Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1957, p. 9

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FIIDAY smman 1957 Trees Are Great IBIesSing Barrie public works staff have been busy in recent days cutting down trees in green belt of Ward oneone at the men working power sow looked at huge pine lying on the ground and rather sonowfuiiy remarked It took hundred years to reach that statute lg took me twenty minuus to fell It This should cause some reflection for the town fathers before they order many more trels cut down It so happens that recent edition of The Owen Sound Sunvilrnes carried the following editorial handed Trees Are Great Blessing which we reprint for local con templatlnn Air conditioning has become topic 01 very considerable discusxiann recent years and many buildings offer the advantages of modern equip ment However when it comes to lhc great out uI doors even it be in the front or back yard of home there is little that can he done about temperature control except through nature Trees of course otler the best type at out door air con clliiutlirlg rut which appears to be completely ignored in many housingdcvclopmcnu At the same lime it is unfortunate that it has been found necessary to entirely get along without trees in business areas It should be kept in mind that trees are something which like considerable time to grow and that their use must be on long term scale Trccs not only other beauty and cool shade but they contribute very largely in the circulation and chn lhc purification oI the air The home owner who has high trees in the proximity ol his home knows the manner in which they move the air uplt ward creating pleasant air currents on hot stillt ing days At the some time of course they can be usctl to give desired shade with little careful planning Properly placed they can shade parts ullhe house in the hmt the summer yet at the same time not interfere with the desired sunshine and light in the cooler months Persons planning rhew homes do well to make ihl best possible use of trees that are standing Or it there are no properly placed trees they can be secured and planted for the future Sportsmanship Prevails Ducks and other waterfowl will still have sporting chance when the hunting season rolls around again in Canada The federal government has outlawed the use of electronic calling devices which now apparently are in wide use in the United states and which are described as devastat ingly effective in luring hundreds of birds to the huners guns The electronic devicesactually high fidelity recordings of various waterfowl calls that can be heard over considerable dls tances fllst came to Canadian attention at the recent federalprovincial wildlife con ference in Ottawa And it was an American who did it demonstration of one of the devices by Robert Johnson of Washing ton so shocked the delegates that they promptly endorsed resolution that they be banned in Canada The government acted by inserting an outlawing clause in the federal migratory birds regulations It has teeth too fine of $10 to $300 or six months in jail or both for anyone caught using the callers Federal and provincial wildlife authorities are happy over the development They say that though the callers had not come into use in Canada it is known that at least one us manufacturer wanted to put them on the Canadian market The banning has nipped potential bird slaughter in the bud And so the Canadian hunters when they go out this fall will just have to continue using the natural attributes of good sportsmanpatience and good shooting eyeinstead of falsely luring hundreds of birds within easy shooting range There is another electronic device being marketed for fishermen in the United States Lowered into the water it attracts fish by electric impulses and sound vibra tion Although this isnt as devastating contraptionsince the fish still have to bite the tishermans hookCanadian wild life people are keeping an eye on it It hasnt shown in Canada yet so for as IS known Federal officials say that if and when it does it probably could beyruled illegal under provincial regulations which now prohibit use of lights and other arti ficlnl means to attract fish For manners are not idle but the fruit of loyal nature and noble mind 112 Mlullln flame Class Published Monday Wednesday Friday Vmflfl At The Wilson Building Post otticsSqucrc Barrie matrimonia BY THE BARRIE EXAMINER LIMITED lamb ol Clan nullannual conic Avorago Net rnlrl sap Circulation ndMarch 31 1057 712l AS filedwith an audit Bureau of Circulatibnl lubieet to audit in ma town What matters if one is on the third rder in World War II nonunion man no mm nullin an Airport Editorial Noles Light Show in Newmarket on thefaurth day of September makes chilly reading Dont forget that the World Fair at Or is just next Wednesday Its great place