gt ITS MANS WORLD ISSIOIi an Ho can Rail In Bo Two bridle from this aria were eritertllind extensively an the one on of their marriages Eloise met Dickie MrLl Robinson and Mrs There ioiioued lively discus daughter or Mr and Wham Goriil tackle rormerly ol MeKIy or Band Head regis lion presided ovrr by nob Barrie but now in Bracebridge wed WalterWilllam Appie tered 36 lenders our vililon and er alneLEirvn oi Aiunin resid ton on Saturday September Mavis Coutta orMldhum iour Presbyterul ouicen at the out at Simcou Prcsliyturtal the will mnrry Douglas Hughes Churchill on Saturday Sep Mission ndnd Rally at Bond Head main topic ui conversation Ini tember 2L Mrs Lloyd Cumming Mrs Vei law with lunch it srnc lbw ml Wire and Mrs Garnet wnicss WW mi in SW Mavis Couflrs tial mass in St retrial Church 0mm Handed mm tel the Bands hall lull murse Toroilln Gare wildrleld at wanhip Mm dinnern others iiuplc treat The Explorer Group or which oclodt on Salurdty September chm mm and in others nailiinc all The Mix Coulis is counsellor teled ml tnliowed by wedding mum Blnddnmd costume general consensus oi opiiiiiin ilms the briduiefl to eblna shower braHui to which 15 guests are chde mm that simple rtat would in trust sit the homelg Danelartuhi mama lhzhï¬onricogignaudï¬io be mm mm mug with parties on special liteasinns was com Bin wldy suitable lor Mission Blnd use llralwiiiiam Waltiil Bnnti lléad Coutts The group proton up roll it te Howl which he Wm muommmd mm open House Wm he held mm ihl it hnr demonstrated scicrsl gaiiiesivhlch with each the members names tbne to live and seven to nine emmn hm mm iilim cmhmldefld an MM ri tide lo de mcmnry their tite luyed Fortysix breathless women shenanmm me dammed News pram pans unne ea er Mrs Gordon are wcni through lht paces at My and seated onlhe invadet Thd Am 515 mm Mum Spence ewe on Iii mIkEup comes Mrs Neshm Mission mind brand new vuriun ul lac Toe he Mtcumls lunch direct tram Kldlme Helena iiuir secrelnry tor Simcoe Presbytery Cfllicd Kittens and or An advertisement in the Times Literary Supplementwhich inun tinned that Blrrie was holiday rcsuri on lhl shores of Lake Simone with population of 18 nthland that the library was modern building brought Anne Elliott across tilt Atlantic ocean to take up lodging in shoemaker Quite Good Basses aver the surface The impression is similar to that cro alcd when the surrace or coin is etched un paper by pencil The impressions can be used tor costumes er heraldry ur lust as collections was smrd and those in attend Inc played when Ind sang songs The Mldllurst community held mlscoiiancouy shower or Mavis in the Vcspro Township Hall The large number present danced to the my Orvilcstra of Edgar Wll tier Craig was emcee tor the at fair He called the bride and groom iu the front and sealed them there while Joy and Robert Sutton dressed as bride and groom brought in sally decont ed mgon at gltts and assisted iiiavis in opening them His Allan aonney neighbor read an address trotn the com munity expressing its best wishes The rest at the evening was spent in dancing Eloise Lockie At the home at Llle groomx molher Mrs Wniicr William Air pielon Sr on the Kingsway in Toronto the bridaciecl the brides mother iind the groom mother icneived at an allernonn tea at which two oi the groama aunts Mrs George Harrington Sr and Mrs Cecil Wilson poured on August linen shower was given by the maid bl honor Miss Lillian Harrisonand one 01 the bridesmaids llliss Bernadetle MacDonald instein horscll from Paris She supervised the new makeup cre tied to complement the tail col ieeiinns lean Dessos and Guy Laroche The makeup is based on luminous look with Skin Dew as the unndlliun base ii LI return to youthiul look with roundness as tilB most im portent lecture Rnch rounds out the tealures and gives addiv tionnl brilhlnris Lips are well rounded and large with great emphasis to the lower lip Eyes are big well rounded with bright blue or green eyeshadow Eyc brows are run and also rounded ii LilEy iliB paienuse black eye pencil in parts makeup color is deiirr iter redred or orangered Guy Larecho went all out in orange color using it it everylype of costume ScEd To Meet The SoEd Social and Educa iionai eiuh oi the vanich will hold an open meeting loniglii in the house on Owen