United listening WAv The United Evening WA will meet at the parsonage on Wed netday Sept25 at no noli nail to be answered with amen cookies with rLcipe aluclied to be exchanged among the ment tam Mr and Mn lierb Black and aniin visilcd at the home of Mn Blacks lather Mr Brownlon Sunday and attended the mom ing service at Denote Church anniversary ilrs McDonald Toronto is do Hing her iriend Mrs Adams at the parsonage Mrs Flora Banting Midland visited with iir Ind Mrs Harvey Hughes and other friends here last Week Mr and iirs Jack Webster are enjoying motor trip to Nova Scotla IndMr and Mrs ltobert Sprouie have just rclurncd irnm pleasant trip to Winnlpcg Local Prue Winner Congratulations to the many prile wnnars irom here at the Toronto cm and local lairs in cluding Herb ncelby chit Car scndden iiughes nrothers ctlti Webb Charles Sproulc and Mr and hire in Sutherland Funeral at Lowery Mrs hi Lowery passed peace iuily away at her home here on Wodncsdn Sept 11 in her 78th year Mrs Lowery was ill only our days 0i particularly swcct disposition she will be greatly missed by many tricnda and our deepest sympathy is ex trndcd to the bcrcaved family at this time Funeral service on Saturday in St Pauls Anglican Church was conducted byhcr pastor Rev Ll Rowe with inter men in the church cemetery Pretty Wedding pretty wedding was soiemnlz ed at the United parsonage here on Saturday aiicrnoon Sept 14 when Rev Wnnless united in marriage Miss Lorna Hunt oi ilradiord and William Forbes oi iicile Ewart United Church Anniversary The United Church anniversary vieos here will he held on Sunday Sept 29 al ii and 730 oclock conducted by how Ewart Clerk oi New Lowell The junior choir willsing nt helnnrning service and the regular church chair at the evening service assisted by mate chorus irom Brndiortl We were pleased to hear Cari Waiiwin rccovcrcd his two Hoi stein cattle tnkcn from his sale last week Wedding Congraluintions Congratulations to Lorna iiiiv deriey and Barry Grant who were married Saturday 5ch Essa ltoad Presbyterian church Aliandsic Wt Vlslt Simeon Manor in spite oi torrential raln27 members oi Siroud WI and mm inunity journeyed to Bectonron Thursday evening Sept 12 to entertain the residents oi sim one Manor Alter visiting with the bed patients and leaving treat with saeh varied program oi songs readings dances plnno violin and accordion numbers was given All who had birth day during August and September received gift after which light Lrefreflaments were served Any church mun WI or service or ganialtiou would teal vastly re warded it it planned to mend an alternan or evening in brindng pieturn to these senior citizens at Simcoe Manor who days seem long and where tinio hangs heavily on idle hands Presbyterian was Meet The Presbyterian was met on Wednuday September ll lor their Septemberlmeetiigi at the home Mr nd m1 Ayrest The presided Mri Camp bell opened the meeting with call to worship followed by hymn and pra er Roll call was answered by One talent you would iike to have and how you would Inc it in Christian stewardv ship The minutes were read and approved included thank you note and donation from Mrs Andrew or the use at the chumli and assistance by some at the men hers at her daughterrrcccnt mar riagc In Stroud Church Also thank you from those receiving plants and lruit or juice lilrs Sutherland Janet Ayerst and Mrs Third Mrs Nelson gave report on quilts one belng at quilt and rug sir and one done or member oi the church it wis suggested the thank nit ierlng moeiing he held in Dales her date suitable to the speaker with he societies to he invited irom Barrie Allandnic St Pauls St James Couisnns Hill ivy and Cookstown Worship service included hymn Scripture from St Matth ews Gospel and second Timothy read by Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Cowan prayer by Mrs Clflip bell otiertory