Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Sep 1957, p. 6

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isAéZ1LQe can MR wwwwnvfaw AND MRS CllA Flora Esther Jane Torrens daughter or Mr and Mrs Jack Torrens or Belle Ewart married Charles Duncnn Coutis son or Mr and Mrs Norman Coutts oi Cookstown in the Leiroy United Church on Saturday August 31 with Reverend Waniess officiating The bride horseshoe symbol or goodluek was presented with silver by her threeyear old cousin Jim Hutchinson oi Aurora as she was comingout from sign ing the register Mrs Howard Morris oi Lciroy mm Indwhle slcphanniis playcd ihc wedding music and Jack Locklan of Toronto sang The Wedding Prayer bciorc the service and The Lords Prayer during the signing of the regisa ler Snii music was played dur ing the entire ceremony The hride given in marriage by her father wor gown of imported rrcnuh lace nVerpcuu tic solo The sweetheart neck line nus hordcrco with secd pcorls and bcads The sleeves were long and pointcd and thc train was caihtttlral icngth nor ringcrtip vcii was held bya cup oi sued pearls ilnllscquins and shecarricd cascade or red The brides otlcndanls were similarly attired in pain hiue ny lon dilution over not wiih maleh ing hcadpicccs oi which the crown was embossed with seed pearls and which hcid veil ol tulle Thcmnid oi honor car ried while mums and hluc corn ilowors and the bridcsmaids had cascades or yelluw mums and blue corniiowers Tho maid oi honor was Miss Pat Porter 01 Gravcnhursl hliss Gwen Forbes oi Barrie Mrs attty Atkinson oi oshawa Mrs Joyce Black oi Toronto and Min Karol Ann Coutts oi Cnukstown were her attendants The grooms brother llodcriek HospilalAuxiiiary Tag Day Scheduled The Womens Hospital Auxil iary ot the lioyal Victoria Hosp ital held its iirst mcoting or the rail scason Tucsday September at the hospital lilrs Eplelt president presidcd 18 members answorcd roll call ers hlanchester and Mrs Bayliss vcre welcomcd ck alter serious illnesses Thc president announccd sept 13 and 14 would he hospital tag days in Barrie and plans were mado ior some Annual Convention The annual convention of Ontnrl Hospitals gt Auxiliary soclatiun is to be held in the Royal York Toronto Qct 27 28 and 29 Mrs Epiett and Mrs Kay Drake vcredelegaied to alt land It is understood Mrs Mur ray Mills will also be attending ior district No of the Ontario Hospital Association Mrs Eplett announced that the new hintiat range the auxiliary purchased At cost oi $78500 is installed and very satisfactory the As Recovery Room She mentioned thatthe hosp ital is now setting up ajregovcry oom rich door lo the doctors room and close to the operating room where patients will be pile on until they recover lrom oper ative shock This room will have graduate and student nurse in altcndancc constantly and 1patients will remain under their close supervision until theyarc considered lit to be placed in their words marshy Pugr namtnmwnnbenmtpp put In this hemppar on It in low prlnll Miss Shannshan had submitted list of needed equipment for this room which included Four stretchcrs at cost 01 $150 each one suction machine at cost of $135 and two oxygen masks cost ing $75 each To Purchase voicd $400 towards the cost of hvnodcrmie needle chase the needle this time besides the conipmcnt cost of $5 each equipment mite boxes during August rinuncial Report July $3513 received from in RLESDUN AN courrs 1os Cowper Coulis oi Cookslown was groomsman Ron Alrams oi Holly Ron Coulis of Midhtllstv Vcrn AlmInS oi Conkstown and werc the ushc Bruce McCallum Thercccplion install in the was the soEd clubs tribute to Cookslown is Churchill Community Hall where Mrs Torrens was hostess in brown silk twopiece dress with bitgt accessoitcs and eorsagt oi yellow mum Assisting hcr Mrs Coulis wore Cornflower bluesheaih with matching coal while accessories and corsage at White and yellow mums Following the reception in dnnce was held to which all the iricnds oi the bride and groom is returning to acoliandBolJ is About 55 persons gathered on an evenings activities Enier lainmint rvarlcd mm guessing games to square dancing singsong climixing the eve Carole MacDonald vlcediairman oi the club presented him with gut on polish ollhc group and miss him Following Fo Hed Jolly GoodFcliow Bob spoke low words or appreciation then proceeded to make shun shift or huge cake on which was writ ten Good wisilfi Scull The six of Eatons depart ment store In Barrie gathered tor corn must at tho beach at Baystairs Lodge on Tilcsllay Sept and later danced in the Pine Room very successlul ecvning was had by all hrcscnt Undcr the direction ol Rev Peter Results of St Marys Church the ncw Catholic parish ot st John de Vienncy will hold bingo and carnival at Ihe school on lnnilislSlrcel Wetl ncsdy Sept starting iI seven and continuing through the even lng hingo aJd carnival will be the drawing cards with various booths such as rckeshmenis be ing run by the CatholicMomcns