Ws il El ii IAafter ï¬loMe LU jig gt on MR AND MRS WALTER WILLi Eloise Margaret hackle daughter of Mr and Mrs Russell Gelrill Lackie formerly of vEnrrle but now or Bracehrldge married Walter William Appleton son of Mr and Mrs Waiter William Appleton Senior or Tor onto in StuCnthbaits Angllcnn Church in Frank Fe The bride given in marriage by her father wore crystal eharm gown with French laee she carried cascade or white earnations and stephanotis The bridal attendanis Miss Lillian June Harrison ihe gt maid of honor from Toronto iliss brides mother were navy Judith Appleton the grooms 9mm sheath With mate sister rum Toronto Miss Berri Jacket and paw BEEESSDTIOS adette hiacnonald Toronto llirs Ronald Tatham of Sarnia and iliss Candace Gillespie the brides cousin who was Junior bridesmaids wricd garland bououets er girls carried nosegays were ii reception in Ad ltuuse on Vnimer Road or worn dress of amethyst feta with matching and purse bouquet of pink gZdide £xédaï¬géif ton Saturday Gillespie wore kneeiength white and blue dresses The attendanls white sliasta mums and the flow corsage was oi sweetheart rosesi Assisting her the grooms Knuth accessories AM APPLETON Toronto all Saturday September fourteenth at two oclock Reverend DePencier Wright formerly of Barrie Trinity Church officiated End at played the wedding music Ashlty Cripoun fiioio velvet llat She had Corsage of yelluw sweetheart roses Toronto in me Attending blue mg cusden Herr trom Earric lelt Per Point taf Companys tur trade The m5dians gladly parted with fhelrhoslcss for the August meeting The ullendinis WOW Wï¬lil beaver pelts in exchange ior ol Hlllsdale Womens institute length silk eetton gowns ul hyd For lravellmu the bride ware these pure white wool blankets attended by to members and two rangen blue The ilower girl Miss llrcy wool sheath With mawh with their eoloflul end stripes visitors Donna Gillcsuic and Candace ins iIcccssnms and royal blue Many tribes used them asa olonk Roll call was answered by by simply eutting armholes verse from an old school booie Bartering was on the basis or one The motto Laugh more worry for ciery room onddccut Life looks brighter agatlnsta beautiful newbackground hi our modern wallpapers wide seiectionaor ï¬atterns pelt per point The number ltsweight and sizetherefore tourists alikepoint blankets now made in vast rangexof point marks After wedding irip in New England the couple will live in were liss Hazel Caldwell and Harold Canadas iomous Point blankets originated with the Hudsons Bay point marks woven into the selv edge of each blanket indicated Valuer Siill manufactured in Eng land and prized by Canadians and ors but retain their distinctive institute met in the Communlly lhll on the evening of Sept 12 Bulines included motlnndhat the inst tiute iinanee the work oi putting Churchill Womens lhe water into the bill It was decided thli the rug course be omitted from this years agenda and Ihnt the invitation to enter the Womens institute competition ill Benton Fllr liedeclined that Dr Margaret Nix assistant professor in 1hc lly of bled icine at lchlll speak on Saturdny evening Scipio 2i at Bradford Institute members only and their husbands are eordiully speakcrt Admission is tree This is ulslrlet sponsored project Delegates were appointed to the Area Convention in barrle on Sept 26 and 27 Thte eonveners of citizenship and education hlrL Charles Lucas nnd Mrs kenneth sturgeon pre pared an interesting program us ing as their motto The goal of gond citizenship and education is happiness in the home joy in the ihcnrl and peace on cbrlh Six leen members and two guests an swered the roll call promin lent woman of Ontario and why Mrs Sturgeon was in the chair for the program iilrsi Bloke Constable tavored with three piono solos selection from illozart one lrorn Brahm land The Rhapsody in blue The one of their own members lilrsr Seymour Kcil as speaker Mrs Kcll reviewed the unusual Ihings seen by her and her husband on their trip to USA last winter They drove southwest to St Louis and from there followed the Mis sissippi River to its mouth cross in it six times The speaker talked at some length on New Orleans pointing out that there urc many things fnund in that city thahnre not found elsewhere An example was the cemeteries which are built above ground in vaultlike walls New Orleans is the worlds greatest banana port 700 ships wit cargoes ot bananas arrive eaci yeirrr lrs Kell Ihcn took us to Flor idn for glimpse at SL Peters hurg the Everglades Homestead Key Wesi Fort Lauderdale and Orlandu Returning to Canada ihu keils drove via Wushlngtuila where they visited