Street to which all young mai and re rniiie adults are invited The pro grnm for the coming year will he planned and an opportunity to make new lriend will be nVail able bALTb GRAHAM nEDFOizDbent out nil thecute dinipied girls in the ONE baby contest to become grand winner Shown here with his motherthe former Ann Nicholl ot Barrie Dnl anti two lower teeth young Toronto couple who waited 10 years or their only ion is rournndnhulr months old and sporLs two upper sill couldnt wait to cnlcr him It the contest lhat he was sobeautiiug Paul in Int Corinthians Chapter cxlrn bucks and maps which would pocket demonstrated lww to make many Pumpkins and South Tlie aiiernuun liirsilip lvastiln ducted by Mrs ltzliililirtl All Avening assislnil hy Mrs mama Shili Cruvmnrt Alter wuril nl riitillt Rev Mr Lmc cluscii lilt rally will the bencdicliun welcomed the lenders and visi torl Ind in her message asked the leaders In be sure that tfl children or Simboe Presbyterial learned eight of lhe rules at Charity or Love laid down by la reminding them that the study boolr stories were only im portant insoiar as they exempli ded these rules at Love lier new assistant lira Carl iiclnntl of liensileid was introduced urs Gary Wilson Thornton presented the new study boolrr tor the year pndeptn ind mid rnllny CHANGE OF LIFE HOT FLUSIIES Whyrider rum inn llillliranu You Inlriull irrilill walk he usctul along wilh the study wmzncnliryuln Nm Formula imii or Compound Mud will be helped to 34 ue min DAYS FREE IREAIMINT it you or not holpeï¬ Lunch was served bythe Wills ladies at Hand Head with Rev Mr Love of Bond Head United Church leading in Grace Mrs Walter McMunn Midland items at Mission Band meetings In ï¬hich weredinuxpensive such as Jifgï¬jll were ma irom Kleenex and wim bird ems mm from inelxffltii5il$llf5ï¬ï¬‚3f straws and string bnok marks we hove Ifliltlnt trsiinnin made with cotton and crayons isl on lilo term animal mean rpm paper and Join liirm today ry nur lair lIiias it was suggested that tho mfgglflh cages would malteiovci Jnlt in me ennui will all mildew colored paper to tie in with our study Japan this year PIIKHAMHOIOURC onunm clilld were bicst wiLb ii grand chumpion when he did come Sevenmonihsold Dalton Bcdiorliv Anne his brought over what she consider two quill good brasses tram her home town Iirimy Street in Birrie The other stall at the Central Laboratory held party or and native ui Bury Sl Edmunds illï¬ï¬llfé Egg one or the rainy beneieetor who 153 ain $33127 lg Pun at Mr tand lire rallim ged evc sum or none re the lu ord 22 Hi Par Blv ma immmmflm nm WM in be distributed aynnuuiiy sirize tomb the was mm gcican swetizp oi the cue baby cAMPus this advertisement appealed to licr and she was accepted over lwil other applicants Anne then parkril her bugs and sailed on the Empress ol arilnin Fighting nit two days at seasickness Anne did int or swimming on the boat hilt was mnsliy talking in Can ndinns who were offering good advice and what nut No Sightseeing day in Montreal and one in Toronln were the extent or Annes party and presentation given by the Central Laboratory St sociiition Also on September personal shower was given by Miss Lillian Harrison On September kitchen shower was Igvienvby Mrs hiaerariane Mrs Marin Both the bri and the grooms mothers poured tea An afternoon tea was given by the bridesrnother on September at which she tile brideelect and the grooms mother received Mrs Forgham Mrs Bdr ber and Mrs Weir poured tea luncheon was given at the Mississauga Country Club in the brides honor by Mrs Scranton and Mrs RCuthhert on Septem ber 10 Pantry gaed were the theme or show and brought home the prize cup and $50 His mother the former Ann Nichoii was born at 89 Victoria St in Barrie at the home at her aunt Mrs Elizabeth Jeiferics Mrs Redford graduated from Prince or Wales School hero Allan Redford cried when his boy was announced the grand winner ï¬nd his wife said ii was the iirst time She had ever seen him in tears My husband is so hes impossible to live with said Mrs Redford They sent him home rroni work one day to give him time to wear it all Mr Hartford works tor the Iran Fireman Company as an installer He is originally 1mm Regina Daltun CTnhilin weighs 22 pounds is fairilailed and has brown cyes His muLilel breast