Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1957, p. 15

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we Section ThreevPages 15 to 22 CNR Revenue Firsiiialiatn iniJtily lawyeiJ°ini CNR MONTREALThe 1151 31an cit to Larkhnt Lane in MONTREAIrOpcrdting reveal lawyer ever to misbvlbelby rural auburh or her oi the Canadian National the Canadian liar has been ap °nr of is imviemw Liverpool Victoria used to beta system tor month at July 1957 pointed an assistant solicitor to lied dim MI lli ravorite resort tor retired aritiah amounted to $64794000 Ex Canadian National hallways C0 flak 1° array and naval otilceis when praises taxes and rents totalled Em Tum who me Wk 95 mm visited the city aoodd years WSA5000reaultlni in net op mum Mm the Univmuy Fwd we ago met In excivll servant 1min erlting income deficiency for home La School In 1950 imam 1° PM lbdia izut there are tew it any the month at $581000 mum Io cam ml Ind wm Mm ch WW hitsmt iiiJuly 1m operating rev heearae naniirst clerk with the med mm lmuh Brim 0mm It it all enues were smaiimoo expenses CNR at Fort Erie Ont While their petition in Ilr irom hnmr taxes and rents were 3612900011 waiting to obtain his citizenship hm Although the city has grown In and net operating Income was prerequisite tor Canadian hm mumumm itm Iti the Itt 56371net law degree he studied on his own Kidds Wsst MY tn1th ot battery resort and its enn These iigurea do not include tor the Bar examinations ot the samurai it was due to their clos mum and mm Pmmca Qmm gr Jmmgmu uh smut quillty attract onsilnt rtrealn my mom or me is whereas the people 01 Eastern mm um um people Penninion to lake the exam liy newts lillLuGAN le Canada are more insulated 1min who Wm to End the lnltinns this year without having Am ric influence it the Great first attended Quebnc law om FORT ozone NIAGARAONTHZJAKE mi thtt the spy umhee minds 3352 work Program school required special act by the provincial legislature Emmi Within Anny Fm Alberta and Saskatchewan are Not Effect Corns the Royal Canadiui Army What Nth Is 105 whtt close neighbors but they are are You ruitr Chlpialn Corps end use Royal appeared to he the exclusive tuna nomtmuy dmenm Damny MbNTREADJhI mum work Canadian Denil Colpr have ii inst Mirth 19 It and the are each roud at their imizi the tendcdpamo Niagara All agree ndin Pmltami That my be my am governmenttr But neither KDV street oi la otis in CNN shops on its partirrity it is unlikely dun the ct it it it ernmeut is practising its econe hmneett the minister oi that the Canadian Government tumultIll chit mm omic principier where is no nusport on July in has not The original title covering the During the renian italds tn bell tcnt was not uncommon Wt 9ttiil maid disputing Ii mutt 355 Social Credit in Alberta and been put into afloat Iquirillon oi the land by the than the natural wtttttt were tor icntage was in short supply LPMIINIHHI The isthile Em Im there is little Socialism in Sas company statement mt Crown dates hack to riot when nillcktv mobilized and moved to At this time the Permanent 00 it WWWt by Item 10 We 10 It katcitewan Alberta has come inv ed Following discussion whh Sirvvilliam iohnson purchased the ivtagar trnntter where they Force unite came to camp in the 3th WNW and Wartime 59 remrdinr Mint to rich inheritance in oil tor rehmemuves um um nliip or land some air miles long patrolled the twenty miles or riv summer to organize Innrlm with mm whim Amm mm which there in needy meriteh tound tha tmstm ot work reordering Latte onttrtn met the ct tttte het prevented mater iiicatlon courses tor the militia film as mm mm and Patriots influence hr Saskatchewan has great passes Mme shop gmupscnutd Niagéra illvcr Although much crossings being made by the Fcn The Mini Cllladlhli Dragoons tn flash cum Im rpm sinus in atoreiiup grain hilth not he pmvtelerl tnt under the at this original tract has been tans rho Fenlans ot lrish extrnc and Royal Canadian Reign were mtdt illml 133 WEEK WNW not sufficiently Socialist to tell senthttty this that are part or suldtn private individuals thero tion 1500000 nten strong were represented here by subunits In ff if l5 is Km mt it without