Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1957, p. 1

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from llm Woolven oakley Park School shows how big the school will be next year wuh out new school lust lin ishcd yet still iaccd with the problem oi all increasing load of school children in the next iew years Barric Public School Board on Wednesday night ole cided to go allcad Withplansior an addition at Oaklcy Park School The addition oi six rooms anda playauditorium will be completed by next September The dccision was taken on the recommendation of the manager incnt committal oi the board un der the chairmanship oi Gable Policy Governs School Boards RequeSls Anion request to canvass Barrie school children or illnds to help boy seriously burned while try ing to rescue woman trapped in fire in innistii Township was turned down by the aarrie pub lic School Board on Wednesday nighlr Members of the board tell that while the ease was worthy or consideration was not possible to make an ex ccpiion in theirpolicy oi prohib iting all such canvasscs of school children Dr Frank Shannon school trustee pointed out that irrespec live or ability to pay all persons receivedthe best of medical at tention when they were in need at it Ralph Leduc 12 was seriously burned when he made repeated attempts to rescue an elderly wo man irom burning house Navy League Request request to the Barrie School Board by the Barrie Navy League or alst oi names of boys be tween the ages of 1714 to aid in written canvass for recruitswaa reylewed sympathetically by the board but refused on grounds oi policy nrbe majority the board tell that because similar applications other organizations had been reiused in the past it was not possible to make an exception in this case They were in every sympathy wlth all youth movements in the town designed to build better fu turn elticenl They agreed with WA Ball JopresEntlng the school prlnclpnls that carslul consideration should be given to ringing to the notice at all pupilsln school that such organ lzZitionl wexistcd in town and and sympathy it Reviewing enrolment tigurcs ior this and previous years the committee iorccastcd that there would be an increase of 330 pupils in the next lour years The major increase will be leit in 1959 when it is expected that enrolment ilgures will rise by lad pupils The commillees iorecast Is based on the years kindergarten registration figure of 339 It is more than Ilkon that this figure will increase rather than tall following the pattern of the rise ing birth rate during the past tew years ill 1953 there were 922 yeglslered birlhs in Barrie last year there were 1095 gt TelIn Additions Past expcricnce has also shown that it is reasonable in expect an increase oi at least 40 pupils dur ing the school year Thus the present enrolment or 2562 may easily reach 2600 by the end of this school ycar Annexation iurther factor which has to be kept in milld is the matter of annexation it is within the realms of oomibillty that it an nexatlon takes place on Jan 1959 the board might have to assume responsibility for the schoolsln the area concerned in September 1958 it is also known that at pres cnt some said children in the Laltia and Anne street area in Vespra Township arc bused miles up country On annexation there would be no school lor these children unlt less plans are made to use illll crcst School lllany other schools in lhe proposed annexation area out onto ovamt om Bliiie oi BritIlia Sunday September 15 will be observ ed at all RCA Illtlonl across the Dominion At Barrio with will he laid at the Cenotaph and there will be short Iervleo at 1010 mm Following the service Mayor Willard Klnzla wlii lake the Hint at the march plt oi two flights rpm REAP Station Camp Borden headed by the CAP Camp Borden Pipe Band and sec complakd by members or the Barrie Branch oi the Can ldiln legion arid the Barrie Alr Cadets Prior to the Cenotaph cer colony the parade will intoi no It Barrie Arena and march to the Cenotaph nap reuntaiives oi RCAF Depot Angus and BCAF sta tlon Edgar will also be pres cat Special services will also be held in the morning at RCA Station Cllnp Borden or camp pemuncl at which will be members oi the nor gun Ind Alliston branches of the Clnldlln Legion Judgment Given Carrigan Case Fine Suspension Judgment was givcnby Magis traith lt roster in court here on Wednesday Sepl ii In the charge Di carcless driving against William Carrlgan on June 29 On conviction ihe fine was $50 with costs oi $9230 and license suspended ior three months Carrigan transport driver Tomato was coming south near Wonder Valley on Highway 11 at the time oi the Audrey rainv all Another driver in car with his wile and iamily Robert Dermoltdol New York State was in iront of Carrigarl He signalled lo leit mmn th restaurant there but noting the transport pulled to the right shoulder Calrigan was forced to keep leit arid collided with the car oi Mrs itindeu who was killed His Worship considered that as an experienced driver Carrigan was aware oi conditions was travelling too fast and did not have control at the vehicle are crowded and will become more so by litxi year Necemary none in view at these facts the com mittee tell that the proposed ad dltlon would help to relieve Hill crest and enable onceiorall tilne adjustment of the boundary between llllicrcst and Oakley Park schools Oakley Park School would be able tofunction as complete unit which would do