publie relations lever lbs this display at Oro ilr dm ottentiooto new and unique Junior Farmenl Club project public service and toadraise Then In uvlnl good re Ions that seven Junior Farmers clubs in Slmcoc County look on the project or supplylnz hnn name markers First or course because they need money or the lab their clubs are doing This project had rng lundliplslng pos siollllies with 2000 Coop mem bers iritcreslcdï¬herc was pos sible $3000 to be had Then there is thc public sen VIM IflIlC arcai held or mail box or arm entrance name signs Anyone driving in the country knows how interesting it is to be able to identity the farm you on puslng or admiring or how helps iul it you are loo log tor par ticular farm folly lorrnrr bios to have his piece identiï¬ed but too onen this hos been neglected The cost the signs lettered and creclad is only $l5U only ireciloo or what they would cost individually and the lull price goes to the Junior Farmers club Simeon Distrlct Cooperative Service charges the costvlu trend because at the public service angles The signs are heavy gouge enamclledmet Ii or size to be easily read liexinnnn ol barrle help ed setup the deal with St Thom as Metal Sign Company Local sign painter John Murphy let tors the names on as the orders are sent in by the boys and girls of the club There was delfly until the busy season in delivery oi the ilrsl signs but now the project ls really rolling witll nearly 200 signs erected Some have been used esnomes onvtann lnlcks and some on town members homes All this has created in terest lintl domand The deal costs the boys considerable tlrne in organisation sales calls and call hacks and their the boys erect the signal themselves That was the reason or the display at the troop tent at Oro Fair to be followed up with dis plays at Elmvalc Cnnkstowu Beeton and Barrie Ialrs con tacts and sales can he made at much lower cost at the falls There are it couple of extra ways the clubs make commission money on this project They are writing up the $10 life member ships lnr prospective new Corup members They are also taking orders ior debentures which are available any time up to an au thorized ltlnountI from Simeun Dislrict Coop Services is this project works out as MARKET PRICES FRIDAY SEPT 13 065 CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Ciroperative Packers oi anterio Barrie Hogs $5300 Sows $2400 EGGS Large 41 Medium 39 Small 24 och Crack Peech CHICKENS over 1hr Grade Grade 13 Grade bod lbs Grade Grade Grade lo 1h Grade Grade Grade Under lbs no price Cnpons up to and according to height and quality FOWL 45 lbs Under lbs LL ER may JUFPLAl ll Iovi IAWIDAV so is In your roman no Illni mnIhui co no nuns on iuo can re WinMini nom no noNnAvlflrv no You PotMle was run to sun so Quet sou western mou min mnr no Elirind Into rarer otomi noun nu may in some us viiuh also mm are no on doors mm no nihollsoduorr and rot tor wortr LID soodu Pool hm Inns am no newnu Boone duo rt no nos plot hour 45 soo Rendth mm arm em mush no it one wtm 7m noun on sou av ian noor ooo mo on drum up no out nloor To ooo Neil soon see hog new uon orb en or 95 High ott urnoar son duo on in data gob lick shop or sport Scores nor soon 700 News open sea 11 we Headline gunman an mono and port Imru eels also on lintan don lulaltlt tor the my fungalng mummyAlum ins on on Igg and uo duo on rut mi 53333 summary we v5 Church calendar mm an mum tutu rte op Scores 731 trI mm mm loos and om on an Jim com gno its IIW 33 33s 1338 rm 00 church Errvlca qunav LII via an ms Elma County Home use nuns or umtovooi tone it l2 so halirilnlgoarrd l2 til at iillit limml an no no oil 00 neon use Music by uortlo line To Jim Corry onu well its the buys and girls in the Club intend it to it will spread through the province Already other Junior Farmer and 4H clubs ore interested Other Co ops too are watching its pro grass ileybe they have started something that will spread worthwhile public service us well as source at tlinils tor their own work which helping create better term industry KEY nous licolvonlv