road vrniit More the wage agreements still rernains someiuuraduare unemployed and hardbiiten vista 1935 they were provided with 53 andhlh over the CCP hovcrmnent hiIs mlica including the pomp area erans ot the American civil War nennnncnl kitchen and sewers 95 mfg That song was originally rut tar weakened iil its hatred oi the proper and the training area our They were disgruntled with cv water Films were Installed Inr air into the mouth ot British sole capitalistsas to invite them to llEALTIlY SiGN er sections are leased but avail this In ireland and were determ iution huts and other convenieno dler with cockney accent But explore the province tor oil on Canadians eat about seven hil wwwst NEE no in hle lorrizpnssesslnn should they incd to vade Canada and over on During the summer of 1937 all the voice that came over the tree enterprise basis When lion pounds od trash iruits and wnhmmw CE reqll re consult an lNSURANCE SPE thmw the Canadian government chmpanies oI the Royal Canadian radio was that at an American asked an editor whnt Socialism vegetables everyycar clALlsttn he gttrethgy me put canto Niggnta the sue nt While Britain was heavily cngagt flit Wm mhcentrhtw in Camp with clipped Coney island Ic had done or the province he LY covanan we are always many historic buildings Butlers ed with the Irish Republican with the first the the unit cent and ihcmuslc waa iuzed thought tor moment and raid pleased to study over the needs at Barracks the two QM stores Army In iroiand Quick mobiliz had been tagelhcreinecthc Great almost beyond recognition The we have very line puhlic young couples and advise them buildings and General Brocks sIIDn DI the Candish Militia and Early indium whale thing was completely medical service about the right klndsoilnauraneo FuShion Show Headquarters are still standing nanr leadership an the part oi the mndtmtlath Childish Americanized The line Come mammal 25 at the lowest cum arable cost We and in goon tete 0t remh at Fenians led to the tailurc or the Army hmnle strident in 1937 you back you aritlsh soldie hmfifelgbvfayl°¥ answfl TUE5 mm will be glad to her YOU too Cali though they were hum in mm venture The Baltic oi itidgway whtn the first carrier and few sung sounded in me like mm mm mum in today 1780 The Barracks and Qill stor near Fart Erie was the only ac Bren light machine guns wcrc ad you back you Yank mum chum wmmpog In Tu stttt sumh the 1m MIL ttntt or any consequence and opted tor training by permanent this emer enr iiorec unitsA tow suits athatiie VTORONTOAitcr 17 turbulent Thi name of British Colum ronto at the west The Manitoba ngngfirvcff$gyugfiaéfif Units mefthey tfflfiisnhmgt dross were also available tor dem years long awaited developments bia rerlleninriy oi Vnncnuver almershnrte imaged in hthte laur mg mm mm and by stmthth and shortmnmscd hat onatration purposes have come to point oi action suit Vistorla ha 311m It 93 159 the regular army Crimp start dttr Iic resulted the Fenlana retiring During the Second World War mums r4090 mg lmdu mutt as amt gt 5h tTtet trtixDetl wiaetgntittE hh mpg back across the river the camp sprang to me again are This week 400 delegates first Im dfi Ewmnfa hem The harmh today Shthth The ttttttttll we the yam com with up to 13000 troops in camp the annual meeting oi the guts Immitltlllfihusl an Lnk er cave kee our he im with corrugated iron although it tlnucd to train sometimes irrcg at he the the Elite Itcmd 011 Fmdunm C°I°l nultcuth gum thI unti and id iarmeyr is log construction underneath ulariy They still had to provide on Several Activetsyrvice Forte Toronto savea standnit vale oi ffifi dhfi 998m Hand made long bricks ot pat their own titles and equipment units hegan their regimental approval to the actions oi the tom it this that tern not commonly seen in this sometimes thett tenth The training here The uniform and orgnniutiuns directors tor the counlry ggcst they must have home counties raliicrlaround to aidimalldfifit Past it EFFFSUE beenbro ght in Is ballast in th help the limits train somettmes Welland nmthrlldy this continence In their organ holds at sailing vessels Dipnr assisting by money grants other ton Light