away with the neccssity at having split lamilles To relieve the heavy load in the schools taken over lhe board could transport grades audio pupils to the present Barrie schoolslhcrcny giving the pupils experience which would make their transition to high school easier The addition would also leave available the present port able classroom oncar BRIDGE The Golden Gate suspension bridge at San Francisco is 4200 teclr long fEDERAlION AN NOUNCES AGRICULJURALSCHOLARSHlP AWARDS SIMCOECOUNTYBOYS rbe Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture announces the warning of the first two 5100 scholarships to two Slmcoe County boys who are entering the diploma course at the Ontario Agricultural College Guelph The Federation had announced earlier that one scholarship would be awarded but an anonymous person who is interested inagri ulture andgpiomoting additional ducation or young arm people donated 5100 to hc used for an additional schnisrship The scholarships have been awarded to Raymond Colo of Al lilzton and Aiircd Kaols of Phelp It Raymond Colc hascompleted grade lz at Banting Memorial High school He has takenian Ictiva interest in 4H Clubw the Junior Farmers orgnub on and has been oniudglngtaaois that have Judged at Guslph and the Royal Wiatcrrair liebas also shown steer ill the Queenslngioodl or the nation Guineas for three years Bay mond plans to attend Guelph ior two years and then return to his fathers farm Alfred Kanis attended Barrie DiatrictCollegiate institute last year and was in grade 12 While att the collegiate he was mem ber of the student Council was member oithc Camera Club ior two years and also its vicepresi dent Aitred hasbeena member of the Earric Junior Fair Board and Is especially interested in iield crops on completion of his course at Guelph he is hap ing to work or the department otagriculture H5 tleldman The Federation pt Agriculture pleased to horrible to make esc awards to ypungpeople who are genuinely interested in farming The Federation feels it Is important that youngfipeopie be encouraged to obtain iurlher education to better fitltheln or the very important job diproducs Anyone Have OldTime Pump At recent meeting oi the slmcoo County Museum Committee County Treasurer Calcium mentioned that he had request or the torn or an oldrtime wooden pump with either wood or metal spout but there is none in the Collection No doubt in this pioneer township there are still number at these Pefiouncil Visits Angus Members or the Northeastern Forest Pest Council toured the tree seed plant or the ontario pppartment o1 Lands and Forest yesterday This visit is part of an extensive tour being carried out by this council through Ontario or the first time The councilywhose object is insect control in forest areas meets annually iorexchange of information It is headed by Dr ii Rex oi the New lersey De partment of Agriculture and the Canadian branch of the council in under the chairmanship of Dr Frebble chid oi the Forest Biology Division Department at agriculture Ottawa To date the tour day tour has included visits to Petawawa For est Experimental Station Algon uninrarkand Forest Bangers School near Dorset The tour is completed today after visit to Forest Pathology Southern Resdarch Station at Maple Shovvers Mld Clear Later Atter very heavy rain Thursday afternoon and night the lormst is or clearing later today and cooler ior Friday the 13th Temperature were High Dow oeron cinchn Sunday Sept 15 finnelore keen KEEN COMPETITION FEATURE OF BIG ORO SCHOOL FAIR The traditional school parade started the annual School Fair oii agxln Wednesday with tho sun shining brightly all Iho while and enlhuslasm or the compptitions high The schools marched around the track and inlo the field oi the Om Fairgrounds and were thcre judged on banners and marching ability ltlacLalcn vicechairman oi the Barrio School Board re marking on his choice at Dalston as first place in the banncrs divie sion said that the schools ban ner was small but ltlcre was obs viousiy much attention paid to detail and great deal oi hand work The othcr banners were larger but not as thorough llc awarded lop marching hon ors to Shanty anbccausc it was the biggestgroup and it sccrned to have spent much time in prac tising He added that there was nice control over the unit Argyle was smaller but it had paid some attention to costume and its marching lormalion was good so it rated second inthe event Fine Showing Stewart Page agricultural representative in North Simone remarked at the closing 01 the livestock and poultry adjudication that he had never seen such line school showing in his lite and that the committee deserved much credit or the fine job they had done Entries in each division were numerous and competition was Each sectlon averaged ten entries Divisions Well supported Divisions ol the fat included grain and vegetables both oi which were well supported with contestants ilowcrs which decor ated appro rmalcly onethird ol the exhibition building baking die surcst way to all audiences heart and special group projects from each school in the animal exhibit proud parents and cxhlbitors laughed and shrank depending on which side oi the ring they were an at the antics oi lheexhibits One at the lamb specimens literally carried away his cxhlollor Sixyearcold Sammy italllc oi Guthrie named ailer his grand ialher who was quite sheep shower took second and third in the lamb division dcs pite the lact that his lamb