for rural and urban people to gather and enloy the exhibits and program Certain southern v3 communities con tinue to give the Communists great prop aganda ammunition There must be ser ious gap in the constitution when the gov ernor of State can use troops to defy federal orders Next month will bring up the matter of annemtion by the Town of Barrie of por tions of adjoining townships The ratepay ers should have some definite statement as to lust what this is going to cost them So now we have members of parliament arguing over choice office locations at or floor orithe fourth floor as long as Job is done worthy of the office 92mm Old Age Security ilncleanr Magazine Government old age security payments which will soon go to $46 month or evcrybody over 70 are totally unrealistic and inadequate according to the president of Canadas largest firm actu arics and consultant on employcebcncllt program At todays prices William Mercer states in an article in the current Issue oI Mableansa mini mum subsistence Income for single person is about $80 month married couple necds at least $130 month to survive he Says Mercer claims we can afford to make sure every body has at least this much money to subsist on On the other hand government security payments to pcoplc with private incomcs sliould bc taxed steeply so that at point around 52500 year iho entire cheque from Ottawa Wfluidrbfi tasted away Under the present not oldaze payments are made to everyone over 10 regardless oI other income and are free from tax Mercer also bombard compulsory retirement at 65 IS cruel unnatural and wastelul in lhc cases of men who are mentally and physically young and want to work Depending on mans health and mantalnut look according to the Macleans article the time when he ahould retire can eomcanywhere between bound 90 years of age Universal retirements at 65 could cripple the economy as well as many individuals who would be happier on the job Mercer says lf everyone over 65 was rotircdvand continued to live about as well as the working part OI the population twenty per cent orcvery employed persons income would have to be taxed away to take care of the re tirelnent hill The chief danger you me in trying to provide yourself with an adequate retirement income is inflation Mercers article states If the average rate at inflation since the turn at the century doesnt get any higher young working man can expect to pay $1000 for lowrpriced car and $115 for pack of cigarettes by the time he re tires Since some economists expect the inflation rate oi about three per cent year to double or more in the years ahead these figures make it danger one to play for oldage security on the basis ilxed dollar income Problem for Mr Pearkes Winnipeg Free Press Suppose Mr Pearkes got down to some Iunda mental thinking about Canadas defence problem in the thermonuclear age Suppose he ruthlessly examined what actual security we get out of our present defence Spending of $1700 millions Then he might well find ways In which wt could make quite as effective contribution to western security as we make now at appreciably less cost That remains to be Seen What is certain is that any radical reshaping of delence policy must take thought and time And no responsible Gov ernment could in the interval embark on policy of slashing down defence spending immediately it takes office There is extravagance probably there is great deal of it in the Defence Department but mostly it is not the Sort of extravagance that can be cut out overnight Indian for Senate Eranttoid Expositor distinguished native of the Brantiord Six Na tions Indian Ruse ation Dr Gilbert Monitore would be In excel ent choice for the Senate He is greatvgrandson oi ThayendancgeaCapL Joseph Brantafter whom this city the neighboring towns ship and the county Melt are named Several other admirable prospects colneto mind foremost among them Brigadier Martin ODE also native of the Six Nations Reservation and man who has made his mark brilliantly notioorle field but in three He was all able schoolmaster He was competent and popular military collimati He is now one of Ontarios most respected police magistrates Eileamitwt spoper In conam Faulty nounam nunlulu WK Wm annular mm um um annular om nanm ammvaaurunn labia1 mm coornl laprampant by Alan Beddoe of mm tree of the arts and learning nroyal domain eslrned for the Canada Council The Latin transcription means To promote the art and talent denote golden rain of wealth dropping to nourish Canadas The failing mindsops The crown suggests Canada is By LEWIS ulLuoaN labor union leaders at long last are beginning to realize that perennial demands for high er wage rates bigger fringe benefits and restrictive working regulations have had something to do with the perpetull rise in price and currency inflation Walter ltcuthcr president at the United