single copy MoquY moussetr and rilan niversqryv $élwce$ Sspt hauling among lho hols otbhurchhocamc thownuhoharl MadameTownship all lilo sixth Unilcd Church contessidn lustnorlh of the in grain Road in the continually oi Hobart Is Iriln little church and burial ground To casual passorlry Iholr appearance would not divulge the act ihlt over century has passed since the ilrtl huolatin lhe cemclcry In the year M5 the Iulc Alexander Miller was laid Io rest there lnyl team of oxen andsleigh served as hearse The late Blï¬ James Yalcs grandmother or local resident lllhfl Yates was buried there in the year IBM Tile iirst horsedrriwn hearse was used in 1882 lilsny ntths tombstones bcllr names that are still well known in the community today descendants ill lhose line men and women in some cases iarms have been in the some family or several generations Many years ago down llle tiflh concession hill from what was known as the Gloucester Road which road has long one in disuse but in year gone by it Joined the Pcnclang uishene Road Where llillsdale was erected by early seillers Gloucester Road Extended ironl there to Colllwatcr lhe lrall meandcrcd across country and became part nl ihc sixth cunccs aion road and on this trail school house was built Some 20 or more years later in the ycar 1832 lhe building was converted into church The late James Fowler was Illc rarpcnlcr and the late Frauds Barr mm the pews and main oi the caskctr used in those fllyï¬l iha door was built by the late John Barr who was carriago manor by trade Thc late nobort Miller who re sided on the property now own ed by John Yates gave dona ilnn oi sxoa inwards the church large sum oi money in Ihnsc days worshipbore the name at Miller Millers Church or some cons and so the church was known as sidcrahlo lL olalcr beingchaos ed toHoba Church it was not unknown or local men to deliver the massage and expound the word at God Some or the Farlshl Mix lravelled or many miles ing horseback buggy democrat and on loci in summer and by sloigh cntlor or whatever means of travel was at their disposal in wintertime In ordcr to attend the Methodist services in the little church which would be tilted to capacity Wilh the union ol Methodist and Presbyterian churchos Hobart Barrie Starts Program for New Season Barrie YMCAYWCA program lrail led Many iii those attending ll is understood lhat Ibo Isle nov nrsnowdon was the tint minlstor llo vps allowed by Rev Mr Webster who leit tho church In 181 ncv Mr Cooke Jianook over the task oimim istcrlng tn the splrilual needs at the people and so on down the yours It the prescnl day Rev ii ll Dittswall is the prtscnt pastor of the chumll ln lhe year 1890 Sunday school room or ball war nrcstcd on posts thus furnishing shed bclow to house horses oxcn and vehicles during dlvlnc services large lrshapcd shell at one lime stood to hall bill was later torn down llnc class oi scholars used to gather each Sabbath day in the Sunday ScllooI room numbering 5tl or more The lust superin tendcni it is understood was Mr Clement Hc was succeeded Turn to plan three please iScpuls galvcige 30 Tons Roper Another very suctessiul paper salvage drive was conducted on Saturday Sept by the Barrie District Scout Association and they are gratclul to townstolk tor theirghclptul cooperation Forty Scouts wercon handahd with eight trucks with driver supplied as customary by num ber of local iirms the pickup lot alled 30 tons all in and loaded on transports byulpm As usual the drive had the Seoul Headquarters near the plantoi Clarke and Clarke on John Street as the base oi oner ailons and was under the direct tion at Leader WestgarthATl lor at First Allahdale troop Also prosont wcre Barrie Chair man Bell Flook Chairman of Sec ond Barrie Scouts Mcclymont Ind SHESth Lender DickWil IlsAIlondan Transportatiori was arranged by noblor and trucks and drivers woro supplied as lollows by CGE It Lucas Clarke and Clarke Ferguson Agnew Electric Bykstra Allandale Lumber Wiley Devilblss Fisher Ball Plan wiLash Wallwln Elec tric ll aeattyl Beers Tire Service Boers Perfect weather was It great actor in the success oi the drive Thencxt will be in November Motorless Flight tor the all and winter season starts on Monday Sept Hero is partial list of some ol the clubs and activ ies commencing lilondily lilany other new pro grams club groups and hobby per iods will be announced shortly There will be something at inter flst or every member oi the lam Monday Alter school building games tor boys and girls Ys Mens Club supper meeting at 630 pm Board at Directors monthly rneelln 015 pm Tuesday iWell Baby Clinic at games otter school for lioys and girls Wednesday Committee meet ings in evcning Building games in onernooh Thursday Ping mug and games alter school Phalanx