prayer by Mrs Frank Iowan Mrs John Cownn invorcd with Ill enjoyable solo Take my Hit and let it tic Rev Muir spoke on whaiflod Requires oi Me As stewards we are all acrvanls ui God The stewardship can be divided into three groups that oi timc talcnt and treasurecod is the owner we are illst entrusted or time the relationship be ing one at love and gratitude til wards God and others hymn and piaycr by Rev Muir closed themeeting The lioslcss was assisted by Mrs Third in serving bountiful lunch llitielh Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Mr and lies William Lamb who celebrated their 50th wudding anniversary on Wednesday Sept 18 Miss Mai rerguson left by air on Mondaytor Ottawa to attend the Past Masters convention Visitors Mr and Mrs Donald Nelson and Laura Lee Flint Michigan and Mrs Litulrn MeCraw New London Conn spent the week cud with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Reid and vis ited with their greatuncle Sutherland and other rela tives Mr and Mrs Ed Dnymnn Mrs Robb and Miss Gladys Robb 0i Lyndon called recently on Sutherland and Mr and Mrs Hand Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelson Mr and Mrs irving Nelson and Correspondence by $640000000 by oil revenues on PROVINCEIREMIER Premier Ernest hing sits at the desk in the legislative buildings in Edmonton where he presides over the alinlrs oi the Alberta government Enriched Since the discovery oi petrol eurn at Lednc 10 years ago the Alberta government now iSiii position to retire the public debt Gicn visited Sunday at Gordon Gilmores Mr and Mrs David Johnson spent Sunday with their son Ross Johnson and lamily Toronto Mr and Mrs Mel Ayerst Ind iarnlly spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs itobcrt McDonald and iani ily Crccmoro viliis McFariune Ottawa spent week with her son George and iamin betore going to Peter borough to visit another sonl Communiiy Honors Couple On Friday night number oi friends and neighbors ganerEd at the Community Hall to can gratuinle and honor newlyweds Mr and Mrs Duncan Cnmphcil The lirsi part ot the evening was spent playing cards Mr mum and Mrs Nelson winning prizes Dancing in the music oi Tom Pnttcndcns orchcslrri was also enjoyed An appropriate address was rend by Murray Amos to the honored couple and will itnnsom Al Martin and Don McNahb prescnlcd them with an attractive television chair and stool Duncan in iew well chosen words thanked those re sponsible and the community or the gills large number irom this com munity attended and very much cnjoyed open house Sept 11 and 12 ill Lakcview Dairy Barrie with lhe first equipment oi its kind in Canada WI Scptcmhcr 19 Just lcniintlor oi Mic Womens institute mcciing to he held In Sept in at pm GUTHRIE Anniversary Services Anniversary services will be lheld in Guthrie Presbyterian Church on Sunday Sept 22 at 11 and 130 Thehome choir and Barrie Quartet will supply the music tor the morning service and South Pool choral Society inr the evening service Rev air Bauich oi Barrie will be the speaker Yessir or healihicrl calves minerals levels to special ration designed to Why not drop into the mill riunIs to build up dry cows for the coming iaetatio lon CALVES AND hernias 5n ration that promotes sound healthy poor quality roughage SHURGA1N DAIRY SUPPLEMENT lPLAN DAIRY Haiti PROFITS EVERY STEP OF THE WAY there is theres SHURGAIN Feeding Program ior cach stage oi Dairy liord Man ageinth ENGINEERED SPECIALLY FOR iNCREASED RETURNS FOR DRY COWS SHURVGAIN Dry and Freshenin and maintain milk iiow oi herds on Ration formulated to supply prnper nui and to assist in the development oi arrange unnAJri call StarterGrower carciully prepared starting eveiopment at all bredin charaeterlstlesjol valves FOR MILKING cows suurtoAm Dairy Ration suppltcs the energy protein vitamin and balance the roughage tor maximum milk production gt pour