the White House home or George Washing ton etc Mrs Bouncy on behalf of those present thanked Mrs Constable and Mrs Keli for the interesting and educational program Coffee and cake scryed by the September hostesses brought pleasant evening to close DALTON The Womens lnstituto will meet at the home of Mrs Handy Roll call will he name your birthday and birthsto Program is Cilil ship and ueation by Mrs William Coward Tea hostesses will be Mrs Randy and Mrs William Coward Junior HILLSDALE lri Mrs Clifford Porter was the at loss was explained by Mrs clitt Porter in reading entitled Song considerable amount of its eorresponoenee and business was dealt with Members were iniorrned that are the wt booth at the Hillsdale eol ileld day in luly was alsuueess Plans were made ior displays at Goldwater Fair nlversary of he licOpcning or to celebrate the an Cut Flowers Vases Gold Fish SPECIAL Door Prize CASH voucnen HARRIS ï¬rst nuivbor ST our modern uptothemlnute flower shop BlSCflUNT in our entire stock of Pottedrlants am ware Tropieul Fish one Queen BARR cAsri AND chlth Tropieai Foileges Walt brackets rLovaRf All were lnlcresled to know versily is to the Community Centre lnviled to hear this nutsunding institutes were pleased to have her 28 beauty contest aminersponso LL lE ExAilllNE red contest than or NURSES mun gm we plus tenuous on its the new soft textured beautiful fit LékéSdinl George Enlérs C0niea nl Marilyn Matz in at Lake st George hiLS recently left the employment of the BcilTciephone and is now thinking of moving to Barrie and working here This will be her first The daughter of Mr and Mrs Marshall Matz Marilyn has fought for survival from two brothers Nat athleticny in cuned Marilyn does like water sports but that is all Marilyn weighs in at 128 pounds stands at 5511 and men sures 39241238 Her favorite clothes are skirts and sweaters Scott Young noted Globe and Mali columnist Neville Bar nett Examiner news editor and Mrs Laura Lueaspr the Better Dress Shoppe will be the Judges for The Barrie Ex ANlgUAlkcnMIiAIGN Ionian mmsuiss QcTOBER leather with Naturalizers Récioe May Be PIV¢II Long black hair which curls loosely around her shoulders and light brown eyes with exceptionally long eyelashes are the features or the third contestant to enter the Miss Barrie competition which will take plnce on the evening of Septem Your FavOriie Worth $2590 Announcement of the second Domestic Bakefest nltionvvlde competition in good cookery in which lust 100 Clnldlln housewives plus united bolder malu Ire expected in cnlcr hu Id Packet5 lot of 520000 in prior third out in cash will gotta the top 210 contestants the bulk of it to the 01 Ian Conlelilnu suhmllllng the ten best recipesin lhe npinlon of mnin all expenses paid to calm pale in bakeoff for lhc top three prizes mounllnz ln lolll to 55000 gt Mum mum WEDNESDAY 5m in hit Ind nine appltaneei the ludreswlli be brought to Tolem plur range 051 at The grand honour and 119 ceremonies rurroundin It to fut held last vur led to 1110 decision In hold an thisygr Lul years top PIbeiflflEfWI Mrs John Bulhkn of Vezrevllic Alberta she won with realm far Prize Velvet Cake Dch of this yelrdiop prim winnen will receive non frlgenler llld Washehdryei Iddillon the ills primvcnmllu at 32500 In full alhu second SL500 in cash Ind the third 51000 in ash The Envcnlrunnersup at the hikeoff will clch receive WP Another 00 contesunu will each reeeiv 21pin In act connotation prize vmtrs NEW llllnclllnllte hill the to Judy Bond full ioned this waahlbll fine cottoil iam cloth blouse in beautiful colour choices Willie town our NAVY Armour 50 Sizes 1218 $3 Shortcleevesissy blouse cotton cyc lci idea on bodice new interprc tion in carefree drip dry cotton broad cloth White Sines 1248 an This beautiful phi lcy is printed over white background in 100 lerylcnc on Mandarin one and loft tin bow LACKan rubWhirl Sivzcl l220 Thin Ileevc Sissy blouu comes with cmurrtiny Iohnnycnllar fine cotton broadcloth white steer 1248 bunlop rhon Ms4410 VDBVIOUS THEIR GflllECTIDN 0f BEllllilFlll ltllllsts Do see them These foul just joined our colleciinn to show all how easy It is to treat your new tall sklrls to an unlimited number of combinations for examnlo some youll see with their own colourimaled skids Button yours up in eilhat cotton ierylenedacmn arnel nylon to mention unly few Ill washable of course salon you know even refuse to wrinkle drip dry need he to nilironing Eas loo to make collection of your own at these most moderate prices an plies out Jln l2 is it iodiiu The eontul open lmmedhlaty wtuh general rovert manager nld that the ow whclmlnx tunes at the on so