Fraternity young men pm Friday Ping pong and games or boys and girls alter school neonage Record Hop illl pm Saturday Boxing classes atY ior boys um to 12 noon Games andcotrcr activities or boys in mornl ll Thai building will be open wackdnyr 912 noon and is phi evenings announced Straw Slack Fire Throatons Earn amp harden tireblignde was culled ton nonstick tire on SecondLlno sunnldale Townrhl on Friday afternoon Thastac wasabuui 20 feet train barn and only this prompt actionofotho fire brigade saved th Ibarn The ltlro oomlrred two miles west of Red00d Tobacco ï¬rm 130330 pm Ping pong and Iho west of tho BA By NEVILLE BARNETT Enaminer News Editor members at slayner Airport so took my ï¬rst glider trip think know now the iaseinli tion nfthis sport it is not speed becausc glldérs speed is only around 60 mph ltvls not the ability to dive and spin to climb almost vertically us youniightln plllne because the movements oi glider lire sgdrte and com paratively rluw out when you drdptheiow and Ill alrerait that hasheeu towing you dives out or your my you enter newworld or quiet several thousand tact above the earth There is lust you the machine and the Ion bias of air as ltvflowslpast the canopy Thpre is time to look around to watch the world beneath be cause you have the impression you are sitting still in the sky JimJoss lh instructor at Tor onto GudlngVQlih warrny pilot and asmthc Tiger Moth tad to pull us downtlle dwayv tried toreht uro Inc byaayinz it at any tlma Llelt uncomioriablezi is Just to any so and bewould landed inrno time Ihe fact that there was group in Toronto Glider Club over the weekend was good enbugh repsonto llnd out something about gliding The only practical way of doing this was to have ride onesell and tits Sunday headedior Georgian Bay winius trailing behind As we climbed the full sweep ot Wasaga Beach eamo Into View white ribbon bordering lheclear blue water at the buy On oill lclt lay Collihgwood the elevators sliver inltthe alter noon sun As We went puta little further into the bay we could see the cars travelling along the hsoch and the tall clythe shore thruugh elear water We climhod now piralleltviththe beach tbs smuddy Nottawaraga River meand no on our right oiling ood We 120w icet molt liliotbebrouking or br bandw T120 we banked slowly to the right Suddenly it as we had stuppcdmovlng Tbcro wu no sensation or drop could rclux ndlrwu something to entity large sectional Simeoe County bodes or are Honda with sunlight title viryin RRIE rlgeruoth droppedto the currents They have not been completely satisï¬ed with allthey havotound out sofarbut they do agree that there are good possibilities for gliding inthls area one at their party glidedlto Brant home base adistunce 100 miles as Lille crow fliess but as he flew he probably cov cred noarlyzuo miles flhe Toronto Gliding Club war oundodln 1941 and It has been operating at Brant iorljl since 1355 10 members contentwhom ware beginnch and the club ordith club inMontréii1 when heiilrsl cam to Canada years ago year in onto beellx ill 1000 feel glidan around and about the beach lhls pointdeclded to held for Stayner Airportnnd soon wr were coming into land Forlthe past two wookends mall group ot Torouto Gliding Club pilots have madeth quarters at stayner becauso they had an idea that in thsroglon onlis Blue Mountains there might be thermals which would give thgm good soaringclimbing in glider with the has heenwlth the Tor Glidinglclu My ppm pooh anldl nlytan months lie lear dglidirlg in England crnss country and lmb 10000 ONTARIO CANADA ants WEEK sees the start oi the tall fair season tor Sim coe CountyLOroVWorlds Fair opens the monthlong program on Wednesday and tromthenqh thue will be ample op Taclng and the midway Jim 1055 at eir head Iald at rising air Yesterday There are aliphnn and rid ahalf past three 25 was takcn to Penetang rosp Wayne Taylor 25 was taken to ust brother Don Taylor 21 escap andwaa the Ionndervof the Cov Thrée Brothers Topple Over Car Highway 27 Curve Three brobiiers were thrown out when the car in which they were riding tailed to negotiate at curve two and hair miles south Wyobrldgc on Highway 21 Saturday evening The driver William Taylor ital with indeterminate injuries Midland hospital and the young ed without serious iniury The three brothers came lrom Midland Weather Today Moslly Sunny VSome Warmer The weekend was pleasant although with cool nights since last Thursday Wltb rain Tuesday Sept was high with 17 but earlythla morn ing so was shown Today prnmlscs sunny and warmer changing at night Temperatures were nightow 11 64 65 52 61 48 67 44 62 45 64 40 as entry England gliding club youngest Cunadi ngllder pilot to get his international Silver badgeJim Carpenter flight across country flight o1 about 