late summer pasture or on Wewoliid like to discuss the SHUilGAIN Dairy Feeding program with you in more detail and help you fatten your monthlaniik cheques HILLSoAL rLouRfsitFEEDd the Community iiilil on Thursday GREATEST iJEMAND TORONTO Greatest demand tor Crown land toraumnior cot tale ure in Ontarios history is reported by the Linda Division or the Department oi Lhnds anti Forests Land reatonably close to mainlccntrea 01 population has recelvcd major dtiention and avail able sites are said in be iairiy MaysBe Cause 0i Isuicaigkc oi humming birds onhirudt Zany Bird Habits iii slid served drnnken hony bees fail or inst ulain mold ml is ing from advanced hioonas great disorder they build turlously and acted as it culturing trom complete in toxicatiun We have also witnessed the horzvmnauflcz Tnnpertautlmatethatacns adlan with two dependent children ttartlloplyoutmominincotnc in moot quution awaiting deï¬nite 0n tho round loam our earr and roads hm bun tar than in recdved ln tinny an improved Now lets lniprou our owlneu when annual income reas drivingvDRIVE sAflLY chu about $3590 well oxhlulled 55 Duniog St West surmised youll ALWAva STEP ArtisAq cAnsoiI trier91m Loom watch cultiAxsndwnn or smite 5rhurrdayn and still givsyau real bonus tradéin on will nroseht car Well see in ii that your own paymentiis just as low as possible too and thetterms real easy on that budget tirick house ronoNroioo the birds nnlilt All 21 ihis may or may nut the hen get so inï¬ll in lht tall hlVe11hfl in d0 Will the inantario that they crash tininkucrm flighupi ntiietrtzrouse but eniy into house windows brick the Observations areinicrnsting walls and carwindshieltls lo in in the lmpufl or bird Jury or death against windows hii Ahdamrzn Automomo my puppy The question is ralseti Lind remarita ii is ilkcy at say District nonstar ryltdain dccepttru qualities oi the pins The MW Bitter nahtill son niihc Ontario Lands anulrciltcilun and iliusionare the New Bum1 pp Wm Forests Department uhn reveals cause many rm en some enlightening in anthihrar Whether its illusion dcrrptinn 5m hm ios on eray iliglils lalI shuiilcs juice or this grape join up vivrg and olhcr uny bird and her be rV haviour thought to stem only irorn too much lurniiiarity with iermcntcd rolls and iiurrcrs Crnzy nights at grouse or partridge hnrc butn writemil lrc1 oucntly mostly in the tall he says and am thciiry is that it is closely nsstttilillld with the Iaii shuiile or young hires The shtiltle consists ti tiiuir cilurts in leaving the curry to spreartl nutand attempt to rstatrltsh in dividual iarritnrir lintluilititliiy this must eansn great social and emotional iiixtiirhuncc in youngyoltheytnr and may well be the cause oi sonic crn1y ilights second lIltiorv is lhltl tilt lirst trusts in llit tall trnll to sour many oi the wild lruits and berries on whith ruiitli urausul iced The irnit junrs are thought to ferment anti livennu lntorio ing thus causing the The stile Law at itllnonlu ion may alicct nerlar in snow iliiwerx tluring curly This has béen Plymouurs bigyesr were going to males stovenlblgger by oï¬er ing you extrn savanga during our September Sellin Spreei Come in Pick out the Plymouth you want VB or Six There ureMoor sedans 2doar pedansï¬adoorSuburbialisflsdoorSuburbm aridsome dim and Moor hmdtapn lt Mid remember thin Plymoutha tho lowest rimd one with TorsionAirs Ride Fla ht weep styling pushbutton Torqcue his driveTotalContacthrnkenamjlall Heather yearesahead Chryaiuenganeered advances AllthisplusbrndihoimlPlymoutiiflnequality gt vSoundgoodicomooninnndgetgaiHba momyaaving fulï¬l Seerhowsasy It is for you ooown the most popular Plymouth evgrhutltt Get more at the future right mwlrtako the keys andtako homo BIG savingsl We can hand over thnlkeys lo the néw Plymouth oiylitlrc trefoib price so altraclivayotlll bl Chrysler Corimalior of Caliado Limilzd so pmrvnvqr