Auto Workers has virtually admlttLd all that by in vicing the automobile industrys big three to Join in an antiin nation program by cutting prices of their 1958 models by In aver age or $100 car in support at this Mr Reuilier said his union was drafting new contract de mands and would in any event avoid midlg recommendations that would ngcrssilute pflcelni creases gt It in something new Ior labor leader even In suggest that wage Increase might have the ct toctoi increasing the pmduction cost and the market price of the product To make Sure what he meant lllr Reuther added that the interests the U5 people as whole in rt stable price level are paramount to the illusory shortrun gains obtained through inflation It is rather late but better late than never or so promin cut laborlander to admit that the shortmo gains obtained by inflating wages have been long run losses for both the organized worker and the people as whole should have been quite obvious in the first place that when production costs arl in creased the selling price must rise accordingly And that when the price gets out or rocchcl the wouldbe purchaser the sales de cline and there are less jobs for the workers The only thing that has so tar hold off piccipitzlte slump in sales and employment is the ox moldinary increase in credit buying That has saved the sif nation for the time being but credit is debt and debts incurred in an inlinling currency and re curring credit are never paid The time has come said Mr Rculher Hand is long over due for it dramatic and elec lrilying step to prove to all conv curried that dumocrscy is capable of mobilizing on voluntary basis the resources of Wisdom and responsibility in manage ment and labor needed to solve its economic problems That sounds reasonable enough and if Mr heather is sincerely anxious to hall and overtake runaway inflation it may not be too late to check the process But it is not enough to promise ANHIVERSARY III 155708 unusual ltcll EPTEMBER Lin and 130 pin gt MR GORDON IDHNSTONE of Collingwood will be guest LABOR SEES THE RED IIGHT not to demand Iurther Wage in creases next year on condition that the mallulacturers reduce prices in rdvnnrs If producflvv ity had kept pace with wage in creases in the last seven your there would have been no Infla tiorl Aocording ta ouleinlaiatinicl thc Index ot wcrirly mm in industry between 1949 and 1953 rose more than 50 per cent while the annual increase pt output per manhour or the same period was only about 20 per cent These facts were pointed out in The Monetary ilrltcs by Mr En WinG Dentin president of Fine Chemicals o1 Canada Looklng at it mm the market angle said Mr Dentay llle added pur chasing power of the workcrs raised the demand willie supply was not lncrcnscd to the same extent It war the natural but come OI this upset balance that prices went up The logical antiinflation thing therefore for Mr Reuther to do is either to reduce union wage rates in advance or to increase productivity by eliminating any thing in the nature of slowdowns or Ieatherbcdding in union working regulations Inflation is merely the eIIcct and not the cause or the imbalance between Iilbor costs and production Theres only one cu for waiting yourself up wi your own snoring alenp in an other loom but it would not he to lhat Should l5reserve Old Post Office Cundlel 5ch 1957 To The Editor The Barrie Mitten SirWhat In advanug it would be it the old post OHIR building could be used for some outstanding purpose =50 yuan ago widely tra veiled run was in tho barber shop of the late Harry men and he remarked about how few town there Are that have any thing in then that leaves memory Too much to expect that Barrie could be out the exceptions but there is the thought NASH la Music Lessons 13 Maple Ave Barrie Sept 1057 To the Editor The Barrie mamincr Sir As local music teacher of 30 years experience it forms er pupils of the late Edmund Hardy Mus Baa IICM and later the Royal Conservatory of Music under Ernest Seitz one oI Canadas foremost punlsls wish to comment on recent advertisement at the Ontario Registered Music Teachels Aa soclatioll in your publication feel the advertisement is both unethical and discrlmlns atory against those of us who do not wish Io loin this organiu tioh it is suggested that the public would be advised to con sider lessons only from those who are members They would have you believe by delicate innuendo that all the best teach ers ol the town are members for one have been pressed on two omsions to join out have declined hesitate to loin be cause am nIiIld it is setting up another bureaucracy with un limited power in the hands of few at the top it was explained to me primary aim ot the ARMIA is to become strong enough to have legislation passed to prohibit anyone from teaching music who is not properly certified To teacher like myself who