almost took him right out at the ring But Sammy flipped his two with Ihe best at them Group Prolctta ln the group projects Shanty any came up with an illuslratcd explanation oi the three major radar iincs in Canada complctc with the warning Canadianslit Prepared Small planes tanks and other var machines were sprinkled about the exhibit Canada as nation and ith each province receiving indiVIdual attention was the theme oi Crown Hills entry Foldcrs contained pictures oi cities and landmarks oi the provinces while large map of Canada bore lhclr em blems and characteristic pictures Dalston told oi the romance of nickel and ieatured globe with the Sudbury arca marked as the nickel centreoi the world Every day uses nickel were sprinkled throughout the project and sev eral objects such as pliers can opener were included our Trip to Peterhoro was the theme of thc Craighurst prc Eentatioo paper replica oi the city with miniature homes cars and lactories was shown along with pictures oi the city Trillium Eiihlblt larralt put lorth an unusual exhibition at White Trilliums the floral emblem oi Ontario poem to the flowers and warn ing not to pick mm were includ ed in the vast paper trilliums which were planted in sod Turn to page two please The tact that this was me best Om Worlds his or many year was substantiated by Norman Stoddart secretary treasurer oi the are Agriculture Society Fromtlle weather point at View he claimed this Wednesday was the best hair day Dro had had for three years Taking an overall picture Mr Stoddart ielt that this years air was one at the better iairs since the centennial Certainly no one could pick fault with the weather and cor lainly the sparkling wann iall day brought the crowds to the grounds sea at cars sur rounded the pleasant lair grounds and there was constant flow at men and women and children around the grounds Whiiesuo Exact attendance figures are available the attend ancc must have been near record Fresh Appearance There was ireshness about the whole lair which was in modialciy noticeable to anyone who had been constant sup porter imprnvemenls had been made to the layout of the central show rings which madc all th dilierencc in addition the racc track had with the help oi tile weather thll day previous been brought into an exccilcnt condition Follows Tradition The basic pattern oi the layout the lair allowed the tradi lional paltcrn oi iormer years To the leit oi the main building looking towards the race track which was chiefly devoted to the womens exhibits and the bacon carcass show lay the school air an important part oi Oro Worlds Fair To the right lay the cattle barns and cattle show rings while in the ccnire oi the race track were two rings for the horse classes in the tar distance wa an cxhibltiorrormachinery Machinery Exhibits Considering that this is only onedsy lair the scope oi the machinery exhibits Is outstanding Arid llhis year it attracted deal oi attention The Interested iarmer could iind there selection of tractors baiicrs dung spreaders slde de livery rakes plows and bulk milk cooler Callie Exhibits Entries in some of the cattle classes was disapolniing in thc Herelords Cyril cook oi Barrie was the sole exhibitor with the eiiccpiloa oi the junior heifer call ass Anoiiicr class poorly supported was the dual purpose Shortilorns in thc Holstein classes Dcino lermey Barrie who had done so well last ycar with his herd was completely eclipsed in tho senior classes by newcomer to the iail Seedtlouse oi Ontario Coun ty Basically the reason ior this was that Mr lcrmey has had lot of misfortune wiih his herd recently and had bccn orccd to show animals which tic would not have considered showing nonn ally With his yoliugor stool he showed his old supremacy llgs andSbcop Thcre is ncvcr big entry in these two classcs at ihis fair and the iicld is lot open to lhc regu lar imv exhibitors Ciiii Carscad den oi Siroud It Johnston oi llawkcstonc Howard Crawiord from Oro Station John Fennel nl Brndiord and Crawford of iiinesing liir Carscaddcn was prominent in the awards list for both his sheep and pigs Howard Crawford drew interest with his stlcs oi Landrace pig which has been developed specu ically iorbacon Bacon Show The bacon show was housed in the lower part at the main build ing This compctltioll is run in conjunction with the Ontario Dc pariment of Agriculture and First CoOpcntive Packers Barrie The opinion of the judge was lhat while the eulrlcs were down this year the quality of the car casses submitted was bettcrr Turn to page two please aopt 39 Sept 54 Sept 11 54 Sept 12 so so Sapt to only had been in bad state or In 1955Reeve Arthur Evans of Bradford ctropera rilE OFFICiAI OPENING or the new canal brldge at the pumphouse Bradiord took place yesterday afternoon lhi modernconcreteatructurewhich serves considerable por tion or ihemarsh replaces the old wooden bridge which repair tor sometime with Reeve Hodgson of King Township to ahowthe county was creatin 1957 authorltlea thatrestriction tn use or the existingbridge serious bottleneck It was finally agreed to erect the present structure with the provi ce meeting 80 mainlng 20 Lower picture silo Regl nal engineer WilliamHodgson Reeve King Town hip niche cost andibrltland Simcoecounty sharlng the res deft to rightRccvc Arthur Evans Bradford Ludgate hlei municipal engineer Tilri Tayl ted or Warden Fisher Ganton Simone Count Ed Mansion

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