30 miles ands3000 it cllm And new thlsiyoung Canadian is aiming tor tha Gold for MONDAY SEPTEMBER l957 Also wlth th party ywas the which hehas to title 200 miles murmur IllIo av swam and nan WEIlion An interested gathering of poo pic on Saturday ailernoon wit ncssed ill laying ol the corner stone oi till extension to the air the Jim shows of cattle and produce the harness Plays Tonight AlShear Park In order Iogivc the Allan dale residents sharc of the concerts the Barrio Citizens Band will locate tonight Mon lily Sept at his pm in Shear Park llolgoho Streat weather permitting as there is no band stand there 29 lTD get this high glldlog award tbe pilot has todo it ï¬ve hours solo Guano Mas IOOF Home Alllndlie by the Grand Mister ol the Ontario Midge Chambers oi Ottawa it is expected that the new build ing will be completed nlzxt Spring and it will increase the accom modaiion ior senior citizens mm the present 54o about 35 who impressch ceremony was under the direction or the chair man of the home board aner of llulliven Represent Inc the town of Barrie was His Worship Mayor Willard Kinlic who wclcamed tho people gath cred together or the ceremony many ironl other parts oi the province think thls is the only house oi its kind the Dddiellows have said Wyor Klnzic must con gratulac you on the work you are doing among our senior eit izens We are indeed happy to have Inc home in Barrie oiiiclalVCeremony Following the welcome by the Mayor the chairman called on lht Grand Master to conduct the ofiicial proceedings at laying the cornerstone By way of introduction Grand Master Chambers said On the spot we stand today will be erected suitable home or the scnior membersol our organize lion The work begun so well can only be Completed with pclscvcrv ancc and patient industry The Grand Master called on the Grand Chaplain Brother Robert Two Sectionsi0 Pug El tioo This was lollowcd by the superintendent of thahoml Buy our hog noradoen rcadlng list oi tho articles placed in the no to be enclosed in the cornerstone Placing ol Currt Among the various articles was included list oiLhe names oi the various oiilcers in the brother hood the names at the home stall and the names Inc mayor and rtch oi Barrie the Premier Ontario and the Prime Minister at Canada The casket containing the art icics was handed to the Grand lilastcr by the Grand Treasurer nrothor William Knox and tho Grand Master placed the box in the hollow at the cornerstone Symbolic Dedication symbolically the Grand Master dedicated the stoopwater to siglt nliy the purity oi iriendsllip flowers to symbolize love wheat to represenitruth Martha Patterson 0i Ripley president oi the Rebekah Assem lilaster in the actualdaytng in position of ihe stone or which purpose the architect William Ralston at Toronto presented to the Grand Master silver trowel Following the conclusion ill ccromony lunch was served under the trees adjacent to the site by the stali oi the home and the Women ot the Robclull Lodge The work oi the extension is being carried out by How Conslructlon Company or Toron to Mr How was formerly oi Barrie it is estimated that the additional building will cost in hlcliaught i9 liki the lnvoea the neighborhood 015140 To Address Barrie Gardeners John Endshaw garden editor for the Toronto Star and Well known radio and television corn mentator on farm and garden topics wlu be tho speaker at the first all meeting of Barrio Hor ticultural Society Tile meeting is scheduled for Wednesday Sept 11 at eight oclock lilr Bradshaw was born on Iriit farm in the Niagara Penin sual and he litcmllygrew up in til iruit growing and nursery business His Widespread inter est in arm and galdeuiltl has tamed work schedule on him which is unique in Canadian radio and television He is con sldorcd by many tho busiest broadcaster in Ihe country While his work leaves him little time to loin and attend meetings of all arm and garden organisations he accepts on the JG chambers or Qt tawa is helped byMarths Pattersonpt nip lay presidential the Robkph Assembly of Ontarlofinjshe ceremony layingot the cornerstone for the new extcnsionto the ovemgo at least ong public speakAllislloru ing engagement per week He is alsothe very active chairman for Canada of the Television and Radio Bonn Directors of North America HilsHydro Pole Cuts TV Program Wbon William Johnlzall 20 of Alllsion crashed into hydro pole on Saturday he put CKVR TV off the air The television station went oil the air just as similar accident was being enacb ed in late lilm other real accident only minor lniuricsrwero suffered by the occupanls ot the car Receiving cuts and bruises warsWillialo Ball and his passengers Edward Smith and Bernal MoKillian ol by oi Ontario assisted the Grand Broadcaslér End ééitdéii Editor