League draw tor slim bill will he use highlight or the av come and throclicr Christmas cake will hc milled on The cntlro parish is oontrihut ing to the support at the uctivily which is the llrstspnnsorcd hy the church and the tirst event held in the newlybuilt school cheedswill go in tuehuliding Los Angeles Bible lnltiiule Cl lornia and liir and hi nail Chadwick Toronto wcre attests said how much everyone would mg to Law my enls Bridle has bccn in Canada or Bop Scotty Thompson wh the goodhumored energet leader oi the Barrie chupterand has served it osNiceCha man and Chairman in its two years or existence PERSONALS Dr Talbot Chancellor IT and Mrs Shaw 256 Mrs Moore Pelur oi Edmonton liter visi ng inllrnnxviiit NY wl 2nd hirs Eliloli Dates are ing low days wilh Mn Coolg Moore and stalion the rirrics or Churchill Womens lnslllui will meet Thursday evening Scp 12 in thc Community Hall cnnvcners nl cilizcnshipsnd ncaliun Mrs Charles Lucas ilrs planned an interesting program Visitors welcome Th Kcnnelh Sturgeon hati Ray and Violet cortiry won like to think the employees leghurol Newman tho cmployrcrot Mid hulst section seciion and PI and thc istctto it and the community oi Mid urst ior their vcry lovely git and flowers which lvill alwIys picasanl reminders Mr and Mrs hliiis have returned trom aicn days visit to Winnipeg where they attended llilils tamiiy reunion Miss liridic Troyers ictt trom Maltcn on Saturday to spend six woeks visit with nor para in Galway Bay ircland tundoi church or the phrish Prcviousiy the Auxiliary had cessories chine $11690 coilnt Aug 31 Comm ings in June were welcomed For wedding trip to Miami the hridc wore hvolpiccc hrowu dresswilh beige and brown at The couple will reside in Belle Ewar on their return Guests irnm nut at town arriv ed lrom SymcuseDclroitSanlia Niagara Falls Toronto and the surrounding dislricL cigarette vendor 519210 rcccivcd lrom the Canada Dry vending ma CocaACola machine Bank balance in current ac received from the 51633313 with Cost 01 $78500 to be paid for the stove lilo saving account $10443 convention account $18853 it was pointed out that with the new Vstovc paid or and $88900 to pay or new equipment the auxiliary would bcwithout iunds but it is hoped Tag my will settle that tlee Reports Mrs Hagan reported luntary workcrs wrapped 120 dozc dress sharpener This piece of equipment was not yet purchased and alter discus sion the auxiliary voted to buy all the ahovsmentioned equipment or titt new recoveiy room at total castle $389 and not to pur sharpener it the nuxiliarylvotcd to buy Miss Shan nation had stated the hospital needed luur blood pressure cups at cosl of $35 each our plastic arm boards at cost 0131250 each and tour tourniquets at The auxiliary has insufficient gtiunds for this Mrs Thomas McCarroi reported shelled collected $2415 in the Treasurer Mrs Eirick was absent and hervreport was pre sented hy Secretary Eileen Spry This report showed $2371 col lected in mile boxes in June and The swing convenerrcponcd 167 articles sewn in June 36 at special meeting in July and iotal or 432 articles sewn at homes of the membersJn July and August Ail marking was up to date and good deal of cutting was ready to be made up She requested Lwo pails oi new scis sors pins machine noodles and oil tor the sewing room Mrs Hcltron extended thanks to all ladies who manned the Sunshine Cart during the summer It made trips through the hospital in both July and August Mrs Drake reported the bakeless bake sale had netted $58 lilrs Eplelt asked ior Upinicns regarding lormation or Juu ior Hospital Auxiliary Mcmhcrs were asked to think it over and be prepared for decision at the next meeting The meeting adflouijnetl ind Underhili but it day an Borrowwliele money service has improved with age wash you borrow hrhnoy you thltl backed year oi exponenu 11119 why most people turn to HFC providing is money serviw hacked by yum WI AtHFC you roooivopromptrttsndonnntodly liltoeflldeney your money in volrebels repayment pinna lunch was served by Mrs Hinton Mrs Harvey and Mrs oi Barrie wed Charles Roderic George Mason or West Hill in Given in marriage by her lath or the bride wore while Cbiliori gown with llowlng pancis extend ing into mm train The filled bodice was in soil tolds She car ried white gardenias with pink sweetheart roses Her atlendanls dresses were similar with the nfiiid o1 honor Miss Diane Santcr of Toronto in puriwlnkie blue chilton over not undershirt land the bride maids Mrs Jeanne Hullman tho brides sister from West Hill and Mrs Nan Maidens oi Toronto in romance blue A11 wore matching picture hats The flower girl Joanne Taylor the brides lilcee wore pink chib ion dress and iiowcr bcad band James Mason of West Hill the grooms brother was groomsman Douglas Hogg or West Hill and Robert Maidens oi Toronto were ushers CROWN HILL at pm Historical convencr Mrs Roy Newsnn wi pt date on SaturdayAugust 24 at oclociz ricioted onci Mr Tuitord played the wedding