is roperly certified ARCI this ould be financial advantage tion of the public which is un able to pay the higher lens which would result As we all know there is no stopping dictatorship it plows on like juggernaut and lor one would not like to see an on ganiution which could in time secure an octopuslike grip on teachers What concenlratlon of power would be in the hands at few if the music teachers organizations of Canada and the United States jwere to amalga mate with the Musicians Union It is within the realm of possi bility Thank you JOHN STEELE MINISTER 51 oo 1A REV TRIMELE BA BB 945 amSUNDAZ SCHOOL 1100 amBEGINI€ERS burr MORNING WORSHIP MR noer BALL CANDIDATEFQR THE MINISTRY BilliTilllilillE ullirlill Cllllllut omamsr MR DANIELS ot TheChrirtian MR phonon speake The BARRIE EXA MINER lvilb war2K Simvrcc Evange ta Singers hnd rena Workers SUNDAY acntmi 10 11 atriaPROMISES r0 THE omcomrlr pun mav CAPPS Missionary from India will he the guest speaker SINGSPIBATION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE VENING SERVICE EVERYONE wctcona THEALLIANCE CHURCH htlialooary Aulil ce CORNER BERCZY DUNLOP STREET EAST ROSS PASTOR WEDNESDAY pm YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR REV amp MnS walnut Mourolix Childr gov and Mn Moulouxhuve traL veiled extensively throughout Call Ida the United Sixth and the British weal indies oncnoaslrhmch GOHEEN BAlllllE Inclurlve your at 300 pun except Sat aumrl Sunny school in am Evangeliltlc Service 11 mm and 730 pan Teacher Comments On Advertisement ST ANDREWV PRESBYIERIAN CHURCH tuna and Woniey Sta Rcv lumps Ferguson Minister Allrcd Clarke Mus Bret FTCL organist and Choirmaslfl SUNDAY SEYT I357 II lamMORNING WORSHIP umEVENING WORSHIP The Minister will preach The Church Scth lo IJIDullniur Scalar Cluster ll lamBeginners imamrun and Primary Clmec COME TO CHURCH zI ther ciiuREH MIUEIII Collier 8t CANON HEAD nectar TRIM xti Sept am ImIloly Communion 910 laneFamily Service Sunday School Baby Department 1100 LouMORNING PRAYER Semon The Divine Requirement ncv SHERRING Baby Department 70a LiarEVENSONG Final Service by Young People Sermon Mountain MAURICE FRASER Choir Director Mrs It ribbons and Lloyd Illflard Orglnlrtlnd Cholrlaafler SUNDAY SEPT 1957 ll amlloltNlNG SERVICE IIE CIIURCII SCHOOL 94 unlor Intermediate and enlor Department 11 umlreilursery baby llt tlnl Nursery Kindergarten and Primary honorarium =3 SAIN GEORGES Aullua Church AUlndIiB Rector Rev Newtonsallih BA Organist MRS SHAW ATCM Choirleadcr larv ll Smethurat nmIIOLY COMMUNION ll lintMORNING PRAYER sunnnv scttoot umEVENINGIRAYER Preacher Tn Rector EVERYONE wchonc tl FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Cllpperton St at Worthy LUCK all an Minister Miss CmUGHLEY organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY saw 195 950 am summv scuoot Classes in all ages II amCOMMUNION gnuEVENING WORSHIP COLLIER ST UNITED 57 let Lewis HA ll 51 GILES mm Mofllcan 05 Cook st 910 lamMorning IIa tr Sermon MR IX THE REV JUIIN IIIUDEL THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL no Collier Street Illlor and Mrs Crewe wt SATURDAY SEPT 1957 minVARIETY PROGRAM Honoring Dorothy Putnam who will enter The Salvation Army Coir lcgc on Tuesday Sept 10 to train as an Officer SUNDAY SEPT 1957 i1 auntSpecial tally my service Parents and children invilcrl No Sunday School at pm this Week pmFAIIEWELL T0 Candidate Dorothy iulnam who will live the Message To serve the prcscnt age lilycalllng to Iullil may It all my powers engage To do my Masters will Monday 615 pmnltoleEs Tuesday IIOlIIE LEAGUES pm Friendship Group CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services Sunday school SUNDAYSEPT81957 Il am CHRIST JESUS Tim TEMPLE EVERYONE WELCOME Convention oi Ontario Quebec 41 Co er Sc barrio ALL ARE WELCOME ll arl Everyone ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV mug 3a Minister MR FRANK DUTCHER Organist SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1957 945 nmCIIUIICH SCHOOL Ages and up ii am Nurscry and Kindergarten NOT BY BREAD ALONE 130 pmCIIRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASS Welcome only will be sold Christian business Mans Committe of Bar Special Ludieslliglll Supper Meeting 630 pm THURsbAY seer lz BurtonAVe United Church Barrie Speaker REV annulment of Prairie Bible lnst Three HillsAlta TICKETS $125 rrom tiny member oi the Executive150 tickets ccllrRAl uulrea cnuncn REV CECIL BRENN EA MR Bert CHURCHILL Organist sriiVicrsnriliiicilrsrsciion jliil the NE council is ready 930 amSENIOR CHURCH SCHOOL IO years and over 1100 pmpnonnma wollSlur JUNIOR cllvncilsclroOL up to years swam welcome swans YOU in Toronto Street Fellowship or Evang YOU ARE wawom gt elical Baptists Rev Nullmcyer Pastor RALLY DAY 946 mm BIBLE SCHOOI FILMS 11 am flaacit ar SCHOOL fun

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