lniantry the Victunl tigri Ontario hog producers wih tlcuiar interest is the ratchetcd times by providing billcting dnr illilcs the Argyli and Sutherland launch the second phase at their witttllagg unce used false the ing attttttal camp gluing whtch Highlanders 01 Canada the Brit openmarkct directional program hinged stairway irom the ground invariably took place at their Un ish Cnivmhia heist and the 3th on SBN 18 iloor to tilesecond flour in case it locations There wer Light AhtiAircraii hegt and oi an enemy attack Long narrow mini camps as we know othma Tm mpmanl am we ing the direction at hogs to as MONTREALpatella otamaa tracks oi the ONE in the area cgnusignaliifmtitztrrkittil fihe hi the turn of the century LgggngzkshgérfEulflegnaflf sembly points ot the Ontario Hog icr plan that wlii eventually bounded by Catbcart University its The South Airican War in 1900 VD Producers Cooperative eflective transiortn 21 acres 01 Montreais St Antoine and Mansfield1n xhéiebllhe tvgo tireplaces arestlil showed the necessin or having Ml Sept lo were announced These heartland into striking buai speotor streets 09 ra an in Good condltlon trained reserve manpower avail was we orders are under regulations of ness commercial and entomln About Wanting of the pro var years the Armys Eng able in an cmer enc Th at 5mm he have kept chic watch dim hummus 12 ed an ed and trees Flamed Agam the the Ontario Farm Products lilork merit centre have be dlfltos petty is earmarked for immed on the htrtette hamche and QM Ma Brigade camgsgf Ema rattmad Sp was used expensive cling Act and the Agricultural ed In Joint announcement by late development CNRs accept sioles and maintained them when across the century iy ior moving troops The steam Products Marketing Act nonaid Gordon presitllent ot Ciiild ghee nt ttta master ptahpmme necessary The accompanying out These were successrui to ship Cayuga and her running One order directs that all hogs ai 3ild rimwfii the twin by Wfibh and shows these three buildings clear great degree and high standard the 55 ittumbertnd Pmflmd in the souniiee of Hi wmmm mm KM ly as they were about 1902 or training was achieved prior to Were often chartered to shuttle rott Bruce Grey wellington WEhh Id KWPP Elia ilI seven acres north of Ddrcheiier Butlers narracks was construct the outbreak or the Great We whole boatloads ot troops to Torr Duffeplnpgg mt Hath itsds street thounded by Manatield ed tni7tw to house the iameus in 1914 The rapid mobilization Iv be transported and assembled at The plan which embraces Cuban and University streets Butlers Rangers irregular rliie ot the Canadian Army in the ear One DI the largest camp incline any ot the it assembly points oi three block In the railways The teSE Wttt he tmd whhm men who employed 1Commando iy days or the war can be aitrih mm was in 1941 when MIII thoCooperative and the Toronto Ittmmat CWi three months toilowihg which tactics in an agewhcn the act uted to this tarslgiited decision nit We early at full Stockyards These yardere at Stathm was mutated by we tinal construction plans will be piece battle was the usual meth ADMISSION 35c TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT ii iii striviiitsoii iiisuiliiitcii SEE us FIRST FOR Insurance 01 Alala KINDS 35 Dunlop St PAMWI llllfliie trcngth due to service required and Knapp Canada Limited saw 1344c During the Great war Camp Kitchener stratlord London drawn Work wtll geLunderway FR ad 01 waging war clothed tn under the National Registration Chathzm wnd and submitted to CNR in ae It ginger2555 he hope thin itiS an is heated at snernenn or In nilts arm can Canadian Expsdtumty Force the White mg burgh Ancaster and roronio 92 V0 emit block must hc substantially com IOHN WAYNE intoNew York state and pettn guard along the Welland Canal nnunced in October at last year sylvania duflng the American AS III000 troops the the end rt the war the Can Another order announced under CARTOON COMEDY tear of MON runs SEPT1H7 raids with their indian Mohawk we almost close the camp and dispose oi the 50 5m but 5811 any hues PM mm continuous the ratl buildings transportation and flute aamitanyt pkyenenamd Mk5 being 0hr