music anystalrs Lodge the brides mm ther wore dress at brown andl beige shaniung will beige access Assisling her the grooms moihor wore dress or dusty rosc Receiving at reception held at CrownHill Womens institute will meet at lc home ot Mrs Salishury on Thursday Sept 12 research Cothy Lowe ot Barrie spent be in chargo Kindly note change eight years Marion uw syn Cofier Anne Margaret Taylor daughter or Mr and Mrs 11 Taylor Mason son or Mr and Mijs Collier street United church Reverend Lewis ot nrics organza with small picture but nylon and navy shoes and bag on their return irom London Niagara Falls Cari ada and Niagara Falls NY DALSION Mr and Mrs baby holiday at Browns Bible Society Keep Tuesday eyening Sent 10 to attend the Bible Society meeting at Dalston Church at oclock In Hospital Mrs Forbes is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Alishope she will be better soon From Barrie ii few days withhcr mndparcnts here while her parents went to Montreal Comfortable and CH STEhFlEEli ONLY The BA seating you will he proud to have in your living room Smart modeln styling Luxurious double bedtorgnccnional or regular use The skililully engineered bed unit opens or elnsei easily and quietly with one hand RRIE EXAMiNER Ben Ausust 17 at 230 oclock Civcn in marriage hy hcr ia lllcr thc bridC worr gown ot white organdy nvcr laiicta with tingerlip veil and carried buua quet oi while Carnations muins slcphnnetis and maidenhair tern ilcc rind New England lhc bride wore sheath tlrcss and Jacket nl Elizabeth Harriet fijhnmpson daughter or Mr and Mrs Ei wood Thompson pl Kingston married Robert Ross iIaiiyard oi Barrie and the late Reverend Levi liallyarti in ceremony perrormed by Reverend Lewisol Collier Street United Church in Cookes United Church in Kingston on Saturday llountlsioolh black velvet hat black and while accessories and red roses couple will reside in Burlington From distance guests arrived For her wedding trip to Mus koka and points north the bride wore navy shaniuhg titted dress and cloves of pink and white dolled The couple willreslde in Barrie From distance were guests Brown and of Cooksviilm Spent file The maid of honor Miss Elaine Thompsonoi Kingston the brides sister wore streetlength gown white organdy over while tall cta and the bridesmaids Mrs Keith Thompson of llighland Creek and Miss Audrey llalfyurd of Parr were similarly attired in organdy gowns ovcr blue tali ctI They carried white mums blue cornilovlicrs and ivy The grooms brother Bruce Hailyard of Orillia was grooms mun Ushers were Keith Thump son oi Highland Creek and George Kcllof Barrio At rcccpiion held in tiie church hall Mrs Thompson wore blue lace drcss wilh corsage oi pink carnations and with navy and white accessories Assisting her the grooms mother wore to sheath dress with malcbing duster ot old rose silk shuntung with white necessoricsand white Carnations For her wcdding trip to Qilo lrorn Barrie Burlington Toronlu Allision ariiiia churchi110tiawn orcno Milihrook London holle viilc and Pembroke The local industry which em plays but Jewemployers is too il dreamt can be qul olten 9i rm CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE sTiillo Ciisiiirli APPLY Household Finance 23 DUNELOP ST pillar 01 strength to the economy oi the commun lly providing security to their employersrbccauso their turnover is solidly based on local market Estevan Barrie EEETHovaNs When Commander Whitehead Schwepposliian Extraordinary ownw play long symphonyz first takes tho precaution or pouring himseifa long ith Se weppess thirst wont terrupt his thirst tor rousi That iiiIFTiI Bur scnw CHRISTINA and many oi Sit DUNLOP MR AND MR WEST MARGARET JOAN MATTHEWS daughter iliillllBiitiS GRAND CHOICE Featuring lolc Chllch shoulder Strap si ics ln plastic coil and ent palent in hinckoniy Cali finish black panama brown nnvy Valuerighlt 298 znliwns LIMITED Mr and Mrs Mat thews oi Angus became the bride or Maynard Burton West in the Angus Untied church on Saturday August 17 re pal PA 82419 10 POINT BRAKES ed STEERING Cd HEADLIGIITS check with tllsc TIRE Are they in on GLASS The bllity URN orily all 7WIIEELS this ed hing et ltbcsc vlew it MUFFLER Sask Mercury should PA 3241 55 Collier St arriis unique bittersweet flavour is connoisseurs delight and the lively Are they properly adlust ia your car easily controll Arc thcy correctly to Dols it provide good visi Does it lunLlion satisfact IiEARvVIEW MIRROR Does it provide clear rSlilETYaEllECIil sate coutli Are they properly allgn is it trcc or leakage lo WINDSIIIELD WIPERS Do they operate as they Prepare your car now tor Safe Driving at Dangerfield MOTORS LTD PA 32481 lfiitsT Schwepporvasoanoo stays in the glassvto the veryliast drop When youre thirsty remember the First Mo merit towards schwepplas emu The usonlnd tooio water to bontlc tonleidtinka ntny id poo Dry Ginger Alo and Schweppu bBodH ton Fsccucri LASTS HE wnoi

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