nireetly ond indirectly in newspapers than anything else neknise ranches about 7000 rest cAiWidiAN NATIONAL EXHleo Conudictnc 57 Grandstand Show the motor vehicle provides Jobs for one in seven womarncrs oul strips even lead as factor in re tail trade 23 cenls oi every dul puts more advertising in Swedens highest peak red in northwest Sweden lost of the time at Tuesday nights council mletlnl nu taken up discussing the expenditurcs which would all on the munlclll iiy it new stlect uopeaed up east at Main Street south on properly owned by Mrs John Gil bruith The area islands or pas tun land at present Mrs Galbraiths Son Donald who is land surveyor locath lo Coldwuter discused plans de veloped to ï¬le which include three lots already dcsiznatod tor residences on the undeveloped land Reeve Lawrence Devin and members at Council discussed various phases at the develop ment scheme with Mr Galbraith and will obtain further informa tion on anticipated cost or roads drainage and utility services Council hits decided to have the village weigh scales rEpalred and maintained Recently the scales were declared out at order and Council debated whether they should be abandoned As viiico service it was felt the scales provided uselul liceommoda lion Administration matters occu pied considerable part at the session Change in Store tours with trade returning to normal litter the tourist season number at Goldwater business establish ments announced this week they would be open Friday evening until and would close Salut days at pin beginning Sept 2i low additional merchant were giving consideration to iolning the early closingmove During the summer stores in Culdwater were opeuboth Fridin and Saturday evenings The dairy and Epletts mill however have been closing Saturday even this Thus who have advertised thr fact they will operate on the early closing Saturday are Cwllngs Groceterla Goldwater lGAllur onion Dniryilind John Tip plnz dry zoom and Stevens hlte Id Correction Pair List The flower committee the lair announced correction in the tall iolr prize list The div tor miniature bouquet should read not moreJhan our inches instead at not more than seven inches Lions Club Meeting Goldwater Lions Chlh held their first loll meeting after the summer suspension with the new president irek Duolop and the now secretary JackLeUicrby irl olllce The member named nerb Stevenslo make Inquiries about mobile rclreshmcnt stand tor the fair Must oi the Lionshold key posluons on the executive or dirr ectorate or the all air lluronlo Fllr Next Week Last yenr the entertainment in lhe rink building the smoud even ing of the talrproved highlight ol the Show and It meeting of the directors annular enlcrlalning program has been arranged for Tuesday evcnInK Sept 17 ut Huronia Fair being held at C01d water CommunityICentre grounds the ï¬rst three days at next week Mnnduy is preparation day The rink concert silrls at pm with Fred Brown master at Ceremonies Zlhere will be an Old Time Fiddlers contest Step Dancing contest and demonstrate tion or dancing by Mary Betty School oi Dancing Drilllz under direction oi Mrs Leiiay High lundand tup dunces will be in cludcd The directors placed $3000 in surance on the new poultry and storage building For Tuesday alternoons har lius races Fred Brown will be starter using Vasey starting gale owned by Bruce Brawn Thomas Ramnge 01 Owen Sound will he starter for Wednesday ulternoon trotting events Thurs day evening the 12th her was held at the lair grounds to put up tables fence all additional part oi the race track and build more sbeop pens Howard Robinson and Rev in Look at it tlluajway says Bob Hope If were car tbQgive performance like Chevrolet Its tram dougliilhesjtar of Canadiannthé Cans National Ehhibition Grandstand Spectticular in Toronto said Chevya so loaded with talent and Etyle Iwariiecl it and got it ah the ofï¬c my éntmandeNow donthke to give dnothersts Cumming James Cowden Jame stir no additional loierut lo the typical turnouts or so years ago or the bands the tall meeting before the 61th lair