fed him until in was fourandn half nioth old but now he eats various types or canned baby food cheese and biscuits toast almost anything you give hiin Dalton has never been sick his death and the other at pro minent Archdeacon Annes only other weakness was for cultivaled cacti us It was the only sort oipot plant that didnt diepn me Anne has only one sister who is younger and whu will be ent ering the University of Londim lhis term on In County Major scholarship Anne explained that this is quite an achicvernent ess peciaiiy tor woman as univers smhlsueins in her adopted cnun iiy inciiities dont allow demand try litlure she arrived in Barrie in mm supply on Seniumbcr s7 To the inevitable question Amie termed Mr Primary 011 Anne replied that ii ir ion soon ucatinn in severaischoois but she impress Camd cnlllplnlcd secondary schWi She did add though that she ex Clilrchlinn almarriinpsenuoi in mm Lake Simm Ahcrgclc Wnies where she won but 5m new Wm wlni she do tires as the usual Lake mm but she sclttltll prizes she then worked mm mm Kempenxeldl was tin Hm libran ll Bury far seven about three times larger than you her ofï¬cial position being Demem princilini llssisital and relerelnce Anne refused to comm rary Alhuug Burys en II he dressing hlbits or Canadian library is comparable size to Mom but did say um it was danï¬igiztp held by Mr Ame mmflrked norc iniorinai here than at home dampen 5min wps much lgrg Foilowrnx the wedding and re Ontario fifllliril lilil PsllMAhiellTs IST BARRIE COMPANY On Thursday Sept it at run the lsl Barrie Girl Guides will meet in the basement room at Trinity church lully SiBeuuly Solo 12 DU 0P5 EAST Pllt lrl 80423 welcome is awaiting all new girls and Brownies who came up to the Guide Company at their closing banquet in June See you on Thursday Youiti ADORE JHE Mr and Mrs Elmer Woods shower held or the bride by of Blake street Barrie an Mrs Wilson and Mrs ll Cirt ounce me engagemem at wright on September in iAfier the wedding rehearsal the bridal perty was entertrlaed their daughter Isabel Jack allne ooRobert Charles An drews son or Mr and Mrs Robert Andrews or Guthrie Their wedding will licr choice as her manta nuth motion is dinnerdance party was take place on Saturday Mil mm exiemvyiy used and book is Jane Austens held on September id at the October 19 at two oclock in 33 iii 12523d133i55di335 mill Mr 31 exam Persuasiun And this is the Club Kingswsy by Mr and Mrs rm Lanoon TrinityAug his parents put hlmpn the front wan Applem licnn Church Barrie room rug Mrs Bedlam said Golden Wedding Mr and Mrs Boyle 25 noon Shannon Street will celebrate 50 years of marriage with is nup atinn in December she is com pleting il by currespondeyice irnm England it is an ciassiii tion 1nd on singing and by passing she will be ndmittcdns achart ereii librarian vnrd of an expert sheep Countn Canadas varied eilmoteand terrain supports at least 13 dis tinct breeds oi sheep VDEMONSTRATORVS sellout Knows brltish isles iior knowledge oi lheConiin It is limitedla France and Nor ay where she has holidayed nnglaad she reels lhllriliighly Scotland and Walesthlilligh the jaundiced hl WALKER FOR FALL ANDWINTER she knows cursorin ves ul schoolgirl or She is very and at an unusual NM EXACTLY A5 ohby irriuwn as brnssrttbbing ILLUSTRATED which lsxrsiely popular in Eng iand lt consists or placing paper vovcr one at die numerous buss ricies witch decorates ling lish churches ml which are usu 11131 in zdntal position and rubbing it stlclr of biscksnb some which is bought mm SIZES i2 TO 20 Two SMAilT STYLES Fenlurlng line cotton broadcloth in plain yellor or white with pocket containing pad and ball point pun lie other iriiiy irdnt Arne iabrie short sleeve in am only 298 SKIRT FAsHio REVERSIBLE PLAIDS Ii FALL NEWEsT COLORS SIZES l2 TO 20 BtACKBENGALlNE 1N SMART PiilNCESS LINE MUST FOR YOUR FALL WARDROBE not YOUR CARIDESERVES IT THiS WINTER Protestyour investment wilh this cfltadivn Glidsa its REAL BUY in eitherwslze 19 including overhead door Vehicles to store garden tools Ma No CASH REQUIRED limited suppiy or Singer Portable and Cabinet models availableuAli backed by the SINGER SEWING MAClIINE COMPANY All in to running order built for yoursel smoothntitchlnglv annuitiesthymus SEWING CE gt seeiiviindcvputism nu ran PA 82496