ion In be hlltt In Blrrto Sent 262 Mrs Verne Beardsll pro Introduced Miss gFuye rnrndli one oi aurlocxl girls who has MntDonlld Institute dt Guelph She very only spoke on Home Management bringing In our at iention among other things some ldos Ind dont In housekeeping Mn Georgi Dlrkliison thanked iicr ior her Itsplrliig talk airs Cecil French gnve hrlel but in ousting occliiint oI her meeting mini ctatses at ï¬ospltll hope to see him home ml Time on Wednesday evening lllrs Manning was hostess to the indies euchre clubJPrnLs went to llrs Boardell Mrs Rownt and Mrs rtslhments were served and all hnnkrd Mrs Manning or III on ioynhle time sympathy To ht tfliold Schtm sympathy ls extended to Mrs John Arnold In thcdenth ll hcr sister nlgary Alberta Alberta Vltltor lllis Fm Boomgaaidcn Splrit nlvcr Alhortn vlsltcd with Mrs Brown and Mrs rucsouy Km oonvtncr ntlcndlng Terry lie hol ldny RUGBY ilir and Mrs Tyson Lliiigmnn JEAN zonon chlrl tor can spent tow days holidaying in NEW Mm1 ernurneneral Massey ivili pro Niacin Falls Graham at Terry on Ls to Rochester and olher RIDES Mrsl Paul nowat Diane an Danny Hlnovcr Gordon Roma Mrs Ruwzl al the werktnd Burks ralls Wrdgllnl Among those who tiendrd the uurisonaavin wrildinz nn Satur day at Burks Falls were Mrs Sitibald Mrs cell Wright Ind George Slbhald Sulldly Sdaool Plank It sounds lltlle late to lhr senson tor Sunday Schoolplcntc Mt Wednesdry September wins lovely wannisummerl tidy and Pflrnls lintl chlldren it St Johns United Churrh motored to the new stark ill on Lillie where he children rnjoyed the sports and swimming At the tall or supper II not down to boom 11 report good time now no tumult R5 is llwninetog navtleid st Mr and Mrs urntd nttcr Vlslllng with relativ on Motor 1than have re Lnngmnn and Bob Tudhope accompanied by Norm ans grandpnronts Mr nnd Mrs Hero Langmnn molored ie Kelr llos Point when Mr and Mrs Lungmnh spent several days with their niccd Mlss Ormii Johnston Norman and Bob journeyed on to the United States where they spent few days heiore returning Normn School win it Falr Congratulations to the children oi Rugbyscheol whowon the most points and money at cm Fair Also to the teachers This ialr will celebrate its centennlnl next year and has always been Emit luccess VSCH00L PARADES STARTS AT 1245 WIT GOOD PRIZES FOR EVERY SCHOOL ATTENDINti Tho lnlr wIll be Ottlclnllv Opened Ev Mr lllcClnln one ot Coolulowns successtul old boys BACON cnncnss COMPETITION Any armor may compete In ihir class by delivering hag to co part on Wednesday Sept 18th 1pm ilnal receiving tlme 411 cum COMPETITION BEEF iJAinv sme at GRAIN cmssns Former Residents Congratulations to lllrsyE Pearson crlilla iorma erly oi Rugby their iiitleth wedding anniversa who cclcbratcd Western Trip Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Harry Longman and Margaret returned home on the weekend after hayingn wonder ul trip to the West Coast Tod Ratclltt chn spent the weekend wllh his sis lcr Mrs Everett Home andhlr husband Leaving Communlty Douglas Mchod is moving hls iamily to Sudhury the end or the week They will he missed in this communlty and all wish thein well in their new home Art Longmnn Sound HORSE MACES Competlllon Should he very keen again thls year THERES NO FIRE TENleï¬ AUTOMATIC Mr and Mrs Fred DDonell oi Toronto Spunt Sunday with Mr or DOES ALL THE wcmti Mr and Mrs Pat ODonell and Peter Toronto are spending tew holidays with Mr and Mrs n1 Mr and Mrs Crashie naurlg Stnyncr visited with Mrs Lem going away party was held in the orange Hall on Friday Sept 13 to William Blanchard son of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Blanchard Bill has joined up in the Reserve Army and is post gt Monitan crisck THESE FEATURES Vienutltul shadowed mahogany or Boirowlwhéi lis money serlilce has lmproved Wllll age When you borrow money you want mole thats hacked by years ot experience That why most pcopla turn to HFC providing money service backed by 79 word zpartniu AtHFCyouieceivopromptxtttentlnn friendly hut businesslike em ency your money ln oiu day and your choim oi repaymvnt nines rhoneor thtIEFC today Land v5mnil in xlu Use lea ill oiileor spare sinni In ilnrtormdnse 35900 aru output per hour Insuros greater eomsart warmer ileen hatter health on sqli hlpnds hammevluid ï¬nish fuel lists Sm PHONE PA 0637 20 IiS fact Hi lolli reenter napsndehl ond cheap to operate Mote heat liom every penny woith ot PARKWAY Iazosi