about so directors were euthnsiutic about pmeets tor sueeesrtul sbovr Sept lo 17 and 18 Complies Schooll History publlc scth were built to serve Mldonte pupils in Vasey area when contract tor the con struction was given to Thonsas Dcvlu in two Prevlously 55 No 12 uedonte on the corner the lourlh con cession served Ill the Vuscy dis tricl pupils As some children had too greata distance to do tor classes it was declded to build two schools one cut at the old site Ind the other west This resulted in the east school SS No 16 and the west school 55 No 12 The Baird or Area Ni which lncludes the two Vasey schools possesses considerable in formation about the early days of the two institutions in registers compiled by In former Vasey lonelier Miï¬ Mull ulth who is now teaching at Drillla 55 No lo opened inJanuaiy 1887 with Miss Eadie Is teacher She was followed by Misses Mc Dermott Gordon Avrril Porter and blhen htorgdn was In curly insp tor Business lot No 12 and 18 was done by three trustees or both sections until 1899 The ï¬rst school bolrd following the breaks in away lrom No 12 wasconb posed at Robert Bumileld chair man Robert Cllmluilll secretary nnd William Tlnnry treasurer hllss Harrison was the ï¬rst teach er Twelve cords of hardwood were supplied that year at soc per card by Harry Kinsman in 1942 No 18 become port at the School Area The present chairman bl Area No Sterling McDonald of VIsey has held that utilize tor period or yous He was for many years secretary lot No 16 beginning in 1930 Chairmen since 1901 included Richard Jcnnett Samuel Haw thorne Joseph Jennclt George HuwthorneJuseph White Richard Seymour ioslah Tinney James Campbell Andrew Russell man McFarland William Taylor Secretaries included Robert Hawthorne Henry Le Tru cariot loryeors So William Tindey and William Tu lnr Morgan was simeded inspector by lnu Day In m1 Gills Jailwed Kr buy as inspector lids Wilma Honi gnmlry was the tint lonelier oi SS 18 under inspector Gibson Later teachers included Ills lna MtQinrrie and Miss Blanche Dun kleman Teachers at the Vasey shoals tor the present term areSS Id Miss Connie Cotton Penehngul than 12 Ills Verna lamble Midland Church Services church services iot Sunday Sept 15 have been arranged as lollnws UnitedRev Ross Cummins Minister Goldwater aro Church Service 11 um Sunday School classes resume Eady 1015 um Sundl School 1115 ain Church Service North Riven2m prn Sunny School and Church Service Malian Rev Donald Churches Rector WlublusheneChrisls Obulvh ll am Holy Communion MatcheduhSt Johns Church pm Holy Communion Goldwater St Natthias Church poo Evening Prayer Rev Cbumhsrwill con duct the above tbree services this lowing his return lroml Eur opean vocation Christian Feltishlp Chapel Mr Herman Krocliar Pastor Hampshire 1t arn Sunday School 11 um and 730 pan Church Services PresbyterianRev Charles Cal tar Minister Coldwatcr Andrews HUGHES St Automotivelupalr Work New Batteries roi Sole Pl too much creditVSo its inattiawellthatabout the only thing a1 Chevy doesnt dorvvalliia tell jokes No kidding though this Chevroletja fliegreateSt Its as svveot to look at as DorothyLauren ptlmialtng85 amootlllyas Bings voice and poison oreallyasssy show gnLany sour Ive been go gt sbéady with Chew should youl mun skim 35 llltillSl llciir oi liougileriy Bros Bldg Tractor Repairs Batteries Rebuilt ow shears sharpened and rebuilt iosis Church8 pm Church Service Personal wiutain 0stheiin who omit the summer at Little Gem mood Gloucester Pool hschturned to Bulllo Mr and Mfg GordanHillard ud Mr Ind Mrs Fox of Palermo Irelvacaunnlni at the Cornell cot tage Gloucester Pool Mr and urs William lilnlnis the latter was formerly Betty Brown at Goldwater have moved lmm Montreal to Waterloo Fltiseliman ill Sndbury has prepared plans to build re ldcnce on me hit west at the United Church personage on Gray Slrccl iob will super vise construction rice iNSTALLATlON AERIAL CUSTOM INSTALLATION KtT Wllll EVERY iirvicliillllllilo purchased At TELESONIC Barrlas ooly our radio drive in service 35 MARY STREET PA 83810 GARAGE Welding