gamut53s fitntgovme Mail thing Iaassfmlaldbeaet atitanspimtlfid Parking mm mt cAsANOVA Baowu carbon Um um dishaig mp tensiveiy used tor incoming and mm hqu trains and MW and sewers ripped up and the above yards lers Rangers in the spring or camp area levelled with the ex Colhhn mm was in ships rouiemamh to Queens pm the RCE compound The orders were announced by and restaurants rising over the JOAN FQNTAINE not HOPE cItItrooN cortidmt that was routine morning march is Tummon Foxhoro dir netto Finn than it by Some Eiéil trainings his oi Fem Dem1 accesses some sew DAY SEPTEMBER 14 the when in whining an iterate3232tieiiheihséz Expert nee Sals se Ms eihhr tCA 203533 fiiiitittifi unionist iii Director Guthrie Mm granted to thetIr uhflpd Empire grssentiy used and the Fort ed irom its tats major reason iamee Boynion secretary oi lelsilhm hmttst ancestors seauga common were tented tor the decision to reopen the the ontorio Hog Pradueers As aoitONro CmDirector iy PArkvmy 84000 Nearby the Camp is lame Camps camp was the popularity of the sociation told the tie at lrank answers The Welling Cami Burden camp and he surrounding region 5g es GIMME tor these who contend that the the How successiul this next phage areas caused Camp Niagara bohe yeegeenettilto figrflffaéltg of our openmarket program is 33 flgivihfilcienayfggj those stirring days in Canadian 195m calIl In Import iaiions and other units from all find edti 955 inlet history 09 over Ontario were atten gsum Inn shipper respect the law Is mi mu Many Canadian Army tintie in 1918the Polish NatlonalAr mer camp at retawawa and the smug to depend on how deter by riff fir Its proudly trace thelrpnlly beat my wasraiscd and trained In time spent travelling to and trout Minedne has producers are to Issiivalf or IV5 he adv nines to those iiiequipped irrce Cami Niagara Financial backing th campWas considerable Many make it war list sch arrsa uns uiar Militia troops who were host at the army wns given by France iillitia units veterans and the lvicinnis president oi the an iiy organized to dcicnd their and great numbers of Americans municipality DI NIrgnrwnthe ontario Hog rrducers Association Cum mm homeland in 1812 Among these ot relish descent joined eagerly Lake itself urged the Gwem raid write orders have been We WWW reglrnents are the Queens York Following the rerorganization ment to rgo nCaniipNiugnu Dashed 5nd Wm be rigidly en the company its yet Rangers 25 Armdo1 Toronto 01 thearrny in 1921 Camp Niagv lhedecis and popular ane owed wmmuh ml or favor on raw Camdlgn Vnfiflflnen can then the Queens Rangers the urn again became the training 1953 was the first camp forlrl 311 pm hhe he The ml replace those brought from ptl coin and Welland cht as ground or the Milli or non rantry units and the strength at tain to head the technical de sgendems of Buneris Range permanent Militia all they were the units has increased noticeably resume hm the den panmghtg agate fienlivfll cry at huge hy the transporter no th itwii called UniLs drew their with every year Early in 1057 yet mm no my expressive contemporary Can oyln rations forslllnlnet camp new modern equipment wnx ln 2ng buyng hogs bx hired their own cooks and car stalled nwkiwhens bill and Vi rled outall administrative and with every year improvements The bag producer prcaldeni when life withhte 10 51 quarterlng functions themselves made The campln still scouted continued This increased her Fromm There were no centralized kitch campand tent tile is popular with gaining power births open market The strntford Iestivnl he slid ens vund no army cooks land ra the visiting Mlllilltmen Average will enable hog producers to he must cut its teeth on the elite tlotla were meagre and of poor weekly attendance is undrthe npower and forcelhxnur husl ales and Shakespeare for in glmyv AEIIIIIPY Itiiifl ninth to LOW mark need 1152 comparable to other stance does not become wane strong highlyvarganized segments playwright because he we not It 91 lndurtry Ind labor Canadian Fort George Fort lliissimu Navy Hall and other histogic Wu mg mg structures that torm the link with 3s BARRIE EXAMINER

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